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Ancient Chinese Civilization

Background Information:
A Brief Introduction:
China is one of the four great ancient civilizations of the world. Only china still continues to today Ancient Chinese civilization began around 3,000 B.C ago. In the very early days Chinese mainly live along both the Yellow River and the Yangtze River. The yellow river is called the cradle of Chinese civilization

. The first

well-known king in the history is Huang (). Huang's son Xia qi () established the first dynasty. The name is xia(). It is the first dynasty of china, but at that time China is not a unified country until Qin Dynasty around 221 B.C. after Qin (), there are many Chinese dynasties in Chinese history. Some of them existed a very long time, while some are very short. The golden times are Han () and Tang() Dynasty.

Location & Population:

China is the third largest country in the world. It is a part of Asia and China located in Southeast Asia. In the Yuan() dynasty, China area was the biggest in the world. Now, Chinese population is the highest in the world. There are 1.35 billion people in China. Chinas population was keep increasing during the last 2000 years. ! Qin() dynasty20, 000, 000 ! Han() dynasty45, 000, 000 ! Tang() dynasty52, 000, 000 ! Ming() dynasty59, 000, 000 ! Qing() dynasty500, 000, 000

Chinese Dynasties:
1. Xia () 2. shang () 3. Zhou() 4. Warring state period () 5. Qin () 6. Han () 7. The Three Kingdoms () 8. Wei () 9. Jin () 10. the Northern and Southern Dynasties() 11. Suei () 12. tang () 13. Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms () 14. Son () 15. Yuan () 16. Ming () 17. Qing ()

The Daily Life of its Citizens:

Most people in ancient China live in the village. Their main work every day is farming. Selling the crops is their main source of income. Chinas silk is very famous in the whole world. Chinese government used to sell silks to the other country and learn about other countrys culture and technology. Therefore, some peoples job is making silk. They usually work for the emperor of China. In fact, many people in China worked for the emperor. There were about 3000-4000 people worked in the palace.

The Four Great Inventions:
Technology in ancient China is very advanced. The most famous and important ones are the Four Great Inventions. They are gunpowder, paper making, printing and the compass. The correct way to make gunpowder was discovered about the ninth century. By the Song() Dynasty (960-1126), gunpowder was used a lot for weapons such as rifles and rockets. About 1230, the Song() army could make cannon as weapons to fight with their enemy. China was the first country to make paper. Cai Lun ( ( ) in the Eastern Han

) Dynasty (25-220) used plant fiber such as tree barks, rope, and fishing nets as ) showed his great work. The first proper paper

raw materials. In 105, Cai Lun (

in the world. They are smooth and the materials are cheap. The paper making is very important for the development of printing. Bi Sheng ( ) of the Northern Song() Dynasty invented movable type printing in the 1040s.

It was four hundred years earlier than it was invented in Europe. In ancient China, magnets were used to help people recognize directions. This led to the invention of compass. In the Han( ) Dynasty compasses had 24 directions.

They were carved on a bronze and there was a rod made form magnet. In the Song() Dynasty, the floating compass was invented. It can be used in the sea. This invention soon spread to the Europe. The four great inventions contributed a lot to the world.

Communication Systems:
The Development of Word:
1. There were a word on Shang() and Zhou(), it is Oracle Bone Inscriptions( ) it is first word of China. It start at shang() and it use very long time. 2. The next word is inscriptions on ancient bronze objects () it still start at Shang() but it use at fete. It like Oracle Bone Inscriptions. 3. Xiao Zhuan () is a magic word. It started
Oracle Bone Inscriptions

at Qin( ), but Qin( ) was the first unify country, so on that time there were only one word was!allowed. 4. Lu shu( ) is the fourth word of china. It
Inscriptions on ancient bronze objects!

started at Qin() but Qin () didnt accept it. At the Eastern Han ( ) Dynasty it was accepted and many people used this word.

5. The number five is Kai Shu( dynasty (

). It started at the end of the Han

) and it was used many years. People are still using it and

it is widely used now. We usually use it in printing. 6. Sixth word is Cao Shu ( ) it began at Han ( ). It write like drew,

you can't write and read it, you must practice and train. 7. Xin Shu ( ) is between Cao Shu( ) and Kai Shu ( ) . It is

lasted word of China. It started at begin of east Han ( people read it and write very well.

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