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November Family Faith Packet

Topic: What Goes Around, Comes Around MEMORY VERSES: The Memory Verses are a means of reinforcing the topic of the month by memorizing a verse from the Bible that speaks to the topic of the month. Encourage your kids to return to the next Family Faith Session knowing their memory verses and they will receive a little treat (non-food) from their Catechist. The CD included in the first month has both the memory verses for the year and the Books of the Bible to help with memorization. Good Idea: Try posting the Memory Verses somewhere where the kids will see it often for example on the refrigerator

Hey Dad! Dont forget to read the Hey Dad section on the Opening Page (lower left margin) of each weeks topic, which calls out to Dad to play a special part each week!! Good Idea: Start each Family Faith Session off by lighting a candle and saying a family prayer. This helps everyone center themselves and quiet down.

Week 1: Nov 10th Topic: The Saints Focus: Saints are great examples for us we will become more familiar with the process that occurs in order to canonize a saint. Please read the opening page we understand through the saints we receive encouragement from their example and we imitate their virtues. The lived lives of faith and obedience. We ask for saints to pray for us to intercede on our behalf just as we might ask a friend to pray for us. 1. Check your supply box. This week you will need: pencils, books about saints, websites about saints

2. The Saints a. Adults, kids b. Lived long ago lived more recently as well

3. Gods Hall of Fame how some saints were just like you and me a. St. Martha i. Complained that her sister didnt do her fair share of chores. b. St. John Bosco i. Liked magic tricks and acrobatics c. St. John Vianney i. Struggled through school never thought hed make it to become a priest d. Sts. John & James i. Sons of Thunder big tempers e. St. Martin de Porres i. He was treated unfairly as a boy f. St. Teresa of Avila i. Loved dressing fancy and reading stories about knights and ladies g. St. Augustine i. Hung around with some bad friends and made bad choices against his mothers wishes (St. Monica) h. St. Maria Goretti i. Saint at age 12 she fought to preserve her purity i. St. Mary Blessed Mother i. Perfect example of obedience to the will of God Queen of the Saints 4. What makes a saint? a. Thousands of saints b. All saints LOVE GOD ABOVE ALL ELSE c. God was a very real part of their everyday lives d. EVERYTHING they do is for God e. Saints are BRAVE many martyred all are heroes f. Discuss what worldly things are possessions 5. How do people become saints? (For Older Kids) a. First saints were all martyrs who inspired the early Christians b. Others who proclaimed the faith also became intercessors for the early Christians bishops began to call them saints. c. Now, the Pope makes the final decision regarding sainthood. 6. Canonization Process a. People who knew the person bring his/her name to their bishop b. Evidence supporting the request would be gathered if there is enough venerable people can ask for the intercession of this person privately c. The life and works (writings, etc) of the person are studied more carefully. Prove exceptional virtue and 2 miracles as a result of intercession Blessed d. Finally, the Pope may now declare a Saint name can be mentioned as part of the Eucharistic Prayer, Feast Day, honored by Church 7. We are ALL called to be SAINTS Communion of Saints Tree a. Church Militant

b. Church Suffering c. Church Triumphant d. Were all part of the tree just as were all part of the Body of Christ e. Pray for each other ask the saints to pray for you 8. Patron Saints a. Often based on what they did, where they lived, etc b. St. Joseph Head of Holy Family patron of Families c. St. Rose of Lima gardened and sold her roses patroness of gardeners and florists 9. Babys given Saints names a. If not you can choose a patron based on interests, ethnicity, etc Activity: Who is your patron saint? Fill out sheet about your patron saint.

Activity: Learn more about saints using books, websites, etc Learn about a new saint each day find out whose Feast Day it is and learn a little bit about them. Use the following website:

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