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Ecotourism in Developing Countries C t!erine McGr t! " Intern tion l Stu#ies M $ %&' %&1(


T!e Intern tion l Ecotourism Societ$ #e)ines ecotourism s t!e responsi*le tr vel to n tur l re s t! t conserves t!e environment n# improves t!e +ell *eing o) loc l people ,IES 1---./ Ecotourism ims to ccentu te rem r0 *le or note+ort!$ )e ture o) t!e environment in #eveloping countr$' n# su*se1uentl$ *uil# tourism in#ustr$ roun# t! t )e ture/ Sc!ol rs n# pu*lic le #ers origin ll$ pr ise# ecotourism *ec use it promote# #evelopment +it!out compromising t!e !e lt! or *e ut$ o) t!e environment/ Ecotourism set out to minimi2e environment l imp ct n# economi2e conserv tion e))orts' *ut to still llo+ )or )in nci l g in n# cultur l empo+erment o) loc l people' +!ic! )ostere# t!e elusive compromise *et+een environment l protection n# economic #evelopment/ Ecotourism sites *eg n popping up in t!e l te 1-3&s #uring t!e glo* l environment l movement/ 4$ t!e e rl$ 1--&s' ecotourism ! # *ecome one o) t!e ) stest5 gro+ing in#ustries in t!e +orl# n# lmost ever$ #eveloping n tion promote# ecotourism s p rt o) t!eir #evelopment str teg$ ,Moreno %&&6./ 7ust s sust in *ilit$ *ec me *u22+or# )or politici ns n# *usinesses to ple se multiple interest groups' ecotourism *ec me t!e in#ustr$ t! t coul# ple se ll intereste# p rties/ It ttempte# to ##ress t!e most pressing pro*lems in #eveloping countries8environment l #egr # tion n# n un#er#evelope# econom$/ 9o+ever' s t!e ecotourism in#ustr$ continue# to ge' its success s c! mpion )or #eveloping countries *eg n to + ver/ Ecotourism pro:ects ignore# t!e origin l go ls o) ecotourism n#' eventu ll$' ;ecotourism< *ec me solel$ n ll5encomp ssing term use# to #escri*e n$ 0in# o) n ture5* se# tourism' reg r#less o) its imp ct on t!e surroun#ing communit$/ Ecotourism + s cre te# in p rt to improve

ECOTOURISM IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES con#itions in #eveloping countries' *ut s pro:ects *eg n to ) il' it *ec me o*vious t! t

ecotourism is not n e))ective me ns )or #evelopment/ Over ll' ecotourism ! s ) ile# to promote #evelopment n# ! s even *ecome #etriment l to t!e s!ort n# long5term econom$ n# soci l structure o) communities in #eveloping n tions/ T!is p per #iscusses t!e environment l' politic l n# economic limit tions o) ecotourism' ev lu tes its neg tive imp cts n# recommen#s str tegies to m 0e ecotourism more success)ul/ Limit tions Environmental Conditions N tur l resources re #istri*ute# cross t!e glo*e in #i))erent proportions' n# simil rl$' not ever$ #eveloping countr$ ! s n #e1u te environment to *egin n ecotourism in#ustr$/ M n$ #eveloping countries ! ve +e t!er p tterns t! t const ntl$ )luctu te/ T!is is pro*lem *ec use ecotourism=s selling point is t!e environment itsel)' t!us' entire se sons coul# *e #eeme# un)it to utili2e t!e environment in t!e per)ect con#itions/ >e t!er t! t is too !ot or col#' or se sons t! t re too +et or #r$ coul# :eop r#i2e t!e success o) n ecotourism site/ ?or e@ mple' t!e vill ge o) A le#up in In#onesi ! s n ecotourism in#ustr$' *ut +e t!er con#itions re onl$ i#e l )or t!ree mont!s out o) t!e $e r ,Cli)ton %&&B./ >! le + tc!ing ecotourism in#ustries lso e@perience *oom5 n#5*ust c$cles' +it! some times o) t!e $e r *eing ) vor *le )or +! le + tc!ing con#itions' n# ot!er times +it! ver$ )e+ +! le sig!tings ,Coung 1---./ ?or t!is re son' m n$ ecotourism sites c nnot serve s t!e prim r$ in#ustr$ in t! t re ,Cli)ton %&&B./ Punt Gor# ' 4eli2e' n re t! t ttempte# to ttr ct investors )or n ecotourism in#ustr$' ) ile# *ec use o) limit tions o) its e@isting environment/ Punt Gor# l c0s


*e c!es n# cor l ree)s' +!ic! re t+o popul r ttr ctions )or ecotourism sites' m 0ing it un#esir *le )or contr ctors n# )oreign investors/ It lso ! s n e@tremel$ +et clim te' receiving *out D meters o) r in) ll per $e r' +!ic! m 0es it un ppe ling to potenti l tourists ,Moreno %&&6./ Ecotourism must *e centere# on speci)ic' m r0et *le environment l )e turesE i) #eveloping countr$ l c0s t!ese )e tures' ecotourism is not vi *le )or its #evelopment str teg$/ M n$ #eveloping countries l c0 uni1ue environment l )e tures or i#e l clim tesE t!ere)ore m n$ #eveloping countries t! t *egin ecotourism pro:ects l c0 t!e environment l )e tures nee#e# to cre te pro)it *le in#ustr$/ Natural Disasters Even i) #eveloping countr$ ! s t!e )e tures to cre te success)ul ecotourism in#ustr$' t!ere is still m :or ris0 o) it ) iling/ ?or e@ mple' n tur l #is ster coul# #estro$ in)r structure or #isrupt t!e *e ut$ o) n environment/ 9urric ne 9u# ! !it M so l N tion l P r0 in M # g sc r in %&&&' c using tempor r$ ! lt in tourism/ T!e !urric ne ))ecte# n tur l resource v il *ilit$ n# c use# )oo# s!ort ges )or t!e loc ls/ Flt!oug! t!is p r0 + s *le to eventu ll$ restore t!e est!etic v lue o) t!e environment n# st *ili2e )oo# supplies' t!e re =s l rgest !ig!5en# !otel su))ere# e@tensive # m ge ,Orms*$ %&&&./ M n$ ecotourism sites re not pro)it *le enoug! to re*uil# )rom #ev st ting n tur l #is ster' +!ic! coul# c use signi)ic nt ! rm to t!e in#ustr$/ T!e n ture o) ecotourism le ves in)r structure more suscepti*le to # m geE m n$ ecotourism pro:ects re loc te# in co st l re s o) #eveloping countries/ Fs clim te c! nge continues to ))ect glo* l +e t!er p tterns' t!ere +ill *e incre se# )re1uenc$ n# strengt! o) storms n# co st l )loo#ing' m 0ing t!e ecotourism in#ustr$ p rticul rl$ vulner *le to n tur l

ECOTOURISM IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES #is sters/ T!e unpre#ict *ilit$ o) n tur l #is sters m 0es ecotourism n ine))ective in#ustr$ )or #eveloping countries/ Political Unrest T!e ecotourism in#ustr$ is lso unpre#ict *le *ec use o) politic l unrest or terrorism in #eveloping countries/ Ecotourists re c utious n# reluct nt to tr vel to

countries +it! tumultuous politic l clim tes *ec use o) potenti l crime n# violence/ T!e t!re t o) civil + r or politic l uprising' especi ll$ to tourists o) t!e #evelope# +orl#' !e vil$ out+eig!s t!e *ene)its o) n ecotourism trip/ T!is + s t!e c se in R+ n# ' +!ere up until t!e st rt o) t!e civil + r' tourism + s t!e countr$=s m :or in#ustr$/ R+ n# cre te# success)ul ecotourism in#ustr$ t! t re#uce# t!e !unting o) gorill s' +!ic! llo+e# )or resurgence o) t!e gorill popul tion n#' t!us' gu r ntee# tourist ttr ction/ 9o+ever' +!en t!e civil + r *eg n' ll tourism in R+ n# ! lte#/ Ver$ )e+ outsi#ers + nte# to *e c ug!t in t!e violent n# # ngerous + r *et+een t!e 9utus n# Tutsis/ In t!e *sence o) t!e tourism m r0et' gorill !unting *ec me popul r g in' +!ic! neg te# t!e ecotourism=s previous e))orts to conserve t!e species ,Lie*er0nec!t %&&G./ T!is issue is not uni1ue to R+ n# E politic l inst *ilit$ is n issue t! t pl gues m n$ #eveloping countries/ M # g sc r su))ere# simil r crisis in its ecotourism in#ustr$ )ter #ispute over t!e presi#enti l elections in %&&1/ >!ile t+o opposing governments struggle# to g in po+er' ecotourism in M # g sc r stoppe# lmost entirel$/ 4usiness o+ners su))ere# )rom t!e lo+ num*er o) visitors' n# lt!oug! t!e tourism in#ustr$ slo+l$ *eg n to re*uil#' sever l *usinesses +ere * n0rupt n# le)t t!e in#ustr$ entirel$ ,Orms*$ %&&B./ In In#onesi ' t!e *om*ing o) t+o 4 li nig!tclu*s t! t +ere popul r +it! >estern

ECOTOURISM IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES tr velers in %&&% neg tivel$ imp cte# t!e tourism in#ustr$/ T!ese *om*ings +ere ! # ver$ little imp ct on norm l li)e )or In#onesi ns' *ut tourists +ere concerne# +it! terrorism n# t!eir securit$ +!ile tr veling in In#onesi / Englis!' Fmeric n n# Fustr li n o))ici ls en cte# #visories + rning g inst n$ non5essenti l tr vel )or tourists +!o + nte# to tr vel to In#onesi / T!ese inci#ents ultim tel$ #estro$e# t!e ecotourism in#ustr$ in In#onesi n vill ges ,Cli)ton %&&B./ In t!e mi#st o) n tion l turmoil' ot!er in#ustries m $ continue on +it!out #isruption' *ut ecotourism is necess ril$ #isrupte#/ Ecotourism is ris0$ en#e vor )or #eveloping countries t! t )re1uentl$ e@perience politic l unrest or terrorism *ec use n entire sector o) t!e countr$=s econom$ coul# #iminis!/ Top-down Approach T!e ecotourism in#ustr$ is mostl$ top5#o+nH n tion l governments use )oreign

lo ns to cre te l rge5sc le ecotourism pro:ects' or )oreign investors out5compete #omestic *usiness o+ners/ In t!e 1--&s' t!e sensi*ilit$ o) ecotourism m #e it +elcome t rget o) investors suc! s t!e >orl# 4 n0' t!e Inter5Fmeric n Development 4 n0' t!e Unite# St tes Fgenc$ )or Intern tion l Development n# t!e Unite# N tions/ E c! o) t!ese ctors pl $e# signi)ic nt )in nci l n# tec!nic l role o) sever l ecotourism pro:ects ,Moreno %&&6./ Inste # o) st te5run or communit$5* se# enterprises' most ecotourism pro:ects t 0e t!e s! pe o) !e vil$ su*si#i2e# #esigns or corpor te #evelopments t! t re controlle# *$ )oreign investors/ Over time' ecotourism pro:ects o)ten e@perience #eclining #em n# or environment l or in)r structur l limit tions' c using t!e nee# )or ##ition l gr nts n# su*si#ies ,9ill %&&B./ Ecotourism is pro)it *le )or l rge5sc le investors' *ut it is too e@pensive to *e economic ll$ vi *le )or loc ls/

ECOTOURISM IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES F top5#o+n ppro c! to ecotourism lso me ns t! t it c nnot ctu ll$ improve t!e economic st n#ing o) t!e poorest citi2ens in #eveloping countries/ Ft t!e st rt o)

ecotourism pro:ects' most citi2ens re ent!usi stic to +elcome t!e in)lu@ o) tourists/ 4ut )ter #evelopment *egins' it *ecomes pp rent to most sm ll5*usiness o+ners t! t t!e$ l c0 t!e monet r$ or m teri l resources to e@p n# t!eir *usinesses to meet t!e nee#s o) tourists/ In t!e M ! levon vill ge o) M # g sc r' resi#ents +ere origin ll$ optimistic t! t ecotourism +oul# signi)ic ntl$ improve t!e loc l econom$ n# t!e +ell *eing o) t!e n tives/ Ver$ soon )ter' it *ec me pp rent t! t )e+ *usiness5o+ners +ere ctu ll$ +e lt!$ enoug! to e@p n# )or t!e ecotourism in#ustr$/ Flt!oug! )oreign comp nies investe# in M # g sc r=s ecotourism in#ustr$' loc ls receive# lmost no *ene)it ,Orms*$ %&&B./ N tives lso l c0e# t!e resources )or e@p nsion in co st l to+n in 9on#ur s/ F)ter t!e #evelopment o) n ecotourism pro:ect in t!e 4 $ Isl n#s o) 9on#ur s' t!e onl$ citi2ens t! t *ene)itte# signi)ic ntl$ )rom t!e in#ustr$ +ere elite n# mi##le5cl ss isl n#ers +!o +ere lre #$ rel tivel$ +e lt!$/ T!e upper n# mi##le5cl ss citi2ens coul# ))or# to invest in #evelopment pro:ects' *ut poorer citi2ens +ere immo*ile n# uninvolve# in t!e process o) e@p nsion/ Poor citi2ens *elieve# t! t tourism +oul# !elp t!e isl n# s +!ole' *ut ver$ )e+ ctu ll$ pro)ite# )rom t!e ecotourism in#ustr$ ,Moreno %&&6./ T!e in *ilit$ )or poor citi2ens to *ene)it )rom ecotourism is #ue in p rt to l c0 o) polic$ n# government intervention to m 0e ecotourism n ccessi*le in#ustr$ )or its citi2ens/ Ecotourism pro:ects on t!e co sts o) 9on#ur s' 4eli2e n# ot!er #eveloping countries +ere unsuccess)ul *ec use o) t!e !ig! costs o) co st l propert$ or e@isting restrictions on t!e purc! se o) co st l propert$ ,Moreno %&&6./


9ig! propert$ costs n# government restrictions )or loc ls llo+ )oreign investors to o+n m :orit$ o) t!e co st l !otels' rest ur nts n# !omes on ecotourism sites/ T!is + s t!e c se in t!e 4 $ Isl n#s o) 9on#ur s' +!ere t!ere +ere ) r more )oreign investors t! n #omestic *usiness o+ners in t!is re ' +!ic! ! # lmost no economic *ene)it )or t!e n tives ,Moreno %&&6.'/ >!en )oreign investment out+eig!s #omestic investment' most o) t!e ecotourism revenue is lost to not!er countr$ ,Lie*er0nec!t %&&G./ N tives #o pro)it in some + $s )rom :o*s in t!e service in#ustr$' *ut t!e m :orit$ o) ecotourism revenue )lo+s * c0 to t!e investors/ F##ition ll$' ecotourists gener ll$ pl n t!eir v c tions t!roug! )oreign tr vel gencies' c using not!er out)lo+ o) mone$ )rom t!e ecotourism in#ustr$ ,Orms*$ %&&B./ I) )oreigners re *ene)itting more t! n loc ls )rom tourism in#ustr$' ecotourism is not serving its #ut$ o) provi#ing economic opportunities )or n tives' n# is inste # )unneling mone$ * c0 to #evelope# countries/ F !ig!er proportion o) )oreign investment not onl$ poses limit tion o) ecotourism' *ut lso ! s neg tive imp cts on t!e surroun#ing communit$/ Neg tive Imp cts Environmental Degradation T!e tr ge#$ o) t!e commons is t!e principle t! t +!en n tur l resource is le)t unregul te# or unprotecte#' t!e pu*lic +ill n tur ll$ overe@ploit t! t resource until it is irrep r *l$ #eplete#/ Ecotourism n tur ll$ len#s itsel) to t! t pro*lem )or t+o re sonsH )oreign investors ! ve less connection to t!e n tur l environment' n# t!e e@treme economi2 tion o) t!e environment/ ?irst' l c0 o) #omestic investment comp re# to )oreign investment poses

ECOTOURISM IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES pro*lem to t!e preserv tion o) t!e environment surroun#ing ecotourism sites/ N tives ! ve sense o) pri#e n# responsi*ilit$ to+ r#s protecting t!eir l n# )or multiple

re sons/ M inl$' n tives ! ve more # il$ inter ction +it! t!e l n# t! n )oreign investors' n# t!ere)ore c n p!$sic ll$ see #egr # tion o) t!e environment/ F##ition ll$' n tives m $ ssoci te t!eir culture' tr #itions or !istor$ +it! t!e environment' n# m $ )eel stronger sense o) cultur l #epen#ence on t!e environment/ I) n tives ! # !ig!er proportion o) o+ners!ip' environment l protection +oul# *e more prominent/ Inste #' )oreign investors #o not pl ce !ig! v lue on preserving t!e environment n# +ill o)ten e@ploit t!e environment=s resources to n unsust in *le level ,Lie*er0nec!t %&&G./ T!e 4 $ Isl n#s o) 9on#ur s e@perience# t!is c se o) tr ge#$ o) t!e commons' or t!e unregul te# e@ploit tion o) resources' )ter t!e Inter5Fmeric n Development 4 n0 nnounce# !e vil$ su*si#i2e# p rtners!ip +it! t!e 9on#ur n government to cre te n ecotourism in#ustr$ * se# roun# t!e cor l ree)s in t! t re / T!e unc!ec0e# #evelopment o) co st l rest ur nts' !otels' !ousing n# ot!er tourist loc les le# to !ig! levels o) erosion' #estruction o) o))s!ore cor ls n# #eterior tion o) surroun#ing + ters!e#s/ T!e )res! + ter +ells t! t +ere #rille# to meet t!e #em n#s o) tourists +ere uns tis) ctor$' +!ic! le# to s lt+ ter intrusion n# su*se1uent cont min tion o) #rin0ing + ter/ Flt!oug! t!e tourism in#ustr$ seeme# to *e *ooming' *out 6& percent o) resi#ents +ere still +it!out se+ ge #ispos l s$stem/ T!e seep ge o) untre te# se+ ge into t!e surroun#ing *o#ies o) + ter le# to eutrop!ic tion n# !um n !e lt! ris0s ,Moreno %&&6./ T!is ecotourism pro:ect not onl$ ) ile# to improve living con#itions )or t!e in! *it nts o) t!e re ' *ut it lso # m ge# t!e environment t! t it origin ll$ soug!t out to protect n# ccentu te/

ECOTOURISM IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 1& Unchec ed E!pansion Economi2ing t!e environment is tr ns)orming t!e environment into goo# t! t c n *e *oug!t n# sol#/ Ecotourism ims to economi2e t!e environment in + $ t! t is pro)it *le to t!e surroun#ing communit$' +!ile ple#ging to preserve t!e e@isting )e tures o) t! t environment/ +it!out regul tions on gro+t! n# #evelopment' !o+ever' t!e ecotourism in#ustr$ itsel) coul# :eop r#i2e t!e structure n# est!etic v lue o) t!e environment t! t it origin ll$ set out to protect/ One o) ecotourism=s *iggest pit) lls is t!e ssumption t! t t!e ecotourist is environment ll$ sensitive ,Lie*er0nec!t %&&G./ >!ile ecotourists mig!t *e more environment ll$ + re t! n t!e ver ge tourist' n ecotourist is not n e@pert on *io#iversit$' c rr$ing c p cit$ or conserv tion/ Cost Ric ' +!ic! ! s n e@cellent n# +ell5m n ge# n tion l p r0 s$stem' )ell victim to t!e ) lse ssumptions n# s!ortcomings o) ecotourism/ Visitors overcro+#e# t!e most popul r p r0 in Cost Ric ' M nuel Fntonio N tion l P r0/ Fs p r0 o))ici ls e@p n#e# t!e tr ils to ccommo# te n incre se# )lo+ o) tourists' t!e :ungle #eterior te# n# mon0e$s +ere #ispl ce#' le ving t!em to *eg )or )oo# on t!e *e c!es ,Lie*er0nec!t %&&G./ M nu l Fntonio N tion l P r0 in Cost Ric is n e@ mple o) +ell5run p r0E *$ comp rison' ot!er ecotourism sites ! ve ) ce# even !ig!er levels o) environment l #egr # tion/ ?or e@ mple' t!e 1uet2 l' r re *ir# species n tive to sever l Centr l Fmeric n countries' lso )ell victim to t!e #estructive n ture o) ecotourism/ T!e 1uet2 l + s n i#e l )ocus )or sever l ecotourism pro:ects *ec use o) its geogr p!ic l r rit$ n# uni1ue ppe r nce/ T!e 1uet2 l is )inic0$ *ir# *$ n tureE it nee#s n incre#i*l$ speci)ic environment in or#er to t!rive/ Fs ecotourism in#ustries #evelope# roun# t!is *ir# species' l n#o+ners n# !otel o+ners *eg n to #eli*er tel$ cre te moc0 nests )or t!e

ECOTOURISM IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 11 1uet2 ls to simul te t!e *est vie+s o) t!is elusive *ir#/ T!e intrusive n ture o) t!ese ecotourism sites #i# not improve tourists= *ilit$ to vie+ 1uet2 lsE inste #' t!e #evelopment t!re tene# t!e ! *it ts n# popul tion gro+t! o) t!e 1uet2 l species/ T!is is common tren# +it! ecotourism' *ec use ecotourists + nt c! nce to e@perience uni1ue n# rem r0 *le spects o) n ture *e)ore t!e$ re gone/ F r pi# in)lu@ o) ecotourists' !o+ever' le #s to t!e #estruction o) ! *it ts n# t!e #emise o) import nt species/ Competition with "ther Industries Flt!oug! ecotourism sites o)ten t!re ten species' some success)ul ecotourism pro:ects o)ten pl $ role in s ving t!re tene# or en# ngere# species/ T!ese pro:ects m $ *e consi#ere# success)ul on one )ront *ec use t!e$ protect *io#iversit$/ 4io#iversit$ is un rgu *l$ *ene)ici l to !um nit$ s +!ole *ec use it c n llo+ )or #evelopment o) ne+ p! rm ceutic ls' preserv tion o) t!e pro#uctivit$ o) ecos$stems n# !um n en:o$ment or leisure/ Fre s preserve# )or ecotourism c n *e e@tremel$ v lu *le' *ut t!eir v lues re usu ll$ un#erestim te# or ignore# ,> lpole %&&1./ On t!e ot!er ! n#' *io#iversit$ ! s m n$ implicit *ene)its' *ut t!e e@plicit cost o) m int ining *io#iversit$ gener ll$ #oes not out+eig! t!e societ l g ins/ In ) ct' t!e costs o) protecte# re s re more imme#i te n# 1u nti)i *le t! n t!e *ene)its/ ?or t!is re son' ecotourism is o)ten n unsust in *le n# costl$ s n in#ustr$ in #eveloping countries *ec use it #oes not e1u l t!e mount o) revenue t! t coul# ccrue )rom ot!er in#ustries li0e griculture or mining/ Ecotourism competes +it! ot!er in#ustries )or l n#' o)ten times pus!ing out v lu *le n# more pro)it *le in#ustries in #eveloping countries/ In N mi*i ' )or e@ mple' s t!e ecotourism in#ustr$ e@p n#s n# uses more l n#' t!e livestoc0 in#ustr$ necess ril$ s!rin0s/ T!e livestoc0 in#ustr$ not onl$ emplo$s more n tives' *ut it lso is gre ter

ECOTOURISM IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 1% source o) revenue )or N mi*i ns n# provi#es st *le )oo# suppl$ ,Lin#se$ %&1(./ In ##ition to livestoc0' F)ric n countries lso use t!e l n# )or trop!$ !unting' or t!e !unting o) +il# g me nim ls/ Trop!$ !unting in F)ric n countries c n *e more pro)it *le t! n preserv tion )or ecotourism purposes' *ec use it utili2es t!e l n# t no economic cost n# no in)r structure is nee#e#/ Less revenue is le 0e# to )oreign countries )rom !unting t! n ecotourism *ec use t!e trop!$ !unters re n tives/ F##ition ll$' contr r$ to popul r *elie)' trop!$ !unting c n *e more sust in *le n# promote !ig!er conserv tion st n# r#s ,Lin#se$ %&&B./ Economic Underperformance Ecotourism not onl$ competes +it! n# #ispl ces ot!er in#ustries' *ut lso severel$ un#erper)orms s n in#ustr$/ Lo+ entr nce )ees to n tion l p r0s r rel$ m tc! t!e cost o) m int ining t!e 1u lit$ o) t!e p r0/ In t!e )e+ c ses +!ere n tion l p r0s ! ve gener te# signi)ic nt revenue' entr nce )ees ! ve *een e@or*it ntl$ !ig!/ >!ile some success)ul n# !ig! pro)ile n tion l p r0s c n r ise entr nce )ees +it!out noticing signi)ic nt #rop in ecotourism' most #eveloping countries +oul# ) ce #ecre se in #em n# )ter r ising prices/ Flt!oug! ecotourists mig!t still visit t!e re ' t!e incre se in entr nce )ees mig!t m ni)est itsel) in re#uctions o) spen#ing in ot!er re s o) t!e communit$ ,> lpole %&&1./ Fs result o) t!e unsust in *l$ lo+ entr$ prices' most *ene)its o) ecotourism ) ll to t!e )oreign tr velers' +!o re p $ing minimum to e@perience n e@pensive in#ustr$' n# not to t!e n tives in t!e surroun#ing communities/ #imits to $rowth Ecotourism is lso limite# economic ll$ it c nnot occur on sc le l rge enoug! to provi#e economic *ene)its to t!e entire popul tion o) #eveloping countr$ +it!out

ECOTOURISM IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 1( severel$ #eterior ting t!e environment/ Most tourism in#ustries +ill continue to e@p n# s t!e$ *ecome success)ul/ Fs n ecotourism in#ustr$ gro+s' it +ill un voi# *l$ encounter t!e s me #evelopment tr :ector$ s ot!er t$pes o) tourism' +!ic! +ill inevit *l$ le # to environment l #egr # tion or #estruction ,Lie*er0nec!t %&&G./ Fs more tourists enter countr$' more ro #s must *e p ve#' more !otels constructe# n# more tr ils e@p n#e#/ Once n ecotourism #estin tion *ecomes popul r n# overcro+#e#' it ris0s losing t!e 1u lities t! t initi ll$ m #e it ppe ling' inclu#ing seclusion n# *e ut$ ,Orms*$ %&&B./ M so l N tion l P r0 encountere# t!is imp sse in its ttempt to *ecome popul r ecotourism site/ M so l is ver$ in ccessi*le8)uel prices re !ig!' m 0ing *o t trips e@pensiveE tre00ing to t!e p r0 is ine@pensive' *ut t 0es over +ee0E n# ro #s re unsuit *le )or #riving/ F##ition ll$' Fir M # g sc r ! s limite# )lig!t v il *ilit$' m 0ing it #i))icult )or tourists to even re c! t!e countr$ o) M # g sc r ,Orms*$ %&&B./ In or#er to ! ve success)ul in#ustr$' ecotourist sites must ! ve su))icient in)r structure in t!e countr$/ I) t!is in)r structure #oes not e@ist' )urt!er #evelopment o) in)r structure is re1uire# to gener te signi)ic nt revenue )rom ecotourism/ I) M so l +ere to #evelop su))icient in)r structure )or t!e ecotourism in#ustr$' it +oul# lose its v lue s remote n# e@ception l n tion l p r0/ T!us' #eveloping countries must ) ce t!e #ecision *et+een l rge5sc le #evelopment n# environment l protection/ Cultural Interference Ecotourism promise# to *e t!e ns+er to t!e * ttle *et+een #evelopment n# conserv tion' *ut inste # ecotourism ! s proven to *e n unsust in *le economic solution to t!e pro*lems in #eveloping countries/ >! t is even more trou*ling' !o+ever' is t! t t!e ecotourism in#ustr$ ! s ltere# n# ! rme# t!e cultures o) t!e communities in

ECOTOURISM IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 1D +!ic! ecotourism pro:ects re inst lle#/ T!e n ture o) ecotourism encour ges investors n# st tes to #evelop ecotourism pro:ects in unspoile# n# isol te# environments/ T!e pro*lem +it! t!is str teg$ is t! t t!e n tives in t!ese re s o)ten ! ve uni1ue n# seclu#e# cultures t! t ! ve ! # little to no in)luence )rom outsi#e cultures/ >!en n ecotourism in#ustr$ *egins to t 0e o)) in one o) t!ese re s' n tives re inesc p *l$ ))ecte# *$ t!e in)lu@ o) )irst5+orl# tourists n# t!eir cultures/ Reg r#less o) cultur l * c0groun# or geogr p!ic loc tion' numerous cultur l groups ! ve e@presse# concerns t! t ecotourism or tourists in gener l ! ve ! # neg tive e))ect on t!eir cultures/ In 9on#ur s' n tives )rom t!e 4 $ Isl n#s voice# concerns *out t!e tr nsition o) t!eir e#uc tion s$stem to more 9isp nic )ocus/ T!e 4 $ Isl n#s tr #ition ll$ ! ve ! # close cultur l n# economic connections +it! t!e 4ritis!' n# n tives re ppre!ensive to+ r# t!e un+elcome s!i)t in cultur l v lues/ 4 $ Isl n#ers re not t!e onl$ cultur l group +it! concerns *out t!e imp ct o) ecotourism on culture ,Moreno %&&6./ T!e culture o) t!e n tives o) Fm*ergris C $e in 4eli2e ! s lso *een signi)ic ntl$ ))ecte# *$ t!e rriv l o) tourists o) #i))erent cultures/ 4eli2e tr #ition ll$ ! s l rge )is!ing in#ustr$' *ut t!e cre tion o) l rge5sc le ecotourism in#ustr$ on t!e co st ! s le# $ounger gener tions to enter t!e tourism sector/ Coung people ! ve lso *egun to #rin0 t tourist * rs n# even emul te t!e st$le o) #ress o) tourists/ T!e culture o) 4eli2e is lre #$ incre#i*l$ #iverse' n# 4eli2e ns ! # previousl$ *een e@pose# to culture )rom ot!er countries #ue to t!e intro#uction o) s tellite television/ Flt!oug! t!eir culture is not necess ril$ isol te#' over ! l) o) t!e loc ls )elt t! t tourism *roug!t neg tive cultur l imp cts to t!eir communit$ ,Moreno %&&6./ N tives o) vill ge in In#onesi s! re# simil r sentiment *out ecotourists/ Flmost G& percent o) n tives *elieve# t! t ecotourists

ECOTOURISM IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 16 +ere imposing t!eir li)est$le on loc l people' n# 3( percent o) n tives *elieve# t! t ecotourism ! # incre se# crime in t!eir vill ge ,Cli)ton %&&B./ Flt!oug! t!ese st tistics +ere sel)5reporte#' t!e$ re cle r in#ic tion o) t!e neg tive imp ct t! t ecotourism c n pose to culture n# to t!e perceptions o) t!e communit$/ Ecotourism is #etriment l to t!e culture o) #eveloping communities in multiple + $s8it lso le #s to t!e commo#i)ic tion o) culture/ Commo#i)ic tion o) culture in t!e tourism in#ustr$ is t!e s le o) cultur l ctivities n# rti) cts ,M* i+ %&11./ Flt!oug! t!is pr ctice en! nces t!e cultur l e@perience )or t!e ecotourist' it c n le # loc ls to #is ssoci te )rom t!eir culture' n# in turn' c use t!e culture to lose its me ning/ Flt!oug! commo#i)ic tion o) culture is gener ll$ seen s neg tive conse1uence o) tourism' some n tives mig!t t 0e pri#e in t!e s le o) t!eir cultur l rti) cts/ T!is #ivi#e *et+een purve$ors o) cultur l items n# tr #ition lists c n c use )urt!er ! rm to communities +it! ecotourism in#ustries/ T!e Goo5Moremi Gorge in 4ots+ n is n e@ mple o) t!e commo#i)ic tion o) culture/ T!e Goo5Moremi Gorge is s cre# +ors!ip site o) t!e Goo5Moremi Vill ge' *ut its ric! cultur l !istor$ n# stunning vie+s m #e it t!e per)ect loc tion )or n ecotourism site/ Fs tourists *eg n to visit t!e gorge' vill ge el#ers +orrie# t! t t!e secrets o) t!e tri*e +oul# *e reve le# to t!e outsi#ers/ N tives +ere )or*i##en to #ivulge t!e secret t *oos n# *elie)s o) t!e tri*e' inclu#ing o*serv tion o) # $ o) rest' restrictions on s+imming in t!e gorge n# limit tions o) people +!o m $ visit t!e gorge/ 4ec use t!e n tives coul# not s! re t!ese secrets' tourists #isreg r#e# t!e rules o) t!e Goo5Moremi ncestors n# #is!onore# t!e Goo5Moremi Vill ge=s most s cre# loc tion/ El#ers )e re# t! t t!is *l t nt *etr $ l o) v lues +oul# nger t!e ncestors n# *ring ! rm upon t!eir vill ge/

ECOTOURISM IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 1B Fs t!e ecotourism in#ustr$ turne# t!e s cre# gorge into commo#it$' *ot! el#ers n# $ounger Goo5Moremis lost t!e v lue o) t!eir uni1ue n# ric! culture ,M* i+ %&11./ Ecotourism sells t!e environmentE in + $' ecotourism is t!e commo#i)ic tion o) t!e environment/ In Monte Ver#e' Cost Ric ' t!e 1uet2 l *ir# species ! s *ecome more t! n n est!etic n# r re nim l !i##en in t!e treetops o) t!e clou# )orests/ Iuet2 ls ! ve *ecome pro#uct' n# + $ )or n tives to seemingl$ improve t!eir 1u lit$ o) li)e t!roug! 1uet2 l tours n# souvenirs/ One resi#ent o) Monte Ver#e even rem r0e# t! t !er im ge o) t!e 1uet2 l re5envisions t!e long' )e t!ere# t il into #oll r sign/ Ft t! t st ge in ecotourism #evelopment' t!e environment itsel) loses intrinsic v lue' n# onl$ *ecomes v lu *le economic ll$/ Commo#i)ic tion o) species c n even le # to con)lict mong mem*ers o) #eveloping countr$/ On t!e +est co st o) Me@ico' t!e cre tion o) t!e ecotourism in#ustr$ incre se# t!e competition )or m rine resources/ E c! ecotourism gui#e + nte# to provi#e t!e *est vie+ o) t!e gr $ +! le on its comp n$=s tours' c using #isputes over o+ners!ip o) t!e commons ,Coung 1---./ T!is s!i)t in perception o) t!e loc ls le #s to ! rm)ul p t! o) e@ploit tion n# #estruction o) t!e environment/ Ecotourism sets out to preserve n# ccentu te t!e environment' *ut eventu ll$ #rives loc ls n# )oreign investors to overuse n# #isrupt spects o) t!e environment to m 0e pro)it/ Ecotourism sites m $ *e pro)it *le in t!e s!ort5run' *ut s #evelopers continue to *use t!e environment' t!e ecotourism in#ustr$ +ill inevit *le su))er/ Recommen# tions Ecotourism *eg n s vi *le pl n to improve economic con#itions in #eveloping countries +it!out s cri)icing t!e r re n# o)ten un#istur*e# environment l con#itions in

ECOTOURISM IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 13 t!ose re s/ Its en# result' !o+ever' + s n ine))ective #evelopment str teg$ t! t not onl$ # m ge# t!e environment' *ut lso ! rme# t!e s!ort n# long5term economies n# soci l structure o) surroun#ing communities/ Ecotourism' lt!oug! goo# in t!eor$' ) ile# in pr ctice/ 4$ #:usting t!e * sic principles o) ecotourism n# cre ting concrete n# precise #evelopment pl n' ecotourism c n *e success)ull$ # pte# to )unction s vi *le pl n )or gro+t! in #eveloping countries/ T!e )ollo+ing str tegies re met!o#s to improve t!e current structure o) ecotourism to m 0e it re son *le n# )unction l #evelopment str teg$ )or #eveloping countries/ Use a %ottom-up approach& T!e most note+ort!$ #o+n) ll o) ecotourism is t! t loc ls' especi ll$ poor loc ls' ver$ r rel$ receive# *ene)its )rom ecotourism pro:ects/ >e lt!$ n tives or )oreign investors )re1uentl$ *oug!t out propert$ in prime loc tions' le ving poor loc ls to occup$ service :o*s in lieu o) o+ners!ip/ Inste #' t!e loc l government s!oul# su*si#i2e propert$ or provi#e lo+5interest lo ns so t! t poor loc ls c n ))or# to invest in propert$/ T!is str teg$ ##resses t+o pro*lems +it! ecotourism8 !ig! st rt up costs n# involvement o) lo+er5cl ss loc ls/ 9ig! st rt5up costs o)ten le)t *usiness o+ners #epen#ent on )un#ing )rom NGOs or ot!er len#ers/ F government su*si#$ or lo+5interest lo n +oul# not cre te #epen#enc$E t!e$ encour ge poor n tives to enter t!e ecotourism in#ustr$ t price t! t t!e$ c n ctu ll$ ))or#/ I) mi##le to lo+5cl ss n tives *ec me t!e o+ners o) t!e ecotourism in#ustries' t!e$ +ill li0el$ ! ve gre ter concern )or t!e +ell *eing o) t!e environment n# its )e tures' n# +ill #o t!eir *est to sti)le e@p nsive n# #estructive gro+t!/ One o) t!e e@isting pro*lems +it! ecotourism is t! t t!e e@p nsion o) t!e tourism in#ustr$ necess ril$ ! rms t!e environment/ I) loc ls control t!e ecotourism in#ustr$' !o+ever'

ECOTOURISM IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 1G t!e$ +ill prioriti2e t!e protection o) t!eir n tive environment/ Inste # o) inter)ering +it! t!e environment *$ cre ting l rge5sc le #evelopment pro:ects' ecotourism pro:ects +ill rem in rel tivel$ sm ll/ 4$ 0eeping ecotourism sites sm ll' t!e in)lu@ o) tourists +ill rem in m n ge *le' n# t!e in#ustr$ +ill not nee# to e@p n# to levels t! t impe#e or #istr ct )rom t!e n tur l environment/ T!is str teg$ +ill llo+ )or * l nce *et+een tourism n# environment l preserv tion' +!ic! !onors t!e origin l go ls o) ecotourism/ Create incentives for domestic products/ F #o+n) ll o) ecotourism is t! t revenue is lost )rom le 0 ges to ot!er countries/ >!en )oreign investors o+n !otel or rest ur nt' it is more li0el$ t! t t!e o+ner +ill use pro#ucts n# +or0ers )rom t!eir o+n countr$ ,Lie*er0nec!t %&&G./ To prevent t!ese le 0 ges n# 0eep more o) t!e ecotourism revenue #omestic ll$' t!e government s!oul# cre te economic incentives )or using #omestic )oo#' tr vel gencies n# *uil#ing supplies/ One potenti l incentive is n e@ten#e# re l est te t @ re#uction )or #omestic investors/ Utili'e e!isting infrastructure& 4$ utili2ing re s +it! e@isting in)r structure' t!ere is no nee# to e@p n# t!e ecotourism in#ustr$ n# ! rm t!e environment/ Flt!oug! in)r structure n# environment #o not necess ril$ go ! n# in ! n#' t!ere nee#s to *e some in)r structure8inclu#ing ro #s' *uil#ings n# n irport8)or n ecotourism in#ustr$ to )louris!/ Tourists must re c! t!e loc tion' *e *le to tr vel e sil$ roun# t!e ecotourism site n# ! ve pl ces to st $' e t n# s!op/ I) n ecotourism in#ustr$ is est *lis!e# in n re t! t lre #$ ! s )unction l * l nce *et+een environment n# in)r structure' t!ere +ill *e less o) nee# to e@p n# n# )urt!er ! rm t!e environment/ Ecotourism as a secondar( industr(/ Ecotourism is n unpre#ict *le in#ustr$E t!ere)ore' it s!oul# not *e use# s t!e prim r$ *usiness in n re / Developing countries

ECOTOURISM IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 1s!oul# ! ve prim r$ #evelopment str teg$ +it! st *le in#ustr$ t! t is not e sil$ ))ecte# *$ se son l c! nge or n tur l #is ster/ Once pro#uctive n# ste #$ in#ustr$ is est *lis!e#' ecotourism c n *e use# to ccentu te t!e e@isting in#ustries in t! t re provi#e ##ition l revenue/ ?or e@ mple' sm ll communit$ in #eveloping countr$ coul# #erive t!eir m in source o) revenue )rom rot tion o) crops/ In Centr l Fmeric ' communities coul# pro#uce co))ee n# te ' *ut cre te sm ll in#ustr$ roun# note+ort!$ environment l )e tures li0e volc noes/ F simil r str teg$ coul# ppl$ to countries in F)ric E t!e countr$=s m in econom$ coul# center on mining or n tur l resource e@tr ction' *ut secon# r$ ecotourism in#ustr$ coul# o))er s ) ri tours/ Co st l re s s!oul# m int in )is!eries' *ut o))er +! le5+ tc!ing tours/ It is unre listic )or #eveloping countries to * se n entire #evelopment pl n on ecotourism/ It is re son *le' t!oug!' )or #eveloping countries to use ecotourism to cre te ##ition l revenue in ##ition to t!e in#ustries t! t re lre #$ t!riving/ Understanding of communit( structure& In or#er to voi# issues +it! t!e commo#i)ic tion o) culture n# #isruption o) n tive v lues' loc ls s!oul# *e inclu#e# in ever$ step o) t!e ecotourism process/ 4e)ore #esigns re m #e to cre te n ecotourism in#ustr$' #evelopers' investors n# government o))ici ls s!oul# ir out ll concerns o) t!e loc l people/ T!is is especi ll$ import nt )or communities t! t ! ve ! # ver$ little outsi#e in)luence n# re lmost completel$ isol te#' *ec use t!ese communities +ill *e ))ecte# t!e most *$ ecotourists/ T!e politic l clim te o) t!e communit$ or countr$ s!oul# lso *e ssesse# to ensure t! t n ecotourism loc le +ill not *e est *lis!e# in n re +it! tur*ulent politic l reput tion/ I) politic l #isputes or civil unrest is common in #evelope# countr$' ecotourism s!oul# *e voi#e# in gener l' n# more con)lict5 n#

ECOTOURISM IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES %& resilient in#ustr$ s!oul# *e est *lis!e#/ )onitoring via certification s(stem& Ecotourism st rte# out +it! v lu *le n# commen# *le principles' *ut unc!ec0e# gro+t! le# most ecotourism pro:ects to * n#on t!eir i#e s o) conserv tion n# succum* to t!e #r + o) #evelopment/ In or#er to prevent t!is )rom occurring g in' e c! countr$ s!oul# cre te n o))ici l ecotourism site #esign tion/ 4$ limiting t!e o))ici l term o) ;ecotourism site< to onl$ re s t! t meet cert in con#itions' it gives o+ners incentives to #!ere to t!e origin l principles o) ecotourism/ Flt!oug! o))ici l ecotourism sites mig!t inevit *l$ ttr ct more tourists' government incentives n# su*si#ies +ill #iscour ge ecotourism in#ustries )rom e@p n#ing so t! t t!e$ c n 0eep t!e ecotourism #esign tion/ Ensure that a portion of the profit is designated to conservation efforts/ F*ove ll else' ecotourism s!oul# im to protect t!e environment t! t it is centere# roun#/ >it!out t!e environment' t!ere +oul# *e no in#ustr$/ Currentl$' most ecotourism *usiness o+ners 0eep ll o) t!e pro)it to t!emselves n# #on te not!ing t ll to loc l conserv tion e))orts ,Tr p sso 1--D./ Inste #' in n ttempt to encour ge environment l protection' portion o) t!e pro)it )rom ecotourism s!oul# *e rec$cle# to protect or restore t!e environment/ Environment l protection c n *e costl$' *ut it is essenti l to t!e pro#uctivit$ o) t!e ecotourism in#ustr$/ F portion o) t @es )rom souvenirs' )oo#' tr nsport tion n# lo#ging s!oul# lso *e )or environment l protection/ Conclusion Ecotourism + s cre te# to *e t!e per)ect solution to environment l n# economic pro*lems in #eveloping countries/ M n$ #eveloping countries +ere s cri)icing n# ignoring t!e environment in or#er to #evelop' so ecotourism cre te# )e si*le pl n )or

ECOTOURISM IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES %1 t!ese communities/ Un)ortun tel$' ecotourism )ell s!ort *ec use o) its severe limit tions/ In ) ct' it even *roug!t even gre ter ! rm to some communities/ Flt!oug! gree# n# #esire )or #evelopment le# to t!e #issolution o) ecotourism=s origin l go ls' ecotourism is not lost c use/ Developing countries ! ve uni1ue c! nce to utili2e t!e principles o) ecotourism to stri0e * l nce *et+een environment l conserv tion n# economic #evelopment/ Over ll' t!e most essenti l component o) ecotourism is soun# government l structure/ >it! cooper tive n# +ell5me ning government' ecotourism coul# *e properl$ implemente# in #eveloping countries/ M n$ o) t!e pro*lems o) ecotourism stem )rom pro*lems +it!in t!e government' inclu#ing !ig! t @es' l c0 o) regul tion n# politic l unrest/ Once t!e government o) countr$ c! nges t!ese elements' ecotourism m $ *e *le to succee#/ Un)ortun tel$' c! nging t!e structure o) t!e government is e sier s i# t! n #one/ In or#er )or ecotourism to *e success)ul' t!ere nee#s to *e long5term' institution l c! nge in countr$/

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