EBS 12.2.1 L2 Implement and Use TOI Demantra Implementation PDF

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2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 1

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This document provides an overview of features and enhancements included in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.1 and applicable
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<Insert Picture Here>
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.1 Transfer of Information
Implement and Use Oracle Demantra - Implementation

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 5
New and Changed Features
Demand Variability Definition
Rolling Profile Groups
Integration Data Profile Hints
Database Performance Improvements
Asynchronous Workflow Support
Password Security Changes

Feature Overview
Business Value
Process Flow

Implementation Overview
Setup Flow
Dependencies and Interactions
Implementation Tips
Troubleshooting Tips
Best Practices

Additional Resources

Segregation of Duties
BAL Migration Utility
Enhanced Integration with APCC
Engine Performance Improvements
Engine with Sun Solaris
Technology Stack Changes

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 6
<Insert Picture Here>
Feature Overview for Demand
Variability Enhancement
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 7
Demand Variability Enhancement
The user interface for standard error (previously labeled Safety
Stock) has been relocated from the Business Logic Engine
(BLE) to the Business Modeler and renamed Demand
This will better consolidate all system administrator tasks into
one administrative application (Business Modeler).
Provides a basis for supporting multiple Demand Variability
calculations through a single user interface (currently, standard
error; in future, MAPE).
Improved performance of the procedures that calculate Standard
Error by implementing multi-threading.
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 8
Demand Variability Enhancement
This feature is used to determine the standard error between two
series (for example, Forecast (S1) and Actual Demand (S2)):

S1 and S2 are SALES_DATA series with non-empty server
S1 and S2 are series values for each row
N is number of data rows in the data range
SE = standard error, stored as a MDP_MATRIX series with non-
empty server expression and data column for storing

( )
2 1


2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 9
Demand Variability Enhancement
Old Feature New Feature
Business Logic Engine (BLE) > Safety
Business Modeler > Configure > Configure
Demand Variability Calculation
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 10
Demand Variability Enhancement
Business Value
This feature determines the standard error between two series
(for example, Forecast and Actual Demand).

The resulting error can be incorporated into safety stock
calculations, to buffer inventory against errors in forecast.

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 11

Review results in series
in Worksheet
Run Workflow to calculate
Standard Error
(manually, scheduled or via method)
Demand Variability Enhancement
Process Flow
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 12
<Insert Picture Here>
Implementation Overview for
Demand Variability
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 13

Select Configuration >
Configure Demand Variability
Select one level from both Item
and Location hierarchy
Select Time Range
Log in to
Business Modeler
Demand Variability Enhancement
Setup Flow
Select Covariance Series
(must be mdp_matrix series)
Select Finish to generate
Create Workflow to call
Select Series 1 and Series 2
for error calculation
Configure Standard Error
mdp_matrix series
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 14
Demand Variability Enhancement
Setup Step 1: Create Standard Error Series
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 15
Demand Variability Enhancement
Setup Step 2: Configure Standard Error Calculation
Configuration is as it was previously
The configuration has moved to
the Business Modeler and been
renamed to Demand Variability
from Safety Stock.
The result of the calculation must
be stored in an mdp_matrix series.

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 16
Demand Variability Enhancement
Setup Step 3: Create Standard Error Workflow
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 17
Demand Variability Enhancement
Implementation Tips
The Covariance Series must be a mdp_matrix series defined
with a non-empty server expression and data column (for storing
the result).

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 18
<Insert Picture Here>
Feature Overview for Rolling
Profile Groups
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 19
Rolling Profile Groups
Enables Rolling Data Profiles to be grouped.
A new user interface is provided to define Rolling Profile Groups
in the Business Modeler.
This new option, as well as the definition of Rolling Data Profiles,
is moved from the Engine menu to the Configuration menu in
the Business Modeler.
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 20
Rolling Profile Groups
Old Feature New Feature
Business Modeler > Engine > Rolling Data
Business Modeler > Configuration >
Configure Rolling Profiles
Business Modeler > Configuration >
Configure Rolling Profile Groups
Execute rolling profiles via standalone
application (rolling_data.exe) or
Execute rolling profiles or profile groups via
EXECUTE_PROFILES only. This procedure
now accepts the rolling profile group as an
argument and supports 2 modes:
1. no parameter - backward compatibility.
In this mode the procedure will loop
through all active groups and then
through all active profiles within the
group for rolling data.
2. Group_id as parameter it will run the
specified group only and roll all active
profiles in the group.

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 21
Rolling Profile Groups
Business Value
Enables logical organization of rolling profiles by groups (e.g. by
business purpose).
For example, a Consensus Forecast group could be
configured to roll all streams contributing to consensus forecast.
This provides ease of rolling groups of data simultaneously for
waterfall analysis.

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 22

Run Forecasting Engine
Rolling Profile Groups
Process Flow
Review rolled data series in
Waterfall Analysis: Product Category & Zone
Run Forecast Calculation &
Approval Workflow
Review Forecast Results in Worksheet
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
Rolling Profile Groups
Process Flow: Review Rolling Results
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 24
<Insert Picture Here>
Implementation Overview for
Rolling Profile Groups
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 25

Select Configuration >
Configure Rolling Profile Groups
Select New Group
Provide name, description and
Active status for group
Log in to
Business Modeler
Rolling Profile Groups
Setup Flow
Select Finish
Assign Rolling Data Profiles
to the group
Modify Forecast Calculation
& Approval Workflow to run
Review and Modify
RunInsertUnits value
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 26

Rolling Profile Groups
Setup Step 1: Create New Profile Group
In Business Modeler, select
Configuration > Configure
Rolling Profile Groups
Select New Group
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 27

Rolling Profile Groups
Setup Step 2: Define Profile Group Details
Specify a Group Name
and Group Description
Select Next
Select the relevant
Rolling Data Profiles
Select Finish
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 28

Rolling Profile Groups
Setup Step 1a: Define Rolling Profile
You can also specify a
Rolling Profile Group as
part of defining a Rolling
Select Configure Rolling
Define the Rolling Profile
Specify whether the
profile is Active
After defining the Rolling
Profile, select Configure
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 29

Rolling Profile Groups
Setup 2a: Create new Profile Group or Add Profile to
Existing Group
Configure Sessions will
pop-up the Rolling Data
Profile Group wizard
The Rolling Data Profile
can then be added to an
existing group or a new
Rolling Data Profile
Group can be created
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 30

Rolling Profile Groups
Setup: RunInsertUnits Parameter
(Optional) Modify RunInsertUnits value. The following will execute rolling
1- run_insert_units
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 31

Rolling Profile Groups
Optional Modify
Archive Forecast
Workflow to include
Rolling Profile
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 32

Rolling Profile Groups
Implementation Tips
Rolling Profile Group names must be unique. Spaces are
Rolling Profile Groups can be deleted. Deleting a Rolling Profile
Group does not delete the Rolling Data Profiles in the group.
Deleting a Rolling Data Profile will delete it from any Rolling
Profile Groups it is associated with.
If an empty group is called from a workflow, the procedure will
perform no action.
If an inactive group is called from the workflow, the procedure
will perform no action.
Groups may include profiles defined on multiple dimensions. For
example, a group may include rolling profiles from the
sales_data and promotion_data dimensions.

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 33

Rolling Profile Groups
Implementation Tips
In prior releases, rolling profiles could be executed either via a standalone
app (rolling_data.exe) or a procedure (EXECUTE_PROFILES.sql).
Support for rolling_data.exe has been deprecated in this release.
Rolling profiles will be exclusively executed via the EXECUTE_PROFILES
The analytical engine can call rolling profiles based on the setting of
parameter RunInsertUnits. Available settings:
Run nothing: Engine does not insert units or call Rolling Profiles
Run insert_units: Engine runs insert units and calls Rolling Profiles
Run execute_profiles: Engine does not insert units but calls Rolling
Run insert_units without Rolling Profiles (default)

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 34

Rolling Profile Groups
Implementation Tips
RunInsertUnits calls EXECUTE_PROFILES with no arguments, iterating
over active groups and then active profiles within groups
Rolling can also be embedded in a forecast approval process by updating
the forecast approval workflow to include relevant rolling profile groups.

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 35
<Insert Picture Here>
Feature Overview for
Integration Data Profile Hints
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 36
Integration Data Profile Hints
Integration Interface hints are defined in the Business Modeler
for Data Profiles.
They are Oracle database hints that improve performance by
forcing the DB query optimizer to use a more efficient plan when
exporting data.
System administrators will be able to define both data and
population hints within the Data Export Profile wizard.
These database hints help to improve integration performance.
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 37
Integration Data Profile Hints
Old Feature New Feature
Tools > Integration Interface > Data Profile >
Data Profile Export Properties: Define Data
and Population Hints
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 38
Integration Data Profile Hints
Business Value
Hints enable improved performance during execution of data
export profiles.

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 39
<Insert Picture Here>
Implementation Overview for
Integration Data Profile Hints
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 40

Go to Data Profile
Export Properties
Data and Population
Select Finish
Select Tools > Integration
Select an Existing
Integration Interface
with Export Data Profile
or Define New Profile
Login to
Business Modeler
Integration Data Profile Hints
Setup Flow
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 41
Integration Data Profile Hints
For any Export Data
Profile, Hints can be
added for both Data
and Population
To be configured by
experienced database
administrators (DBA)
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 42

Integration Data Profile Hints
Dependencies and Interactions
The hints expressed in the Export Data Profile are Oracle
Database hints.
They should follow standard Oracle database hint syntax.
Only experienced DBAs should configure these during an
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 43

Integration Data Profile Hints
Implementation Tips
Database hints are instructions placed within a SQL statement
that tell the database query optimizer the most efficient way to
execute the statement.
Hints override the optimizer's execution plan, so hints can
improve performance by forcing the optimizer to use a more
efficient plan.
Experienced DBAs can leverage this feature to improve the
performance of data exports from Demantra.
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 44
<Insert Picture Here>
Feature Overview for Database
Performance Improvements
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 45
Database Performance Improvements
The key focus of this feature is to provide a means of assessing
and addressing declines in database performance by:
Providing tools for both quick and detailed assessment of
Aiding in establishment of correct primary keys on important tables
Out-of-the-box procedures to rebuild key tables

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
Database Performance Improvements
Quick check
Automatically scheduled by the application server to run at
frequency between 1 (default) to 7 days; frequency can be controlled
by a system parameter
Runtime is limited to 20 seconds
Scans existing metadata and database statistics
Thorough check
Manually run through workflow Thorough Database Health Check
Reminder is controlled by a system parameter. (Default is to remind
to run every week).
Scans existing metadata to gather more accurate statistics in order
to have accurate basis for recommendations like table re-org
Table Re-org
Reorganzation of table by row or column to improve performance

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 47
Database Performance Improvements
Business Value
Health check monitors the system and suggests necessary
database maintenance to maintain peak performance.
This feature will analyze large tables such as SALES_DATA and
MDP_MATRIX and make recommendations for rebuilding to
ensure the table has all columns and rows in optimal order.
The rebuild will also unchain any chained rows as a side effect of
the rebuild.

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 48
<Insert Picture Here>
Implementation Overview for
Database Performance
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 49

Run Thorough Database
Health Check
Review Thorough Check
recommendations in the
Collaborator log or in
log_table_reorg table
(for more details)
Follow recommendations
as necessary
Review Thorough DB Schema
Check Workflow
Startup Application Server
Review Health Check
System Parameters
in Business Modeler
Database Performance Improvements
Setup Flow
recommendations in the
Collaborator log or in
log_table_reorg table
(for more details)
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
Database Performance Improvements
Setup Parameters
In Business
Modeler > System
Parameters >
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
Database Performance Improvements
Setup Parameters
A number of new parameters are available for the health check.
They will be visible in the Business Modeler > System
Parameters > Database

MIN_NUMROWS_FOR_REORG: This parameter controls the
minimum required number of rows in a table for the thorough
check to consider it for re-org.
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
Database Performance Improvements
Setup Parameters (cont.)
QUICK_CHECK_INTERVAL: Sets the interval in days between
quick database health checks. Default is 1, cannot be null, and
ranges between 1 7 days inclusive
Invalid setting will be logged in Collaborator log: Invalid setting for

QUICK_CHECK_TIMEOUT: Sets the timeout in seconds for the
quick database health check. Default is 20, the parameter is
numeric, cannot be null, and ranges between 20 600
seconds. Invalid setting will be logged in Collaborator log:
Value should be between 20 and 600.
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
Database Performance Improvements
Setup Parameters (cont.)
THOROUGH_CHECK_INTERVAL: Sets the interval (in days) for
the thorough check. Default value is 30. The parameter is
numeric, cannot be null, and ranges between 7 60 days. An
invalid value will be logged with message: Invalid setting for
THOROUGH_CHECK_INTERVAL. Value should be between 7
and 60 days.

THOROUGH_CHECK_TIMEOUT: Sets the timeout in seconds
for the thorough check. Default value is 18000 (5 hours). The
parameter is numeric, cannot be null, and ranges between 3600
36000 (1 hour to 10 hours) inclusive. Invalid values will be
logged as: Invalid setting for THOROUGH_CHECK_INTERVAL.
Value should be between 3600 and 36000 seconds.

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
Database Performance Improvements
Setup Workflow: Thorough DB Schema Check

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
Database Performance Improvements
A new package TABLE_REORG runs database health checks
as well as reorganization of tables. It contains multiple
CHECK_REORG(Type): The CHECK_REORG procedure will
accept as argument the type of check (Quick=Q vs. Thorough=T).
i.e. - CHECK_REORG(Q) will run the quick check.
REORG: This procedure reorganizes the tables. The following
arguments are passed:
1. Demantra database schema name
2. The table being reorganized
3. Reorganization mode (row=R, column=C)
4. PCTFREE value for the new table (default 20)
5. Parallel degree of the operation (default 4)
It is highly recommended that reorg be run through a wrapper script
named run_table_reorg.sql. This script is located in the software
installation directory under \Demand Planner\Database
Objects\Oracle Server\admin.

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 56

Database Performance Improvements
Implementation Tips
New Grants: In order to run the table reorg, additional privileges
are required for the Demantra schema. These privileges can be
obtained by running the grant_table_reorg.sql script. This script
is located in the software installation directory under \Demand
Planner\Database Objects\Oracle Server\admin.

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 57

Database Performance Improvements
Troubleshooting Tips
All activity of the checks and reorg operation are logged in detail
in the log_table_reorg table. Please review this table when
troubleshooting (order by log_time) for detailed error output and
latest one has limitations which are detailed in Oracle DB
documentation. This limitation is addressed in one of the first
steps in the reorg operation called can_redef_table.
For more details about the restrictions, refer to:
Oracle Database Administrator's Guide.
Redefining Tables Online
Restrictions for Online Redefinition of Tables

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 58
<Insert Picture Here>
Feature Overview for
Asynchronous Workflow
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 59
Asynchronous Workflow Support
In prior releases, all workflow steps in Demantra workflows
operate only in synchronous mode.
Asynchronous mode of operation means the workflow will not be
required to wait for the current step to complete in order to
proceed to the next step in the workflow.
Asynchronous mode is provided for the following types of
workflow steps:
Launch Workflow Step
User Step
Group Step
Exception Step
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 60
Asynchronous Workflow Support
Old Feature New Feature
Workflow steps support synchronous
mode only.
Asynchronous mode available for select
workflow steps. Two options are provided:
When the user marks the task as complete
When the user receives the task
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 61
Asynchronous Workflow Support
Business Value
Workflows provide a powerful mechanism for automating
business processes.
Many workflows leverage notification steps, such as Forecast
Calculation & Approval Process or EBS Return History
Download, to notify users that their attention is required.
In certain cases, this notification may be sent and the workflow
can proceed through the next series of steps/business actions
without the need to wait for explicit validation from the notified
Asynchronous workflows support this process.
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 62
<Insert Picture Here>
Implementation Overview for
Asynchronous Workflow
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 63

Run Workflow
Edit or Define New
Toggle radio button for
synch vs asynch
behavior in steps that provide this option
Log in to Workflow
SETUP From the Workflow Manager
Asynchronous Workflow Support
Setup Flow
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 64

Asynchronous Workflow Support
Setup Flow: Example
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 65
Asynchronous Workflow Support
Setup Flow: Example
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 66

Asynchronous Workflow Support
Implementation Tips
Carefully select the appropriate setting for synchronous versus
asynchronous support:
If the notification requires user action before moving on to the next
step, set the Workstep completion condition to When the user
marks the task as complete
If the notification is for informational purposes only and doesnt
impact subsequent steps in the workflow, set the Workstep
completion condition to When the user receives the task

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 67
<Insert Picture Here>
Feature Overview for Password
Security Changes
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 68
Password Security Changes
When customers install Demantra for the first time, or they
upgrade to 12.2.1:
New installs will be required to reset application owner passwords
Password policies will be enforced by default
New default value of PasswordResetTime parameter is 90 days
(was -1, i.e. no reset)
New default value of AccountLockoutThreshold parameter is 3,
meaning users will be locked out after 3 failed login attempts

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 69
Password Security Changes
Old Feature New Feature
No password reset for installed
PasswordResetTime=-1 (i.e. no reset) PasswordResetTime=90 days
AccountLockoutThreshold=-1 (i.e. no
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 70
Password Security Changes
Business Value
Provides a more secure deployment:
Each new install is forced to reset the password for the installed
All users will be subject to password rules by default, such as
lockout after failed attempts and password expiration.
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 71
<Insert Picture Here>
Implementation Overview for
Password Security Changes
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 72

Log in to Application using selected
Select Applications to Install
Reset passwords for application owners
Run Installer
SETUP Install
Password Security Changes
Setup Flow
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 73

Password Security Changes
Setup Flow: New Installation User Details
After the standard
database has been
imported, the installer
will query for new
passwords for each
application installed.
These are the
passwords for the
primary application
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 74

Password Security Changes
Implementation Tips: First install
At first install of Demantra, there will be no password history.
Users can define any password as long as it respects the
password rules.
Component owners will use the new password for login to
desktop and Web applications.
Component owners cannot be fully locked, as there needs to be
one master user who can manager other users:
If there is an attempted breach of the component owner and locking
is enabled, the component owner will be able to log in to Security
Management only. This will enable them to unlock themselves,
logout, and re-login.

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 75

Password Security Changes
Implementation Tips: First Install
All seeded users other than the component owner will be
These users will not be able to login to either the web application or
the Business Modeler.
The component owner can unlock and redefine passwords for these
users as necessary after install.
The component owner can define new users as necessary.
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 76

Password Security Changes
Implementation Tips: Upgrade
If a user initially installs DM and subsequently wishes to upgrade
they will need to run the installer to upgrade. Two scenarios are
described below.
Scenario 1: Customer upgrades to a newer version of
Demantra, still using DM only.
The installer will not display the password change step. If passwords
are at expiration, that will be managed at the time of login to the
Demantra DM application.
Any users associated with DM will be untouched as part of the
upgrade. Their password security is governed by the standard
password security rules (expiration, password history, etc.).

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 77

Password Security Changes
Implementation Tips: Upgrade
Scenario 2: Upgrade DM and add an application (i.e. S&OP)
Customer upgrades to a newer version of Demantra and decides to
install S&OP in addition to DM
Will be prompted to change the password for the S&OP component
owner *only*
Any other pre-seeded users associated with S&OP will be locked out
(i.e. Finance1, Marketing1, etc). The S&OP component owner will
need to log in to Business Modeler to manage these users (change
passwords and unlock).
Any users associated with DM would be untouched as part of the
upgrade. Their password security is governed by the standard
password security rules (expiration, password history, etc.).
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 78

Password Security Changes
Best Practices
To maintain a secure environment, Oracle recommends keeping
the default settings of:
Implementations can tailor the settings for account lockout and
password history. By default, they are set as:
PasswordResetTime=90 days

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 79
<Insert Picture Here>
Feature Overview for
Segregation of Duties
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
Segregation of Duties
The ability to segregate administrative responsibilities of Users in
Business Modeler as follows:
Users that have the ability to maintain User Security only (without
the ability to access any of the other functions in Business Modeler).
Users that have the ability to maintain everything except User
Security. This includes maintaining Series, Levels, etc.
Users that have access to everything in Business Modeler.
Segregation of Duties is addressed by the introduction of a new
module called Security Management.
Users that have been granted access to the Security Management
module will be able to access the Security menu in Business
Modeler to maintain User Security.
The existing Demantra Administrative Tools module will now grant
access to everything in Business Modeler except the Security

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
Segregation of Duties
Old Feature New Feature
Users with access to the Demantra
Administrative Tools module had full
access to all of the functions within
Business Modeler including the Security
menu to maintain User Security.
Users with access to the Demantra
Administrative Tools module will have
access to everything in Business Modeler
except the Security menu.
Users with access to the Security
Management module will be able to
access the Security menu in Business
Modeler to maintain User Security.
Users with access to both the Demantra
Administrative Tools module and the
Security Management module will have
full access to all of the functions within
Business Modeler including the Security
menu to maintain User Security.
Users without access to the Demantra
Administrative Tools module only had the
ability to change their password in
Business Modeler.
Users without access to both the
Demantra Administrative Tools module
and the Security Management module
will only have the ability to change their
password in Business Modeler.
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
Segregation of Duties
Business Value
Ability to limit the capabilities of Administrative Users.
User Administrators can be established for creating new Users
and maintaining existing Users without the capability to change
any application configuration (such as Series, Levels, Methods,
Application Administrators can be established for maintaining
application configuration without the capability to create or edit
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 83
<Insert Picture Here>
Implementation Overview for
Segregation of Duties
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
Segregation of Duties
Setup Flow
Grant Access to the Demantra
Administrate Tools module to
those Users that require the
ability to perform Application
Grant Access to the Security
Management module to those
Users that require the ability to
perform User Administration.
Login to Business Modeler as the
Component Owner.
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
Segregation of Duties
Dependencies and Interactions
Only component owners can grant access to the Security
Management and Administrative Tools modules.
The Security Management and Administrative Tools modules
can only be granted to Users with a Permission Level of System
A User with access to the Security Management module can
create, copy, modify, and delete users with the same or less
module access as their own, but CANNOT perform these actions
on a user that has access to more modules.
If a User does not have access to either the Demantra
Administrative Tools module or the Security Management
module, then they can login to Business Modeler, but can only
change their password.

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
Segregation of Duties
Troubleshooting Tips
User that requires the ability to maintain other Users does not
have access to Security Menu in Business Modeler.
Login to Business Modeler as the component owner and grant the
User access to the Security Management module.
User that requires the ability to configure the application does not
have access to the required functions in Business Modeler.
Login to Business Modeler as the component owner and grant the
User access to the Demantra Administrative Tools module.
Inability to grant access to the Security Management and
Demantra Administrative Tools modules.
Only component owners can grant access to these modules.
These modules can only be granted to Users with a Permission
Level of System Manager.

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
Segregation of Duties
Best Practices
Grant Security Management without Administrative Tools to
Administrative Users in the Business Functions to allow the
Business Groups to maintain Users.
Grant Administrative Tools without Security Management to
Administrative Users in the Information Technology organization
to allow them to configure the application without the ability to
create or modify Users.
Limit the number of Users that have access to both Security
Management and Administrative Tools.
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 88
<Insert Picture Here>
Feature Overview for BAL
Migration Utility
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
BAL Migration Utility
The Business Application Language (BAL) Explorer is a tool that
is Demantra application upgrade or to migrate objects such as
worksheets, series, and workflows between two schemas (for
example, from a development environment to a test

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
BAL Migration Utility
Business Value
Provides a user-controlled process to migrate configuration from
one environment to another
Reduces the need & time to manually configure in each
Reduces risks of errors that can occur during manual re-
Difference report allows identification of differences in Demantra
schema across environments
Reduces the need to refresh environments to keep them in sync
with ongoing development

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
BAL Migration Utility
There are two migration options available:
Migration using a standard upgrade package
Oracle recommends this option if you have many objects to migrate, or if
you do not know all the specific differences between the two schemas.
Migration using a custom upgrade package
Oracle recommends this option when you have a specific list of objects to
migrate, or you want to create a custom upgrade package.

The source and destination schemas must be at the same Demantra version
and patch level.
BAL cannot be used to migrate database tables, indexes, procedures, or any
content in the INIT_PARAMS_%, SYS_PARAMS, and APS_PARAMS tables.

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 92

Set Up Connections
Rebuild Source & Target
Migrate Objects Using
Standard or Custom
Upgrade Package
Launch BAL
BAL Migration Utility
Process Flow:
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 93

BAL Migration Utility
Setup Step 1: Build BAL Repository
Start the BAL Explorer. On the
machine where Demantra is
installed, navigate to
Planner\BAL\ and double-click the
file 'bal.bat'.
Make sure you have a connection
to the schemas that you want to
Right-click on each of the schema
connections and then click
Rebuild. This builds the BAL
repository for this schema.
If connecting for the first time,
user is prompted to build the
repository when the schema is
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 94

BAL Migration Utility
Setup Step 2a: Migrate using Standard Upgrade
Compare schemas
Added a new series
Customer Forecast in
Added this series to a
worksheet in Source
Source/ Target
differences are displayed
Click Display object
properties for detail

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 95

BAL Migration Utility
Setup Step 2a: Migrate using Standard Upgrade
Click Save to save the
html report
Review comparison
report in HTML format in:
<Demantra Install
Click Prepare upgrade
for the <schema> to be
Review Upgrade

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 96

BAL Migration Utility
Setup Step 2a: Migrate using Standard Upgrade
Select the global upgrade settings:
Default - Objects are handled in their default manner (see implementation guide for
Insert Duplicate Object The object in Target is retained as-is and the corresponding
object from Source is inserted into Target as a duplicate object, with an application
version suffix (i.e._7.2.0.2, _12.2.1)
Align to New Object The object in Target is replaced by the object in Source
Ignore New Object The object in Target is retained as-is and the object definition as
in Source is not applied

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 97

BAL Migration Utility
Setup Step 2a: Migrate using Standard Upgrade
Selectively override the global upgrade settings at the object level:
From the Settings menu, select Object Resolution.
Click on the upgrade package created, and right-click and then click Upgrade.

Review Object Resolution
Click Apply in the Object Resolution window.
This starts the process of migrating the objects from Source to Target. Depending on the
number of objects to be migrated this can take some time
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 98

BAL Migration Utility
Setup Step 2a: Migrate using Standard Upgrade
The Demantra Business Modeler opens at the end of the migration process and
lists the objects that need to be activated for the migration to be complete.
Note: Only levels, series, integration profiles, users, data model, and units
require Business Modeler activation.

To complete the migration, click the Activate button. This can take some time
and will return a message when complete
Click Close to receive the upgrade completion notification
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 99

BAL Migration Utility
Setup Step 2b: Migrate using Custom Upgrade
Added a new series PM
Forecast in Source
Create new worksheet
PM feedback in Source
Right-click on each of
the schema connections
and then click Rebuild.
This builds the BAL
repository for this
Create Custom Folder
by right clicking on the
target schema

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 100

BAL Migration Utility
Setup Step 2b: Migrate using Custom Upgrade
Expand the source
Right click and select
Copy on the object to
copy to the target
Right click and select
Paste on the folder in
the target schema
Repeat this process for
all objects that you want
to migrate

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 101

BAL Migration Utility
Setup Step 2b: Migrate using Custom Upgrade
Right click on the folder
in the target schema and
click Validate
Choose schema to
validate the package
Unresolved references
are displayed and the
user has an option to
add these objects
User has to select the
source schema for these
Unresolved references
are added to the

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 102

BAL Migration Utility
Setup Step 2a: Migrate using Standard Upgrade
Select the global upgrade settings:
Default - Objects are handled in their default manner (Refer implementation guide)
Insert Duplicate Object The object in Target is retained as-is and the corresponding
object from Source is inserted into Target as a duplicate object, with a application
version suffix (i.e._7.2.0.2, _12.2)
Align to New Object The object in Target is replaced by the object in Source
Ignore New Object The object in Target is retained as-is and the object definition as
in Source is not applied

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 103

BAL Migration Utility
Setup Step 2b: Migrate using Custom Upgrade
Selectively override the global upgrade settings at the object level:
From the Settings menu, select Object Resolution.
Click on the upgrade package created, and right-click and then click Upgrade.

Review Object Resolution
Click Apply in the Object Resolution window.
This starts the process of migrating the objects from Source to Target. Depending on the
number of objects to be migrated this can take some time
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 104

BAL Migration Utility
Setup Step 2b: Migrate using Custom Upgrade
The Demantra Business Modeler opens at the end of the migration process and
lists the objects that need to be activated for the migration to be complete.
Note: Only levels, series, integration profiles, users, data model, and units
require Business Modeler activation.

To complete the migration, click the Activate button. This can take some time
and will return a message when complete
Click Close to receive the upgrade completion notification

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 105

BAL Migration Utility
Loading, Saving & Validating BAL packages
Administrators can manually create their own package and copy-paste BAL
objects into the package. These packages can be saved into a file, validated and
then used to upgrade the schema using this new package
To save a BAL package: Right-click on a schema in the Schema Browser pane and
then click Save to File.
To load a BAL package: Right-click on a schema in the Schema Browser pane and then
click Load from File. Select the appropriate XML package to load and then click Open
To validate a package: Right click on the package and select Validate. Choose the
schema from which you want to validate the package against and click OK. Results are
displayed in the validation window

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 106
<Insert Picture Here>
Enhanced Integration with APCC
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 107
Enhanced Integration with APCC
Streamlines publish process in a single workflow and enables
analysis of all forecasting measures striped by demand plan from
DM / S&OP in Advanced Planning Command Center rather than
just Consensus Forecast.
Publish custom series created in DM / S&OP to APCC. Default
support for up to 15 measures (10 forecasting measures and 5
historical measures).
Extensible process for adding more custom measures (beyond the
default 15) without any changes to ETL.
Bring a product hierarchy defined in Demantra into APCC
For example, if a four-level product hierarchy such as Item <
Product SubGroup < Product Group < Product Line has been
created in Demantra, bring it easily into APCC for use in analysis.
Limited to 1 custom product hierarchy with a maximum of 10 levels
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 108
Enhanced Integration with APCC
Business Value
Demand plan publish now supported from Demantra DM to
Enhances Planner analysis in APCC for comparing and
contrasting shipment forecast, final forecast, sales forecast,
projected backlog, and financial forecast measures across
BI reporting in APCC for custom series defined in Demantra
For example, use APCC reports to rank top differences between
forecasting measures such as Customer Forecast (custom) and
Final Forecast (seeded) by product category and customer.
Extend demand plan comparison in APCC to custom series and
custom product hierarchy for reviewing deltas between planning
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 109

Enhanced Integration with APCC
Process Flow
Publish demand plan from
Demantra to APCC
Provide a plan name as a
parameter in the Demantra
workflow processes
Publish DM-APCC
Measures (for DM) or
Publish S&OP-APCC
Measures (for S&OP)
Assign Plan(s) to
Create a Planning
Sales and Operations
Planning Analyst
Custom Reports
using OBI-EE
Answers tool
Refer to R12.2.1 TOI: Implement and Use Advanced Planning Command Center available in Oracle University for
process flow details on custom measures and product hierarchy.
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
Enhanced Integration with APCC
Process Flow Details
Demantra DM
From the Demand Management System Administrator
responsibility, launch the Demantra Workflow Manager.
Edit the Publish DM-APCC Measures workflow.
Open the Archive Demantra Plan stored procedure step.
In the Parameters field, change the plan name on the
second line. The default is APCC-DM.
Save changes and run workflow.
Demantra S&OP
From the Sales and Operations Planning System
Administrator responsibility, launch the Demantra
Workflow Manager.
Edit the Publish S&OP-APCC Measures workflow.
Open the Archive SOP Plan stored procedure step.
In the Parameters field, change the plan name on the
second line. The default is APCC-SOP.
Save changes and run workflow.
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
Enhanced Integration with APCC
Dependencies and Interactions
Publish S&OP-APCC Measures workflow replaces current Export OBI Data
workflow and the concurrent program Assign Plan Name for published demand
Publish DM-APCC Measures workflow is new.
Publish DM-APCC Measures and Publish S&OP-APCC Measures workflow
publish directly from Demantra to APCC. Publish from Demantra DM and S&OP
to other EBS applications is still supported by existing workflow.
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 112
<Insert Picture Here>
Feature Overview for Engine
Execution with Sun Solaris
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 113
Engine with Sun Solaris
Demantra previously supported executing the analytical engine
in Windows and LINUX environments

The engine can now be executed on machines running the
Solaris 10 operating system
Machine must support 32-bit mode
Requires 32-bit application server (e.g. WebLogic, Tomcat)

Note: Support for Solaris 11 is planned for release

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 114
Engine with Sun Solaris
Old Feature New Feature
Engine can be executed on Windows,
Support Windows, LINUX and Sun Solaris
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 115
Engine with Sun Solaris
Business Value
Support additional hardware stacks
Increased flexibility on what hardware can be used by the
analytical engine
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 116
<Insert Picture Here>
Implementation Overview for
Engine with Sun Solaris
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 117

Deploy Analytical Engine on Sun Solaris
Configure Engine on Sun Solaris

Run Installer
Choose to Deploy on Sun Solaris

SETUP From Demantra Installer
Engine with Sun Solaris
Setup Flow
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 118

Engine with Sun Solaris
Setup Flow: Installation
Choose to deploy on
Deployment files will be
installed in
<Demantra Root>\Linux Delivery
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 119
Engine with Sun Solaris
Setup Flow: Deploy Files
Tar file contains three directories
bin: Includes configuration files and application server management
lib: Includes all engine executables and libraries and all third party
libraries and utilities
Tools: Includes all configuration files, such as ds_config

For detailed deployment information refer to the release 12.2.1 Oracle
Demantra Installation Guide.

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 120
Engine with Sun Solaris
Setup Flow: Configure the engine
Three main steps in configuring the engine
Engine Manager configuration
Configure environment variables
Create the Engine Data Source File
Deploy Application Server
Engine configuration
Deploy required library
Execute required scripts
Engine starter server
Setup TCP server required to run the engine

For detailed configuration information refer to the release 12.2.1
Oracle Demantra Installation Guide.

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 121

Engine with Sun Solaris
Implementation Tips
Carefully follow steps outlined in documentation
Ensure engine server is up
Deploy engine files on all machines where the engine will run
When upgrading or applying engine relevant patch

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 122

Engine with Sun Solaris
Troubleshooting Tips
If engine fails on one machine, redeploy latest engine files on all

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 123
<Insert Picture Here>
Feature Overview for Engine
Performance Improvements
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 124
Engine Performance Improvements
Parallelize forecast reset process
Reduce run time associated with process
Engine pass-through as default
Modified default configuration to better align with larger customers
Improved Subset Forecasting
Enable easy definition of subset profiles

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 125
Engine Performance Improvements
Old Feature New Feature
Reset of previous forecast values not
Support configurable parameter, driving
better use of system resources
Engine created large temporary fact tables
during engine run
Default behavior avoids temporary fact
tables, improving performance
Subset forecast required customization .
LOB processing included time-consuming
data copy
Engine profile dedicated to performing
forecast on partial population.
Forecast is written to column used by parent
batch forecast and does not affect versioning.
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 126
Engine Performance Improvements
Business Value
Reduced engine run time
More flexible methods of generating forecast for small subset of
Subset forecast generation will not impact forecast versioning
Subset forecast will use distributed engine functionality while filtering
Subset forecast will receive the same logic as simulation engine
using entire nodes to generate a forecast but applying modified
results only to population in subset
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 127
<Insert Picture Here>
Implementation Overview for
Subset Forecasting
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 128

Define Population Filter
Run Engine

Create Subset Profile

SETUP From Business Modeler
Subset Forecasting
Setup Flow
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 129

Subset Forecasting
Setup Flow 1: Create Subset Profile
From Business Modeler
Parameters=> System
Parameters=> Engine
Click New
Choose profile to base subset
<None> does not copy
any settings
Enter profile name
Define parameters table to be
Choose Profile Type of
Subset Forecasting
Select Parent Batch Profile
Click OK
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 130

Subset Forecasting
Setup Flow 2: Apply Population Filter
Enter Business Modeler
Parameters=> System Parameters=> Engine=> Shell
Enter value Parameter PopulationExtraFilter
Values typically refer to MDP_MATRIX tables
Example: Where Prediction_status=1
Can include other tables but must include table name
Example: ,Items Where items.item_id=m.item_id and i.T_ep_item_ep_id<500
Refer to MDP_MATRIX as M

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 131
Subset Forecasting
Setup Flow 3: Run Engine
Execute the batch engine calling the subset profile
Results are written to the same columns/series associated with
parent batch profile
Forecast version will not be advanced

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 132

Subset Forecasting
Implementation Tips
Subset runs are not a complete replacement for a full batch run
Full batch run is required to advance the forecast version and set an
initial value
Carefully choose the parent profile for a subset profile
It is critical that the filter parameter PopulationExtraFilter be
defined correctly
Processing will be done for entire forecast nodes and depending
on the filter this could result in engine run times that are not
shorter than full batch
Subset forecasting is very good at capturing sub-cycle
processing required inside a larger forecasting cycle
Do not link the filtering clause to a large date-driven table, such

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 133

Subset Forecasting
Troubleshooting Tips
Check the where clause for correct joins to MDP_MATRIX alias
Consider how the population interacts with forecast tree
Ideally population filter will eliminate entire branches

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 134
<Insert Picture Here>
Implementation Overview for
Technology Stack Changes
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
Java 6 and Java 7, latest version
Visit My Oracle Support often for information about support for the
latest Java versions
Client operating systems:

Dynamic Open Link (DOL) Excel integration:
MS Office XP, 2003, 2007, 2010


Technology Stack

Operating system Supported Versions
Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7
Mac OS X 10.6.2 and later
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
Demantra 12.2.1 supports the following Web browsers:

Oracle VM is also supported:
Oracle application servers and database tiers are supported per Oracles
support policy (see certification details for Oracle Web Logic & DB)
Analytical and Trade Promotion Optimization Engines are supported
using Oracle VM on both Windows and Linux
For details, see www.oracle.com/oraclevm


Technology Stack

Web Browser Supported Versions
Internet Explorer (IE) 7, 8, 9
Firefox 10.x, 11.x
Safari 4,5,6
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
Demantra supports the following application servers in this
Technology Stack
Application Server

Application Server Supported Version
Web Logic 10.3.0
10.3.3 (10g R3)
10.3.4 (11g)
10.3.5 (11g R1)
Apache Jakarta Tomcat 6.x (bundled with installer)
IBM WebSphere and
WebSphere Express
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential
In release 12.2.1, Demantra supports:

Oracle 11gR2 ( +)
Enterprise Edition or Standard Edition

Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)

Oracle Connection Manager (CMAN)

Exadata platform

Technology Stack

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 139

Technology Stack
Secure Database Connectivity
Previously, direct login from EBS to Demantra was provided by
Oracle Single-Sign On (SSO)

In release 12.2.0 and later, SSO is replaced by Oracle Access
Manager (OAM)
Note: SSO 10g is not supported in 12.2.0 and later.

Demantra 12.2.0 and later are certified with OAM 11g
Supported only via WebGate agents using the Oracle E-Business
Suite AccessGate component
See activity/data flow in next slide

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 140

Technology Stack
Secure Database Connectivity: OAM Access Gate

2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 141

Technology Stack
Analytical Engine

In this release, the Demantra analytical engine adds support for
the Solaris 10 operating system
Runs as a 32-bit process
Requires a 32-bit application server and DB client

* Support for Solaris 11 is planned for 12.2.1

Platform Supported Version
Solaris (SPARC) 10, 11*
Windows 2008
Oracle Enterprise Linux
4, 5, 6
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 142

Technology Stack
Trade Promotion Optimization (TPO) Engine

In release 12.2.1, the Demantra TPO engine supports version 12
of both the ILOG CPLEX and OPL libraries
The TPO engine runs on a 64-bit application server
The TPO engine is also now supported on the Solaris 10
operating system
The table below lists all supported platforms

* Support for Solaris 11 is planned for

Platform Supported Version
Solaris (SPARC) 10, 11*
Windows 2003, 2008
Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) 4, 5, 6
SUSE Linux 10 (SP3)
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 143
<Insert Picture Here>
Additional Resources
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 144

Additional Resources
For product information on My Oracle Support
For Release 12.2.1 information on My Oracle Support
http://support.oracle.com/ Note 1297457.1
For Oracle product documentation
For more information about Oracle Applications Strategy
For more information about Education
For more information about Support
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 145
2011 Oracle Corporation Proprietary and Confidential 146

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