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Introduction to Mind Mapping e-learning course breakdown

Objectives You will learn how to make effective Mind Maps that you will be able to apply in business, education and personal situations. You will understand the history of Mind Mapping and the rules needed to follow to be able to make good Mind Maps and every time you use the technique. Who is it for? Anyone who wants to learn how to Mind Map or to brush-up on their Mind Mapping skills. This programme has been developed to introduce anyone to the technique. Why e-learning Its flexible, you can learn at your own speed; in your own environment. You can revisit modules as many times as you want to reinforce your knowledge. Its available worldwide. All you need is a PC, internet connection, speakers/headphones, coloured pens and paper. No special software required. You will see Mind Mapping software in action, but the only software youll need is QuickTime or Media Player to watch the videos.


Content Introduction and Objectives This module will provide you with an outline of the modules and objectives you should expect from the course. You will learn how to read a Mind Map while finding out more about Clive Lewis (the trainer) and the history of Mind Mapping. Getting Started You will learn about the branches of a Mind Map and how hierarchical thinking and working can help to improve your Mind Mapping technique. You will see a Mind Map being constructed to help you understand hierarchy. There is also a further hierarchy video available (only in QuickTime). Mind Mapping Demonstration This module focuses on how you structure a Mind Map: the use and importance of colour; which words to use and their importance; pictures and how they help you to recall information; and when to use linkages and relationships. Well also reinforce what you learned about branches in the previous module. You will see Mind Mapping software in action. Using the Brain linking to Mind Maps This module will help you to maximise on your learning style through understanding visual, auditory and kinaesthetic means. You will learn about the brain and about the importance of the left and right sides of the brain. Well reinforce what you learned about links and associations in the previous module. Mind Mapping for Memory Youll see for yourself just how effective Mind Maps are for remembering information compared to lists and texts. Youll see a hand drawn Mind Map and will recreate a Mind Map from memory. Well reinforce what you learned about the use of pictures, words, associations, including how they will help you to recall information. The Uses of Mind Maps In this module youll find out more about the many business, personal and educational uses of Mind Maps. How to Mind Map more detail Youll discover the rules of Mind Mapping. Youll compare a Mind Map to linear notes. Well reinforce what youve learned about structure, associations and the use of single words, pictures and links from previous modules. Improve Thinking and Working with Mind Maps Well explore how you can use Mind Maps to maximise thinking. Well show you how to use a Mind Map to think, explore, structure and prepare a presentation. This module also contains an exercise based around presenting. Developing the Skill This module focuses on your next steps. Well give you hints and tips to help you practice. We provide a number of different resources that you can use including sample maps and a check map to help you avoid the most common mistakes people make. Well also reinforce what youve learned throughout the course.

Length of Module 4m 45s

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

7m 10s + practical exercise

7m 36s

11m 23s + practical exercise

5m 47s + practical exercise

3m 56s

8m 19s

9m 42s + practical exercise 7m 47s

This e-learning course is only available from Illumine Training the worlds leading training organisation for Mind Mapping for business. You can find out more and purchase the course at

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