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by: Joe Neilson Guzman, BSPharmIII

InorgMedL3:00-6:00Th | Michelle Huang, RPh

Compound Chemical Formula 1. Potassium acetate KC2H3O2 CH3CO2K

Synonym(s) Acetic acid, potassium salt 4-Chloro-Nfurfuryl-5sulfamoylanthranlic acid Acetatede potassium

Chemical Reaction Potassium bicarbonate or carbonate is reacted with acetic acid previously diluted with water, and the solution is evaporated to dryness. 2CH3COOH + K2CO3 2CH3CO2K + CO2 + H2O

Physicochemical Properties Colorless, monoclinic crystals, or as white crystalline powder Saline and slightly alkaline taste Deliquesces on exposure to air

Identity Tests: Positive Results Identification Test: A solution (1 in 10) responds to the tests for Potassium and for Acetate) pH Test: 7.5-8.5 Loss on drying: It loses NMT 1.0% of its weight Heavy metals, Method I: the limit is 0.002%

Pharmaceutic Uses Alkalinizing agent

Pharmacologic Action Diuretic Systemic Alkalinizer / Urinary Alkalinizer Antacid

Preparation s Available Potassium Triplex Tri-K (with potassium citrate and potassium acetate)

2. Potassium iodide KI

Potide, potassium salt Iodic acid

Potassium iodide may be prepared by reacting iodine with a hot solution of potassium hydroxide, the iodate simultaneously formed being subsequently reduced to iodide by heating the mixture with C.

Very soluble in Assay: green endpoint; water and freely Each ml of 0.1N soluble in alcohol perchloric acid is equivalent to 9.814mg of potassium acetate. Hexahedral Alkalinity: crystals, either no color is produced transparent and with phenolphthalein colorless or Loss on drying: It loses somehat opaque NMT 1% of its weight and white, or as a white granular Test for Iodate: NMT powder 4micrograms per gram is found Slightly hygroscopic

Solubilizing agent for Iodine in Lugols solution Iodide source in table salt (0.01%) Used in some drinking water

Used for hyperthyroidism (larger doses) Expectorant, antitussive (300mg qid) Antifungal

Jodid iOSAT ThyroSafe ThyroShield Pima

3I2 + 6KOH 5KI + KIO3 + 3H2O

Solutions of KI are neutral or alkaline to litmus Very soluble in water and even more so in boiling water, freely soluble in glycerine, and soluble in alcohol

Limit Test for Nitrate, Nitrite and Ammonia: No blue coloration of the paper is discernible Test for Thiosulfate and Barium: no turbidity develops within 1 minute Test for Heavy Metals: the limit is 0.001% Assay: a yellow endpoint prior to a dark brown that turns pale brown and red; Each mL of potassium iodate is equivalent to 16.60mg of KI.

Used in analytical chemistry

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