The Image: The Interlinking of The Positioning of The Camera Distance: The Use of A

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The image: The interlinking of the positioning of the characters in the image suggests their difficult problems they

have to face in the narrative. The image of Bradley Cooper looking directly at the audiences perspective shows his worry or dramatic events that occur in the film. The image takes up the whole poster showing that the image has more importance than the text. This contradicts the titling The Words showing that it is very simplistic however the image does reflect on the romantic drama genre well.

The camera distance: The use of a high angle shows that they dont have power in their relationship as his profession gets in the way of their close bonding. The use of the long shot explores the characters expressions and actions as she lies there delicately but he has some sort of disturbance keeping him awake.

The colour: The colour pallet for this poster is very dark and monochrome. The use of black and white reflects on the narrative of writing a book and the use of words on paper being black and white. This also conveys the bleakness in their relationship as it begins to deteriorate throughout the film. The use of black suggests their strength as individuals however it shows their struggles and difficulties in their relationship. The white scales show peace and security as the protagonists explore their relationship in times of trouble.

The text: The typography is modern but has a twist and swirl to the words showing the winding routes they go through in their relationship. The strong lettering is very close together highlighting their closeness. The actors names are listed above the titling suggesting that the listing goes on and on throughout the film with the words that he is writing within the narrative.

The layout: The different layers on this poster highlight the stages of their relationship building up. The image is the base layer of the two protagonists showing their importance is big within the film. The text is placed on top of the image in the bottom right hand corner showing that the words are being pushed to one side but still stand out through the light colouring against the dark background.

The lighting: The lighting is very dark and gloomy for a romantic drama, however this emphasises the dramatic events that they go through in order for their relationship to move on with their daily life and professions. The use of chiaroscuro lighting shows the shadowing of their faces as if they have to hide something within their relationship but it doesnt show in this poster.

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