Fanno Creek

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Fanno Creek is a 15-mile (24 km) tributary of the Tualatin River in the U. . state of !re"on.

#$% &art of the 'raina"e basin of the Columbia River( its )atershe' *overs about $2 s+uare miles (,$ km2) in -ultnomah( .ashin"ton( an' Cla*kamas *ounties( in*lu'in" about / s+uare miles (1, km2) )ithin the &ortlan' *ity limits. From its hea')aters in the Tualatin -ountains (.est 0ills) in south)est &ortlan'( the *reek flo)s "enerally )est an' south throu"h the *ities of &ortlan'( 1eaverton( Ti"ar' an' 2urham( an' unin*or3orate' areas of .ashin"ton County. 4t enters the Tualatin River about 5 miles (14 km) above the Tualatin6s *onfluen*e )ith the .illamette River at .est 7inn. For thousan's of years( the 8tfalati (Tualatin) tribe of the 9ala3uya inhabite' the )atershe'. The first settler of :uro3ean 'es*ent( 8u"ustus Fanno( for )hom the *reek is name'( arrive' in the mi'-15th *entury. 0e establishe' an onion farm in )hat be*ame 1eaverton. Fanno Farmhouse( the restore' family home( is a Century Farm on the ;ational Re"ister of 0istori* &la*es an' is one of 14 urban 3arks in a narro) *orri'or alon" the *reek. 8lthou"h heavily 3ollute'( the *reek su33orts a+uati* life( in*lu'in" *utthroat trout in its u33er rea*hes. .atershe' *oun*ils su*h as the Fans of Fanno Creek#5% an' "overnment a"en*ies have )orke' to limit 3ollution an' to restore native ve"etation in ri3arian <ones. Contents #hi'e% 1 Course 1.1 2is*har"e 2 .atershe' $ 0istory 4 &ollution 5 1iolo"y 5.1 Fish an' )il'life 5.2 =e"etation > &arks / ee also , ;otes an' referen*es 5 .orks *ite' 1? :@ternal links Course#e'it% Fanno Creek arises at an elevation of 4/, feet (14> m) above sea level an' falls $/? feet (11? m) bet)een sour*e an' mouth to an elevation of 1?, feet ($$ m).#1%#2% The main stem be"ins at about river mile (R-) 15 or river kilometer (R9) 24 in the 0ills'ale nei"hborhoo' of south)est &ortlan'( in -ultnomah County. The *reek flo)s )est alon" the north si'e of !re"on Route 1? (the 1eavertonA0ills'ale 0i"h)ay)( 3assin" 8lbert 9elly &ark an' re*eivin" 4vey Creek an' 1ri'lemile Creek on the ri"ht before rea*hin" the Unite' tates Beolo"i*al urvey (U B ) stream "au"e at outh)est 5>th 8venue 11.5 miles (15.2 km) from the mouth. hortly thereafter an' in +ui*k su**ession( it enters .ashin"ton County an' the unin*or3orate' *ommunity of Ralei"h 0ills( *rosses un'er Route 1?( an' re*eives ylvan Creek on the ri"ht. 0ere the stream turns south( 3assin" throu"h 1auman &ark( )here =ermont Creek enters on the left about 1? miles (1> km) from the mouth( an' then south)est to flo) throu"h the &ortlan' Bolf Club an' =ista 1rook &ark( )here .oo's Creek enters on the left. From here it flo)s )est a"ain for about 1 mile (1.> km)( 3assin" throu"h Fanno Creek Trail &ark an' enterin" 1eaverton about , miles (1$ km) from the mouth before turnin" shar3ly south an' flo)in" un'er !re"on Route 21/ (1eavertonATi"ar' 0i"h)ay).#>%#/%#,%#5% Fanno Creek then flo)s rou"hly 3arallel to Route 21/ for about 2 miles ($ km) throu"h Fanno Creek &ark an' Breen)ay &ark. ;ear the southern en' of Breen)ay &ark( the *reek 3asses un'er !re"on Route 21? ( *holls Ferry Roa')( an' enters

Ti"ar' about 5 miles (, km) from the mouth. 4n +ui*k su**ession( 0iteon Creek enters on the ri"ht( 8sh Creek on the left( an' ummer Creek on the ri"ht before the *reek rea*hes .oo'ar' &ark( "oes un'er !re"on Route 55. ( outh)est &a*ifi* 0i"h)ay)( an' flo)s throu"h Fanno &ark an' 1onita &ark as )ell as resi'ential nei"hborhoo's. 1et)een the t)o 3arks( Re' Ro*k Creek enters on the left about 2.5 miles (4.? km) from the mouth. li"htly 'o)nstream of 1onita &ark( 1all Creek enters on the left. Fanno Creek then enters 2urham( 3asses a U B "au"in" station 1.1$ miles (1.,2 km) from the mouth( flo)s throu"h 2urham City &ark( an' em3ties into the Tualatin River 5.$ miles (15.? km) from its *onfluen*e )ith the .illamette River.#>%#/%#,%#1?% 2is*har"e#e'it% The U B monitors the flo) of Fanno Creek at t)o stations( one in 2urham( 1.1$ miles (1.,2 km) from the mouth( an' the other in &ortlan'( 11.5 miles (15.2 km) from the mouth. The avera"e flo) of the *reek at the 2urham station is 4$.5 *ubi* feet 3er se*on' (1.24 m$Cs). This is from a 'raina"e area of $1.5 s+uare miles (,1.> km2)( more than 55 3er*ent of the total Fanno Creek )atershe'. The ma@imum flo) re*or'e' there )as 1(>/? *ubi* feet 3er se*on' (4/ m$Cs) on 2e*ember $( 2??/( an' the minimum flo) )as 1 *ubi* foot 3er se*on' (?.?$ m$Cs) on e3tember 1$( 2??1( an' e3tember 15( 2??5.#4% 8t the &ortlan' station( the avera"e flo) is $.15 *ubi* feet 3er se*on' (?.?5 m$Cs). This is from a 'raina"e area of 2.$/ s+uare miles (>.1 km2) or about / 3er*ent of the total Fanno Creek )atershe'. The ma@imum flo) re*or'e' there )as /$$ *ubi* feet 3er se*on' (21 m$Cs) on February ,( 155>( an' the minimum flo) )as ?.?1 *ubi* feet 3er se*on' (?.???$ m$Cs) on e3tember 4( 2??1. #5% .atershe'#e'it% 8 narro) bri'"e( su33orte' by sets of *ylin'ri*al 3iers to33e' )ith *on*rete( *rosses a mu''y river. 8 mu*h smaller stream( nearly obs*ure' by ve"etation( enters the river near one en' of the bri'"e. Fanno Creek( nearly hi''en by folia"e( meets the mu*h lar"er Tualatin River near a 3e'estrian bri'"e. 2rainin" $1./ s+uare miles (,2.1 km2)(#$% Fanno Creek re*eives )ater from &ortlan'6s .est 0ills( e@ton -ountain in 1eaverton( an' 1ull -ountain near Ti"ar'. ;early all of the )atershe' is urban.#11% 8bout / s+uare miles (1, km2)( rou"hly 22 3er*ent of the total( lies insi'e the &ortlan' *ity limits.#$% The hi"hest elevation in the )atershe' is 1(?>? feet ($2? m) at Coun*il Crest in the .est 0ills.#12% The 3eak elevation on e@ton -ountain is 4/> feet (145 m)(#1$% )hile 1ull -ountain rises to /15 feet (21, m).#14% 8bout 11/ miles (1,, km) of streams flo) throu"h the )atershe'( in*lu'in" 8sh Creek( ummer Creek( an' 12 smaller tributaries.#12% 8 small 3art of the 'raina"e basin lies in the *ity of 7ake !s)e"o in Cla*kamas County( near the hea')aters of 1all Creek( a Fanno Creek tributary.#15% The slo3es at the hea')aters of Fanno Creek *onsist mainly of Columbia River 1asalt e@3ose' in ravines but other)ise *overe' by u3 to 25 feet (, m) of )in'-'e3osite' silt. ilts an' *lays are the most *ommon )atershe' soils( an' si"nifi*ant erosion is *ommon.#12% 8bout 5? in*hes (1($?? mm) of 3re*i3itation( almost all of )hi*h is rain an' about half of )hi*h arrives in ;ovember( 2e*ember( an' Danuary( falls on the )atershe' ea*h year. 8lthou"h si"nifi*ant floo'in" o**urre' in 15//( the )atershe' has not e@3erien*e' a 1??-year floo' sin*e the area be*ame urban.#12% mall )atershe's a'Ea*ent to the Fanno Creek )atershe' in*lu'e those of minor tributaries of the .illamette or Tualatin rivers. Tryon Creek( 1al*h Creek( an' other small streams east of Fanno Creek flo) 'o)n the eastern flank of the .est 0ills into the .illamette. To the north)est( 0all Creek( Ce'ar -ill Creek( an' 1ronson Creek flo) into 1eaverton Creek( a tributary of Ro*k Creek( )hi*h em3ties into the Tualatin River at the lar"er stream6s R- $,.4 (R9 >1.,)( about 25 miles (4/ km) u3river from the mouth of Fanno Creek.

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