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A question from a previous year

Now for a quick test..

Which of the following is true of both starch and cellulose? 1. They can both be digested by humans 2. They are both polymers of glucose. 3 They are both structural components of plant cell walls. 3. walls 4. They are geometric isomers of each other. 5. They are both used for energy storage in plants.

The electron micrograph above represents a cross-section of a: 1. chloroplast. 2. mitochondrion. 3. eukaryotic flagellum. 4. Golgi body. 5. ribosome.

BIOSCI 101: Cellular and Molecular Biology

BIOSCI 101: Cellular and Molecular Biology

Past question
What kinds of molecules pass through a cell membrane most easily? 1. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. ionic small and hydrophobic large and hydrophobic monosaccharides such as glucose large and polar

Test question
The 20 different amino acids found in polypeptides exhibit different chemical and physical properties because of different: 1. alpha () carbon atoms. 2 2. asymmetric carbon atoms. atoms 3. carboxyl groups attached to the alpha () carbon. 4. R groups attached to the alpha () carbon. 5. amino groups attached to the alpha () carbon.
BIOSCI 101: Cellular and Molecular Biology

BIOSCI 101: Cellular and Molecular Biology

Test question
Which of the following statements about enzymes is INCORRECT? 1. enzymes may be inactivated by disruption of their three-dimensional structure 2. the substrate binds to the enzyme at the active site 3. enzymes increase the rate of chemical reaction by lowering activation energy barriers 4. enzyme function is influenced by temperature but not by pH 5. some enzymes require a cofactor for catalytic activity
BIOSCI 101: Cellular and Molecular Biology

And a question ..
What is meant by the description "antiparallel" regarding the strands that make up DNA? 1) The twisting nature of DNA creates nonparallel strands. 2)The 5' to 3' direction of one strand runs counter to the 5' to 3' direction of the other strand. 3)Base pairings create unequal spacing between the two DNA strands. 4) One strand contains only purines and the other contains only pyrimidines.

BIOSCI 101: Cellular and Molecular Biology


Test question
Which of the following is NOT directly involved in the process of translation? 1. mRNA 2. rRNA 3 3. tRNA 4. aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase 5. ligase

A question from the 2010 test

Note: this was qu 21 in the 2010 in-course test but the wrong figure was supplied it was meant to be this one!

The figure above represents the tRNA that recognizes and binds phenylalanine. Which of the following codons on the mRNA strand codes for this amino acid? A) 5' CUU 3' B) 5' AAG 3' C) 5' UUC 3' D) 5' UGG 3' E) 5' GAA 3'
BIOSCI 101: Cellular and Molecular Biology

BIOSCI 101: Cellular and Molecular Biology

A practice question
There are 61 mRNA codons that specify an amino acid, but only about 32 tRNAs are actually required to translate them. This is best explained by the fact that: A) some tRNAs have anticodons that recognize four or more different codons. B) the rules for base pairing between the third base of a codon and tRNA are flexible. C) many codons are never used, so the tRNAs that recognize them are dispensable. D) Some tRNAs are easily destroyed by nucleases.

BIOSCI 101: Cellular and Molecular Biology

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