Direct Marketing - Response

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Telemarketing [1] Planning Your Image how do you want to project yourself? o Big or a small company o Caring company? o Socially responsible? (what have you done for Thailand) o Easy to do business with? o Fast and responsive? Set clear objectives o Build database o Sell product or service o Pass information o Portray your company DM campaign sheet o Target audience or your ideal customer o Objectives of the campaign o Features and benefits stressed in the script/copy o Type of offer o Why should the consumer buy your product? o Types of tactics employed o Feedback from previous campaigns o Fulfillment services o Follow-up strategy can you offer something new? Or interesting? o What-if scenarios (risk responses) Prior information o Objections o How consumers react to the benefits? o What offers appeal to them? o What kind of customer actually listens to what you have to say? o What kind of opening statement is most effective? [2] List [3] Offer Three elements of an offer o Believable If you purchase plan 3 it comes with a free 1 month service plan for xyz o Involved 10% discount is not involved; instead say Get plan 3 and we thrown in a 3-month subscription to California Wow or Buy one and the get the other at 50% o Creative Price incentives o Use a dollar discount like $25 o Percentage discount like 20% o Use a random number like 38% instead of 30% o Get gift certificates each month (you can have it in the welcome pack) o Group discounts

Payment o No money down o No interest payment o Order now, pay later Connect the payment with prior-campaign Since you sent away for our free booklet we would like to give you a 20% discount on our product

[4] Tactics Privilege o You have been specially chosen o This is an exclusive offer for people who enjoy football o Join a special club e.g. the wine club o Say Gold service Premiums (items usually given free or at a nominal price offered as an incentive to purchase a product or service; see if the response rate increases) o Cordless phone with a magazine subscription o Free information is most effective e.g. offer the Thailand health guide along with the HIP policy o Offer free consultation or evaluation - professionals can do that where they offer a free evaluations to companies, work with them .. and later most companies will obtain their services Low cost bonuses (but high perceived value) o e-books o Members only website subscription Free trial o 30-day waiting period Early bird offers o Buy before the deadline and youll get a discount or a gift voucher or a dollar amount off Contests and sweepstakes o Lucky draws like ACE lucky draw o Skill contest people who buy mobile phone insurance can participate in mobile photo contest Multiple discount offers (gives special treatment to consumers) o The actual price of the products is $25 but if you buy two, youll get it for $20 each. And if you buy a third then it will cost even lower at $15. So 20+20+15=$55 for 3 units. Multiple products Super offer where the offer keeps getting better and better o Ginsu knives that offers 10 knives for $19.95 Deluxe Edition o Give a beautiful box with 20% extra chocolate at $20, when normal is $15

[5] Script Excellent opening statement Focus on the benefit and not features o You will need money to take care of daily hospitalization expenses, so we pay you a daily fixed allowance o ICU admission can be a very harrowing time for patients and very expensive also. We have provided a special ICU allowance that doubles your daily

allowance for a maximum for 7 days. So if your plan has 500 rupees for daily allowance, the ICU allowance is 1000 rupees for a maximum of 7 days. Connect with the listener o You can come over to our office anytime ... I will show you around. Not too many people will do that but shows a human approach o Use words like personally chosen, preferred customer o Do more - This policy is perfect for adults over the age of 30 + we have over 200,000 people in Thailand who have taken advantage of this policy + if you can share your email id, I can also send you the testimonial of people who have (if they say no) used our policy. Winning words o Free o New o First-time offer o Special invitation o Limited-time offer o Early bird special o Guaranteed o Congratulations o Two-for-one o Save o Don't send money o Introducing Stress on the before and after effect If you have insurance you fall into a problem then your family gets 1 million baht which will help them through bad times but if you dont die then you will lose just 2000 baht. Now look at it the other way; if you dont have insurance and fall into trouble, then your family will lose 1 million baht but you would have saved. Throw emphasis Every month we pay taxes to the government, buy gifts for our friends we do this while we live. But after we die none of them come and help our family members. This is where insurance helps. Improve product credibility o Include a statistical claim about its effectiveness. Say, Citibank today has 100,000 customers and 60% of them have an insurance policy with us. (or something more personal) o 9 out of 10 doctors recommend it or, 70% of Fortune 500 companies who read this book were promoted in 6 weeks Get your audience involved by asking them questions. o How have you planned to handle any big hospital emergency that comes into the family? o Wait for them to answer Start your script with a story o Last year we received a lot of feedback from Citibank customers that they are looking for a special product which helps them solve the problem of hospitalization. So we setup a new team to look for solutions for Citi customers, we would have talked to over 500 customers and saw that they are looking for benefit 1, benefit 2 and benefit 3. Eliminate hard-to-understand jargon Benefit intensifiers Save more time Use words that create emotion mad, angry, happy o Imagine how happy you will be when you know that the insurance company is

taking care of your bill. Tell your visitors what their friends or family will probably think when they buy your product. For example, you could say, "Your dad will be so happy when he sees you've bought him a new tool box!" Summarize the benefits again for the listener Use the life-style calendar to your advantage o January is when people are tempted to start new stuff (resolutions) o December is when they want to go out of city for a vacation Instead of saying 30-day waiting period say We dont want you to have anything that you may find unsatisfactory to your needs, thats why we also give you a 30 -day waiting period in which you can cancel your policy and we will not charge any premiums to you Suggest specific actions o Buy one for your child who goes to school, plays around and stays out of home most of the day

[6] Call to action If you take it now then - you get a special 2-month subscription to xyz magazine or a 10% discount etc. [7] Testimonial Talk about a customer of yours who bought the product and how happy she is because of it. How the product helped her during her time of need? Especially hospital cash. Write a story in the script Get permission from some customers to use their name and story Is a celebrity among your list of policyholders? Have a famous respectable person representing your product as a client. E.g. Thailands biggest sport-star or TV show host etc. find from your database that who is a customer. List any publication that has written about your product [8] Records and measurement Qualitative o Reasons for buying o Reasons for not buying o Reasons for cancelling o Objections raised during call o Best features of the product Quantitative o Bought for self or someone else o Response rates (CR1 and CR2) [9] Testing Product Opening statement Offer Tactics [10] Objections handling [11] Expanding your database

Even a person is not interested say Thank you for your time. As a small gesture, we are giving away 500 e-books of Plan your investments and get rich. These are small pdf files sent to you in 6 parts each fortnight. Each part will cover areas like taxes, investments, insurance, real estate etc. This has been specially designed for ACE by Money magazine and its free of cost. Id like to offer one to you. If you can give me your email id, I will send you one within a day or two. SMS people to send their email id for a free ebook Checkoff box - "I'm not interested in accepting your offer at this time, but please keep me on your list." Member get a member o AOL offers members $25 when they refer a friend and that person signs on

[12] Extra Promote yourself as well as your products o Write articles, e-books, reports, etc. o Social purpose this is where email database can help Welcome pack Outer envelope o Use bold headlines The best investment you have made, or write YOUR ASSETS - stocks (blank), property (blank), mutual fund (blank), car (blank), insurance (tick) o Amuse people $20 coupon inside (and you can have a post dated cheque of $20 for a voucher) o Tease Are you doing everything to ensure your childs safety? o Visually engaging Maybe a cartoon; use bright colors o Feature your offer on the cover o Hand address your envelop (use a handwriting script) The letter o What messages do you want to drive? (great company, customer centric) o State the benefits and not the features o Humanize your letter Be sincere, tell a story Let your personality come out What else are you doing? o Use winning words Privilege Club member Preferred customer o Describe Benefits If you have a small number of sales, dont forget to send a personalized letter with each sales unit this builds a relationship Offer a gold service o The policy letter is christened with gold, and a list of privileges just for the person Dividend cheque we won some great awards this year and you are a part of our family. This rebate is applicable in any store (Tesco, Central) anywhere.

Happy birthday with a $2 rebate Everything doesnt have to be free have a $30 annual fee Immerse yourself in the product or service o Use your product, touch it, study it, see how people use it o Look at colors, creative ways in which they play Write about how your 2-year old loves it o Understand who your target market is and how they operate Get the prospect involved o Survey o Quiz o Contest o Participate for a book o Give your email id by SMS In your brochure o See if you need a photo or not o Have a lot of white space o Have a headline that major point you want to get across to the reader o Never send a brochure without an envelop in direct mail In the cover letter, include a photograph (glossy photo) which features one of the charities that ACE supports say if you want to participate, please let us know by calling us at xxx or dropping an email to our charities co-ordinator at Use colored paper Make the lines in the form for name and address and email long enough List all the credit cards that you can accept Keep collecting database plus referrals etc. In a form, provide an example on how to fill the order form Pre-empt events with offers o Before Jurassic Park came out and there was a big buzz around it offer 12 dinosaur beannies at $10 If you are selling a 1000 dollar product and the ad will cost will 1000 dollars and you can reach 100,000 target audience with that advertisement then there is no conflicting knowledge. Headline o Problem/solution Do you spend sleepless nights walking on the floor? Try our new herbal remedy for insomnia o Historical event Americas First Gold Bullion coins o Testimonials o Product claim 9 out of 10 doctors recommend it or, 70% of Fortune 500 companies who read this book were promoted in 6 weeks o Outrageous statements All women who die before 120, die prematurely o Questions Is your boss driving you crazy? Sometimes you can just put in an inspirational story e.g. This is the story about a man who fought cancer with a little bit of medication and a lot of support this can be a part of your copy An ad copy is nothing but telling a story o Edit the ad copy again and again Use symbols where possible. So instead of writing Best buy, put in a symbol with the words Best Buy Interesting campaigns that work o Rent-a-sheep We will shred the wool and make a beautiful suit for you.

Rent-mother-nature Lease a fruit tree, an acre of wheat; help us grow a tree and whatever fruits that come from the tree reach you; this way we get the tree and you help us & get the fruits Multiple uses for your product e.g. if the welcome pack is given like a box; then then box can be used for storing the document for later use. 3 most important things headline, copy and photograph The first thing that the customer sees is not your product but your packaging make it work in your favour o All products available with ACE can be shown on the product A brochure inside the welcome pack is not necessary but a cleverly designed letter will do wonders. It can be from one of our customers who went through a lot of problems and how ACE Insurance policy helped her. Similarly have the CS agent who helped her. Brand it Help a phone call away - 26114040 Dont write on the welcome pack that we are sending you x, y, z. Have a small illustration and then write on bottom with 1,2, 3 and 4 Red brochures pull in more people than any other color. Your envelop can be red in color or bright green. Dont make a brochure; instead give a letter to every interested customer (BE DIFFERENT) brand the letter and the contents inside. The letter should have a photo of a person who bought it and he should give the story. Talk on a one-on-one basis. Use an unusual fold in your brochure; like the mini cooper fold. Interesting campaigns o Free handwriting analysis o EBook o Make your own comics o Operation (the organs have to be placed properly) Use colored paper stock rather than wasting color ink Send a welcome pack with a $200 check for a cancer check-up at a nearby hospital Or send 12 cheques of $20 saying, if you fill this survey and help us improve our service then well give you a discount each month + use it to take 2 referrals

Others Dont discard unused ideas Loyalty programs o Stamps o Frequent flyers miles o 3 criteria High quality products Extraordinary customer service Timely delivery Credibility Accurate billing Easy returns/refunds Flexibility Caring Ongoing communication Offer customer education

Keep your name in front with your customers Partnership programs o AirCanada has a partnership with a phone company. When customers of that phone company make calls, they earn frequent flyer miles. So when they make travel plans, their first option is AirCanada. o Every monthly insurance adds another 200 points to your Central Card for that month. For us we get a benefit to explain to customers; for credit card company it locks the customer to the card. o You can tie-up with 2 companies and offer the customer x and y. Use a spokesperson to build rapport with the customer. So if you have a brand ambassador, use him in the copy aswell to build a connection Your welcome pack o A brochure with your other products o Your welcome pack will be designed in a way that people want to see it. It shows your company in good light o Add the testimonial to your welcome pack Birthday greetings on email show be personally written. With a picture of 34 candles all marked and lit like in a gif animation. The cake will have an ACE logo and the face of a person blowing the candles. Use serif fonts and not sans serif comprehension is better o So dont use times roman, use arial Samples o In service, you can use a consultation or evaluation o E.g. professionals can do that where they offer a free evaluations to companies, work with them .. and later most companies will obtain their services Automatic shipping, negative option offers o Mostly book clubs do that Tell your potential customers special events your business has sponsored. It could be charities, fund-raisers, charity auctions, etc.

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