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INDEX OF EGYPTIAN ADMINISTRATIVE AND RELIGIOUS TITLES OF THE MIDDLE KINGDOM With a Glossary of Words and Phrases Used by WILLIAM A. WARD AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF BEIRUT Index of Egyptian Administrative 4nd Religious Titles of the Middle Kingdom ‘by Wiliam A. Ward First published in 1982 by the ‘American University of Beirut ©1982 All ights reserved Printed in Beirut, Lebanon One search for evidence, To bs sure, ue possess many basic reference the frustrations of Esyptology is the time-consuming uorks uhich make this search easier, but meny more are needed, The study of the social and political structure of the Middle Kingdom, for example, depends heavily on administrative titles, a situation clearly illustrated by the number of studies on individual titles which have appeared in the literature, Yet, those who wish to examine this sudject must spend countless hours uith museum catalogues, excavation reports and innumerable studies of inscribed objects in order te assemble adequate meterial. Thet there is @ wealth of meteriel is amply shoun by Martin's indis~ pensable collection of Middle Kingcam scarabs with titles and the numerous museum collections of grivate stelae of the period. The present uork grew out cf my oun endless search for individual titles and the rea on thet my colleagues faced the et the material assembled here is same problem, I readily admit incomplete, based as it is on the limited research facilities available to me in Beirut, There are Middle Kingdom monuments I have not seen and there are discussions of titles and individual words uhich have been unintentionally omitted, But no reference uork is ever finished and, while I am avare of its imperfections, T hope that in spite of them this Index will prove to be of some use. I would Like to express my appreciation to the followin: to the University Publications Committee of the American Univer= sity of Beirut for accepting this volume for publication; to the Research Committee of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of the sane institution for granting funds te obtain material not available in Beirut; to Mr, Devid Warburton for his perserverance in el; to Prof, Harry S, Smith of is material in a! collecting t

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