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Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world
11,331 likes 890 talking about this 11 were here OUR MISSION IS WAKING THE BLIND!The reality in this page is more frightening than a Stephen King novel. For you brave hearts who believe the people have a right to know what shameful deeds their government is doing with their tax money do read this page About Les psychopathes naiment pas les personnes Peter Mooring, fortes un homme pris comme cible, ingnieur, qui a galement Notes 248 su Map dclar

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Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world 54 seconds ago

Recent Posts by Others Guy Simpson TO ALL THOSE WHO GANG UP TO STALK ME...ONCE A October 30 at 7:56am Guy Simpson Strike the tryn to get the beamer with the hatch...g October 29 at 8:25am Guy Simpson OK OK OKAY...TO ALL THOSE WHO GANG UP TO STAL October 25 at 7:23am More Posts

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about 2 weeks ago

Trina Taylor try very hard to pretend that they are not disturbing you...go 4 about 12 months ago Moh Book Excellent blog, qui peut permettre des perso Like Comment Share

about 2 weeks ago

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world about a minute ago

Breda Murphy am not on my own. 2 about 6 months ago See More

Likes Organized Gang Stalking is Terrorism Community Bach Musician/Band

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world 2 minutes ago

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Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world 4 minutes ago

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Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world 4 minutes ago

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world 10 minutes ago

interesting comments:
Like Comment Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world The same thing is happening all over the world. I dont have to assume people are gang stalkers. (Civilian spies or Suburban Spies is a better term.) I can tell who is and who is not. These programs are being run all over the place. If you moved and w... See More 10 minutes ago

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Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world 11 minutes ago

neighbors become murderers In many cases the neighbors just do what they are asked to do and the targeted person commits suicide, collapses into a psychiatric patient, commits a provoked criminal act, collapses of continuous suffering, constructed (car) accident, etc. When this happens within a few months after the start of the harassment only a few neighbors will worry, feel guilty, other neighbo... See More
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Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world changed their cover photo. 10 hours ago Edited

Surviver of organized gang stalking and mind control (covert crime) sopravvissuta al crimine organizzato di gang stalking e controllo mentale

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world changed their cover photo. 19 hours ago Edited

covert war surviver

Like Comment Share Maradona Rupa, Jose Luis Villacaas Rodriguez, Manuel Pereira and 917 others like this. Mihai Codrut Boncu ce sni frumoi ai pwp See Translation 2 October 24 at 1:09pm Fabio Ferreira Maravilhosa . See Translation 1 October 23 at 7:11pm via mobile Like Comment Share Aktar Hossain, Jovo Rajkovic, Tharwat Pharin and 6 others like this. Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world 19 hours ago View 32 more comments Top Comments 7

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world 19 hours ago

Like Comment Share Livia Etkz, Rio Porcare, Tamara Davis and 6 others like this. Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world healing mandala to be painted 1 19 hours ago

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world shared a link. 19 hours ago Like Comment Share Leonela Celiz, Lenuta Onica, Patula Gabriel Sanchez and 6 others like this. Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world think positive by painting 19 hours ago Edited 2

healing nature of mandalas for tis

Like Comment Share Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world shared a link. 19 hours ago Kathline Rochelle and Philip FosterCarroll like this.

music of the night: relax don't think at the perps, never give up, keep the fight with LOVE
Msica de Relaxamento, Musica para Meditao, Bem estar e Repouso Hazte FAN en Facebook! DISCLAIMER: This video has been donated by a computer workshop for students with disabilities... Like Comment Share 1

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world 20 hours ago

Scene moleste (teatro di strada) Le strade percorse abitualmente dalla vittima sono usate come scenari per vari tipi di teatro di strada che si svolgono al passaggio della vittima. Il teatro di strada impiegato nello stalking di gruppo e prevede molestie verbali e non verbali, minacce, insulti, intimidazioni e violenze, inflitte in modo esplicito o nascosto usando temi e simbolismi o altri mezzi... See More
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Thiago Babic Moraes, Sara Toschi, Jovo Rajkovic and 6 others like this. Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world to all tis you can paint mandalas and think positive.... 19 hours ago Like Comment Sara Toschi and Jovo Rajkovic like this. 1

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world 20 hours ago

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world 20 hours ago

Invasione dello spazio (crowding - affollamento) Linvasione dello spazio comprende azioni come bloccare, tagliare la strada o circondare completamente la vittima in modo che non possa muoversi (tecnica chiamata swarming) ovvero ci che alcune delle vittime definiscono crowding (affollamento). Le vittime possono essere accerchiate da individui che indossano colori o portano oggetti a cui sono stat... See More
See Translation Like Comment Aldina Oneto and Sara Toschi like this. 1

Campagne del rumore Tutte le vittime del Male oscuro conoscono bene le campagne del rumore. In sostanza, le vittime riferiscono un flusso di rumore continuo, composto da unalternanza di diversi tipi di disturbi nei dintorni delle loro abitazioni. Comprendono porte che sbattono, urla, antifurto di auto, clacson, stridio di pneumatici, musica a tutto volume, motori imballati e frequenti attivit di... See More
See Translation Like Comment Sara Toschi, Jovo Rajkovic and Ruth Melgarejo like this. 1

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world 20 hours ago

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world 20 hours ago

Il sistema per la salute mentale Il sistema per la salute mentale viene apparentemente usato in tutto il mondo per screditare le vittime che si lamentano. Secondo il libro Journey Into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse (Viaggio nella pazzia: la vera storia del controllo mentale segreto della CIA e dellabuso medico), di Gordon Thomas, paesi di tutto il mondo, Sta... See More
See Translation Like Comment Livia Etkz, Sara Toschi, Jovo Rajkovic and 4 others like this. 4

Distruzione della reputazione Solitamente le vittime subiscono la distruzione della loro reputazione, che ha come obiettivo anche la distruzione della vita privata e professionale. Mezze verit e menzogne sono spesso diffuse in modo strategico nelle loro vite, talvolta costituiscono la base per una falsa indagine. Le voci fatte circolare appositamente contro le vittime non sembrano semplici petteg... See More
See Translation Like Comment Livia Etkz and Juan Carlos Godoy like this. 1

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world 20 hours ago

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world 20 hours ago

Introduzione al Male oscuro (Hidden Evil) Dopo aver compreso chi governa questo pianeta, sar pi facile capire come possa esistere una simile politica segreta. Diventa anche evidente perch il denaro non sia un ostacolo. Il motivo che sono loro a fare il denaro. Il Male oscuro chiamato anche gang stalking (stalking di gruppo), cause stalking (stalking motivato), public mobbing (mobbing pubbli... See More
See Translation Like Comment Livia Etkz and Sara Toschi like this. 1

Tattiche (Parte 1) Si dice che allinizio, la vittima, non appena presa di mira, venga colpita duramente in pi direzioni. Presumibilmente, lobiettivo farla crollare a causa della violenza emotiva ricorrente a cui sottoposta, tanto pi quando si accorge che tutte le normali strutture di supporto e le vie di espressione del proprio disagio sono state eliminate. Pare che alle persone possano es... See More
See Translation Like Comment Sara Toschi and Juan Carlos Godoy like this. 1

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world shared Gina Olimpia's photo. 20 hours ago

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world shared Valerio Bellefleur's photo. 20 hours ago

Like Comment Share Jovo Rajkovic likes this. Top Comments

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world ho freddo 19 hours ago Thiago Babic Moraes I. 1 20 hours ago via mobile

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world changed their cover photo. Yesterday Edited

Like Comment Share Nora Rodriguez, Rio Porcare, Erika Bertane and 9 others like this.

un anziano persecutore organizzato (torturatore) mette una rosa legata fra le mani nel suo posteriore come segno di sprezzo.Significato del meta messaggio di gang stalking e controllo mentale: anche un innocente, un bimbo, una rosa puo' essere schiacciata e derisa dal popolo addestrato ad uccidere in modo subdolo

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world shared Vio Romania's video. Yesterday

una rosa per tutte le vittime che non ce l'hanno fatta ma che hanno lasciato i loro scritti per chi avrebbe subito le loro stesse torture Una rosa per noi sopravvissuti che con coraggio lottiamo ogni giorno contro forze del male sopra nat... See More
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Like Comment Share Jovo Rajkovic and Flavia Avalos Arce like this.

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world shared a link. Yesterday

Minority Report: Fiction Has Become Reality Ten years ago, Steven Spielberg's blockbuster film Minority Report unveiled a chilling vision of futuristic law enforcement. But was it only fiction? In this... Like Comment Share Tamara Davis, Daniel E. Shaffer Jr. and 2 others like this. Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world Minority Report Minority Report Otro ejemplo ms del futuro An other example of our future Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world Yesterday

Like Comment Share Gino Spiotta, Imre Gyaraki, Artur Bagdasaryan and 4 others like this.

1 Yesterday at 4:16am

Che ci crediate o no, a confronto di esperienze passate, oggi il gangstalking viene considerato alla stregua di abuso mentale, sensibilizzazione e persecuzione. Agli stalker non interessa se la loro vittima una donna anziana disabile e indifesa. Tutto ci che gli importa guadagnarsi da vivere distruggendo vite innocenti per nessuna ragione. Gli psicopatici non hanno rimorsi, coscienza o sentim... See More
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Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world shared a link. October 30

Like Comment Kouji Ooba, Aktar Hossain and Bilal Tension like this.

music to better bear gang stalking and mind control: just relax, charge the battery for the new coming attacks, you are not alone and we will survive: LOVE
Prokofiev Romeo and Juliet - Tamara Rojo & Carlos Acosta - Act I, Scene 2 (Dance of the Knights)

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world changed their cover photo. October 30

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Romeo and Juliet by Sergei Prokofiev : Montagues and Capulets (also known as Dance of the Knights) from Act I, Scene 2. Like Comment Share Jovo Rajkovic and Ana Maria Lopes like this.

Artur Bagdasaryan, Kouji Ooba, Kathline Rochelle and 2 others like this.

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world changed their cover photo. October 30

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world shared a link. October 30

Prsentation du Tavistock institute. Ou comment l'me humaine est anantie. L'institut Tavistock de Londres fut cre en 1920 Tavistock Square comme clinique psychiatrique (la "Clinique Tavistock"), par Cyril Burt (1883-1971), expert en recherches sur le para-normal, et ...

Like Comment Share Jovo Rajkovic likes this. Jovo Rajkovic CRIMINAL 1 October 30 at 5:15am Like Comment Share Jovo Rajkovic likes this.

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world October 30

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world October 30

a programmation neurolinguistique ou lart de manipuler ses semblables par Christian Balicco - SPS n 243, aot 2000 Il nous parat bien difficile de dcrire en quelques pages, de manire exhaustive, quels sont les prsupposs, les fondements et les objectifs de la programmation neuro-linguistique (PNL). Notre approche sera, de ce fait, relativement synthtique et pour tous ceux qui souhaiteront a... See More
Like Comment Jovo Rajkovic and Gurung Raju like this. Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world Voir galement le sujet que j'avais lanc sur Viadeo sur l'emprise des pervers Cette pratique est compltement reprsentative de ce qui se passe d'une faon globale dans la socit, d'autant que cette "cole", ce rseau, a des ramifications multiples.... See More La programmation neurolinguistique ou l'art de manipuler ses semblables - Afis Association... Il nous parat bien difficile de dcrire en quelques pages, de manire exhaustiv... See More October 30 at 4:39am

Manipulation individuelle et globale Diverses analyses convergent vers la conclusion que la manipulation est gnralise dans la socit, celle-ci s'oprant sur plusieurs degrs. Le message (humaniste et non religieux) "aimez-vous les uns les autres" disparat sous l'injonction "manipulez-vous les uns les autres", autrement dit "utilisez-vous les uns les autres", "trahissez-vous les uns les autre... See More
Like Comment Jovo Rajkovic and Gurung Raju like this.

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world October 30

Quels sont les objectifs de ces pratiques ? Lorsque nous observons ce mode de "communication" de la part d'une personne, il y a deux grands cas de figure : soit la personne agit de son propre chef (mais est-ce bien sur ?), soit elle est manipule. Dans ce cas, elle est souvent autant vise que la personne qu'elle croit tre la cible lors de mises un scne dans laquelle un rle lui a t distribu ... See More
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Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world October 30

Azione legale per molestie elettroniche Insieme a un gruppo di altre persone, stiamo preparando un'azione legale, per ora sono coinvolte 409 persone. Ci che stiamo facendo intentare causa individualmente, per tutti i nostri casi, presso lo stesso tribunale contro lo stesso imputato, con l'obiettivo di intentarne talmente tante che l'avvocato della difesa decida di non procedere e arrivi a un ... See More
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Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world October 30

La dmarche Le but de ce dossier est d'attirer l'attention sur l'importance de la parole, d'une parole saine, vraie, en dmontrant le contenu manipulateur de certaines pratiques actuelles de communication, qui portent atteinte l'intgrit de l'individu, l'intgrit de la socit et celle de l'humanit.

See Translation Like Comment Aktar Hossain, Fernando Cai, Claudio Pennato and 3 others like this. Top Comments 2

Le prsent texte est volontairement synthtique, bien que le sujet mriterait assurment ... See More
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Aldina Oneto Certo ma io non ho ancora un avvocato che possa depositare il mio caso. Ho esposti archiviati. Sono a disposizione per eventui consigli o segnalazione di un avvocato disponibile. Grazie See Translation 1 October 30 at 6:57am via mobile Sara Toschi Con tanto piacere!.....GRAZIE! See Translation 1 October 30 at 6:17am

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world October 30

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world October 30

Poursuite judiciaire pour harclement lectronique Un groupe de plaignants et moi-mme avons dcid dintenter une action en justice. Nous avons russi jusqu' prsent runir 409 personnes. Notre dmarche consiste monter notre dossier individuellement auprs de la mme cour de justice et contre le mme dfendeur, l'objectif tant de dposer un nombre de plaintes suffisant pour que l'avocat d... See More
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Dans notre socit il est un type de harclement dont quasiment personne ne parle. Ce harclement consiste dsigner une personne comme une cible et la faire perscuter par le biais des groupes et des rseaux. Les personnes qui collaborent et qui sont manipules ne connaissent pas l'envergure et la gravit de la situation, ni dans quelle mesure elles sont elles-mmes vises. Un peu partout dans le monde des voix s'lvent contre ces pratiques dans lesquelles des entits gouvernementales sont impliques ainsi que des rseaux obscurs.
Like Comment Aktar Hossain, Fernando Cai, Jovo Rajkovic and 2 others like this.

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world October 30

LA TECHNIQUE DE LA CHASSE D'EAU dans le harclement en rseau Ils ont inclu l'utilisation d'un systme antique, qui utilise l'eau, qui a fait un bruit significatif dans tous les services hyginiques qui partageaient le meme tube, chaque que dans une cuvette on actionnait la chasse d'eau (par exemple des chambres places sur une ligne verticale du premier tage au quatrime tage), Pendant des he... See More
Like Comment Shubham Deval, Saleh Mohamed Saleh and Jovo Rajkovic like this. Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world LA TECNICA DELLO SCIACQUONE Hanno incluso l'uso di un sistema antiquato, usando lacqua, che ha fatto un rumore significativo in tutti i servizi igienici che condividevano lo stesso tubo, ogni volta che in un gabinetto si azionava lo sciacquone (per e... See More October 30 at 4:26am

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world October 29

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world October 29

Like Comment Share Lenuta Onica likes this.

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world October 29

Like Comment Share Thiago Babic Moraes, Saleh Mohamed Saleh, Jovo Rajkovic and 3 others like this.

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world October 29

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Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world changed their cover photo. October 29

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Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world changed their cover photo. October 29 Edited

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perp sorrounding the target in a supermarket making directed conversation

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world October 29

Like Comment Share Jovo Rajkovic likes this.

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world October 29
Like Comment Jovo Rajkovic and Kathline Rochelle like this. Top Comments Like Comment Share Thiago Babic Moraes, Jovo Rajkovic, Julia Amaro and 4 others like this. Top Comments 1

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world 179 amici in comune (tutti complici del programma) October 29 at 4:51pm Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world Il Gang Stalking unazione persecutoria organizzata ai danni di un "Individuo Bersaglio" o "Target Individual" che si perpetra

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world perp usin face fook to harrass the target (france Azur

danni di un "Individuo Bersaglio" o "Target Individual" che si perpetra attraverso un insieme di atti ostili non singolarmente imputabili come reati o violenze esplicite ma che nell'insieme risul... See More October 29 at 4:50pm View 4 more comments

the world on fb) October 29 at 4:53pm Guy Simpson These must be people with a little bit of Money....but Guess what me and the Most High God find Them and there tactics....a Little bit To Funny.....Imma sting them like a bee but they not gonna shit Honey....and me and God like So what if they Got a lot or just a little Bit Of Money...................YADIGGS!!!!!! October 30 at 7:43am View 1 more comment

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world October 29
Like Comment Kathline Rochelle likes this.

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world changed their cover photo. October 29

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world changed their cover photo. October 29 Edited

Store mobbing Is there any mobbing when standing in lines at stores, Or does the parking lot fill up alot more after you get there? If yes you are a victim of organized gang stalking perps in the supermarket

Like Comment Share Kathline Rochelle, Maria Ovejero, Gabizzu Liv and 2 others like this. Thiago Babic Moraes Thanks October 29 at 9:18am via mobile

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world October 29

Like Comment Share Emanuele Motta, Saleh Mohamed Saleh and 2 others like this. Top Comments

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world 3 bottigliette rosse in mano un Iphone dove ricevono informazione della posizione del target e della tortura da effettuare (numero 3 massonico) 1 October 11 at 2:04pm Emanuele Motta terrible! 1 October 12 at 2:53am

Anche i bambini partecipano ormai al gang stalking contro le vittime. Persino i neonati vengono vestiti con colori a cui le vittime sono state sensibilizzate. Sono impiegati come bacheca per il simbolismo, quando i genitori li mettono in mostra mentre accerchiano le vittime in pubblico. Come stato spiegato, dopo che una vittima stata avvisata di essere sotto sorveglianza, il colore funziona co... See More
See Translation Like Comment Raquel Severo and Mohammad Shahin like this.

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world October 29

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world shared a link. October 28

The Satanic Influence There is a definite Satanic manifestation within this program which is evident during group stalking, and more generally, by the true sinister nature of the program, which will be abundantly clear to most after careful study. The ongoing life-destroying tactics, accompanied by repeated messages intended to mock targets, are surely acts perpetrated by those who are influenced ... See More
Like Comment Daniel E. Shaffer Jr., Tammy Seay and Kathline Rochelle like this. October 29 at 12:06pm via mobile Guy Simpson I MEAN TRULEY HOW CAN THIS PROGRAM BEAR ANY FRUIT IN MY LIFE WHEN OVER 4.000 YEARS AGO I CAN HEAR THIS IN THE BIBLE Romans 8 :37 , in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us........SO IN ALL THOSE THINGS AGAINST ALL THOSE THINGS ME GUY SIMPSON IS MORE THEN A CONQUEROR IN JESUS...SO WITH THAT SAID TELL EM BRING IT..............YADIGGS!!!!! Top Comments 2

TARGETED INDIVIDUALS 2013 GANGSTALKING DEW ATTACK 100% PROTECTION FOR ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT PLEASE GOOGLE "STOPTHISMURDERSCHEME" RIGHT NOW!! SEQUELTO THIS VIDEO COMING SOON ! ** PLEASE GO TO MY 1 Like Comment Share OTHER VIDEO'S TO FIND OUT HOW Lena Lahdenper, Alex Uluru TO Uluru X, HappyYOURSELF Bella Top Comments PROTECT FRO... and 4 others like this. Happy Bella Thank you Tom 1 October 28 at 6:53pm Chris Devitt Corrupt police are involved, they are needed to make false reports that then allow the gang stalking by network civilian police informers, this is the CoIntelPro network. 1 October 28 at 7:01pm View 1 more comment

Sonya Collins I think its time to modernize how we see the brain.

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control

October 29 at 8:42am View 1 more comment

around the world changed their cover photo. October 28

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world shared a link. October 28

people from all walks of life are being recruited to be the eyes and ears of the State. People from all races, ages, genders and every sector of society that you can think of is a part of this. A targeted individual (T.I.) is a person who h... See More
American Stasi Vehicular Targeting 08/14/2013 Stasi: The Ministry for State Security (German: Ministerium fr Staatssicherheit, MfS), commonly known as the Stasi was the official state security service o... Like Comment Share Kathline Rochelle, Daniel E. Shaffer Jr. and Chris Devitt like this. Guy Simpson ok ok somebody calls this a depopulation is that going to happen when God says....Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and ... See More 1 October 29 at 8:30am Guy Simpson tHEY FAILED LIKE SATAN..1000 TIMES OVER..LLLMMMAAAOOO!!!!! 1 October 29 at 8:31am 2

Like Comment Share Kathline Rochelle likes this.

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world shared a link. October 27

Gang Stalking Victim, Harrassment Pittsburgh PA (Mirror) Pittsburgh PA psychological harassment and abuse -Psychological torment: AirRaid siren and police sirens used in torment... Door-slamming, honking, engine r... Like Comment Share Kathline Rochelle, Artur Bagdasaryan, Repudiation Rob and 2 others like this. Daniel E. Shaffer Jr. This guy doesn't live too far from me. I read his entire experience. And watched all his video on youtube. Something happened to him when he was a pilot. He was grounded & I believe his pilot license was suspended. It is possible somebody back stabbed ... See More 1 October 27 at 2:34pm

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world shared a link. October 27

Gang Stalking=Counterintelligence Viewpoint with James Zogby Oct 6, 2011 (Mike German) What the hell is gang stalking? The FBI and all law enforcement agencies are currently using a psychological warfare proto... 1

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world shared a link. October 27

Rachael Orban: "Gang Stalking 2010" (Complete, All Six Parts) A candid talk by MKULTRA targeted individual Rachael Orban of Massachusetts. For more information, visit Rachael's excellent "OnGangStalking" blog at http://... Like Comment Share Kathline Rochelle, Deg Itnomnomnom, Bilal Tension and 4 others like this. Daniel E. Shaffer Jr. Nice hat Rachael... 1 October 27 at 2:22pm

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Kathline Rochelle, Thiago Babic Moraes, Artur Bagdasaryan and 2 others like this. Daniel E. Shaffer Jr. I don't care for Mike German, he is a blond hair yuppie looking out for himself. He jumped ship when he could, and now has another high paying job with the ACLU. He hasn't done anything for anybody, other then promoting his own agenda and fame. I extremely disappointed in this man. That is my opinion.... October 27 at 2:27pm

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world shared a link. October 27

Target individuals of gang stalking and mind control around the world shared a link. October 27

Come desensibilizzarsi alle torture di gang stalking work in progress (to be explained)

Desensibilizzazione agli attacchi di gang stalking (part 1) work in progress (to be explained)

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Like Comment Share Alin Alinutz, Siraj Ullal, Hughie Reis and 12 others like this.

Kathline Rochelle, Princia Sylvia Umuganwa, Nelmivide Nelu SI Miha and 31 others like this.

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