BSED English

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Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED) Major In English English 101 (Communicative rammar) The course focuses on the correct

use of grammar for communication. Credit: 3 units English 111 (Structure of English) The course develops the ability to use the meta-language of grammar with ease and explain the form, meaning and use of the elements of grammar Credit: 3 units English 11! ("anguage and "iterature #ssessment) The course is designed to develop the art of questioning and the preparation of tests to measure language proficiency and achievement, and literary competence. Credit: 3 units. English 1$% ("iterary Criticism and &heory) The course is designed to provide the elements by which to shape students perspectives about a wor! of literature through discussion of the ma"or approaches to literary criticism. Credit: 3 units English 1$' (Creative (riting) The course is designed to study the forms of discourse stressing their essential features and characteristics, with a view of developing in the students the ability to write creatively. Credit: 3 units English 1!0 (S)eech and Stage #rts) The course focuses on the process of oral communications and the different forms of speech arts: public spea!ing, group discussions, debate, oral interpretation and dramatics. Credit: 3 units English 1!! (Cam)us *ournalism) The course is designed to develop s!ills and apply principles and strategies in writing the various parts of a campus paper. Credit: 3 units. English $01 (Mythology and +ol,lore) This course provides a study of mythological and fol! narratives from different countries in general and the different cultural patterns of countries, in particular. Credit: 3 units. English $0' (+ili)ino "iterature in English) The course is designed to familiari#e the students with selected wor!s in the literature of the $hilippines from the earliest times to the present. %t will focus on study selections written in or translated into &nglish. Credit: 3 units. English $10 (#fro-#sian "iterature) The course will offer representative selections of 'frican and 'sian (iterature, focusing on the contributions of 'frican and 'sian writers to world literature. Credit: 3 )nits English !01 (English "iterature from the .eginnings to the 1%th century) The course traces the development of &nglish literature from the beginnings to the *+th century. %t will highlight &nglish poets and dramatists who have made enormous contributions to the world of letters and whose writings are relevant today as in their times. Credit: 3 units. English !0$ (English "iterature from the 1/th century to the 0resent) The course focuses on the &nglish writers from the *,th century to the present. %t will have as its highlight the relevant prose wor!s of the -ictorian and ./th century period. Credit: 3 units

English !0! (#merican "iterature) The course will trace the development of 'merican (iterature from the Colonial $eriod to the ./th century. Credit: 3 units English !01 (Contem)orary "iterature) This course will focus on contemporary writers all over the world with emphasis on the 0obel $ri#e winners. Credit: 3 units English !0/ ((orld "iterature) The course will focus on literature that is considered masterpieces in the world of letters. Credit: 3 units English 201 (3emedial Instruction in English) 1evelops the students ability to organi#e, design, implement and evaluate remedial &nglish program in any of the four macro s!ills. Credit: 3 units. English 20! ("anguage 3esearch) 1evelops s!ills in applying principles and approaches in research to find answers to questions in language learning and teaching. Credit: 3 units. English 201 (0re)aration and Evaluation of Instructional Materials) This course is designed to equip students with s!ills to develop various types of instructional materials in &nglish suitable to the teaching and learning of a specific language ob"ective. Credit: 3 units. English 20% (E4)ository (riting) 'dvanced expository writing for content, unity and coherence as well as for style and tone. Credit: 3 units. English 20' (&ranslating and Editing of &e4t) This course is focused on the application of rules of discourse and rhetoric in editing various types of written material and principles and strategies in translating texts of various types from &nglish to another language or from another language to &nglish. Credit: 3 units.

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