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Food is, after all, an important part of Chinese culture and mission controllers say it is important _____ China's space pioneers do not go hungry. so that make sure that food is provided for to ensure that 2. The number of girls in school and women in parliaments has risen, and their overall access to contraception has improved in the past decade, _____ new report. according a published in a according to a as stated in a 3. Long hours and unsociable shifts _____ take their toll on health, relationships and family life. must can are able to shouldn't 4. ___ are poor observers of their child's behavior so deviant behavior reaches unmanageable proportions. Parents that Parents When parents If parents 5. Across the country, recreational and commercial fishers have been pointing fingers for decades over which group is responsible for _____ stocks of sports fish. increasing growing reduce dwindling 6. The Eiffel Tower was built the International Exhibition of Paris of 1889 commemorating the centenary of the French Revolution. was built of commemorating

the pilih yang salah penguguaan nya

7. International trade in the world's 20-odd varieties of sturgeon _____ by the United Nations
since 1998, after a drastic rise in poaching. is controlled has been regulated is supported


has been promoted For decades the food industry has been known serving up sugary or fat-laden products, promoted with ceaseless advertising. has been known For decades promoted with ceaseless

9. A no-smoking program has help overweight people reduce their risk of heart attacks or
their needfor surgery by 63 percent. help A reduce need Choose the wrong word : it should be 'raises anew'

10. Greece's achievement in the 2004 Olympics raise anew the question
of whether Athens should be the permanent home of the Games. achievement in the raise anew whether should be

11. The 2000 Census showed that married couples _____ half of the 2 million households in the
state, and 46 percent of those couples had children under roof. and made up to make up which they made up made up a procedure is a minor operation

12. The hospital is now discounting 10 standard operations and _____ , ranging from having a
baby and treating a cataract to undergoing a heart bypass. procedures equipment

visits medication

13. The problems of squaring a pan-European agenda with the national interests of 25 separate
countries _____ the process of integration a slow, complex and at times divisive one. causes often affect have made


resulting in Apple Computer has unveiled its new desktop computer design, _____ all disk drives and processors into a flat display less than two inches thick which integrates which includes enclosing which contains

15. Astronomers on _____ announced the discovery of a new -- and possibly abundant -- class of
planets that has more in common with Earth than the uninhabitable gas giants previously discovered. university research labs Tuesday NASA observatories

16. Astronomers on _____ announced the discovery of a new -- and possibly abundant -- class of
planets that has more in common with Earth than the uninhabitable gas giants previously discovered. university research labs Tuesday NASA observatories

17. After a muscle fiber has worked intensely for while, it begins to lose potassium, and
thatdampens the fiber's ability to contract. After a and that while ability to Choose the wrong unerline : it should be 'makes for'

18. Japan's latitudinal spread, ranging from subtropical in the south to sub-arctic in the
north, makes that a wide diversity of flora and fauna. latitudinal spread subtropical

makes that wide diversity

19. By far the most noticeable blemishes on the surface of the Sun _____ sunspots.
the are that are in the it should be 'used' Crushed ice is use to cool drinks, and is often applied to injuries where there is swelling, to remove excess heat generated in the tissues. is often where there is generated use



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