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Gramatika Engleskog jezika Online uenje

Testovi za vjebanje TEST KOMPLETNA GRAMATIKA TREI DIO 1. Proitajte dialog i popunite praznine sa present perfectom ili simple pastom:
Margaret: This is a really nice party, isnt it? Liz: Its OK. But I __________ (go) to better ones. Last week, I _________ (attend) a wedding party at the Hilton. In fact I _________ (go) to so many of them, they ________ (become) quite boring. Margaret: maybe you should take a break. _____ you ________ (ever/ go) up the Rocky Mountains? I ______ (go) there three times this year. Liz: Oh, yes. On our last vacation, we _____ (be) there. We _____ (do) lots of climbing. Margaret: I ___________ (never like) climbing, but I ______________(just return) from a safari trip. I _________ (find) it quite exciting. Liz: Speaking of excitement, I ____________ (recently/learn) how to fly a plane. Margaret: Oh, I ___________ (get) tired of travelling by planes. I ______________ (travel) a lot this year. Liz: Oh, I know what you mean. By the way, where ____ everyone _____ (go)? _____ the party ________already? (finish)

2. Lou I Tommy su u zatvoru. Popunite dialog glagolima u zagradi u present perfect ili present perfect continuos-u:
Lou: Tommy? What ______ you ______ (do) to our jail cell? Theres a huge hole in the floor! Tommy: I ___________ (wait) for this moment for a long time. Today Im leaving this prison!! Lou: How? You _____only ________ (finish) 2 years of a 20 year sentence. Tommy: Thats right. But for the last 6 months I _______________ (plan) my escape. Lou: How are you planning to escape? Tommy: You see that hole? I _____ just __________ (complete) the work on that. For the last four months I ___________________ (dig) a tunnel that will take me to freedom! Lou: Where ___________________ (you/put) all the dirt you _________________ (make)? Tommy: I ____________________(flush) it down the toilet. Lou: Smart! So youre leaving today?

Tommy: Right now, in fact. I ______ just _______ (reach) the surface at the other end of the tunnel, but I _______________ (feel) guilty about leaving you behind. So I ________ (come) back to take you with me. Lou: Thats nice, Tommy, but I cant go. I _____ just _______ (make) an agreement with the warden, and he ____________ (agree) to let me out early in exchange for information. Tommy: What information ____________ ( you/give) him? Lou: That you ___________________ (finish) your tunnel.

3. Koristei IS / ARE / A / MUCH / MANY popunite tekst:: There _______1 ______ 2 place across the ocean where there __________3 sand for miles and miles, There ____________4 people playing music and everybody smiles. You dont need to have ________5 money and you dont need _________6 clothes, There ___________7 nt very _____8 Work to do; Just watch as the ocean rolls.
There ___________9 space for all who want to come and as _____________10 food as you can eat. There __________11 fruit on the trees, and the fish in the sea Will cook on __________12 stone in the heat. There ____________13 a lot of time to sit, Your peace ___________14 quite assured in the place where there ____________14 no problems except that everyone is bored.

4. Popunite reenice koristei SOME ili ANY:

1. Id like _____________ information about flights to Paris. 2. I bought ____________ magazines. 3. Shall we buy ____________duty-free goods? 4. Have you got ______________ hand luggage? 5. May I change ________ travellers cheques? 6. Would you like _______________ coffee? 7. They didnt buy ______________ souvenirs. 8. Could I have ____________ more wine, please? 9. I am sorry, but there arent _________ window seats left. 10. Id like to see _____________ books on France.

L. have been attended went -became M. Have been went L. were did M. have never liked have just returned found L. have recently learnt M. have got travelled L. did go Has finished

L. have - done T. have been waiting L. have finished T. have been planning L. have - completed have been digging L. have put have made T. have flushed T. have - reached have felt have come L. have made has agreed T. have given L. have finished

1. is 2. a 6. many 7. is 12. a 3. is 8. much 13. is 4. are 5. much 9. is 10.much 14. is 15. are

1. some 4. any 7. any 10. some 2. some 5. some 8. some 3. some 6. some 9. any

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