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Mt Warning Kinesiology P.O.

BOX 904 MURWILLUMBAH NSW 2484 AUSTRALIA TEL: 02 6672 7544 FAX: 02 6672 7545 WEB: E-MAIL:

7 week course in Neuro Energetic Kinesiology

Hugo Tobar. 2003-2006

7 week course in Neuro Energetic Kinesiology

Kinesiology was developed in the 60s by Chiropractors in the United States of America. Since then it has developed into a natural therapy in its own right, in fact Kinesiology is now the worlds fastest growing natural therapy. Kinesiology uses muscle monitoring to assess and correct imbalances in the bodys different structures. In the model of Kinesiology there is a connection between the physical structures such as the muscles, bones, hormones, neurology, etc and the energetic structures such as the aura, chakras, meridians, etc. Muscle monitoring gives the practitioner the ability to assess the stress levels in the physical and energetic structures. After the source of the stress has been identified, muscle monitoring allows the practitioner to find what would be the most appropriate correction technique to correct the imbalance. This eliminates the need for guess work, thereby making the corrections very efficient. The correction techniques used are typically acupressure, reflexology, emotional stress diffusion, sound healing (tuning forks), colour healing, flower essences, chakra balancing, etc. Other correction techniques can be employed according to the practitioners training. This makes kinesiology a very complimentary modality for other alternative therapies. For example Kinesiology has successfully integrated into the practises of Naturopaths, Homeopaths, Herbalists, and Traditional Chinese Practitioners among others. Kinesiology is non-invasive, the client can keep all their issues in their head, thereby respecting the clients need for privacy.

Applied Physiology is a unique area of Kinesiology, it was developed by Richard Utt from Tucson, Arizona. Further developments have been pioneered by Dr Charles Krebs from Melbourne in the area of Learning Difficulies with the LEAP program. Applied Physiology uses the holographic nature of the human body to access specific areas of the human anatomy and physiology. By using the hologram, the stress on a very specific part of the anatomy or physiology can be accessed and therefore corrected. This can have dramatic effects on the lack of well being that the client may be experiencing. One of the most powerful areas of this is in the brain physiology or more specifically in the subconscious brain (the limbic system). There are many centres here that control various functions such as motor planning and coordination, primary emotions such as fear, anger, pleasure, punishment,
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7 week course in Neuro Energetic Kinesiology etc. Physiological actions such as the hormonal system, heart rate, blood pressure, sleep, sexuality, thirst, hunger, the digestive system, etc, etc. Any imbalance in one can effect the other, the major causes of these imbalances is usually emotional trauma. The neurological pathways that govern these emotional pathways are closely linked to the centres that govern the other systems. If there is a disturbance in the neural emotional pathways, it can cause an imbalance in the other systems. This is why Kinesiology along with nutritional support can have a dramatic effect on physiological and emotional disturbances such as phobias, panic attacks, hormonal problems, eating disorders, personality disorders, learning difficulties, and even genetic dispositions. The holographic nature of the human body is where the whole is represented in the parts. Examples of this is reflexology where all of the internal organs are represented in the hands, feet, and ears. The kinesiologist uses these body holograms to access the relevant areas of anatomy and physiology that have imbalances and correct them.


Energetic Kinesiology is an exciting new development in Kinesiology by Hugo Tobar. He is a graduate of the Kinesiological College of Energetic Sciences in Melbourne Australia. These new developments have grown out of Applied Physiology. It encompasses a lot of work with Chakras, the Aura, Kudalini and the nadi system, Genetics, Astrology, Neurology, Emotion, Hormones, Immune system, etc. A large portion of this stream in Kinesiology is devoted to chakras, the human energy system has seven major chakras, numerous minor chakras, and some that exist out of the body. Chakras are the main places where stress is held. This has a major effect on the body via the link of the chakras to the endocrine system. This work has been developed by Kerrie McFarlane and Hugo Tobar. Another interesting area of development is in genetics. This work enables the practitioner to balance stress in the genetic code, these techniques have been very successful with genetic dispositions and conditions. This also links the I Ching to the genetic code, which gives the practitioner the ability to tap into this ancient wisdom. It has recently been described by a leading international kinesiologist as the most advanced Kinesiology in the area of the brain. It was developed for LEAP practitioners to give them advanced training in the areas of brain function, vision, auditory system, the vestibular system, in fact in all areas of neurology. The Neural Emotional Pathways gives the practitioner the ability to work with the

Hugo Tobar. 2003-2006

7 week course in Neuro Energetic Kinesiology neurology of primary emotions, these underlie most behaviour patterns, it is an extremely powerful technique and is currently very popular all over the world.

New course structure Chakra Hologram retreat Chakra Balancing Chakra Metaphors Chakra Hologram 1 Chakra Hologram 2 Celestial Chakra Hologram Brain Formatting Brain Hologram A Brain Hologram B Brain Hologram C Brain Hologram Retreat Primitive Reflexes & the Brainstem 1 Primitive Reflexes & the Brainstem 2 Primitive Reflexes & the Brainstem 3 Neurotransmitter workshop Neural Emotional Pathways 1 Neural Emotional Pathways 2 Neural Emotional Pathways 3 Holographic Hormone Balancing Immune & Vaccination Pathways 1 Immune & Vaccination Pathways 2 Old courses included Chakra Hologram 1,2,3 & The Heavenly Hologram Chakra Balancing Chakra Metaphors Chakra Hologram 1 and parts of Chakra Hologram 3 to do with archetypes Chakra Hologram 2 Heavenly Hologram and energetic structure formatting from Chakra Hologram 3 Brain Formatting Brain Hologram 1,2 & 5 Brain Hologram 3, 4, 6 & 7 The Visual Pathways Hologram & the Auditory & Vestibular Pathways Hologram Brain Hologram A, B & C Primitive Reflexes & the Brainstem 1 Primitive Reflexes & the Brainstem 2 Primitive Reflexes & the Brainstem update & Developmental Pathways Biochemistry of the Psyche 1, 2 & advanced Neural Emotional Pathways 1 Neural Emotional Pathways 2 Neural Emotional Pathways 3 Holographic Hormone Balancing Immune & Vaccination Pathways 1 Immune & Vaccination Pathways 2

Nutritional and Biochemical Pathways Biochemical Pathways, Bioatomic Pathways, The Chromosomes & Enzymatic Pathways I Ching Hologram The Genetic I ching Hologram, 8 extra meridian Holographic muscle monitoring

Hugo Tobar. 2003-2006

7 week course in Neuro Energetic Kinesiology

The Chakra Hologram Retreat

Take this opportunity to experience the magic of the chakra hologram series with Hugo Tobar. This retreat will encompass the Chakra Hologram 1,2,3 and the heavenly hologram. This is all normally 16 days of teaching, condensed into 10 days. There is extensive means of balancing all of the energetic structures, including the 7 major chakras, the minor chakras, the out of body chakras, the aura, kundalini, nadi system, meridians, figure 8 energies. There are also extensive techniques that are available for balancing, including, the negative energy field balance, archetypes and the chakras, yantra, front back chakra balancing, chakra synchronisation. We will also look at the anatomy and physiology that is associated with each chakra including the endocrine system.

Chakra Hologram 1
The Chakra hologram came about through the combined efforts of Hugo Tobar and Kerrie McFarlane. Hugo developed his correction technique based upon Richard Utts 7 Chi Keys procedure and Kerrie had been researching the Chakra system for well over a year, looking at literature from both the Theosophical and Hindu traditions as well as many others. When Hugo and Kerrie decided to merge their work, the Chakra Hologram was created. The Chakra Hologram looks at what each chakra represents when it is displaying an imbalance by accessing the plane in which the aberration occurs, and correlating this plane with its actual meaning. Naturally the meaning will be different depending upon whether it is an imbalance in the physical/etheric, emotional/astral, the mental, buddhic, atmic, monadic or divine plane, and of course as to which chakras are involved. Once the imbalance is isolated, it can then be rebalanced by bringing the cause of the problem to conscious awareness and then completed using a variety of kinesiological techniques, i.e tuning forks, palming, acupressure etc. This technique has proven invaluable in allowing clients to discover the reason behind their condition, identify recurring patterns and then be able to move beyond. This workshop takes participants through a journey of their own Chakra system, which will reflect where they are in their own personal and spiritual development. Success has been reported by many practitioners who now use the Chakra Hologram as an integral part of their practice. This technique works with physical ailments, both acute and chronic, as well as with emotional and mental conditions. The centres determine the mans point of evolution as far as his phenomenal expression in concerned; they work directly upon the physical body through the medium of the endocrine system. This point should be borne in mind, for the future occult healer will approach his patient with this knowledge. He will then work through those centres and glands which govern the particular area of the body wherein the disease or discomfort is located" Alice Bailey - Esoteric Healing The endocrine system has been referred to as the physical interface of the Chakra System in much the same manner that the meridian/acupuncture system is said to be the physical/etheric interface of Chi. Indeed without the detailed anatomy and physiology of the endocrine system, any chakra work is only able to have a superficial effect upon the physical body. Hence, in the Chakra Hologram workshop, the endocrine/chakra relationship is covered in great detail, including the individual hormones relating to each chakra and the physical effects that they have on the body. As hormones are carried through the blood stream to their target organs, this effect is widespread and has many physical implications.
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7 week course in Neuro Energetic Kinesiology An overview of the circulatory system and the nervous system is also included to ensure that the practitioner has a good understanding of the human body that the chakra system vivifies. How to work with the chakras with colour is also an integral part of this course, it is important to understand not only the colours themselves, but also the different effects produced by the varying shades!

5 days Prerequisite: 100 hours of accredited Kinesiology

Chakra Hologram 2
The second Chakra Hologram course, co-developed by Kerrie McFarlane and Hugo Tobar, presents fourteen minor chakras, the nadi hologram and chakra triangles. The minor chakras include the chakras of the eye, ear, soma & causal, spleen, placenta and all the chakra of the limbs. These work incredibly well with specific joint injuries, immunity disorders and problems with vision, hearing and brain function. The placenta chakra has been used successfully with a number of pregnant women and with the child following birth. A major focus in the course is anatomy and physiology of the visual and auditory pathways, joint structure and function, and the amazing workings of the placenta as well as clinical applications of these chakra corrections. The nadi hologram gives a specific tool for etheric repair and the triangles are concerned with how the major and minor chakras function together as a working unit. There are 12 triangles presented in this course and they have found to be very effective in practice. The triangles are based upon the work of Alice Bailey and are presented with the history of this important aspect of healing. This course is a natural progression from Chakra Hologram level 1and a valuable tool for any practitioner. It has been successfully taught both in Australia and in Europe with great results being achieved in clinic from students after completing the course and integrating it into their work. This works with the other chakras than the 7 chakras that are found in the human body. This presentation gives the most comprehensive information that can be found on these chakras. They include chakras for all of the joints, ears, eyes, soma chakra, Alta Major, spleen, liver, the kalpatura, and the placenta chakra. Research of the placenta chakra is the original work of Kerrie and Hugo. This is very important for birth and maternal issues. There are also new ways of working with the chakras including chakra triangles which integrates the underlying energies of the three universal qualities (Gunas), called Rajas, Tamas, and Sattwa. Also how to integrate the sun and moon energies with the chakras. The workshop is also made complete by the introduction of the nadi hologram. Students are also taught how to integrate these new chakras and techniques with the 7 chakras of the first workshop 4 days Prerequisite: Chakra Hologram 1

Hugo Tobar. 2003-2006

7 week course in Neuro Energetic Kinesiology

The Celestial Hologram

This workshop gives you an introduction to a new Hologram called the Heavenly Hologram. This is an application for the outer-body chakras. The five outer-body chakras bring energy into the aura, the soul and the higher self. They also express the energies of the higher self, the soul and aura. This is a very powerful technique, which involves issues with grounding, karma and belief systems. It includes the use of archangels. Extensive information and formatting for the nervous and nadi systems and how they interact with each other. This is important in order to ensure that the energy from the Chakras can then flow via the nerve pathways to the rest of the body. The Kundalini hologram is also presented, which involves the three flows of ida, pingala and sushumna. 3 days Prerequisite 100 hours of accredited Kinesiology

Chakra Balancing
Application of 7 chi keys acupressure techniques applied to the aura, minor chakras and the out of the body chakras. Participants will learn how to treat broken cones, hooked cones, spin imbalances, and in-out imbalances in these chakras. The minor chakras have proved to be very efficient for correcting brain integration, immune problems, and joint problems. The participants will also learn how to apply these techniques to the aura which allows you to treat hooks in the aura, breaks in the aura, spin imbalances in the aura, and in-out imbalances in the aura. 1 day prerequisite: the seven chi keys, or the chakra hologram, or the heavenly hologram

Chakra Metaphors
Using the psychology of the chakra system to find metaphors for using a touch for health balance. 2 days Touch for Health 4

Brain Formatting
This course provides an introduction to formatting, a model of how formatting works. The treatment triangle, showing the relationship between psychology, subtle anatomy, and anatomy & physiology. How to build up complex stress patterns using the jaw stacking mechanism. An introduction to the nervous system and the Applied Physiology/Neural Systems Kinesiology system of brain formatting. 2 days prerequisite: Touch for Health 3 (or equivalent)

Hugo Tobar. 2003-2006

7 week course in Neuro Energetic Kinesiology

Brain Hologram A
The Brain Hologram workshop includes the Multi Dimensional Hologram theory. Areas covered are the Neuromuscular muscle tests for all commissural pathways, Limbic formats and the Brain cortex. Can Openers on all of the above and the Brain Cortex Cortical pathway Hologram. Included also are applications for mood disorders ie. manic depression, depression, schizophrenia, candida etc. These exciting new procedures have been developed and researched by Hugo. Don't miss this opportunity to add valuable techniques to your practice Includes formatting and muscle tests for the Brodmann's areas together with access to the six layers of the neocortex, the Hippocampal Formation Hologram and Entorhinal Cortex Hologram. Also included is how to do an interactive cortical brain circuits using all of the Brodmann's areas Formatting, connectivity and holograms for the Amygdala, the Basal Ganglia, the Septum and the basal forebrain. There is a lot of functional information on these including more functional information on the Hippocampus. The Basal forebrain is involved with the neural circuitry of emotion, and affective disorders. Indepth study of the microanatomy of the basal forebrain, including the amygdala and the basal ganglia. Holograms for the Amygdala, basal forebrain, and the olfactory bulb. Formatting the for the limbic tracts, basal forebrain. 4 days Prerequisite AP & the Brain, or Brain integration 1, or LEAP, or Brain Formatting

Brain Hologram B
Learn indepth formatting for the cerebellum, the vermis, and the deep cerebellar nuclei. The participants will also learn indepth connectivity, function, neurochemistry of the cerebellum. The cerebellum is very important in learning, emotion and other functions as suggested by Schmahmann and his collegues who propose the following as a function for the cerebellum: When cognitive performance, affect and autonomic function are considered in the light of the understanding of cerebellar motor deficits, then intact cerebellar function facilitates actions harmonious with the goal, appropriate to context, and judged accurately and reliably according to the strategies mapped out prior to and during the behaviour. In this view, the cerebellum detects, prevents and corrects mismatches between intended outcome and perceived outcome of the organisms interaction with the environment. In the same way as the cerebellum regulates the rate, force, rhythms, and accuracy of movements, so might it regulate the speed, capacity, consistency and appropriateness of mental or cognitive processes. In this model, the cerebellar contribution to cognition is one of modulation rather than generation. Then they go on to say: We have suggested that the cerebellum serves as an oscillation dampener, maintaining function steadily around a homeostatic baseline. When the cerebellar component of the distributed neural circuit is lost or disrupted, the oscillation dampener is removed. Mental processes are imperfectly conceived, erratically monitored and poorly performed. There is unpredictability to social and societal interaction, a mismatch between reality and perceived reality, and erratic attempts to correct the errors of thought or behaviour.
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7 week course in Neuro Energetic Kinesiology There are a lot of different holograms allowing different ways to access the cerebellum. Learn how to format the spinal cord, the sensory motor system and the autonomic nervous system. There are formatting systems for the spinal cord nuclei, the cranial nerves, the spinal nerves, the spinal tracts and the cutaneous receptors. The sensory motor system is very important in learning difficulties and is almost always implicated in problems with the primitive reflexes. This system is very important with coordination problems and autonomic problems Formatting and balancing the brainstem and diencephalon 4 days prerequisite: brain hologram A

Brain Hologram C
This workshop has an extensive analysis of the complex neurology of the visual system. Learn how the brain computes colour, form, motion, and disparity to peform complex object recognition and visual spatial working memory. Learn about the neurology of the oculomotor system and how the brain controls the movement of the eyes and how much light it lets into the eyes. There are extensive holograms including holograms of the retina, Lateral geniculate Nucleus, Superior Colliculus, Suprachiasmatic nucleus and extensive cortical holograms There is an indepth analysis of the neurology of the Auditory and Vestibular System. Starting from the Auditory and vestibular apparatus hologram, to holograms of all the brainstem nuclei involved in the auditory and vestibular system. Learn what the vestibulospinal, vestibular-ocular, and vestibulo-neck righting reflexes are and how you can balance them using the holographic techniques. There is a study of the auditory and vestibular cortex including the insula, and an analysis of language and cortical asymmetry. Study of the neurology of taste and smell. 4days Prerequisite: Brain Hologram B

Primitive reflexes and the brain stem 1

Learn about the neurology of the primitive reflexes, sensory motor applications, and how to format them. There is a formatting system for the 12 major primitive reflexes, and formatting for the major brainstem structures, the cerebellum, and sensory motor components involved with the primitive reflexes. Reflexes are neurological events run by the cere bellum and the brainstem. These reflexes are triggered by some type of sensory input.
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7 week course in Neuro Energetic Kinesiology Imbalances in the primitive reflexes can lead to all kinds of developmental problems. In this workshop the reflexes are divided into three neurological categories according to their input. These categories are spinal nerve, vestibular nerve, and trigeminal nerve. There is an indepth account of the neurology and the sensory receptors involved and how to format each reflex neurologically. 2 days prerequisite: AP and the brain or brain integration 1 or LEAP, or Brain Formatting recommended: knowledge of how to test the primitive reflexes, Brain hologram 4 (the spinal cord hologram), Sally Godards book on the primitive reflexes

Primitive Reflexes and the Brainstem 2

Following on from the first workshop this will look at reflexes that respond to sensory input from the Visual System, Auditory System, Smell and taste. Combined with the first workshop which deals with touch, proprioception and Vestibular sensory modalities there is a sensory formatting system for the 7 senses. 2 days Prerequisite: Primitive Reflexes and the Brainstem 1

Primitive Reflexes and the Brainstem 3

Following on from the first two workshops, includes the old developmental pathways and using the embryological formats and applying them to the reflexes. Learn about embryology and how to format for it. 4 days Prerequisite: Primitive Reflexes and the Brainstem 2

Neural Emotional Pathways 1

In the Neural Emotional Pathways Workshop you will learn how to format for specific nuclei in the brain stem including the periaquaductal grey matter (PAG). This is the grey matter of the reptilian brain. The amygdaloid primary emotions have circuits through the PAG affecting various neurological functions in the brain and body. This will enable you to perform the FEAR, the RAGE, the PANIC, the SEEKING and the CARE circuits which will give you a more indepth amygdala circuit (AF/PCC). You will also learn the Anatomy and Physiology of these circuits through the Triune Brain. 4 days Prerequisite AP & the Brain, or Brain integration 1, or LEAP, or Brain Formatting

Neural Emotional Pathways 2

The Neural Emotional Pathways level 2 is an extension of the level 1 workshop. There is a formatting system for the thalamus and the reticular formation. The students will also learn about the structure, function, and connectivity of the thalamus and reticular formation.
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7 week course in Neuro Energetic Kinesiology This workshop looks at the neurological systems of male & female sexuality or the LUST system, the PLAY system, and systems for the three states of normal consciousness, deep sleep or the NREM system, dreaming sleep or the REM system, wakefulness or the WAKING system. The emotional states of being of the Neural Emotional Pathways 1 have a huge impact on these systems. This workshop shows you how to integrate the systems in both of these pathways with truly profound results. 3 days Prerequisite: Neural Emotional Pathways 1

Neural Emotional Pathways 3

In the Neural Emotional Pathways level 3 Workshop you will learn how to format for specific systems involved with consciousness. There are a number of interesting theories around on the neural correlates of consciousness, learn how to format for these structures. There will also be a study of neural disorders, how to format them, and how to integrate the Neural Emotional Pathways level 1 work with the systems of consciousness and disorders. Looks at a model of mind and consciousness. Transformation from emotional sytems to pure consciousness. There is a model of the neurlogy of consciouness incorporating the extended reticular activating system. Looks at the neurobiology of disorders of the mind and consciousness such as schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, autism, eating disorders, learning and memory. This workshop looks at more disorders of the psyche and consciousness. It will look at the neurology of systems such as Feeding, Eating Disorders, Stress, Schizophrenia, Anxiety, Obsessive-compulsive etc. It utilises the now world famous Modes of Processing (MOPS) as first developed in the level 1 of this workshop. This workshop is very rarely taught, as a result people who have not done the level 1 can do the level 2 with a special refresher. This will be run on application 3 days Prerequisite: Neural Emotional Pathways 1

The I Ching Hologram

This is an application of the eight extra meridian hologram. It looks at the relationship between the eight I ching trigrams and the eight extra meridians. The trigrams are paired together like a coordinate system to form the 64 hexagrams of the I ching. This means that the I ching is a hologram, the I ching is the worlds first book, therefore the worlds first book is a hologram! The 64 I ching hexagrams relate to the 64 codons of the Genetic code, each codon codes for a specific amino acid, in the Genetic structure (DNA) allowing the formation of Proteins. The amino acids have been related to the kabbala, and therefore the major arcana of the tarot Wayne Topping has developed muscle tests involved with the eight extra meridians, I have developed holographic muscle tests for these muscle tests. Learn how to test these muscle tests holographically,
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7 week course in Neuro Energetic Kinesiology and holographic neurovasculars, neurolymphatics and Spiritual flower messages from the Mother of Pondicherry. holographic muscle monitoring of the muscle tests of the eight extra meridians as developed by Wayne Topping. There are 13 muscle tests treated. The eight extra meridians have a much more spiritual essence, therefore are related to much more spiritual issues. This workshop is very useful for using with other eight extra meridian holograms such as the Genetic Hologram, The Hormone hologram and the Heavenly Hologram. 3 days Prerequisite AP1

Holographic Hormone Balancing

This is an eight extra meridian hologram. There are 128 hormones. They are categorised into 4 categories: polypeptides, Fatty Acids, Amino Acids, and steriod hormones. There is special treatment including the neurobiology of menstrual cycle related mood disorders, which include premenstrual tension (PMT), pregnancy, neonatal and premenopausal disorders. Also the effects of gonadal steriods on the brain. Also look at the function of these hormones including an understanding of the neurobiology of stress and the effects of stress hormones. This workshop looks at 14 different hormonal systems in the human body and different ways of balancing them. This workshop looks at particular detail of the hormonal receptors and the biochemical processes that take place in the cell as a result. Some of the systems are Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Pineal, Sex, Calcium Balance, Thyriod, Gastro-entero digestive system, Thymus, Blood Sugar (Pancreas), Prostaglandins, Adrenal Corticiods, Adrenal Medulla, Plasma, Cell Growth Factors. There are extensive formatting systems of the glands, hormones and receptor systems. There will be an extensive set of 131 slides included 4 days prerequisite: AP1 or equivalent

The Nutritional & Biochemical Pathways Hologram

This workshop is a combination of 4 former workshops (The Chromosomes, The Biochemical Pathways, The Bioatomic Pathways and The Enzymatic Pathways), plus a lot more holographic formatting for the Digestive systems and biochemical elements. Extensive biochemical formatting digestion & utilisation for minerals, proteins, amino acids, monosaccharides, B vitamins, Vitamin C and Lipids. Lipids include fatty acids, glycerol, glycerides, cholesterol, bile acids & fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E, & K). Includes a glucose utilisation balance that balances the conversion of glucose to pyruvate and the entry of pyruvate into the Citric Acid (Kreb's) cycle. Balancing free radicals, fat burning, etc There is also a formatting system for subatomic particles, atomic bonding, etc This work is extremely powerful and releases stress on the cellular level.
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7 week course in Neuro Energetic Kinesiology Enzymes are very important part of the human biochemical system, enzymes mediate all biochemical reactions. We will look at all the different classes of enzymes, how they work in the body. How to format them and work in kinesiology. Enzymes are responsible for energy production, genetic function, modification of all types of biochemicals so they are functional. The list goes on and we will look at this and more. There are formats for over 4000 enzymes. Learn how to format the 24 human chromosomes, what genes are and how they code for amino acids. Learn about the physiology of amino acids and proteins, including how they are digested and absorbed. There is extensive information from the genome data base, indicating which genes are coded for on which chromosome. There is a slant in the data towards neuroendocrine function. This work has produced amazing results with working with genetic disorders, and particularly phonological decoding. There is a set of 53 slides which include 24 chromosome slides, 24 amino acid slides and 5 nucleic acid slides. 7 days, Prerequisite: 250 hours of accredited kinesiology

Immune & Vaccination Pathways 1

This workshop deals with the immune system and all of its related aspects. All the information needed is presented in a clear extensive manual. The practitioner will learn how to access the stress on all aspects of the immune system by an extensive formatting system. There will be information on how to access stress with formatting cell physiology and the cell organelles, blood chemistry and blood cells, cell pathology with cancer and ageing, the non-specific immune system, the adaptive immune system, the effects of pathogens such as virus and bacteria, and vaccinations. prerequisite: need to be comfortable with kinesiological formatting 4 days

Immune & Vaccination Pathways 2

Formatting, bacteria, virus, fungus, parasites, toxins, liver enzyme balance, 4 types of hypersensitivity balancing (allergies), T helper cell hologram, T killer cell hologram, Antigen Presenting Cell Hologram, Mast cell Hologram, Formatting for CD molecules, balancing transplants, auto immune disease. Prerequisite: Immune & Vaccination Pathways 1

Biochemistry of the Psyche Advanced

Biochemistry of the Psyche 1 & 2 are workshops developed by Alfred Schatz, he developed an extensive neurotransmitter formatting system. The advanced workshop is going to extend the formatting systems. Advanced workshop is 3 days, prerequisite is Levels 1 & 2 Combined workshop is 6 days, prerequisite is AP1 or equivalent
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7 week course in Neuro Energetic Kinesiology

Module 1, 2 weeks, July 7 to July 18 2008, The Chakras
1. Chakra Hologram 1 2. Chakra Hologram 2 3. Celestial Chakra Hologram 4. Chakra Balancing 5. Chakra Metaphors 6. The I Ching Hologram

Module 2, 1 week, July 21 to July 25 2008, The Neural Emotional Pathways

1. Neural Emotional Pathways 1 2. Neural Emotional Pathways 2 3. Neural Emotional Pathways 3

Module 3, 2 weeks, July 28 to August 8 2008, The Brain

1. Brain Formatting 2. Brain Hologram A 3. Brain Hologram B 4. Brain Hologram C 5. Primitive Reflexes and the Brainstem 1 6. Primitive Reflexes and the Brainstem 2 7. Primitive Reflexes and the Brainstem 3 8. Biochemistry of the Psyche 1 9. Biochemistry of the Psyche 2 10. Biochemistry of the Psyche advancecd

Hugo Tobar. 2003-2006


7 week course in Neuro Energetic Kinesiology

Module 4, 2 weeks, August 11 to August 22 2008, Biochemistry, Hormones and the Immune system
1. Nutritional and Biochemical Pathways 2. Immune and Vaccination Pathways 1 3. Immune and Vaccination Pathways 2 4. Holographic Hormone Balancing 1 5. Holographic Hormone Balancing 2

Hugo Tobar. 2003-2006


7 week course in Neuro Energetic Kinesiology

Cost is $7,900 Australian dollars, this fee does include all course manuals. It does not include extra materials such as prescribed text books, slides, tuning forks, flower essences, etc. A deposit of $1,000 Australian dollars will secure your spot in the course. The balance can be paid as follows: $6,900 by international money order or cash People can choose to attend by a module basis Module 1, 2 weeks, July 7 to July18, The Chakras, $2,500 Australian dollars Module 2, 1 week, July 21 to July 25, The Neural Emotional Pathways, $1,250 Australian dollars Module 3, 2 weeks, July 28 to August 8, The Brain, $2,500 Australian dollars Module 4, 2 weeks, August 11 to August 22, Biochemistry, Hormones and the Immune system
To Brisbane

The venue is Murwillumbah Murwillumbah is about 150 kms (90 miles) south of Brisbane All of the above 3 places have airports. To get there from America: Fly to Sydney then get a flight to the Gold Coast Airport in Coolangatta (OOL) To get there from Europe you can either

Coolangatta/ Tweed Heads Murwillumbah

Nimbin Stokers Siding Bangalow Lismore Ballina Byron Bay

Fly to Brisbane, get a train to Robina (15 kms north of Coolangatta) Or fly to Sydney then get a flight to the Gold Coast Airport in Coolangatta (OOL) There are cheap car hire places in Coolangatta, as well as all of the major companies.

Hugo Tobar. 2003-2006


7 week course in Neuro Energetic Kinesiology

For any internal travel requirements, the travel agent that I use is: Harvey World Travel Shop 34 Sunnyside Shopping Centre Murwillumbah 2484 Tel +61 (0)2 6672 3400 Fax +61 (0)2 6672 3162 e-mail:


There are some B & Bs nearby for those that require outside accomodation: TOP SPOT In Uki 2 kms from venue. it has a large self contained cottage with kitchen etc. and 2 rooms that share a bathroom. Nice views, including Mt Warning

Contacts Tel/Fax: +61 (0)2 6679 5395 BRAESIDE HOMESTEAD BED & BREAKFAST In Uki 2 kms from venue, It has 2 self contained cabins and other rooms. Will do a good rate for 6 weeks with or without breakfast. Contacts: Tel: +61 (0)2 6679 5289 Fax: +61 (0)2 6679 5780 HILLCREST BED & BREAKFAST This is a luxury bed & breakfast 20 minutes from venue. Will do a discount for 6 weeks. Has a swimming pool, Luxury self contained cottage. 2 other rooms, Has won many tourism awards. Has spectacular views, etc. More expensive than the other 2. Contacts: Tel: +61 (0)2 6679 1023 e-mail: web:

Hugo Tobar. 2003-2006


7 week course in Neuro Energetic Kinesiology

Car hire companies Coolangatta Airport: TWIN TOWNS CAR HIRE Tel: +61 (0)7 5526 0659 e-mail:

From America: Fly to Sydney Australia, get a flight on Qantas to the Gold Coast Airport at Coolangatta. From Europe: Either fly to Sydney as above, or Brisbane. There is a bus from Brisbane airport to Brisbane, they leave at 9.30am and 4.30pm. You need to book this, their contact is: +61 (0)2 6685 7447

July 7 to August 22 2008 To reserve your place include a cheque and post it to: Mt Warning Kinesiology P.O. Box 904 Murwillumbah 2484 Australia

Hugo Tobar. 2003-2006


7 week course in Neuro Energetic Kinesiology

7 Week CourseWith Hugo Tobar .

A unique opportunity to study all of the kinesiology developed by Hugo Tobar in a 6 week intensive. Courses covered are as follows:

Chakra Hologram 1, 2, 3 (normally 13 days) Chakra Balancing (normally 1 day) The Heavenly Hologram (normally 3 days) Brain Formatting (normally 2 days) Brain Holograms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 (normally 13 days) The Auditory & Vestibular Pathways Hologram (normally 3 days) The Visual Pathways Hologram (normally 4 days) The Primitive Reflexes & the Brainstem 1 & 2 (normally 4 days) The Developmental Pathways (normally 3 days) Neural Emotional Pathways 1, 2, & 3 (normally 10 days) The Immune & Vaccination Pathways (normally 4 days) Holographic Hormone Balancing (normally 4 days) The Biochemical Pathways (normally 3 days) The Bioatomic Pathways (normally 3 days) The Chromosomes (normally 2 days) The Genetic I Ching Hologram 1 (normally 2 days) This is normally 74 days or 616 hours of accredited Kinesiology training Dates: 10th March to 25th April 2008 Venue: Murwillumbah NSW Australia
Total cost of the course is AUD 7,900. To secure your place please pay AUD 1,000 deposit. Send International money order Name______________________________Address________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ e-mail:________________________________________


Hugo Tobar. 2003-2006


7 week course in Neuro Energetic Kinesiology

To secure your place please pay AUD $1,000 deposit. Send International money order Applied Energetic Kinesiology P.O. BOX 904 MURWILLUMBAH 2484 AUSTRALIA

Course Agreement I, __________________________________ (from herein denoted as the attendee) agree to pay Applied Energetic Kinesiology Pty Ltd (from herein denoted as the company) the following amount: ___ $A 7,900 In return the company agrees to run a 7 week course in Kinesiology developed by Hugo Tobar. All course manuals are included in the price. The attendee will pay all other expenses. In the event of cancellation at least a month before the start of the course, a cancellation fee of $100 will be charged. If the cancellation is less than a month a $500 cancellation fee will be charged, unless the deposit is transferred to another course date. In the event of the course being cancelled, the company will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by the attendee. People can choose to attend by a module basis Module 1, 2 weeks, July 7 to July 18, The Chakras, $2,500 Australian dollars (AUD) Module 2, 1 week, July 21 to July 25, The Neural Emotional Pathways, $1,250 AUD Module 3, 2 weeks, July 28 to August 8, The Brain, $2,500 AUD Module 4, 2 weeks, August 11 to August 22, Biochemistry, Hormones and the Immune system, $2500 AUD Tick the boxes that you plan to attend:

Tick box

Module Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4

Price $2,500 $1,250 $2,500 $2,500


Signed__________________________ Date_________________________
Hugo Tobar. 2003-2006 21

7 week course in Neuro Energetic Kinesiology Manual preshipping Agreement Once the course is fully paid, the company can send all the course manuals. Once the manuals are sent, the course is then non-refundable as all of the information is contained in the manuals. I, _____________________________________ would like the company to send me the manuals after I have paid the course in full. I understand that once I have received the manuals that the course is non-refundable Signed______________________________________ Date_________________________

Hugo Tobar. 2003-2006


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