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Australias cultural, ethnic and linguistic diversity enriches our society and economy, immigration enhances this diversity. Immigration should be non-discriminatory, and not based on socioeconomic background, race, age, sexuality, religion, gender, disability etc.

Asylum Seekers:
Principals - Australian Greens believe that; Australia has legal and humanitarian obligations under international law to take in asylum seekers, refugees and reunite families. People seeking asylum should be treated with compassion and dignity. This isnt a defence issue, its a humanitarian one. We are part of the Refugee Convention; we must assess the applications of ALL refugees irrespective of their mode of travel. Australia has additional responsibilities to refugees from countries where our troops have been deployed to in conflict situations. Aims Australian Greens want; A permanent migration program for Australia that prioritises family reunion and facilitates migration or resettlement to Australia within a reasonable time. The development of networks, materials and programs that increase community understanding of the causes and benefits of migration. Sufficient funding for public and community sector agencies providing migrant-specific services to deliver adequate, effective and timely support. Skilled migration programs that do not substitute for training or undermine wages and conditions in Australia. Consistent, timely and fair processes to assess the qualifications of skilled migrants permanently settling in Australia. Recognition that unaccompanied children have special needs that require a separate approach to the adult system. No family unit to be forcibly separated by Australian immigration assessment processes. Greater incentives for rural and regional distribution of refugees and immigrants using successful models for settlement. Incorporation of relevant international conventions in immigration law to ensure that there is an avenue for complaint when these rights are breached. Any appointment to tribunals to be independently made in accordance with a predefined formula of civil society representation and legal expertise. Services for new migrants and refugees that include appropriate English language classes, social security, health, legal and interpreter services, and post-trauma counselling where needed. Greatly enhanced regional cooperation in the Asia-Pacific to provide safer pathways for asylum seekers, with long-term planning to accommodate people displaced by on-going conflicts and climate change. Australia to adopt a definition of environmental refugee in its assessment criteria and to work in the UN system for inclusion of a definition in the Refugee Convention. Australia to show leadership in our region by fostering international cooperation on protecting asylum seekers and refugees, founded on shared responsibility according to capacity, and by encouraging all nations to sign and ratify the Refugee Convention.

Upasna and the Greens Team! 10 Commerce 1

Australia to adequately contribute to the funding of and work closely with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees and other agencies assisting in the movement of asylum seekers, refugees and displaced people. An increase in the humanitarian quota, and offshore quotas fulfilled without reference or linkage to any onshore arrivals or other programs. Restoration of the Australian migration zone to match Australia's territory and acceptance of responsibility for assessing all asylum claims of people who seek Australia's protection within the migration zone. Asylum seekers to be fully informed of their rights on arrival and given immediate access to legal assistance. The current system of humanitarian visas (granted only by ministerial discretion) to be replaced with an open, accountable humanitarian visa assessment. Assessment of applications for asylum completed in a timely and transparent manner. The elimination of mandatory and/or indefinite detention and the abolition of offshore processing (where an asylum seeker or refugee is returned from Australian territory to another nation to be assessed) and other forms of punitive or discriminatory treatment of asylum seekers and refugees. Once initial health, security and identity checks are completed within a maximum of 30 days, asylum seekers who arrive without a valid visa to be accommodated in the community, unless otherwise ordered by a court, with periodic judicial review thereafter. All people categorised as refugees, but given negative security assessments by ASIO, to be given reasons for such assessment and the opportunity to challenge this in the appropriate forum. Asylum seekers to have work rights, and access to social security, legal representation, interpreters, health services, case management, and appropriate education for the duration of their assessment. Where an asylum seeker is not found to be owed protection, provision of fair and appropriate accommodation until they can be repatriated. Where a person is stateless, provision of accommodation in the community until they are issued with a visa or another durable solution is found.

Note: Above is all of what the greens want in this area. Cross out the ones you dont want to use.

The NBN holds out the promise of a new age of productivity, innovation and global connection for Australians. It will provide health care, education, telecommuting opportunities, carbon-free conferencing and will shrink the distances between services in Australia. The Greens support the business model that sees the cities subsidise the bush. It is going to be more expensive to roll out the NBN in regional and rural areas Australia is a big country but we should be treated equally and be able to access services no matter where we live. The Greens insisted on amendments that ensured information about the roll out of the NBN was available under the Freedom of Information Act its a huge project and its strongly in the public interest to know how its going. Initial government legislation exempted it from FOI scrutiny. The Greens worked with the government to structurally separate Telstras wholesale arm to repair the damage that was caused when Telstra was privatised. The impact of a vertically integrated state owned monopoly being in the market was that competition was squashed and monopoly power was leveraged into new markets. The Greens are committed to keeping the NBN on course and preventing attempts by the Coalition to demolish progress on this critical infrastructure reform. The Coalitions NBN may be faster and cheaper, but only because it will provide a quick fix that we will regret. The NBN is also about opening up opportunities and access to services to Australians that are disadvantaged, living with disabilities, in Aboriginal communities and in rural and regional areas. Upasna and the Greens Team! 10 Commerce 1

The Greens believe that the benefits of the internet can be available safely with the human right to privacy and civil liberties intact, but only if we pay very careful attention to the balance that is being struck between these freedoms and our obligations as citizens. The Greens oppose internet censorship, data retention and warrantless surveillance and believe that law enforcement and intelligence agencies should be required to get a warrant before accessing your telecommunications data.

Education is the foundation of a fair society and the only way we will build a strong economy after the mining boom. The Greens oppose the $2.3 billion University funding cuts. Instead we want a 10% increase in per student base funding. The Greens' plan for greater quality and affordability in early education and care. The Greens $1.2 billion TAFE rescue package will revitalise TAFE and secure its rightful place as Australias leading provider of vocational education and training. Australias education system is under pressure. From underfunded public schools to the LabourLiberal university cuts, and from TAFE cuts and privatisations to childcare waiting lists that are years long we need a new approach. We believe a well-funded universal education system is vital for fairness and wellbeing in our society.

The economy should serve the society, not the other way round. The Greens will raise revenue from big mining and the big banks; not from societys most vulnerable. People in small businesses are the heart of the economy but disadvantaged compared with big business. Our plan will ease the pressure on small business. Science and research will be vital for a strong economy after the mining boom. The Greens will bring investment in research up to 3% of GDP by 2020. Despite the Australian economy doing well, pressure on families is increasing and inequality is growing. Meanwhile mining companies and the big banks continue to make billion dollar profits. Only the Greens have the guts to stand up to billionaire companies so we can manage our economy in a way that cares for people and the environment. The Greens will close tax loopholes that benefit only mining corporations and big business so that we can invest in jobs, education and protecting our environment. Did you know an improved mining tax and a 0.2% levy on the big banks could raise an additional $30 billion to invest in a caring society and protecting the environment?

Gay Marriage:
The greens have been working hard to change Australias Marriage Act, that doesnt allow homosexual couples the right to get married. Its astounding that the majority of people in Australia have supported marriage equality for years, but our politicians are so behind on this. We will allow same sex marriage to become legal in Australia.

Upasna and the Greens Team! 10 Commerce 1

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