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MODALES A. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences (ability and permission. 1) Tibisay loves computers.

She tell you all about them a. was able to b. can c. may 2) She learnt C++ so she write her own programs a. can b. could c. will be able to 3) She design web pages for three months a. can b. is able to c. has been able to 4) When shes fully trained, she get a job as a programmer a. will be able to b. could c. can be able to 5) Maybe she get a job as a web designer next year a. was able to b. will be able to c. has been able to
B. Write questions using the prompts (ability and permission). 1) Im hungry. Can / have / something to eat. 2) Its cold in here. May / close / the window 3) You have an exam tomorrow. Be able to / pass / it 4) Theres programming course next week. Could / register / for it 5) I want my teacher to repeat an explanation. Could / repeat / that / please 6) I want to go to the cinema during the week. May / go / cinema / Tuesday

C. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences (possibility and certainly) Look at this iPad. Who owns it? 1) It isnt mine. It (could / cant) be Elis. She had one in class today. 2) No, it (must / cant) be hers. Hers is bright pink. 3) Thats right. It (cant / may) be Jordans. 4) Yes, it (might / cant) be his 5) It (could / must) be his. He wasnt connected to Messenger last night and hes always connected! Lets call him.

D. Choose the option that explains the sentence. 1) You cant find your keys a. You must have left them at home b. You must leave them at home 2) You see a couple who look very happy a. They must have had an argument b. They cant have had an argument 3) You arrived late for class again a. You shouldnt have remembered to set the alarm clock b. You should have remembered to set the alarm clock 4) You see your friend walking on crutches. You dont know why. a. He shouldnt have broken his leg playing football. b. He might have broken his leg playing football

E. Circle the correct word

1) Dont drink that! It (cant / might) be dangerous! 2) He (could / must) be at home today, but Im not sure. 3) Rosie (cant / might not) run the race today shes got a broken leg 4) You (might not / could) enjoy your Saturday job, but you need to save some money. 5) We (might / cant) go to the beach if it stops raining 6) It (cant / might) be easy to sail around the world
F. Complete the sentences. Use can could, has to / have to and had to 1) a. Whats wrong? b. Sorry, I .. to sit down because Im feeling dizzy. 2) A week ago I .. understand this, but now I cant 3) Everyone .. drink water to survive 4) My brother is fast. He .. run 100 m in less than twelve seconds. 5) When I broke my arm, I .. write with my left hand. 6) My sister .. walk when she was 9 months old.

H. Complete the sentences. Use the correct alternatives.

1) Andys missed the start of his favourite programme. He .. left work earlier. a. may have b. must have c. should have 2) Oh no! The tickets arent in my pocket. You .. dropped them. a. might have b. shouldnt have c. should have 3) Someone rang when you were out. I dont know who it was. It .. been the TV company. a. may have b. should have c. must have 4) I missed the last episode of The Clients List. Oh dear, I .. recorded it for you. a. must have b. could have c. shouldnt have 5) I didnt hear my alarm clock this morning. You .. gone to that party last night a. shouldnt have b. could have c. should have 6) I appeared on a chat show last week You .. been very nervous a. must have b. shouldnt have c. should have

I. Choose the correct verb in each sentence (speculation and deduction) 1) You (cant / mustnt / may) be Saidas brother- You look nothing like her. 2) I (couldnt / must / may) phone you this evening if I have time 3) Im never wrong about anything, so I (must / cant / may) be right. 4) This (can / may / must) be my composition this is my handwriting

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