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Compact Controller for Stand-by and Parallel Operating Gen-sets

InteliGen Modular Gen-set Controller

Operator guide for SPM, SSB, SPtM, MINT, MEXT
IG-CU June 2005

Operator guide

Copyright 2004 ComAp s.r.o. Written by Ladislav Kadanik Prague, Czech Republic

ComAp, spol. s r.o. Svtova 7, 180 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic Tel: +420 2 66316661, Fax: +420 2 66316647 E-mail:,

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ...............................................................................................................................................2 General guidelines..............................................................................................................................................3 Description of the controller system (with all options)....................................................................................3 Conformity declaration ...................................................................................................................................4 !! Warnings !! ..................................................................................................................................................4 Operator Interface ..............................................................................................................................................5 Pushbuttons and LEDs ..................................................................................................................................5 Flow Chart of pushbutton Operation ..............................................................................................................8 Description of MEASUREMENT screens ......................................................................................................9 Password......................................................................................................................................................11 Mode and function description .........................................................................................................................12 OFF mode ....................................................................................................................................................12 MAN mode ...................................................................................................................................................12 AUT mode ....................................................................................................................................................12 TEST mode (SSB and SPtM only) ...............................................................................................................13 Alarm management ..........................................................................................................................................15 Warning (Wrn) ..............................................................................................................................................15 Shut down (Sd) ...........................................................................................................................................15 Slow stop (Stp) .............................................................................................................................................15 Electric protection (ElProt) ...........................................................................................................................15 Mains failure .................................................................................................................................................16 Remote control and data logging .....................................................................................................................17 Direct connection to the PC .........................................................................................................................17 PC software WinEdit .................................................................................................................................17 History file.....................................................................................................................................................17 Remote modem communication ..................................................................................................................17 Controller firmware and archive files............................................................................................................18 Technical data ..................................................................................................................................................19

InteliGen Operator guide, ComAp June 2005 IG-Operator guide. PDF


General guidelines
This manual provides general information on how to operate the InteliGen controller. This manual is intended for everybody who is concerned with operation and maintenance of the gen-set.

Description of the controller system (with all options)

InteliGen IG-CU is a comprehensive AMF-controller for single and multiple generating sets operating in stand-by or parallel modes. A modular construction allows upgrades to different levels of complexity in order to provide the best solution for various customer applications. Optional synchronizer, isochronous load sharer, Mains and Generator protections allows for a total integrated solution for Gen-sets in stand-by and parallel modes with multiple engine support. InteliGen controllers are equipped with a powerful graphic display showing icons, symbols and bar-graphs for intuitive operation, which sets, together with high functionality, new standards in Gen-set controls. The InteliGen automatically starts the gen-set, closes the Gen-set C.B. when all conditions are met, then stops the engine on external signal or by pressing push buttons. With upgrade kits, isolated parallel and parallel to Mains operation can be achieved. Forward and reverse synchronizing, Mains protection including load surge, load and power factor control, earth fault protection are the major functions provided. Interfacing to foreign synchronizers and load sharers is supported. The key feature of InteliGen is its easy-to-use operation and installation. Predefined configurations for typical applications are available as well as user-defined configurations for special applications.

Default applications
There are five default applications: SPM, SSB, SPtM, MINT, MEXT. SPM Single prime mover, no mains. SSB Single stand-by, no synchronizing, break transfer. SPtM Single stand-by, forward and reverse synchronizing, parallel operation, peak shaving, soft load transfer. MINT Multiple parallel, forward synchronizing, load and VAR sharing, power management, soft load transfer. MEXT Multiple parallel, external synchronizer and load sharer, power management,

Detail documentation
For more detail please refer to corresponding User guides (where x-x means software version): SPM-SPM+IOM-x.x.pdf SSB-SSB+IOM-x.x.pdf SPtM-SPtM+IOM-x.x.pdf MINT-MEXT+IOM-x.x.pdf MEXT-MEXT+IOM-x.x.pdf WinEdit-MultiEdit-x.x.pdf Communiation guide-x.x.pdf Application guide-x.x.pdf Troubleshooting guide-x.x.pdf

PAGE Break Return Generator protections REMOTE START/STOP (Capital letters in the frame) buttons on the front panel (Italic) set points (Bold) Set point group (Capital letters) binary inputs and outputs

InteliGen Operator guide, ComAp June 2005 IG-Operator guide. PDF


Conformity declaration
Following described machine complies with the appropriate basic safety and health requirement of the EC Low Voltage Directive No: 73/23 / EEC and EC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89/336 / EEC based on its design and type, as brought into circulation by us.

!! Warnings !!
Be aware that the binary outputs can change state during and after software reprogramming (before the controller is used again ensure that the proper configuration and setpoint settings are set in the controller)!!! Be aware that gen-set can automatically or remotely start when following controller terminals are disconnected !!!
Mains voltage measuring Binary outputs for MCB control MCB feedback and / or and / or

Switch InteliGen to OFF mode and disconnect the Binary outputs Starter and Fuel to avoid unexpected automatic start of gen-set and GCB closing.

!!! CAUTION !!!

Dangerous voltage
In no case touch the terminals for voltage and current measurement! Always properly connect grounding terminals! Take care when disconnecting In/Im3 terminals when the gen-set is stopped. For safety connect parallel to controller In/Im3 terminals two anti parallel diodes 10A/100V. In any case do not disconnect generator CT terminals when the gen-set is loaded.

Adjust set points

All setpoints are preadjusted to their typical values. But the setpoints in the Basic settings settings group !!must!! be adjusted before the first startup of the gen-set. !!! WRONG ADJUSTMENT OF BASIC PARAMETERS CAN DESTROY THE GEN-SET !!! The following instructions are for qualified personnel only. To avoid personal injury do not perform any action not specified in this User guide !!!

Note: ComAp believes that all information provided herein is correct and reliable and reserves the right to update at any time. ComAp does not assume any responsibility for its use unless otherwise expressly undertaken.

InteliGen Operator guide, ComAp June 2005 IG-Operator guide. PDF


Operator Interface
Pushbuttons and LEDs
3 2 1 4 5










1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. MODE Cycle forward through gen-set operation modes OFFMAN AUT TEST. MODE Cycle backward through gen-set operation modes OFFMAN AUTTEST. HORN RESET Deactivates the HORN (AUDIBLE ALARM). FAULT RESET Acknowledges faults and alarms. START Starts the gen-set in MAN mode. STOP Stops the gen-set in MAN mode. MCB ON/OFF Opens and closes (synchronizes) the Mains circuit breaker in MAN mode. GCB ON/OFF Opens and closes (synchronizes) the Generator circuit breaker in MAN mode. PAGE Changes display function cyclically MEASUREMENTADJUSTMENTHISTORY. Select the setpoint, select the screen, select history record or increase setpoint value. Select the setpoint, select the screen, select history record or decrease setpoint value. ENTER Confirm setpoint value or move in within selected history record.

InteliGen Operator guide, ComAp June 2005 IG-Operator guide. PDF


13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. MAINS VOLTAGE PRESENT: GREEN LED is on, if voltage on the mains terminals is present (in SSB and SPtM). LED is not active in SPM, MINT, MEXT. MAINS or BUS FAILURE: RED LED starts flashing when the mains failure occurs and gen-set does not run, goes to steady light when the gen-set starts and goes off when the mains restores. GEN VOLTAGE PRESENT: GREEN LED is on, if gen. voltage is present and within limits. GEN-SET FAILURE: RED LED starts flashing when any failure occurs. After FAULT RESET button is pressed, goes to steady light (if an alarm is still active) or is off (if no alarm is active). GCB ON: GREEN LED is on, if GCB is closed. Flashes during synchronizing. MCB ON: GREEN LED is on, if MCB is closed (binary input MCB feedback is closed). Flashes during reverse synchronizing (synchronizing of the loaded gen-set back to the restored mains).

How to select gen-set mode?

Use MODE or MODE to select requested gen-set operation mode OFF MAN AUT TEST. It is not possible to go directly from OFF to AUT or TEST.

Display menus
There are 3 display menus (functions) available: MEASUREMENT, ADJUSTMENT and HISTORY Each menu consists of several screens. Pressing the PAGE button repeatedly will scroll the user through the menu screens.

How to view measured data?

Use PAGE button to select the MEASUREMENT menu (if not already selected). Select the MEASUREMENT screen. Use and to select the screen with requested data.

How to view and edit set points?

1. 2. 3. 4. Use PAGE button to select the ADJUSTMENT menu (if is not already selected). Use or to select requested set points group. Press ENTER to confirm. Use or to select requested set point.

5. Set points marked * are password protected. 6. Press ENTER to edit. 7. Use or to modify the set point. When or is pressed for 2 sec, auto repeat function is activated. 8. Press ENTER to confirm or PAGE to leave without change. 9. Press PAGE to leave selected set points group.

How to set password?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Use PAGE button to select the ADJUSTMENT menu Use or to select Password. Press ENTER to confirm. Use or to select Enter password. Press ENTER to edit. Use or to modify the password. Press ENTER to confirm the password. Press PAGE to leave Password group.

How to view the HISTORY menu?

1. Pressing the PAGE button repeatedly will scroll the user through the menu screens. Select the HISTORY screen. 2. Use or to select a requested record. InteliGen Operator guide, ComAp June 2005 IG-Operator guide. PDF -6-

3. Use ENTER to select requested screen (record items) within displayed records

How to change the display contrast?

Press and hold ENTER and use or to adjust the best display contrast. Hint: Only in MEASUREMENT menu

How to check the serial number and software revision?

Hold down the ENTER and the press PAGE. On the display you can see InteliGen INFO screen for 10 seconds. InteliGen INFO screen contains: 1) Controller name (see Basic setting group) 2) InteliMains serial number (8 character number) 3) SW version: the first is the firmware version number; the second is configuration table number. 4) Application: IM 5) Branch: InteliMains Hint: Available from the main MEASUREMENT menu only.

How to find active alarms?

Active alarm list is available on the last screen in the MEASUREMENT menu. Select MEASUREMENT menu. Press until you will see the list of all active alarms with the number of alarms at the top-right corner. Inverted alarms are still active. Non-inverted alarms are not active, but not yet confirmed. Press FAULT RESET to accept all alarms. Non-active alarms immediately disappear from the list. Active alarm list appears on the screen automatically when a new alarm comes up and Main MEASUREMENT screen is active. Hint: Alarm list does not activate automatically if the display is switched to any other screen than the first one of MEASUREMENT (the only one display screen that shows menu selector on the upper). The automatic jump to the alarm list screen will not occur if you are listing through the measured values, parameters or history!

When to use GCB ON/OFF button?

The button is disabled in AUT mode. In MAN mode is enabled, but before closing of the circuit beaker, generator voltage and frequency must be within limits. InteliGen has internal protection to avoid the breaker closure without synchronizing. The controller recongizes automatically: if there is voltage on the bus and the gen-set shall be synchronized before closing the GCB or there is no voltage on the bus and the GCB can be closed without synchronizing.

When to use MCB ON/OFF button?

The button is disabled in AUT mode. Use this button in MAN mode to close or open the MCB. Be carefull while doing this, because you can disconnect the load from the mains!!!

InteliGen Operator guide, ComAp June 2005 IG-Operator guide. PDF




Measure Screens
Par. Edit Screens

History Screens


MAN 500



1000 12345h kW 14:23:15


InteliGen Operator guide, ComAp June 2005 IG-Operator guide. PDF

RPM GEAR TEETH 150 150 NOM RPM 1500 1500 START RPM 30 30% CRANK TIME 10s 10

Flow Chart of pushbutton Operation

Next Screen


Parameter setting: buttons

1. Set cursor by

2. Press buttons

to editing mode

3. Adjust parameter by

4. Press

to write parameter into memory to cancel of editing mode


Next Screen





Description of MEASUREMENT screens

Main measure screen
1 2



3 4 7 5 8

Ready Mains Oper cos 0.00 RPM 0 Tim er 0

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Operation mode of the gen-set Indication of active alarm Status of the gen-set Actual condition RPM of the gen-set Active power Power factor Timer - event s counting time (e.g. prestart, cooling, etc.)

Following table contains an example of MINT and SPtM MEASUREMENT screens. Other applications can be slightly different. Additional screens are visible when aig archive with external (IG-IOM or IGS-PTM) module is used. MINT Total power screen
PWR I/E -20 10kW 0.90L


20kW 30kW 1.00R 0.90C Left up corner: Actual power control mode Off or Base or Imp/Exp and required power values.

Load: Mains: Genset:

Actual value of active power. Actual value of PF Actual value of active power. Actual value of PF Actual value of active power. Actual value of PF

InteliGen Operator guide, ComAp June 2005 IG-Operator guide. PDF


MINT Generator Load surge maximal value Load surge actual value Gen freq Gen V1-2, V2-3, V3-1 ph-ph Gen V1, V2, V3 ph-N (triple barograph) Gen I1, I2, I3 (triple barograph) Bus EarthFaultCurr Bus freq Bus Vb1-2, Vb2-3, Vb3-1 ph-ph Bus Vb1, Vb2, Vb3 ph-N (triple barograph)

SPtM Generator Load surge maximal value Load surge actual value Gen freq Gen V1-2, V2-3, V3-1 ph-ph Gen V1, V2, V3 ph-N (triple barograph) Gen I1, I2, I3 (triple barograph) Mains Mains Curr L3 P mains Q mains Mains Power Factor Mains freq Mains V1-2, V2-3, V3-1 ph-ph Mains V1, V2, V3 ph-N (triple barograph) IG-CU Analog inputs AI1 Oil pressure AI2 Water temperature AI3 Fuel level Battery voltage (single barograph) (single barograph) (single barograph) (single barograph)

IG-CU Analog inputs AI1 Oil pressure AI2 Water temperature AI3 Fuel level Battery voltage

(single barograph) (single barograph) (single barograph) (single barograph)

IG-CU binary inputs 1/2 BI1 to BI5 IG-CU binary inputs 2/2 BI6 to BI9 IG-CU binary outputs BO1 to BO5 IG-CU binary outputs 2/2 BO6 to BO9 Load shedding status IG-PCLSM binary inputs BI10 to BI13 IG-PCLSM binary outputs BO10 to BO13 Gen-set power Active power (total and per phase) Power factor (total and per phase) Reactive power kVAr (total and per phase) Apparent power (total and per phase) Statistic Kilowatt-hours kWh Active energy total Reactive power hours kVArh Reactive energy total Run hours Number of starts NextServTime

IG-CU binary inputs 1/2 BI1 to BI5 IG-CU binary inputs 2/2 BI6 to BI9 IG-CU binary outputs 1/2 BO1 to BO5 IG-CU binary outputs 2/2 BO6 to BO9 Load shedding status IG-PCM binary inputs BI10 to BI13 IG-PCM binary outputs BO10 to BO13 Gen-set power Active power (total and per phase) Power factor (total and per phase) Reactive power kVAr (total and per phase) Apparent power (total and per phase) Statistic Kilowatt-hours kWh Active energy total Reactive power hours kVArh Reactive energy total Run hours Number of starts NextServTime

InteliGen Operator guide, ComAp June 2005 IG-Operator guide. PDF

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MINT Synchroscope Angle between V1g and V1m Synchroscope V1g Generator first phase voltage V1m Mains first phase voltage SRO Speed regulator output indication in the range 0 to 10,00V VRO Voltage regulator output indication in the range 0 to 100%. Power management Engine priority Total available power (sum of Nominal power) Total run power (sum of Nominal power running) Active reserve (single barograph) CAN16 bus status address 1 to 16 (binary) CAN23 bus status address 17 to 32 (binary) Alarm list Up to 8 items

SPtM Synchroscope Angle between V1g and V1m Synchroscope V1g Generator first phase voltage V1m Mains first phase voltage SRO Speed regulator output indication in the range 0 to 10,00V VRO Voltage regulator output indication in the range 0 to 100%.

Alarm list Up to 8 items

There are three levels of password protection. 0. User level allows change of non-protected setpoints only 1. Operator level allows change of setpoints protected by Operator level 2. Master level allows change of setpoints protected by Operator and Master level 3. Supervisor highest level allows all setpoints or configuration changes, firmware upgrade. Hint: The asterisk mark * appears before a setpoint name (on controller screen) if the setpoint is password protected. The asterisk mark is removed only when the password is set from controllers front panel. The asterisk mark is still visible on controller screen even if the password is set from WinEdit. Even though one level may have been set from the front panel, the affected setpoints are not accessible from WinEdit (direct or Modem) until this level is set in WinEdit (direct or Modem). Setpoints opened from front panel are automatically closed 15 minutes after the last key has been depressed or when wrong value of password is set. It is possible to protect remote Start, Stop, GCB and MCB commands from WinEdit, MultiEdit as well. This three level command protection can be configured from WinEdit.

Password is a four-digit number. Only setpoints associated with the entered password level can be modified. Use or to select the desired password and then press enter.

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Mode and function description

There are four gen-set operation modes: OFF - MAN AUT TEST in SSB and SPtM application. There are three gen-set operation modes: OFF - MAN AUT in SPM and MINT application. To select the mode use MODE or MODE.

OFF mode
No start of the gen-set is possible. Outputs STARTER, GCB CLOSE/OPEN and FUEL SOLENOID are not energized. No reaction if buttons START,STOP,GCB ON/OFF are pressed. When power-cut comes, MCB CLOSE/OPEN opens. After mains returns, MCB CLOSE/OPEN closes with MCB close del.

MAN mode
1) To start the gen-set press START. 2) When the generator voltage is within limits (adjusted in the setpoints group Generator protections) GCB green LED on the front panel lights. 3) Press GCB ON/OFF to close the GCB. If the generator voltage is out of the limits, controller does not to respond to the GCB ON/OFF . a) If controller detects dead bus, immediately closes GCB OPEN/CLOSE output. b) If controller detects voltage on the bus, starts synchronizing. 4) To stop the engine press STOP a) controller unloads the gen-set, opens GCB CLOSE/OPEN. Unloading is active only when binary input MCB feedback is closed or other gen-set is connected to bus. In other case GCB CLOSE/OPEN opens immediately. b) Gen-set is cooled and stopped. Hint: Controller does not respond to the binary input SYS START/STOP. The gen-set is fully in manual control; there is no automatic way to stop it (except protections). The gen-set stays running until STOP button is pressed. Controller does not take place in Power management in MINT, MEXT application

AUT mode
1) Mains failure is recognized a) Controller opens MCB (depends on setpoint AutoMains fail:MCB opens on setting) b) After EmergStart del elapsed, InteliSys starts the gen-set c) If mains recovers during the start-up process, Controller closes MCB again after MCB close del and stops the gen-set. 2) When the gen-set is started and the generator voltage and frequency is within limits (adjusted in menu Generator protections) Controller closes the GCB. If the generator voltage is out of the limits for MaxStabil time, Controller indicates the failure and stops the gen-set. 3) After mains recovers: a) After MainsReturn del the Controller starts synchronizing to mains, closes the MCB and starts unloading. b) After the Breakers overlap delay Controller opens the GCB. c) The gen-set is cooled and stopped.

Remote start/stop
Genset starts automatically, when binary input REM START/STOP is closed and stops by opening it. InteliGen Operator guide, ComAp June 2005 IG-Operator guide. PDF - 12 -

Peak shaving
Genset can start and stop automatically according to consumption from the mains (object). If Mains import value exceeds for more than ProcessControl:PeakAutS/S del ProcessControl:PeakLevelStart, engine starts automatically. If Load consumption (Mains import + Genset power) drops for more than ProcessControl:PeakAutS/S del below ProcessControl:PeakLevelStop, engine stops. Hint: Engine does not stop, if other condition for automatic starts are active. Example: If peak stop condition occurs, but REMOTE START/STOP is active, engine stays running. InteliSys does not respond to GCB ON/OFF , MCB ON/OFF , STOP, START buttons and corresponding remote WinEdit or Modbus commands. Set Basic setting: FltRes GoToMAN = ENABLED to avoid automatic engine start when pressing FAULT RESET after Shut down or Slow stop alarm. !!!!! VERY IMPORTANT !!!!!! Engine can start automatically without warning when pressing FAULT RESET after shut down alarm.

TEST mode (SSB and SPtM only)

Use TEST mode for Gen-set start test if the Mains is OK or to short Blackout when Mains fail is announced in advance. The setpoint AutoMainsFail: Ret from test influences the behavior of TEST mode.

The setpoint Ret from test = MANUAL

1. While TEST mode is selected, gen-set automatically starts and is running unloaded. 2. To load the gen-set with load supply interruption a. Power cut comes or b. MCB ON/OFF button is pressed When power cut or MCB ON/OFF : InteliGen opens MCB, after Return break elapses, InteliGen closes GCB. When the mains recovers gen-set remains island running ! 3. To load the gen-set without load supply interruption a. GCB ON/OFF is pressed b. Binary input TEST ON LOAD is closed In this case InteliGen synchronizes gen-set to mains, closes GCB, Breaker overlap time runs in parallel and then opens MCB. When the mains recovers gen-set remains island running ! 4. To stop the gen-set select other mode than TEST

The setpoint Ret from test = AUTO

While TEST mode is selected, gen-set is running unloaded. When power cut comes InteliGen opens MCB. After Return break elapses, InteliGen closes GCB. When the mains recovers: 1. After the MainsReturn del InteliGen starts back synchronizing to mains and closes MCB. 2. The gen-set remains running in parallel for BreakerOverlap time, opens GCB and remain running unloaded. To stop the gen-set select other mode than TEST Hint: InteliGen does not respond to GCB ON/OFF , STOP, START in Ret from test = AUTO. Engine automatically starts, when TEST mode is selected. Engine can start automatically without warning when pressing FAULT RESET after shut down alarm. InteliGen Operator guide, ComAp June 2005 IG-Operator guide. PDF - 13 -

Process control: Load CTRL PTM = BASELOAD Genset power is kept on value given by Baseload setpoint.

Internal Import export

ProcessControl: Load CTRL PTM = IMP/EXP Process control: IE measurement = IM3 CT INPUT Genset load is controlled to keep the import load at the level given by setpoint Process control: Import load value. Controller measures Import/Export value via current transformers connected to In/Im3 terminals.

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Alarm management
Following alarms are available: Binary alarms No protection Warning no action Shutdown Slow stop Electric protection History record Analog alarms None Sensor fail Wrn+shut down Wrn+slow stop Wrn+ElProt

Each active alarm is recorded to history and indicated on Alarm list screen. Detection of each binary input alarm is fix 1 sec time delayed. Analog input Alarm detection is usually based on two levels (e.g. wrn and sd). The Sensor fail activates or does not activate binary output common Alarm depends on configuration. Use WinEdit to modify binary or analog inputs configuration.

Warning (Wrn)
When warning comes up, only alarm outputs are closed. Possible warnings: Binary inputs configured as Warning (alarms are displayed and stored under configured name) Analog inputs configured as Warning (alarms are displayed and stored under configured name) Battery voltage alarm level

Shut down (Sd)

When a shutdown occurs, InteliGen opens outputs GCB CLOSE/OPEN, FUEL SOLENOID, STARTER. Possible shut-down alarms: Over speed Under speed Start fail IG-IOM, IGS-PTM fail Binary inputs configured as Shut down (alarms are displayed and stored under configured name) Analog inputs configured as Shut down (alarms are displayed and stored under configured name)

Slow stop (Stp)

When the slow stop alarm comes up InteliGen unloads gen-set, opens output GCB CLOSE/OPEN, waits for Cooling time and opens FUEL SOLENOID output. When another gen-set is available to come on line, it will start and connect to the load before the unloading function of the first set begins. If nothing else happens the set will unload when the Slow Stop Del is exceeded. Binary inputs configured as Slow stop (alarms are displayed and stored under configured name) Analog inputs configured as Slow stop (alarms are displayed and stored under configured name)

Electric protection (ElProt)

When the generator electric protection comes up, InteliGen opens the output GCB CLOSE/OPEN In MAN and AUT mode engine is cooled and stopped. Possible unload alarms: GCB failure Overload IDMT Overcurrent (all three phases are checked) Short current (all three phases are checked) Current unbalance InteliGen Operator guide, ComAp June 2005 IG-Operator guide. PDF - 15 -

Generator voltage unbalance Generator over/under voltage (all three phases are checked) Generator over/under frequency (all three phases are checked) Reverse power Earth fault BUS measurement error Alarm inputs configured as unload ElProt protection

Mains failure
Mains failure detection depends on Auto mains failure setpoints (levels and delays) adjusting. When the mains failure comes up, mains circuit breaker is opened.

Alarm time chart

Underspeed Protection delay Engine running only, SD, Slow stop, Wrn Gen>V, Gen<V, Gen>f, Gen<f, Volt unbal, Curr unbal, Reverse power, Unload protection All the time & Overspeed protections & Ig IDMT, Ig unbal, IG short Mains>V, Mains<V, Mains>f, Mains<f, MVolt unbal

Ready RPM=0 Cranking Starting Starter OFF Start Idle

Running Synchronizing Min stab time GCB closed

Loaded or Max stab time

Loaded GCB opened Unloading Cooling Stop - 16 -

Sensor fail detection

Sensor fail Fls is detected when measured value is 6,2 percent out of range. The controller screen will display #### instead of the measured value.

Alarms indication
There can be following actions when Alarm is active (depends on Alarm type and configuration): Alarm list record History list record Active call (when is enabled and modem is installed) Controller front panel LED indication Binary output ALARM is closed when Alarm is active or when was deactivated and FAULT RESET button was not pressed to confirm. Binary output ALARM opens when Alarm was deactivated (no other Alarm is active) and FAULT RESET button was pressed to confirm. Binary output HORN is closed for adjustable time when any new Alarm occurs. Corresponding value reading (binary input state, analog input value, generator voltage, .. ) is inverse (e.g. 100 ) on InteliGen screen when value is out of limits (binary input protection is active).

InteliGen Operator guide, ComAp June 2005 IG-Operator guide. PDF

Remote control and data logging

Direct connection to the PC
InteliGen can be connected directly with PC via RS232 interface. Use the standard cross-wired cable RS232 to connect PC with InteliGen.

PC software WinEdit
ComAp software package WinEdit has to be installed on the PC (Windows 95 / 98 / 2000 / NT / XP) to communicate with the controller via cable or modem WinEdit enables: Read the value Adjust all set points Read the history Control the engine Configure the controller Modify alarm inputs and outputs Modify password, commands protections Direct or modem communication Receive active calls

History file
InteliGen stores a record of each important event into the history file. The history file contains up to 110 records. When the history file is full, the oldest records are removed. History record structure depends application archive.

Remote modem communication

Remote modem communication with controller is available when modem or GSM modem is connected to controller. It is possible to read all values check or change setpoints, view history record and download aig archive file.

Modem connection
Open WinEdit, Type connection = Modem. During modem connection are available all functions like from direct connection.

Active calls
If the function is enabled and selected alarm comes up, the controller opens a connection to the remote PC (selected phone number) automatically and send an aig archive file containing, among others the history file, to the PC.

Active SMS message

If the function is enabled and selected alarm comes up, the controller sends a SMS to the selected phone number. A GSM modem must be connected to the controller to enable this function. The SMS contains a copy of the alarm list to help the operator to diagnose the situation. Example of active SMS message: #Gen-set name:AL=(Wrn PrimWater temp, !Emergency stop)

InteliGen Operator guide, ComAp June 2005 IG-Operator guide. PDF

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Controller firmware and archive files

There are only two types of software files in InteliGen: Archive file aig (e.g. for SPtM application) Firmware file mhx (e.g. IG-6.0.mhx)

Archives data structure

Following drawing (left side) describes which parts of InteliGen controller memory are stored in aig or ais archive file.



ig_5_x.mhx *.aig Controller configuration


Archive file

I/O, Setpoints Names


history setpoints values


HISTORY Records Values of . SETPOINTS

. .

Measured VALUES Statistic VALUES

Controller memory


Controller software modification

Controller software is distributed in Complete installation pack on CD (include WinEdit, MultiEdit and detail user and application guides) iwe pack for simple import of new SW version to corresponding WinEdit directories. Iwe sw pack contains mhx file(s) and aig archives. Use WinEdit Options - Import firmware command to import iwe.

Controller application modification or change

WinEdit direct connection Controller Software configuration Select or Modify Select = application change (e.g. from SSB to SPtM) Modify = configuration change (Input, Outputs, protection, password setting, .. etc modification)

Controller firmware upgrade

WinEdit direct connection Controller Programming select required firmware version click Write to IG.

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Technical data
Power supply
Voltage supply Consumption depends on supply voltage 8-36V DC 0,34A at 8VDC 0,12A at 24VDC 0,09A at 36VDC 2 % at 24V 10 year

Battery voltage measurement tolerance RTC battery life-cycle Hint: When internal RTC battery becomes flat InteliGen function (e.g. Ready for stand by) does not change until controller power supply is switched off. After the next power switch on controller: Stays in the INIT state (not possible to run gen-set) All History records disappear except Wrong params record Alarm list is empty Time and Date values are set to zero Statistics values are random

Operating conditions
Operating temperature IG-CU Operating temperature IG-CU-LT Storage temperature Flash memory data retention time Protection front panel Humidity Standard conformity Low Voltage Directive Electromagnetic Compatibility -20..+70oC -30..+70oC -30..+80oC 10 years IP65 95% without condensation (From IG serial number xxxx0900) EN 61010-1:95 +A1:97 EN 50081-1:94 (EN 61000-6-3) EN 50081-2:96 (EN 61000-6-4) EN 50082-1:99 (EN 61000-6-1) EN 50082-2:97 (EN 61000-6-2) 5 - 25 Hz, 1,6mm 25 - 100 Hz, a = 4 g a = 200 m/s2

Vibration Shocks

Dimensions and weight

Dimensions Weight 180x120x50mm 800g

InteliGen Operator guide, ComAp June 2005 IG-Operator guide. PDF

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