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Analysis on Monthly Test 2 for Form 2 2013.

The only reason why they fail to choose the right answer is because there are so many words that they didnt understand. Prepared by M.J.

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Astrologer: An astrologer traditionally advises his clients on what to expect in their immediate and long-term futures. He commonly bases his predictions on the belief that the positions of celestial bodies at birth and how they relate to one another from that point forward directly affect lifes events. In addition, an astrologer normally holds true that these divine entities influence a persons personality and the choices they make throughout life. He may work as an independent contractor or as part of a group of spiritual or psychic advisers. He is normally contacted by people seeking guidance in the areas of romance, finance, employment and family relations. If his advice is considered valid and helpful, he often builds a client base that seeks regular, personal counselling sessions. He may serve these clients in person, via telephone or through an interactive computer program. An astrologers analytical process usually begins by plotting the clients place of birth using longitude and latitude and giving consideration to the time zone in which the birth occurred. This analytical phase normally includes noting these aspects on a circular chart either on paper or on a computer screen. This tool is commonly referred to as an astrological wheel. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-does-an-astrologer-do.ht Revive: Verb 1. Restore to life or consciousness: "both men collapsed, but were revived". 2. Regain life, consciousness, or strength. Synonyms resuscitate - resurrect - quicken Penetrate: to enter by force Cremate: Verb Dispose of (a dead body) by burning it to ashes. Synonym: incinerate Prohibit: Verb 1. Formally forbid (something) by law, rule, or other authority. 2. Formally forbid a person or group from doing something. Synonyms forbid - ban - interdict - inhibit - bar - prevent Authorize: Verb Give official permission for or approval to: "the government authorized further aircraft production". Synonyms authorise - empower - warrant - license - enable - allow Extravagant: Adjective 1. Lacking restraint in spending money or using resources. 2. Costing too much money.

Analysis on Monthly Test 2 for Form 2 2013. The only reason why they fail to choose the right answer is because there are so many words that they didnt understand. Prepared by M.J.

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Synonyms wasteful - lavish - prodigal - excessive - unreasonable Self-esteem: a feeling of pride in yourself. Self-righteous: holier-than-thou: excessively or hypocritically pious; "a sickening sanctimonious smile". (you always think that you are better than others) Intolerable: Adjective Unable to be endured: "the intolerable pressures of his work". Synonyms unbearable - insufferable - insupportable - unendurable Strand: Verb Drive or leave (a boat, sailor, or sea creature) aground on a shore: "the ships were stranded in shallow water"; "a stranded whale". Noun 1. The shore of a sea, lake, or large river: "a heron glided to rest on a pebbly strand". 2. A single thin length of something such as thread, fibre, or wire, esp. as twisted together with others: "a strand of cotton". Synonyms Verb. ground Noun. shore - coast - beach - bank Reservoir: Noun 1. A large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply. 2. A supply or source of something. Synonyms tank - cistern Litterbug: Noun A person who carelessly drops litter in a public place. Bridal: Adjective Of or concerning a bride or a wedding. Synonyms nuptial - hymeneal - wedding bridal photos: wedding pictures Distinguish: Verb 1. Recognize or treat (someone or something) as different. 2. Perceive or point out a difference. Synonyms differentiate - discern - discriminate separate distinguished: famous, different, well-known (a distinguished leader/actor/director) Rehabilitation: the restoration of someone to a useful place in society

Analysis on Monthly Test 2 for Form 2 2013. The only reason why they fail to choose the right answer is because there are so many words that they didnt understand. Prepared by M.J.



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Let say you cant stop taking alcoholic drinks, you will be sent to rehabilitation centre to help you cope with your addiction to alcoholic drinks. Encounter: Verb Unexpectedly experience or face (something difficult or hostile). Noun An unexpected or casual meeting. Synonyms Verb. meet - come across - face Noun. meeting - clash - engagement - reencounter - collision Keep tabs: keep tabs on something/somebody To watch a person or a situation carefully so that you always know what they are doing or what is happening I like to keep tabs on my bank balance so that I don't get overdrawn. I get the feeling he's keeping tabs on me and watching my every move. Task: job, work, assignment Threat: Noun 1.A statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not...: "the family has received death threats" 2. A menace of bodily harm, such as may restrain a person's freedom of action. Synonyms menace - danger - intimidation - impendence Cordially: affectionately, warmly, and heartily: in a hearty manner; "`Yes,' the children chorused heartily"; "We welcomed her warmly". Drug addict: a person who is addicted to drug, a person who becomes depressed and aggressive if he or she stops taking drugs. Enquire: ask, question, investigate, probe, Ignorant: unaware, uninformed, unfamiliar, Adjective 1.Lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated. 2.Lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about something in particular: "ignorant of astronomy". Synonyms illiterate - nascent - unlettered - unlearned Employ: hire Verb Give work to (someone) and pay them for it. Noun

Analysis on Monthly Test 2 for Form 2 2013. The only reason why they fail to choose the right answer is because there are so many words that they didnt understand. Prepared by M.J.






The state or fact of being employed for wages or a salary: "in the employ of a grocer and wine merchant". Synonyms Verb. use - engage - utilize - hire - apply Noun. employment - job - occupation - work - business - office Fluster: Verb Make (someone) agitated or confused: "you need to be able to work under pressure and not get flustered". Noun An agitated or confused state. Synonyms Verb. confuse Noun. excitement - confusion - flurry Occasion: incident, event, time Noun A particular time or instance of an event. Verb Cause (something): "something vital must have occasioned this visit". Synonyms Noun. chance - opportunity - cause - reason - event Verb. cause - bring about - induce - produce - provoke Materialistic: money-oriented, greedy, selfish adjective 1. Excessively concerned with physical comforts or the acquisition of material things rather than spiritual, intellectual, moral, or cultural values. 2. Adhering to the philosophy of materialism (the theory that regards matter as constituting the universe and all its phenomena). Pyjamas: an attire that you wear at night Noun 1. A suit of loose pants and shirt for sleeping in. 2. A pair of loose pants tied by a drawstring around the waist, worn by both sexes in some Asian countries. Synonyms pyjamas - night suit Invasion: attack, assault Noun 1. An instance of invading a country or region with an armed force. 2. An incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity. Synonyms inroad - incursion - raid - irruption - encroachment

Analysis on Monthly Test 2 for Form 2 2013. The only reason why they fail to choose the right answer is because there are so many words that they didnt understand. Prepared by M.J.

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Tourist: traveller, visitor Necessities: anything that you need or want 1. Something necessary or indispensable: food, shelter, and other necessities of life. 2. The fact of being necessary or indispensable; indispensability: the necessity of adequate housing. 3. An imperative requirement or need for something: the necessity for a quick decision. 4. The state or fact of being necessary or inevitable: to face the necessity of testifying in court. 5. An unavoidable need or compulsion to do something: not by choice but by necessity. Outlet: Noun 1. A means by which something escapes, passes, or is released, in particular. 2. A pipe or hole through which water or gas may escape. Synonyms vent - exit - egress - issue Communication breakdown: happens when people stop talking g to each other because of arguments or because of lack of power supply. Equipment: gear, apparatus, kit, tools, utensils Noun 1. The necessary items for a particular purpose. 2. The process of supplying someone or something with such necessary items. Synonyms outfit - rig - kit - tackle - gear - apparatus Heap: Noun An untidy collection of things piled up haphazardly. Adverb A great deal. Verb Put in a pile or mound. Synonyms Noun. pile - stack - mass - mound - accumulation - congeries Verb. pile - amass - accumulate - pile up - stack - hoard Perhaps: maybe, possibly Adverb 1. Used to express uncertainty or possibility: "perhaps I should have been frank with him".

Analysis on Monthly Test 2 for Form 2 2013. The only reason why they fail to choose the right answer is because there are so many words that they didnt understand. Prepared by M.J.

2.Used when one does not wish to be too definite or assertive in the expression of an opinion Synonyms maybe - possibly - perchance - probably

Always choose to understand.because when you understand.you will be able to apply the knowledge to the maximumand the most beautiful part of it is.you will be able to create something newsomething that can benefit you and others to the maximum.M.J.

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