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A study of consumer behavior aspects and brand preference in rural India with reference to FMCG sector Literature Review

In this case we came to know about the role of FMCG product in an economy. The problem faced by rural market basically from distribution and marketing communication. The ways used by companies to tackle this problem to come to rural consumer the E-chaupal initiative of ITC or Project Shakti of HLL. There are some highlights which we came to know that how the internet revolution taking place in rural India , by some innovative projects at we discuss through E-chaupal and project Shakti Project shakti organized by Hindustan lever limited is in partnership with women self help group in Andhra Pradesh through the help of ID card and registration no. they able to gain access in services. ITC E-chaupal setup interest kiosks in village which managed by farmers selected from community and training provided to them these farmers known as SANCHALAKS. We studied that how branding decision takes place in rural markets, like where there are some festivals in which how rural people make decisions for their own sufficient brand. The promotional strategies decision is like depend on the literacy or illiteracy level. The literacy level is increased so more and more people know about consumer awareness , maximum population prefer quality of the product, so all the companies should make in mind that we have to make a effective promotional strategy, There are some reviews of some existing literature in which some writer like Matrade Chennai (2005), Janmejaya sinha and Arvind subramaniyum (2007) talked about the growth engine rural market, the FMCG sector is a good promotional option for rural market, that the FMCG goods would have to really gain inroads in rural market in order to get double digit growth rate target in function. This study is done only to know various aspects of consumer behavior in rural India for FMCG products and to know brand preference. They talked about research methodology used like research design, sampling framework etc. Data analysis and interpretation on the basis of demographic characteristics of respondents. They talked about some sub points like purchase location rural areas, brand loyalty etc.

After all their analysis they conclude that mixed type of structure of the rural market in consumer behavior is the major characteristics of these markets in India. People using foreign brand as well as local brand also. The main thing is that will only be the winner who will win the situation in the rural market.

Variables # Consumer behavior of rural areas # Distribution and marketing communication

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