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Europass Curriculum Vitae

Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Address(es) Telephone(s)

Alexandra Pntea
87 Uverturii Boulevard , Bucharest 0758 8 8 75

!"mail Se#da$lad#%#ahoo&com 'ationalit# (omanian

)ate o* +irth 0,/0,/-..0 /ender *emale

Desired employment / Legal asisstant Occupational field Work experience

)ates 1ccupation or position held 3ain activities and responsi+ilities 'ame and address o* emplo#er T#pe o* +usiness or sector9 Septem+er ,0--",0-0 2unior assistant intervie4 clients, dra*t le5al documents, mana5e multiple *iles, prepare +rie*s *or counsel 6!T!(7A 8 6A(T'!(S, - Aviatorilor Boulevard, ,nd *loor -st )istrict, 0--850 " Bucharest <a4

Education and training

)ates : Title o* ;uali*ication a4arded 1cto+er ,00." 2une ,0-0 6ost5raduate )e5ree )iploma in <a4

=ivil <a4, >nternational <a4, =riminal <a4, =riminal 6rocedures, <a4 =ontracts, <a+our <a4 6rincipal su+?ects / occupational s@ills covered

Septem+er ,005" 2une ,00.

/raduated A&T&<aurian =olle5e

6a5e -/, " =urriculum vitae o* Surname(s) First name(s)

For more in*ormation on !uropass 5o to httpA//europass&cede*op&europa&eu B !uropean Union, ,00 ",0-0 , 08,0-0

Personal skills and competences

3other ton5ue(s) 1ther lan5ua5e(s) Sel*"assessment Language Language
!n5lish Tur@ish

Romanian Understanding
<istenin5 =B, (eadin5 =B==-

Spo@en interaction Spo@en production ==-


Social s@ills and competences

" > have 4or@ed in various t#pes o* team pro?ects, patience and empo4erin5 others throu5h inte5rit# and a+ilit# to motivate the team and idealism, positive spirit and enduranceC " =reativit# and *leDi+ilit#C " =apacit# in plannin5 and or5aniEin5 4or@ in a timel# manner even under time constraints, adherin5 to deadlines, and handlin5 stress*ul situationsC " 6reparation o* eDpert meetin5s, trainin5 seminars and missionsC " Buildin5 trust, *ull inte5rit# and discretion in sensitive mattersC " Fision, *leDi+ilit# in dealin5 4ith ne4 situations and challen5es, creativit# and client orientation

1r5anisational s@ills and competences

Technical s@ills and competences =omputer s@ills and competences

" )ra*tin5, reportin5 and pu+lishin5 s@illsC " 6ro*icient lan5ua5e s@ills " /ood command o* 3icroso*t 1**ice teDt and data processin5 tools as 4ell as o* other applications includin5 5raphic, audio and video, 4e+ desi5n, *ile conversion, data+ases, etc&C " 6= securit# and maintenance servicesA operatin5 s#stems, installation and con*i5uration o* hard4are and so*t4are, data"recover#, trainin5, etc&C " 6oc@et 6= and Smartphones as 4ell as other consumer electronic products&

)rivin5 licence

" (omanian national drivin5 licence GBG

!nnexes Hill +e su+mitted upon re;uest&

6a5e ,/, " =urriculum vitae o* Surname(s) First name(s)

For more in*ormation on !uropass 5o to httpA//europass&cede*op&europa&eu B !uropean Union, ,00 ",0-0 , 08,0-0

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