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10 Tips How to Purchase a Flat - Guidance to purchase a Flat.

If you are interested in purchasing a Flat in a city like Chennai, Hyderabad, oida, !u"bai then before proceeding to buy, you should know certain basic things to a#oid cheating by $uilders% &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Tip 1' Test the $ore (ater in the )ab% *ecently I purchased a flat% $efore purchasing, I asked the builder about the water% The builder put on the "otor pu"b and water was gushing out% He caught the water in the "ug and ga#e it to "e% The water was crystal clear and tasty% I finalised the purchase and when I occupied the house, I was shocked% The water was *+, in color% I took the water to a water testing lab% They told it contains lots of iron that is why it is red% -oops I told hi" water was ok when I checked it before "y purchase% The e.planation gi#en by hi" is this' This water contains ferrous "aterial% Ferrous is colorless% $ut when it co"es out of the earth, when it co"bines with -.ygen, and after about one hour, it beco"es ferric and gi#es *+, color to the water% $efore Purchase a flat, take two litres of water to a testing lab% They will tell all the ite"s in that water and they will say whether it is drinkable% In Chennai, you can test water in Ta"ilnadu go#t twad board office% )ab /ddress ' T(/, House,01, 1a"ara2ar 3alai,Chepauk,Chennai 4 500 006 It will cost around *s%600% Tip7 ' 1now what is the difference between carpet area 8 $uiltup /rea Carpet /rea' /rea Inside the house +9C):,I ; TH+ 3P/C+ -CC:P)I+, $< TH+ (/))3% $uilt up area' It includes the space occupied by the walls also% 3ta"p duty is to be paid only to the carpet area not for the builtup area% Tip 0' Checkout the neighborhood of your Flat or $uilding% (hether there is li=uor shop> (hether the ne.t building is a te"ple creating lot of noise due to loudspeakers> (hether your flat is near a waste du"ping ground which "ay cause deseases% Tip?' If you own car, check the arrange"ent for P/*1I ; your car> Check out whether parking space is there for your car or two-wheeler and it is safe% Tip 6' <ou should know what is F3I% - F3I stands for Floor 3pace Inde.% Take the Total C/*P+T /*+/ of all the flats and ,I@I,+ it by the )/ , /*+/% (hat you get is F3I% For e.a"ple, in oida, the F3I is 0%0% That "eans, if the land area is 0000 s=%feet, then the total carpet area of all the flats should not e.ceed A000 s=%feet% <ou should #erify the /ppro#ed )ayout plan and /ppro#ed $uilding Plan to find out whether the builder has de#iated fro" the plan%

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