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Title Building with Winds Construction Guide for Cyclone Prone Areas Promoter Ministry of State Administration (MAE) National Disaster Management Institute (INGC) In tit!tion"l P"rtner Ministry of Public Wor s and !ousing (M"P!) National Directorate of !ousing and #rbani$ation (DN!#) Ministry for t%e Coordination of En&ironmental Affairs (MIC"A) National Directorate of Planning and 'erritorial "rdination (DINAP"') Ministry of Science and 'ec%nology (MC') De i#n '%e #nited Nations !uman Settlements Programme (#N !A(I'A') A!t$or o% Te&t "n' Dr"(in# Arc%itect Eduardo )euer%a e* International Consultant* #N+!A(I'A' Te)$ni)"l A i t"n)e Arc%itect Eurico da Concei,-o* National Consultant* #N+!A(I'A' Arc%itect )ernando )erreiro* International Consultant* #N+!A(I'A' Coor'in"tion "n' E'ition Mat%ias S.ali&iero* 'ec%nical Ad&isor* #N+!A(I'A' F!n'in# #nited Nations De&elo.ment Programme (#NDP) (ureau for Crisis Pre&ention and /eco&ery ((CP/) S!**ortin# Or#"ni "tion Mo$ambi0ue /ed Cross (C1M) +er ion "riginal &ersion 2ritten in Portuguese3 Ma.uto* No&ember 4556 'ranslation into Englis% su..orted by t%e I)/C Global S%elter Programme3 Ma.uto* December 4575

Table of Contents

,- INTRODUCTION .- WHAT IS A CYCLONE/ .-,- De )ri*tion .-.- S*ee' .-1- Atmo *$eri) Im*ort"n)e 1- THE ACTION OF WIND ON CONSTRUCTIONS 1-,- Some 3" i) re)ommen'"tion 1-.- T$e ")tion o% (in'43re"5 "n' 6e#et"tion 1-1- T$e %orm o% )on tr!)tion 0- THE MOST +ULNERABLE PARTS OF CONSTRUCTIONS 0-,- Roo%in# 4.1.1. The form of roofing 4.1.2. The use of zinc roof sheets 4.1.3. Joining the roofing with its structure 4.1.4. Reinforcing the roofing structure 4.1.5. Other aspects lin ed to roofing 0-.- 9oinin# t$e roo% (it$ ("ll 4.2.1. "n stone#walling houses 4.2.2. "n houses %uilt with local materials 4.2.3. &n interesting function of gutter pipes 4.2.4. &ttached roofing 0-1- T$e 'oor "n' (in'o( 0-0- T$e %o!n'"tion 2- SHELTER ;- THE INTELLIGENT HOUSE

, . . 0 0 2 2 2 7 ,8 ,, 11 12 14 15 1! ,: 1$ 21 21 22 .1 .0 .; .7



'%e main aim of t%is guide is to re+t%in about constructions located in cyclone .rone areas* a natural .%enomenon by 2%ic% 2e s%ould ada.t our 2ay of li&ing* .lanting and building3 '%e Guide contains some suggestions and offers su..orting tools for t%e design of arc%itecture and construction .ro8ects 2it% con&entional or traditional materials t%at allo2 us to effecti&ely reduce t%e &ulnerability of a %ouse in t%e e&ent of 2inds and 2indstorms3 <T$e *e imi t )om*l"in "3o!t t$e (in'= t$e o*timi t ("it
(William G3 Ward)

%or it to )$"n#e "n' t$e re"li t "'>! t t$e "il ?

<@t$ere i no tree t$"t t$e (in' $" not $"5en@?

(!indu .ro&erb) 7



.-,- De )ri*tion A CYCLONE is an atmos.%eric .%enomenon 2%ic% causes e9tremely strong 2inds and torrential rains3 '%is .%enomenon occurs at t%e end of summer 2%en t%e 2aters from t%e tro.ical oceans are %otter3

:arge %ot air masses 2%ic% absorb &a.our becoming lig%ter are created on t%e oceanic 2aters3 So* an accelerated s.iral ascension of t%ese large &a.our masses is .roduced* reac%ing %ig% s.eeds and forming enormous clouds t%at may reac% u. to 7; m of %eig%t< '%is .%enomenon is called 'ro.ical Cyclone* !urricane* 'y.%oon and ot%er denominations* de.ending on t%e different locations 2%ere it occurs3 E&ery year about =5 cyclones are formed in t%e 2orld3 '%eir radius of action may %a&e bet2een 755 and 7555 >m3

"bser&ed &ia satellite* t%e cyclones s%o2 a sensational as.ect? a large s.iral of clouds t%at circulates around its centre3 It forms a round %ole 2%ic% %as bet2een 45 and ;5 m of diameter* no2n as E@E 2%ic% mo&es in a s.eed t%at may reac% A5+B5 mC%3 '%e strong 2inds around t%e Eye cause t%e mo&ement in t%e sea of enormous 0uantities of 2ater 2%ic% ele&ates t%emsel&es in giant 2a&es3 #sually t%ese 2ill collide 2it% all t%eir force in t%e coastal region t%at constitutes t%e biggest danger of deat%s in t%e e&ent of a cyclone3 '%is atmos.%eric .%enomenon may last for &arious days and e&en 2ee s3

.-.- S*ee'

(ree$e 7+45 mC%

Windstorm 45+65 mC%

Cyclone more t%an 745 mC%

A cyclone reac%es a ma9imum s.eed o&er t%e ocean and loses .art of its strengt% 2%en it enters into t%e continent* 2%ere it is sto..ed by t%e mor.%ology of t%e terrain3 W%en t%is occurs* large 0uantities of 2ater fall do2n in t%e form of %ea&y rains* 2%ic% usually fill t%e ri&ers causing ):""DS in t%e lo2er areas3

Situation of flooding as a conse0uence of cyclone


Atmo *$eri) Im*ort"n)e

Des.ite t%eir de&astating effects* cyclones are &ery im.ortant since t%ey cause large air masses and clouds to circulate* contributing for an atmos.%eric e0uilibrium t%at allo2s us to li&e in t%is .lanet333


1-,- Some 3" i) re)ommen'"tion '%e most im.ortant recommendations to reduce t%e im.act of t%e 2ind on constructions are as follo2s? <---Do not o**o e re i t"n)e---? and <---Do not let it enter into t$e $o! e---?

1-.- T$e ")tion o% (in'43re"5 "n' o% 6e#et"tion Planting lo2 %eig%t &egetation and a..lying 2ind+brea s ser&es to de&iate t%e 2ind u.2ards and filter it in suc% a 2ay t%at enables you to .rotect your o2n %ouse3 '%erefore* t%e function of 2ind+brea s is to reduce t%e strengt% of t%e 2ind and not to face it3

1egetation considerably reduces t%e strengt% of t%e 2ind3

In addition* t%e trees release t%e 2ind from t%e ma8ority of dust and sand t%at it trans.orts3

1-1- T$e %orm o% )on tr!)tion '%e form of constructions t%at better faces t%e 2ind is com.act and symmetrical3

W%en constructions are o.en t%e 2ind .asses t%roug% t%em<

W%en constructions are closed*

t%e 2ind .roduces an effect of suc ing u.2ards on t%e roof

2%ic% may lift u. t%e roof com.letely333333333333333333333

It i im*ort"nt to )re"te 6entil"tion on t$e to* *"rt A


W%en t%e 2ind enters into t%e %ouse t%roug% a door or a 2indo2* it increases t%e .ressure on t%e roof3

In t%is case it is &ery im.ortant to o.en t%e ot%er 2indo2 or t%e door from t%e ot%er side of t%e %ouse in order to allo2 t%e 2ind to .ass t%roug%3


'%e 2ind attac s constructions mainly in t%e follo2ing .oints? ,- roo%in#= .- >!n)tion o% roo%in# (it$ ("ll = 1- 'oor "n' (in'o( = 0- %o!n'"tion or >!n)tion o% ("ll (it$ t$e oil-


0-,- T$e roo%in# THE ROOFING i t$e mo t 6!lner"3le *"rt o% " )on tr!)tion in

rel"tion to t$e ")tion o% t$e (in'4.1.1. The form of roofing

'%e c%aracteristic forms of roofing t%at are traditionally used are F.itc%edG (one slo.e)* FgableG (t2o* F%i..edG (four or FconicalG3 '%e first t2o ones are more e9.osed to t%e 2ind3 '%erefore* for t%ese forms it is recommendable to use concrete building systems3

Pitc%ed roof

Gable roof

!i..ed roof

Conical roof

'%e F%i..edG and t%e FconicalG roofings are t%e most ade0uate forms to build in cyclone .rone areas because t%ey are tied directly to t%e beams t%at structure t%e 2alls of t%e building3 from t%at* t%e %i..ed roofing ada.ts 2ell to t%e use of con&entional building materials ($inc roof s%eets* etc3) and facilitates t%e establis%ment of rain 2ater %ar&esting systems3

T$e 3i##er i t$e !)5in# tren#t$= t$e more *l"in i t$e roo%in#A T$e mo t 'e#ree e)!re roo%in# $o( " lo*in# 3et(een 18 "n' 02

'%e roof of t%is %ouse 2as 8ust a bit inclined and not .ro.erly fi9ed3 '%e 2ind entered t%roug% t%e 2indo2 2%ic% 2as o.en and t%e e9ternal suc ing strengt% com.letely lifted u. t%e roof<

'%is roof %ad t%e recommended and t%e 2indo2s 2ere .ro.erly closed3 E&en 2it% strong 2ind* t%e %ouse did not sustain damage<

'o build a flat roof in areas 2%ere t%e 2inds are strong* it is recommendable to use solid slabs or .re+fabricated ones made of concrete so as to ensure t%at t%ere is more 2eig%t on it and t%at it is resistant to t%e su..orting structure3 '%e use of $inc roof s%eets to build conical roofing is .ossible but &ery com.licated3


4.1.2. The use of zinc roof sheets '%e $inc roof s%eet is increasingly being used in Mo$ambi0ue to co&er %ouses3 It is a construction material t%at is considered more durable t%an t%e traditional materials suc% as grass or macuti* at a relati&ely affordable .rice3 Its use %as influenced t%e traditional arc%itecture because it im.lies an ada.tation of t%e structure of t%e %ouse in a more rectangular 2ay* 2%ic% facilitates t%e .lacement of $inc roof s%eets3

Considering t%at a $inc roof s%eet is lig%t* t%e roofing t%at uses t%is material is fragile and &ery &ulnerable to t%e action of t%e 2ind3 In order to reinforce t%e roofing of $inc roof s%eets t%ere is a need to use s%eets 2it% a minimum of 53B mm of t%ic ness3 Also* it is im.ortant to try to ma e t%e roofing according to t%e lengt% of t%e s%eets in order to a&oid 8oinings bet2een t%e &arious s%eets so as to get Fone 2aterG3 '%is union re.resents a 2ea .oint of t%e roofing t%at t%e 2ind may attac 3

4.1.3. The 'unction of the roofing with its structure In order to reduce t%e ris of seeing t%e roofing of t%e %ouse remo&ed by t%e cyclone* it is fundamental to .ro.erly fi9 t%e roofing 2it% its structure3

'%erefore* t%e correct s.acing bet2een t%e 2ooden 8oists to fi9 t%e $inc s%eet roofing is ;5 cm3 Nails are fi9ed according to t%is s.acing and in e&ery 4 2a&es to2ards t%e 8oists3 S%ould t%e nails go beyond t%e t%ic ness of t%e 8oist* t%ese s%ould be bended in t%e lo2er .art3 Nails to fi9 $inc roof s%eets are striated* 2it% 2as%er %eads and a rubber 8oint3

Nails s%ould al2ays be a..lied on t%e .art of t%e 2a&e so as to a&oid rain2ater lea age* as t%e 2ater flo2s along t%e lo2er .art of t%e 2a&e3


Reinforce the roofing structure

#sually t%e roofing structure is made of triangular roof truss and 2ooden 8oists .laced on t%e .art of t%e 2alls3 '%is structure may be reinforced in &arious forms3 '%e figures belo2 only s%o2 some o.tions3

'%e use of 2ood slabs or ot%er material on t%e roofing structure gi&es more 2eig%t to t%e roofing and ser&es as defence against t%e 2ind and t%e rain if $inc roof s%eets are lifted u.3

In t%is .ers.ecti&e* a t%ermal isolation of t%e roofing may be obtained by installing &egetal material suc% as mats or reeds under t%e roofing (false roofing)3

(y .lacing a mi9ture of sand and stra2 bet2een t%e 8oists on a 2ood slab co&ered by a .lastic s%eet* t%ere is an increase of 2eig%t on t%e roofing and t%e inner .art of t%e %ouse is isolated e&en furt%er from t%e e9ternal tem.erature and t%e 2ater3

'%e traditional roofing structures may be reinforced by a..lying metal stra.s or .ieces of 2ood3 'a ing into account t%at t%e buildings are lig%t* t%e idea is to stabili$e t%e structure 2it%out losing t%e elasticity3



Other aspects related to the roofing

Dragging of ob8ects by a cyclone may damage t%e %ouse* creating ga.s t%at cause t%e lifting u. of t%e roofing3

'%e use of fibro+cement or lusalite in cyclone .rone areas is not recommendable3 It %as to be &ery 2ell installed* because it is a rigid material 2%ic% may easily brea by t%e im.act of ob8ects dragged by t%e 2ind3


0-.- T$e >!n)tion o% roo%in# (it$ ("ll T$i >!n)tion i t$e mo t im*ort"nt o% t$e ($ole $o! e4.2.1. (asonr) houses

In bric or cement bloc s %ouses* a 2ooden .iece fi9ed 2it% s.indles in t%e form of H or irons leaded in t%e .art of t%e 2all allo2s using metallic 8oints to strongly secure t%e roofing structure 2it% t%e stone+2alling 2all3


W%en t%e roofing structure ad8usts directly on t%e beam of t%e slab* metal stra.s t%at are bended on t%e structural element of t%e roofing can be .laced and are nailed on bot% sides3

'%erefore s.indles* .ieces of iron or ot%er metallic elements 2it% similar functions may also be used3

It is not recommendable t%at on t%e edges of t%e roof and t%e .art of t%e 2alls* $inc roof s%eets are e9.osed to t%e 2ind3

'%e figure belo2 s%o2s t%at a form of mitigating t%is situation is to firmly fi9 t%e $inc roof s%eets to t%e roofing structure using metallic elements* and close t%e s.ace bet2een t%e 2all and t%e roofing 2it% bloc s and .ieces of 2ood3



"n houses %uilt with local materials

In t%is case t%e 8unction bet2een t%e roofing and t%e 2alls may be reinforced by using 2ire* of metal stra.s3


&n interesting function of gutter pipes from collecting rain 2ater* it 2as obser&ed t%at gutter effecti&ely .rotect t%e e9tremes of t%e roofing from t%e action of t%e 2ind3

Gutter .i.e made of concrete


Gutter .i.e made of c%ain belting .rotected by .ieces of 2ood


Att")$e' Roo%in#

In traditional and modern constructions* additional roofing to t%e main structure of t%e %ouse is often attac%ed3

Attac%ed roofing toget%er 2it% t%e structure of t%e main roofing

Attac%ed roofing se.arated from t%e main roofing

W%en t%e additional roofing is lifted u. by t%e 2ind it affects t%e main roofing<

W%en t%e attac%ed roofing is lifted u. by t%e 2ind* t%e main roofing is not affected3


0-1- Door "n' (in'o( Doors and 2indo2s re.resent t%e most .robable entry .oints of t%e 2ind inside t%e %ouse3 It is suggested t%at 2indo2s are .ro.erly .rotected 2it% 2ooden lids3 '%ese may be fi9ed to t%e 2all in suc% a 2ay t%at t%ey are al2ays a&ailable if needed3

Also* t%e doors from being strong and %ard* t%ey s%ould be closed 2it% reinforced systems using .ieces of 2ood or made of metal in order to resist to t%e .ressure and t%e effect of suction generated by t%e cyclone3


0-0- T$e %o!n'"tion (eing lig%ter* a 8unction of different elements of traditional %ouses is &ery im.ortant3 In .articular* t%e foundations or lin age of 2alls 2it% t%e soil s%ould be strong so as to a&oid t%at t%e building is com.letely lifted u. by t%e 2ind3

'%e 2alls of t%is ty.e of %ouses s%ould be reinforced 2it% diagonal elements and anc%ored on t%e soil 2it% leaded iron material on t%e concrete of t%e foundation3


'%e lig%ter t%e construction is* t%e bigger (or %ea&y) t%e foundation s%ould be3 A 2ay of firmly securing t%e 2ooden .iers in t%e soil is to im.regnate t%em 2it% tar or burnt oil (so as to a&oid t%at t%ey are attac ed by insects) and anc%or t%em on t%e concrete 2it% t%e %el. of irons and nails3




'%e uni0ue s%elter t%at may truly .rotect us from t%e cyclone is a building made of concrete 2it% slab roofing3

A .ri&ate s%elter to store goods* animals or .eo.le may be in&ented<




'%is %ouse in a circular form 2as built in an intelligent manner3 A 2indo2 is .ositioned symmetrically on t%e ot%er side in relation to t%e door3 '%e %ouse %as a centre 2it% bric 2alls and is built on a .latform of A5 cm of ele&ation3 '%e &eranda is semi+closed 2it% reeds t%at .rotect t%e inner structure from t%e rain and from t%e sun* and reduces t%e strengt% of t%e 2ind3



'%e Cyclone Early Warning System in Mo$ambi0ue is based on t%ree colours3 It refers to early 2arning messages for t%e communities t%at indicate t%e time a&ailable for t%em to .re.are t%emsel&es for t%e beginning of 2indstorms?

BLUE ALERT B Pre)"!tion

A tro*i)"l )C)lone m"C "%%e)t t$e "re" (it$in .0 to 0: $o!r -


A tro*i)"l )C)lone i "**ro")$in# t$e "re" "n' (ill mo t *ro3"3lC "%%e)t t$e )omm!nitie (it$in t$e .0 $o!r


Win' torm "re eminent D(it$in ; $o!r E or "re "lre"'C 3lo(in#-

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