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Ramblings of a Targeted Individual

Due to secret remote mind control technologies and lethal microwave weapons successfully experimenting on unsuspecting families and communities, through the past few decades, all of humanity is in critical danger. This Global Crisis Cant Remain Unnoticed Without Lethal Consequences for All of Humanity! I used to own a nice country home. Now I'm homeless and facing this alone. . .fighting for our lives in a world gone wrong, while crying for help in an unheard song. I hope you hear me soon.

Lupus Cause & Cure

In 2006 I had publicly declared that my case of "Lupus" was being caused by negative energies, which were being directed at me by some sort of satanic occult. (Yes most people thought I was nuts.) Because of my spiritual focus, and the fact that I am sensitive to energies, it was easy for me to think this possible, although the energies were so strong and so debilitating that it baffled me. I later realized that I am a "Targeted Individual and that "Lupus" symptoms mimic the symptoms of many other individuals who are victims of remote attacks from Directed Energy Weapons. I had not known that there was even such a thing as directed energy weapons or that they have been being used on masses of unsuspecting victims for decades now! My own technological ignorance prevented me from seeing the deeper truths. But parts of what I had been perceiving are true - the harmful energy IS coming from a satanic group. My Lupus began clearing up after I moved and changed my name and I have since realized that the "flares" only happen when I am being hit with heavy doses of microwave energy. I firmly feel that when people hit what is called the psychosis level of Lupus, they are feeling what is REALLY happening to them. . .THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED BY AN EVIL FORCE, WHICH USES PROJECTED IMAGES AND REMOTELY DIRECTED HARMFUL ENERGY, IN ORDER TO MAKE A PERSON FEEL LIKE THEY ARE GOING CRAZY!!! "V2K" is what people are calling the visual part of this process. YES, there are technologies that can do such things. And the process of misdiagnosing these victims of sadistic abuse is almost more cruel than the secret remote microwave energy attacks.

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For the HEART of Humanity

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The Latest Heart Bud Publication Technological Holocaust - (Condensed) Technological Holocaust - Mind Control Technological Holocaust - (8 page) The "Public Notice" news paper Sharon's Bud #2

Books by Sharon Poet

Ramblings of a TI Embracing Sadness Buds of Inspiration Hints of Me in Poetry Into the Light The Personal Journal

Cure for Lupus: Prevent Microwave Weapons from being used on human beings and prosecute those who are involved in performing such atrocities.

Articles and Information

Cry for Help Help For Targeted Individuals Remedy to Save Humanity Mind Control Steals Hope

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Symptoms of Microwave Targeting Gang Stalking - Community Bullying Targeted Individuals - Who We Are
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Targeted Individuals
We are unseen victims Lost beneath the lies. We are the tortured ones

Put on a list to die. We are rising wounded Begging for your aide. Becoming specks of dust In an evil charade.

About Me
Sharon R. Poet PO Box 383, Mont Vernon, NH 03057, United States I am being heavily targeted as I write this, so please understand that these ramblings are the best I can do under indescribably difficult circumstances>>> I began researching, in order to figure out why I am being slandered, stalked, threatened...etc., and have been finding that I am just one of many victims of an operation that is a serious threat to ALL of humanity. . . My birth name was Sharon Yvette LaBree. My married Name was Sharon Buck. And my pen name was Namatari Neachi. My legal name is now Sharon Rose Poet. View my complete profile

I Dream of
FREEDOM - from all that harms and binds, CRYING - until all the pain is gone, HEALING - for humanity's invaded minds, PEACE - like gentle waves in rolling sea, LOVE - the kind that comforts and cares, SOLITUDE - the kind that just lets me be, I dream. . .

!? "Insane" ?!
I pray for a world of peace Love for those who are in need No one left alone to bleed I dream. I dream. I dream. Must be because I am insane. I see rich people filled with greed Stealing from those who are in need Controlling this crumbling country. I see. I see. I see. Must be because I am insane. I see people fighting for their lives Darkness turning day to night People thinking its alright. I cry. I cry. I cry. Must be because I am insane. I see ocults bleeding hearts and souls Hiding things that we don't know Evil aiming for control. I know. I know. I know. Must be because I am insane.

There are people trying to silence me In a world that we think is free. Things I wish I could not see. I bleed. I bleed. I bleed. Must be because I am insane. I pray for a world of peace Love for those who are in need No one left alone to bleed I dream. I dream. I dream. Must be because I am insane.

Flag By 0bars_165661 Criminal stalkers Wave flags in my face! Can those stripes care For the human race? I see no compassion In this targeting case. My tears are spilling On American ground Stomped on and spit at No help to be found. But the flags turn to Make another round. How many murders Hide in those stripes? How many secret And cowardly fights? One woman stalked By five flags at night!!! So kill me and show What they Truly are Stripes wrapped Around fading stars Secret and torturous Concentration bars.

I thought our flag waved for FREEDOM and LIBERTY! Will TRUE stripes set us free?
Can you feel our tears Filling the shadows Of patriotic violence?

Return the Constitution.

The freedom that we boast of In the "good old USA" Has already been Secretly taken away. Lets take it back Return the Constitution To it's original track. There are microwave weapons Aimed at you and me And people dieing for telling us But we're too blind to see. The economy is failing Through the hands we trust And our taxes are pay for Those who target us. There's an evil darkness Aiming for control And we just accept it, Because we don't know. Eugenics didn't stop with The Hitler we degrade But the Truth is being buried Deep inside our graves. The freedom that we boast of In the "good old USA" Has already been Secretly taken away. Lets take it back Return the Constitution To it's original track.

You can dis-believe me Mis-perceive me, Throw me on the ground, While I turn to cry. . . Tears, without a sound. You can label me even Sable me, Try to stuff me in your box. But I can still live without My own shoes and socks. You can strike me Dislike me Shoot darkness at my back. But I can pull in the Light And aim to stay on track.

You can cut me Rut me Chose fear and hate to feed. But I am still protecting The Soul you try to bleed. You can use me Lose me, Hit me with your door, But I will still speak out. I'll be silent no more. You can blame me Shame me Denounce everything I say. But I'll still aim for Truth And strive to be OK.

"Not Important Enough"?

If you foolishly assume We think we are Special or important Beyond anyone else, Please put your jealousy Upon its trashy shelf, Because those of us Who are experiencing This indescribable hell Need only the Love You let them dispel. We are just people Like all of you and I. We are unseen victims Lost beneath their lies. We are rising wounded Begging for your aide, Becoming specks of dust In an evil charade.

The Save
This is a world Being secretly torn apart Through breeches of mind And blocks of heart. But Light will rain As pure as snow To Save us from The final blow.

Stalking Puppets
Scrambling, little puppets Line up in a row, Stumble upon each other To get to where I go. One cuts me off, While another repeats my song... All foolishly think That I'm the one who's wrong. Some are veterans, Still caught up in a fight, Controlled by those Who intrude upon their plight. Some are only citizens Who choose to believe Lies and rumors

Cast into them by thieves. Some are just as evil As those who control Aiming to prosecute The innocent who know. Dare I feel it Feel more sorry for them? Dare I pray They find their hearts again? Sometimes I do.

I try to understand. I do. As my pain retreats The hand I reached Out to you. Its True!

Don't Give Up
Don't ever think We will not escape, Or that our rescue Will remain too late. Don't give them the power. Don't let them win. Don't let hope fade. Don't give up again. Cast aside their darkness And let the Light sing. Climb up on their stones And raise your broken wing.

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I dream of the day When justice lifts the weight Of darkness from our souls When we stand in the Light Gazing upon the birth of a sunrise Holding the broken pieces of our lives Not knowing how to restore them But feeling that we can Because we are free. I dream.

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