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How national conservative groups infiltrated Maine politics by founding and funding the MAINE HERITAGE P !



A report by Maine's Majority Education Fund and the Center for Media and Democracy November 201

Table of Contents
!ummary"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" About #s""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$ %o& the nationa' conservative movement infi'trated Maine"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""( )he Maine %erita*e +o'icy Center's ,i** Advocacy"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""/ #nderminin* Maine's Ne&s Media""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""10 0nfi'tratin* the 1e*is'ature"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""12 A Mouthpiece for 2ut-of-!tate Conservative 0nterests""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""1( Avoidin* Accountabi'ity""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""1/ Financia''y )ied to the 32+"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""14 Appendi5 A6 Affi'iations &ith 2ut-of-!tate Conservative 3roups""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""20 Appendi5 76 Maine %erita*e +o'icy Center and A1EC6 +ushin* a Coordinated ,i** A*enda in Maine"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""21 Notes""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""2$

For decades8 conservative specia' interests have invested heavi'y in a nationa' net&or9 of thin9 tan9s8 media out'ets8 and 'obbyin* *roups aimed at shapin* pub'ic opinion and advancin* 'e*is'ation favorab'e to bi* business" )hese entities have achieved tremendous success in 'o&erin* ta5es on the rich8 beatin* bac9 attempts to e5pand hea'th care covera*e8 ro''in* bac9 environmenta' and hea'th and safety re*u'ations8 and advancin* other 9ey components of the conservative a*enda" )he inf'uence of such or*ani:ations as the American 1e*is'ative E5chan*e Counci'8 %erita*e Foundation8 #"!" Chamber of Commerce8 Cato 0nstitute8 and American Enterprise 0nstitute is &e'' documented" 1ess understood8 ho&ever8 is ho& these nationa' *roups have bui't 'oca' apparatus to e5ert contro' over pub'ic po'icy at the state and 'oca' 'eve's8 in particu'ar states such as Maine" 7e*innin* in the 14;0s and 1440s8 'oca' franchises of nationa' thin9 tan9s be*an sprin*in* up across the country to author po'icy &hite papers8 provide e5pert testimony8 and inject s9e&ed data into state pub'ic po'icy discussions" !tate-based conservative <ne&s= services have a'so emer*ed8 mas>ueradin* as reputab'e press8 in some cases distributin* content throu*h unsuspectin* mainstream media" And &ith nationa' support8 'oca' conservative interests advanced bi*-business friend'y 'e*is'ation and active'y supported its passa*e8 often permanent'y a'terin* pub'ic po'icy in affected states" Maine8 'on* 9no&n for its po'itica' civi'ity and moderation8 has in the past decade emer*ed as a mode' for conservative infi'tration of state po'itics" 7e*innin* &ith the arriva' of the Maine %erita*e +o'icy Center in 20028 Maine's po'itica' c'imate has under*one a radica' transformation8 &hich cu'minated in 20108 &hen )ea +arty candidate +au' 1e+a*e &as e'ected *overnor" )his report8 the 'atest in a series on the inf'uence of bi* money and outside interests in Maine po'itics8 chronic'es the foundin* and activity of the Maine %erita*e +o'icy Center8 and 'oo9s at ho& this 'oca' franchise of the nationa' conservative po'itica' machine bui't a &eb of inf'uence to fundamenta''y a'ter the ma9eup of Maine po'itics" 2ur report endeavors to te'' the story of ho& out-of-state bi*-monied interests ? in particu'ar8 the conservative !tate +o'icy Net&or9 ? franchised and incubated the M%+C" 0t a'so sho&s ho& the or*ani:ation u'timate'y *re& beyond its o&n &a''s by estab'ishin* a net&or9 of ties to 'e*is'ative ,epub'icans and the Maine ,epub'ican +arty8 usin* this capacity to systematica''y advance conservative po'icy priorities and create a favorab'e c'imate for conservative po'itica' candidates"

About Us
Maine's Majority Education Fund
Maine's Majority Education Fund is a nonpartisan8 nonprofit (01@cA@ A or*ani:ation that conducts independent research into the pub'ic po'icy issues affectin* our state8 and promotes just and sustainab'e so'utions to pressin* community prob'ems" .e be'ieve *overnment &or9s best &hen it is transparent and accountab'e8 and &hen its citi:ens are &e'' informed" For more information8 visit &&&"MainesMajorityEducation"or*"

The Center for Media and Democracy

)he Center for Media and Democracy @CMDA is a nationa'8 non-profit &atchdo* or*ani:ation8 founded in 144 " CMD's niche is investi*atin* and e5posin* the undue inf'uence of corporations and front *roups on pub'ic po'icy8 inc'udin* +, campai*ns8 'obbyin*8 and e'ectioneerin*" CMD's ori*ina' reportin* he'ps educate the pub'ic and aid *rassroots action about po'icies affectin* peop'eBs 'ivesC their ri*hts and the hea'th of our democracy" For more information8 visit http6DD&&&"pr&atch"or*Dcmd"

How the national conser ati e mo ement infiltrated Maine

)he roots of the Maine %erita*e +o'icy Center @M%+CA can be traced to the ear'y 14/0s8 &hen conservative activists disturbed by recent pro*ressive successes be*an foundin* a net&or9 of thin9 tan9s and po'icy institutes" .ith stron* financia' bac9in* and c'ose ties to the DC po'itica' e'ite8 *roups 'i9e the %erita*e Foundation >uic9'y became 9ey p'ayers in nationa' conservative po'itics" )his apparatus &as instrumenta' in drivin* the a*endas of the ,ea*an and 7ush Administrations"1 As the nationa' conservative movement *ained increasin* s&ay over mainstream nationa' po'itics8 it attracted the attention of those &ho sa& potentia' to rep'icate the mode' at the state 'eve'" 0n 14428 the !tate +o'icy Net&or9 @!+NA &as formed in order to ta9e an active ro'e in enfranchisin* ne& thin9 tan9 *roups across the country" Accordin* to the Center for Media and Democracy82 from 1442 to 201 !+N *re& its net&or9 from 12 to E affi'iates by providin* direct support ? inc'udin* startup *rants ? to franchisees" !+N made its first foray into Maine in 20028 &hen it he'ped former ,epub'ican campai*n officia' 7i'' 7ec9er start the M%+C" A'thou*h the e5act circumstances surroundin* the M%+C's foundin* are not a part of the pub'ic record8 a 200( Associated +ress ne&s report tit'ed <)hin9 tan9 dra&s praise and pansF indicates that 7ec9er stepped for&ard &hen he <found himse'f &ithout a job after bein* the finance director for ,epub'ican +eter Cianchette's unsuccessfu' run for *overnor a*ainst Democrat Gohn 7a'dacci"= 7ec9er &ou'd see the or*ani:ation throu*h its formative years and its ear'y controversies" )he *roup ma9es no attempt to obscure its po'itica' mission8 &hich it describes as to <formu'ate and promote conservative pub'ic po'icies based on the princip'es of free enterpriseH 'imited8 Constitutiona' *overnmentH individua' freedomH and traditiona' American va'ues ? a'' for the purpose of providin* pub'ic po'icy so'utions that benefit the peop'e of Maine"=$ )he aforementioned Associated +ress report e5p'ained the M%+C's ethos more succinct'y8 and cited ,epub'ican support for the or*ani:ation's &or96 <.e rea''y fe't it &as important that Maine - the media8 'e*is'ators and the business community - &as ab'e to hear about po'icy so'utions from a conservative point of vie&8= 7ec9er said" <0 often say &hen 0 *ive speeches8 0'm here to te'' you 'conservative' is not a bad &ord"= !ome ,epub'ican 'a&ma9ers say the +o'icy Center fi''s a void by brin*in* for&ard information that hasn't been part of past discussions about state po'icy" ,ep" Ienneth F'etcher8 ,-.ins'o&8 credits the *roup &ith focusin* discussion at the !tatehouse on the state's hi*h ta5 burden" <)hey've added an important voice to the conversation &hich tends to be more conservative8= he said" )he M%C+ raised and spent some J1(08000 in its first year8 accordin* to 0,! fi'in*s" %o&ever8 these documents do not sho& ho& much of this startup cash came from out-of-state sources8 and the *roup

has consistent'y refused to disc'ose the sources of its fundin*" !cant pub'ic'y avai'ab'e documents revea' that a majority of its revenues in 'ater years &ou'd come from nationa' conservative foundations @see be'o&A" !oon after its foundin*8 the *roup be*an *ainin* 'oca' media attention8 &ith 7ec9er appearin* in ne&s reports opposin* Democratic then-3overnor Gohn 7a'dacci's Diri*o%ea'th universa' hea'th care proposa'" 0n 'ate 200 8 the *roup started pub'ishin* a >uarter'y ne&s'etter ca''ed Diri*o.atch8( the so'e purpose of &hich &as to stir up opposition to the proposa'" 0n 200$8 the M%+C e5panded its advocacy to inc'ude the )a5payer 7i'' of ,i*hts @)A72,AE8 a proposa' to 'imit *overnment spendin* by popu'ar ba''ot initiative" .hen )A72, fai'ed at the po''s in 200E8 the *roup too9 the 'ead on draftin* and promotin* a second initiative @dubbed <)A72, 00=A8 &hich fai'ed to pass in 2004" 7ec9er ran the or*ani:ation unti' 200/8 &hen he 'eft to resume his career in the financia' industry"/ %e &as succeeded by the M%C+'s hea'th reform initiatives director )arren 7ra*don8 &ho 'eft in 2010 to run 3overnor-e'ect +au' 1e+a*e's transition team before directin* one of the !tate +o'icy Net&or9's affi'iates in F'orida"; 1ance Dutson served as CE2 from 2010 to 20128 seein* the or*ani:ation throu*h unprecedented co''usion &ith the ,epub'ican-'ed *overnment" %e &ent on to run ,epub'ican Char'ie !ummers' campai*n for #"!" !enate"4 )he M%C+ is current'y 'ed by G" !cott Moody810 &ho former'y &or9ed for the %erita*e Foundation and the )a5 Foundation"

The Maine Herita!e "olicy Center's #i!ht$%in! Ad ocacy

A'thou*h the M%+C attempts to pass itse'f off as a credib'e source for nonpartisan information8 it dra&s si*nificant fundin* from out-of-state conservative interests8 has deep ties to the Maine ,epub'ican +arty8 and unabashed'y mar9ets its &or9 as an effort to8 in its o&n &ords8 <formu'ate and promote conservative pub'ic po'icies"= More than just a thin9 tan98 it transforms Maine's po'itica' c'imate throu*h pub'ic communications and media8 direct issue advocacy8 and infi'tration of state *overnment" )his three-pron*ed strate*y8 pioneered at the nationa' 'eve'8 affords the or*ani:ation direct inf'uence over pub'ic po'icy8 &hi'e s'o&'y chan*in* the pub'ic's opinion on 9ey issues" )he M%C+ has issued a steady stream of <research= reports8 &hich add s9e&ed facts to Maine's pub'ic po'icy discussions" .ith such tit'es as <,ep'acin* 7i* 3overnment %ea'th Care &ith +atient-Centered ,eform8= <Maine's )o&erin* Debt8= and <,aisin* )a5es for D%%! 7ud*et .ou'd Cost +rivate !ector Gobs8= the reports are re'eased in time &ith action on major conservative po'icy initiatives8 &hich su**ests coordination &ith state ,epub'ican 'eadership and other conservative fi*ures" .hi'e the M%+C's efforts support a number of conservative issues8 it has focused its attention primari'y on cuttin* ta5es and *overnment services8 opposin* universa' hea'th care8 privati:in* education8 underminin* &or9ers' ri*hts8 and 'imitin* votin* ri*hts"

Cuttin! !o ernment ser ices

Much of the M%+C's pro*ram &or9 is dedicated to advancin* its se'f-described <one-t&o punch= po'icy strate*y11 of reducin* *overnment revenue and *overnment spendin*" 0ts advocacy and communications echo a constant theme that Maine's *overnment is inherent'y &astefu'8 that &e'fare e5penditures are too hi*h8 and that the private sector can de'iver essentia' services such as education more effective'y than *overnment" )he M%+C's apparent *oa' is to starve state *overnment by 'o&erin* ta5es on the rich" 0f *overnment cannot raise the money it needs to meet its bud*et ob'i*ations8 it &i'' have no other choice but to do&nsi:e its bud*et" )he *roup's strate*y of spe&in* anti-*overnment rhetoric8 distributin* s9e&ed facts about *overnment spendin*8 and direct advocacy has proved hi*h'y successfu'" Accordin* to a study by the Maine Center for Economic +o'icy812 e5treme bud*et shortfa''s encountered durin* the administration of 3overnor +au' 1e+a*e &ere attributab'e to revenue 'ost to ta5 cuts on the rich and fa''in* incomes" )he end resu't &as a series of cuts to services8 underfundin* of education8 and shiftin* of ta5es from the rich onto midd'e-c'ass property ta5payers" Chief amon* the M%+C's ear'y efforts to undermine Maine's ta5 base &as its instrumenta' support of the <)a5payer 7i'' of ,i*hts= @)A72,A8 &hich &as rejected by voters t&ice" %ad it passed8 )A72, &ou'd have hamstrun* Maine's *overnment by re>uirin* voter approva' of a'' ta5 and spendin* increases" )A72,'s passa*e in Co'orado in 1442 had dire imp'ications for that state's education system"1

)he M%C+'s support for )A72, in Maine &as not mere'y symbo'ic ? the or*ani:ation 'itera''y &rote the 200E bi'' and &ent on to pour more than J(08000 of secret money into support of )A72, 00"1$ 0t successfu''y resisted a'' attempts to re>uire it to disc'ose the names of its )A72, bac9ers8 u'timate'y 'eadin* observers to >uestion the source of these monies"1( 0n fact8 the M%C+ has a history of &or9in* &ith controversia' out-of-state interests" .ith the he'p of the nationa' *roup Citi:ens A*ainst 3overnment .aste - a tobacco-industry-funded *roup1E that 'aundered money for Gac9 Abramoff1/ - it re'eased three <pi*'et= boo9s detai'in* purported'y &astefu' state *overnment spendin*"1; )he administration of former 3overnor Gohn 7a'dacci accused the M%C+ of usin* <outdated= and <contradictory= information in its 2004 +i*'et 7oo9" Durin* the 2012 federa' <fisca' c'iff= ne*otiations8 the M+%C &as one of many conservative *roups that si*ned a 'etter ur*in* 'a&ma9ers to 9eep their p'ed*e not to raise ta5es"14 )he coa'ition of ri*ht-&in* *roups8 se'f-described as <nationa' and state po'icy *roups8= sent the 'etter to 32+ 'a&ma9ers" 2ther or*ani:ations in the coa'ition inc'uded the Nationa' )a5payers #nion8 the American Conservative #nion8 32+ +roud8 and severa' other state-based thin9 tan9s"

&''osin! Health Care #eform

)he M%+C has a'so p'ayed a 'eadin* ro'e in opposin* a'' efforts to e5tend hea'th care covera*e to needy Americans" As noted above8 the *roup's ear'y efforts to affect po'itica' po'icy in Maine invo'ved opposition to then-3overnor Gohn 7a'dacci's attempts to institute a universa' hea'th care system in Maine" 1ater8 the *roup &ou'd forcefu''y oppose +resident 7arac9 2bama's Affordab'e Care Act" 0n 20118 David +" Croc9er8 Director of M%+CBs Center for Constitutiona' 3overnment8 authored a report entit'ed <)he Case A*ainst 2bamaCare"=20

"ri ati(in! "ublic Education

A si*nature *oa' of A1EC and the 1e+a*e Administration has been the diversion of pub'ic education resources to out-of-state for-profit on'ine charter schoo' companies8 a process it refers to as <schoo' choice"=21 !ince 20108 the M%C+ has authored four reports toutin* for-profit on'ine education" 0t has a'so &or9ed &ith a bevy of conservative 'a&ma9ers and administration officia's in an attempt to pass the 1e+a*e on'ine education p'an" 0n fact8 1e+a*e insta''ed the *roup's former head of education initiatives8 !teve 7o&en8 as education commissioner and tas9ed him &ith imp'ementin* the conversion to for-profit on'ine schoo's" 7o&en himse'f has si*nificant ties to the conservative nationa' po'itica' machine" )he American 1e*is'ative E5chan*e Counci' @A1ECA 'isted him as havin* attended its Au*ust 2010 Education )as9 Force meetin* in !an Die*o8 representin* M%+C" 7o&en a'so served as a member of A1EC's education tas9 force"22 )he M%C+ even hosted a 201 'uncheon at a +ort'and charter schoo'2 that &as attended by 1e+a*e himse'f"2$

Attac)in! %or)ers' #i!hts

0n 9eepin* &ith nationa' conservative priorities8 the M%C+ is vehement'y opposed to 'abor unions8 and active'y see9s to curtai' union ri*hts in Maine" 0t supported t&o pieces of 'e*is'ation aimed at underminin* union po&er6 1D /;E8 <An Act to Ensure the Ko'untary Membership of +ub'ic Emp'oyees in #nions8=2( and 1D ; 18 <An Act to +rohibit Mandatory Membership in a #nion or +ayment of A*ency Fees as a Condition of Emp'oyment"=2E 1D /;E &ou'd have repea'ed the <fair share= re>uirement for pub'ic emp'oyees that re>uires them to pay a portion of the union dues for representation received" 1D ; 1 &ou'd have prohibited re>uirin* an individua' to be a member of a union or to pay dues as a condition of emp'oyment" 0n 20118 the M%C+ issued a mis'eadin* report entit'ed <)he Case for ,i*ht-to-.or9 in Maine6 E5aminin* the Evidence in 29'ahoma8= &hich &as based on >uestionab'e data from 29'ahoma"2/

Underminin! Maine's *ews Media

A'thou*h the M%C+ has *enera''y received favorab'e covera*e from Maine's mainstream press8 it has consistent'y accused the media of 'ibera' bias" 0n 20118 it decided to circumvent the media by 'aunchin* an 0nternet <ne&s= service ca''ed Maine .ire" )he Maine .ire serves as a me*aphone for conservative interests by pub'ishin* stories and opinion pieces favorab'e to the a*endas of the M%+C's nationa' bac9ers and a''ied 'e*is'ators and direct'y attac9in* Democrats and pro*ressives" )he Maine .ire pretends to be a reputab'e ne&s service8 even thou*h the same specia' interest money that funds the M%+C pays for it" )he Maine .ire's c'aim of journa'istic 'e*itimacy is further undermined by its status as a <&atchdo*= partner of the nationa' conservative *roup the Fran9'in Center for 3overnment and +ub'ic 0nte*rity"2; Not on'y does the Fran9'in Center receive support from nationa' conservative interests such as the Ioch 7rothers8 but it provides direct support for the American 1e*is'ative E5chan*e Counci' @A1ECA" 0n particu'ar8 the Maine .ire has been used to inf'uence the fo''o&in* A1EC-bac9ed issues6

&''osin! Clean Elections

0n 201 8 )he Maine .ire has pub'ished at 'east three artic'es attac9in* MaineBs c'ean e'ection system" )hey inc'ude6 Maine ,esidents Do not !upport )a5payer-Funded +o'itica' Campai*ns8 !tatistics !ho&24 )a5payer Funded Campai*ns 7oost Democrats8 Not Ethics 0 <C'ean= +o'iticians +ander for Dirty Money 1

Attac)in! %or)ers+ #i!hts And Unions

A'thou*h the Maine 'e*is'ature has beaten bac9 severa' attempts to undermine &or9ers' ri*hts since the start of the 1e+a*e Administration8 the Maine .ire has &or9ed hard to chan*e pub'ic opinion about or*ani:ed 'abor8 pub'ishin* numerous artic'es attac9in* Maine &or9ersB co''ective bar*ainin* ri*hts and promotin* anti-&or9er so-ca''ed <,i*ht to .or9= 'e*is'ation" Artic'es inc'ude6 Nationa' Emp'oyee Freedom .ee9 #nder&ay 2 7i* 1abor Democrats Defeat ,i*ht-to-.or9 Maine Democrats ,eaffirm !tateBs ,o'e as #nionBs Co''ections A*ent $ 1a&ma9ers Debate 7i'' to +rotect !tate .or9ersB +aychec9s From #nion .a*e 3arnishment ,i*ht-to-.or9 7i'' 3ets %arsh %earin* Despite Economic 7enefits E

"ri ati(in! "ublic Education

)he Maine .ire supports an e5treme a*enda aimed at privati:in* pub'ic education8 'ar*e'y throu*h

e5pandin* pub'ic'y funded vouchers for private schoo' tuition8 and for-profit on'ine charter schoo's" 0n 201 8 M%+C champion !enator 3arrett Mason @,-1isbon Fa''sA sponsored 1D 1(248 FAn Act )o E5pand !choo' Choice for Maine !tudents8= / and the M%+C ran automated phone ca''s in support of the bi''" At the same time8 the M%+C's Maine .ire issued a series of artic'es supportin* privati:ed education and the for-profit out-of-state corporations that &i'' benefit from it" )hese artic'es inc'ude6 1e+a*e 7'asts A'fond on <#nconscionab'e= Attac9 on +ub'ic !choo' ; Charter !choo' Enemy A'fond Addresses MaineBs First Charter !choo' 3rads 4 3ov" 1e+a*e Char*es For&ard &ith )eacher Accountabi'ity and !choo' Choice 7i''s$0 1e+a*eBs Education ,eforms a .in for Maine !tudents$1

&''osin! The Affordable Care Act

)he Maine .ire has bac9ed the M%+C's broader efforts to support the Affordab'e Care Act by attac9in* Medicaid e5pansion and opposin* efforts to imp'ement the 'a&" Artic'es inc'ude6 Feds ,e'ease First ,ound of MaineBs 2bamaCare <Navi*ators=$2 )&o Lears of Medicaid E5pansion .ou'd Cost Mainers J$0 Mi''ion$ ( Medicaid E5pansion Myths Debun9ed$$ !tates 2pt out of 2bamaCareBs 0nsurance E5chan*es to Avoid E5orbitant Costs8 Comp'icated ,e*u'ations$( A''umbau*h6 Medicaid Needs ,eform8 not E5pansion$E


,nfiltratin! the -e!islature

)he Maine %erita*e +o'icy Center's pub'ic communications efforts are themse'ves not sufficient to advance its conservative a*enda" 0n order to succeed at chan*in* Maine's pub'ic po'icy8 the *roup has bui't a carefu''y cu'tivated net&or9 of friend'y 'e*is'ators and other e'ected officia's" 2n the pub'ic's dime8 these 'eaders &or9 &ith the M%+C to coordinate 'e*is'ative and communications strate*y" 0n addition to sponsorin* and promotin* 'e*is'ation favorab'e to the objectives of the M%C+ and its bi*-money bac9ers8 these fi*ures have active'y co''uded &ith the M%C+ &ithout the pub'ic's 9no&'ed*e ? divertin* campai*n resources to the *roup's coffers and 'endin* their names to M%C+ events" Iey 'eaders inc'ude6
Senator Michael Thibodeau (R-Winterport) - Senate Minority Leader

Michae' )hibodeau is the present ,epub'ican minority 'eader of the Maine !tate !enate" !en" )hibodeau has used his position to active'y support the &or9 of the M%+C" 0n December 20118 he attended the M%+C's Activist )rainin* Day8 even *oin* so far as to spea9 to the *roup from the !enate f'oor"$/ !en" )hibodeau has sponsored mu'tip'e pieces of M%+C-bac9ed 'e*is'ation" 0n the 2010 'e*is'ative session8 )hibodeau sponsored t&o anti-spendin* bi''s6 1D 11( 8 <An Act to ,e*u'ate the 7onded 0ndebtedness of the !tate8=$; and 1D 12$;8 <An Act to ,e>uire Approva' by the Koters of 1e*is'ation to Enact or 0ncrease a )a5 or Fee"=$4 )hat same year he co-sponsored 1D E(48 <An Act to ,epea' the Maine C'ean E'ection 1a&s8=(0 and recent'y he co-sponsored the 1D 1(248 <An Act )o E5pand !choo' Choice for Maine !tudents8= &hich &ou'd have funne'ed ta5payer money to for-profit education companies"(1 Caro' .eston8 !tate Director of the a''ied *roup Americans for +rosperity ? Maine8 served as )hibodeau's campai*n treasurer durin* the 2012 e'ection"(2
Senator Garrett Mason (R-Lisbon Falls)

A risin* star in Maine's conservative movement8 !enator 3arrett Mason has spent his po'itica' career championin* M%+C's anti-*overnment and for-profit education a*endas" Ear'ier this year8 he sponsored 1D 1(248 <An Act )o E5pand !choo' Choice for Maine !tudents"= M%+C ran automated phone ca''s in support of the bi''"( M%+C Education +o'icy Ana'yst Amanda C'ar9 'obbied for its passa*e" 0n 201 8 Mason cosponsored 1D E;08 <An Act )o Nu''ify the Federa' +atient +rotection and Affordab'e Care Act of 2010"=($ 0n 20128 Mason promoted the M%+C on his campai*n &ebsite"((

Senator Andre Cushing (R-Ha pden)

Former %ouse Assistant Majority 1eader and current !tate !enator Andre Cushin* has a history of stron* support for out-of-state conservative interests" %e is a 'on*time member of the conservative American 1e*is'ative E5chan*e Counci' @A1ECA8 a nationa' *roup that uses 'oca' e'ected officia's 'i9e Cushin* to advance pro-corporate 'e*is'ation at the state 'eve'" Cushin* has used his position to support a number of A1EC bi''s and even trave'ed to an A1EC conference at ta5payers' e5pense"(E Cushin* attended both of M%+CBs 'e*is'ative dinners(/ @on &e'fare reform and pension reformA in 2011H and Cushin*'s po'itica' action committee8 the ,espect Maine +AC8 disbursed a tota' of J180$2 to the Maine %erita*e +o'icy Center in 2011 and 2012"(; ,espect Maine has a'so funded Cushin*'s trips to A1EC conferences"(4 .hi'e servin* as Assistant Majority 1eader8 he cosponsored t&o bi''s of interest to M%+C6 1D $48 <An Act to ,e>uire the 0nc'usion of a Financia' !tatement on !choo' Administrative #nit 7ond 2b'i*ations .hen Kotin* on a !choo' Construction +roject= in 2011H and 1D 12$;8 <An Act to ,e>uire Approva' by the Koters of 1e*is'ation to Enact or 0ncrease a )a5 or Fee= in 2010"
Senator Rodne! Whitte ore (R-Sho"hegan)

0n the 2010 'e*is'ative session8 !en" .hittemore cosponsored t&o M%+C bi''s8 1D E08 <An Act to ,epea' the Maine Certificate of Need Act of 2002H=E0 and 1D 1 8 <An Act to Modify ,atin* +ractices for 0ndividua' and !ma'' 3roup %ea'th +'ans and )o Encoura*e Ka'ue-7ased +urchasin* of %ea'th Care !ervices8=E1 &hich resu'ted in hea'th care rate hi9es for many consumers" %e a'so attended M%+CBs 2011 .e'fare ,eform 'e*is'ative dinner"E2
Representati#e $en Fredette (R-%e"port) - House Minority Leader

,ep" Fredette contro's a po'itica' action committee ca''ed 1eadership for Maine's Future" 0n 200/8 the +AC *ave the M%+C J182(0 for unspecified reasons"E 0n 201 8 Fredette authored an opinion piece for the M%+C's Maine .ire bemoanin* <'ibera' po'iticians M&ho areN bac9 in contro' of the state 1e*is'ature"=E$
Representati#e A ! &ol' (R-Scarborough)

Amy Ko'9 is the 'ead ,epub'ican on the Goint !tandin* Committee on 1abor8 Commerce8 ,esearch and Economic Deve'opment" !he a'so cosponsored one of the anti-union bi''s bac9ed by the M%C+8 1D /;E8 <An Act to Ensure the Ko'untary Membership of +ub'ic Emp'oyees in #nions"=E( 0n Apri' 2011 committee hearin*s8 she served as a 'ead proponent of both anti-union 'e*is'ative measures" 0n 201 8 Ko'9 to'd the Maine .ireEE that <the state never had any business co''ectin* fees for the state &or9ersB union" 0tBs mora''y &ron* to *arnish state &or9ersB &a*es &ithout their consent8= she opined" <)his proposa' is *oin* to come bac9 every 'e*is'ature unti' itBs corrected"= 0n Au*ust 201 8 Ko'9 pub'ished an editoria' in the Portland Press Herald tit'ed <Maine's unhea'thy Democratic-union a''iance th&arts economic *ro&th"=E/

Ko'9 has a'so been a drivin* force behind the effort to privati:e Maine's schoo's" 0n addition to her 'e*is'ative support for for-profit education8 she serves as board president of Maine Connections Academy8E; an on'ine schoo' that &i'' benefit financia''y if for-profit charter schoo's are a''o&ed to move for&ard in Maine" Maine Connections Academy is a proposed fu''-time state&ide virtua' pub'ic charter schoo' that &ou'd be operated by Connections Academy8 a nationa' on'ine education company &ith stron* historica' ties to A1EC"
Representati#e $athleen Chase (R-Wells)

!ince 20048 Iath'een Chase has co-sponsored five M%+C bi''s6 1D 11( 8 <An Act to ,e*u'ate the 7onded 0ndebtedness of the !tate= @2010AE4H 1D E08 <An Act to ,epea' the Maine Certificate of Need Act of 2002= @2010AH 1D E(48 <An Act to ,epea' the Maine C'ean E'ection 1a&s=/0 @2010AH 1D 1$ ;8 <An Act to +ermit Charter !choo's in Maine=/1 @2004AH and 1D 10;;8 <An Act to Moderni:e the )a5 1a&s and +rovide over J/(80008000 to ,esidents of the !tate in )a5 ,e'ief=/2 @2004A"
Go#ernor (aul Le(age

)he M%C+'s ties to the 1e+a*e administration are e5tensive" M%C+ CE2 )arren 7ra*don 'eft the *roup in 2010 to run 1e+a*e's transition team" )he fo''o&in* year8 he came under fire from the Maine !tate Emp'oyees Association &hen he sent fundraisin* emai's for the M%+C to state emp'oyees/ &hi'e he &as a member of the 1e+a*e transition team" At the time8 the Maine !tate Emp'oyees Association pointed out that it is i''e*a' for state officers and emp'oyees to so'icit po'itica' contributions from state &or9ers" A 2012 Maine's Majority investi*ation found c'ose co''aboration bet&een M%+C e5ecutive director 1ance Dutson and hi*h-ran9in* members of the 1e+a*e Administration" )he investi*ation8 &hich inc'uded a revie& of emai' communications obtained under the Freedom of Access Act8 found that the M%+C and !tate )reasurer 7ruce +o'i>uin conspired to oust Maine !tate %ousin* Authority director Da'e McCormic9" Durin* one e5chan*e8 +o'i>uin instructed an M!%A board member to ta9e an op-ed draft and <run it by 1ance MDutsonN"=/$ 1e+a*e tapped former M%C+ head of education initiatives !teve 7o&en to become education commissioner in 2011" 7o&en 'ed the administration's efforts to divert pub'ic education money to for-profit on'ine charter schoo's" %e attended an Au*ust 201 M%+C 'uncheon in support of charter schoo's @see aboveA"


A Mouth'iece for &ut$of$State Conser ati e ,nterests

As previous'y discussed8 it is not possib'e to 9no& a'' the sources of M%+C's fundin*" )his is because federa' ta5 'a& does not re>uire the pub'ic disc'osure of (01@cA@ A nonprofit or*ani:ationsB fundin* sources8 and the M%+C has refused to vo'unteer this information8 despite numerous re>uests from the press"/( 7ecause certain nationa' conservative fundin* or*ani:ations have pub'ic'y 'isted the M%+C as a *rantee8 ho&ever8 and because the M%+C must disc'ose its tota' revenues for each ta5 year8 &e can determine the minimum tota' fundin* the M%C+ received from out-of-state sources" Avai'ab'e data sho&s that durin* the period from 2001 to 200;8 at 'east ; percent of the M%+C's tota' revenue came from outside Maine" Moreover8 for the ta5 years 200; and 20048 at 'east (0 percent of the M%C+'s fundin* &as from non-Maine sources @see be'o&A" 0n actua''y8 this proportion may be much hi*her" )he 9no&n nationa' conservative money came 'ar*e'y from the Donors Capita' Fund and Donors)rust8 t&o funds co''ective'y 9no&n as the <dar9 money A)M of the conservative movement"=/E )he Donors *roups 9eep their o&n funders anonymous8 addin* another 'ayer of secrecy8 a'thou*h investi*ations into the *roups revea' that they are funded in part by Char'es and David Ioch" )he Maine %erita*e +o'icy Center receives materia' support from the Iochs more direct'y as &e'' ? in particu'ar8 summer interns throu*h the Char'es 3" Ioch !ummer Fe''o& +ro*ram"// )he Maine %erita*e +o'icy Center is an affi'iate of the !tate +o'icy Net&or9 @!+NA" 0n addition to its state thin9 tan9 affi'iates8 many other nationa' ri*ht-&in* or*ani:ations are associate members of !+N8 inc'udin* the American 1e*is'ative E5chan*e Counci' @A1ECA8 the Cato 0nstitute8 the Fran9'in Center8 the %erita*e Foundation8 the %eart'and 0nstitute8 and the Nationa' ,i*ht to .or9 1e*a' Defense Foundation"/; !+N has p'ayed a major ro'e in supportin* A1EC8 servin* as a <chairman= 'eve' sponsor of the 2011 A1EC Annua' Conference as &e'' as sponsorin* the 2012 A1EC !tates and Nation +o'icy !ummit"/4 !ince its foundin*8 !+N has been funded by conservative or*ani:ations inc'udin* the Ioch-funded Donors )rustDDonors Capita' Fund8 the 7rad'ey Foundation8 the ,oe Foundation8 and the IochsB C'aude ," 1ambe Charitab'e Foundation";0 2ver the course of its 11-year history8 the M%C+ has benefited si*nificant'y from these resources" Ino&n nationa' fundin* inc'udes6 M%C+ 9no&n donors8 200 -2011;1 Donor Cast'e ,oc9 Foundation Based In Co'orado Amount J 2(8000 Years 2004


Cato 0nstitute Donors Capita' Fund Donors)rust Ga>ue'in %ume Foundation GM Foundation Nea' and Gane Freeman Foundation !tate +o'icy Net&or9 ,oe Foundation Known total

D"C" Kir*inia Kir*inia Ca'ifornia Ne& Lor9 F'orida Kir*inia !outh Caro'ina

J(08000 J 1840;84;1 J /8(00 J 1 (8000 J $(8000 J E/8000 J 1(18000 J 1$08000 $ 2,529,481

200E;2 200(-2011 2010 200/-2011 200$-200/ 200 -2011 200/-2010 200(-2011 2003-2011


A oidin! Accountability
)he Maine %erita*e +o'icy Center has a 'on* history of controversia' activity8 in many cases s9irtin* the 'a& to achieve its po'itica' objectives" 0n 2ctober 200E8 the Maine Commission on 3overnmenta' Ethics and E'ection +ractices investi*ated the M%+CBs invo'vement in the referendum campai*n for the )a5payerBs 7i'' of ,i*hts @)A72,A" )he Commission decided that M%+C does not fa'' under the definition of a +o'itica' Action Commitee8 but re>uired the or*ani:ation to fi'e a financia' disc'osure report because it had spent more than J18(00 campai*nin* for )A72," 2n appea'8 the !upreme Court of Maine affirmed the !uperior CourtBs ru'in*"; 0n the end8 M%+C did not revea' detai'ed contributions8 on'y a &ithdra&a' from its account to support the initiative";$ 1ater it did the same &ith re*ard to its financia' support for )A72, 00" )he M%C+'s bac9ers have a'so &or9ed to infi'trate the Maine Ethics Commission itse'f &ithout proper disc'osure" Maine Ethics Commissioner Gean 3inn Marvin fai'ed to report that she &as a M%+C board member &hen she &as considered for the appointment" 0t 200E8 it &as revea'ed that Marvin omitted her M%+C board membership on her <>ua'ification-to-serve= form8 and therefore Ethics Commission E5ecutive Director Gonathan .ayne and others <mista9en'y thou*ht she had been appropriate'y Oc'earedB to serve on the commission"= A Lewiston Sun Journal opinion piece pointed out that as M%+CBs treasurer8 Marvin may have participated in fundraisin* activities for the thin9 tan98;( &hich are *enera''y prohibited for members of the Maine Ethics Commission";E As a (01@cA@ A or*ani:ation8 'obbyin* may not ma9e up a substantia' portion of the M%+CBs activities8 and the or*ani:ation is prohibited from <direct'y or indirect'y participatin* in8 or intervenin* in8 any po'itica' campai*n on beha'f of @or in opposition toA any candidate for e'ective pub'ic office"= %o&ever8 in 20048 the Maine %erita*e +o'icy Center set up a ba''ot >uestion committee @tit'ed the <Maine %erita*e +o'icy Center=A to support Puestion 2 @decreasin* the automobi'e e5cise ta5A and Puestion $ @a ta5payer bi'' of ri*htsA";/ ,ecords from the Maine E'ections Commission;; sho& that the M%C+'s ba''ot >uestion committee received J(28E ("/; in cash contributions from <3enera' )reasury )ransfers= and J28212 in in-9ind contributions direct'y from the Maine %erita*e +o'icy Center" 0n 20118 another ba''ot >uestion committee tit'ed <)he Maine %erita*e +o'icy Center= &as set up to oppose Puestion 1 @a pub'ic veto of 1a& 44 ? E'imination of !ame Day Koter ,e*istrationA" ,ecords sho&;4 that the J48$$E"12 in cash contributions this ba''ot >uestion committee received a'so came from <3enera' )reasury )ransfers"= 7y ma9in* <3enera' )reasury )ransfers8= the M%C+ &as effective'y ab'e to 'aunder po'itica' money" Despite the fact that it initia''y received these contributions from entities that support its mission and a*enda8 and despite the fact these same contributions &ere used to support a ba''ot campai*n8 the pub'ic has not been informed of their true source" @)he 0,! defines a <ba''ot initiative= as <'e*is'ation8= and (01@cA@ A or*ani:ations are a''o&ed to

participate in 'imited 'obbyin* activity" )herefore8 the 0,! *enera''y considers e5penditures to support or oppose initiatives or referendums to be 'obbyin* e5penditures rather than po'itica' campai*n activity"A


Financially Tied to the .&"

)he M%C+'s staff and board members have c'ear financia' ties to the Maine ,epub'ican +arty" )hese inc'ude6 0n 20118 the Maine ,epub'ican +arty donated J28000 to the M%C+"40 0n 200/8 the Maine ,epub'ican +arty donated J200 to the M%+C"41 0n 20108 the Maine %erita*e +o'icy Center *ave J 00 to the Maine ,epub'ican +arty"42 M%C+ boardmember ." ," Gac9son8 Gr" donated J208000 to the Maine ,epub'ican +arty and J(8000 to a ba''ot measure campai*n to e'iminate same-day voter re*istration in 2011" %e a'so *ave J128100 to the )A72, campai*n and a tota' of JE84(0 to ,epub'ican +ACs8 the Maine ,epub'ican +arty8 and to Fran9 Farrin*ton for !tate !enate in 200E" Former CE2 )arren 7ra*don contributed more than J 8000 to the Maine ,epub'ican +arty and ,epub'ican candidates bet&een 144; and 2002" ,ecipients inc'uded Dean !contras and 7rian %ame'" Goe' A''umbau*h8 director of the M%C+Bs Center for %ea'th ,eform 0nitiatives8 donated J(00 each to !teve Abbott and +au' 1e+a*e in 2010" M%C+ boardmember Gin*er Duryea contributed J$811( to the Maine ,epub'ican +arty and ,epub'ican candidates from 144E to 2011" Notab'e recipients inc'ude Games 1on*'ey8 Gr"8 Andre Cushin*8 and David Emery"

Source: Maine Ethics Commission93


A''endi/ A0 Affiliations with &ut$of$State Conser ati e .rou's

)he M%C+ is c'ose'y affi'iated &ith a number of out-of-state conservative or*ani:ations8 many &ith c'ose ties to the nationa' ,epub'ican +arty and controversia' conservative donors"

Ameri an !e"islati#e $% &an"e 'oun il (A!$')

)he Maine %erita*e +o'icy CenterBs !tephen 7o&en8 head of education initiatives8 &as 'isted in A1EC interna' documents4$ as attendin* A1ECBs Au*ust 2010 Education )as9 Force meetin* in !an Die*o8 representin* M%+C" )he Portland Press Herald95 reported that 7o&en &as an A1EC member in 20118 and &as 'ater appointed MaineBs education commissioner" )he M%+C has he'd joint press conferences4E and drafted reports4/ &ith the %erita*e Foundation" )he M%+CBs CE28 G" !cott Moody8 &as a !enior Economist at the %erita*e Foundation" )he M%+C re'eased three <+i*'et= boo9s &ith Citi:ens A*ainst 3overnment .aste"4; )he M%+C ho'ds joint events &ith AF+ - Maine"44 Former M%+C CE2 )arren 7ra*don is the brother of )revor 7ra*don8 &ho heads AF+ ? Maine" )he Fran9'in Center 'ists M%+C as its Maine affi'iate"100 )he M%+CBs CE28 G" !cott Moody8 &as a !enior Economist at the )a5 Foundation"101 G" !cott Moody is 'isted as a supporter and si*ner of Freedom.or9sB press re'ease opposin* the Affordab'e Care Act as a representative of M%+C" 2ther or*ani:ations inc'uded the American Conservative #nion8 Americans for +rosperity8 C'ub for 3ro&th8 Americans for )a5 ,eform8 Crossroads 3+!8 Nationa' )a5payers #nion8 )ea +arty E5press8 and various state-based ri*ht-&in* thin9 tan9s"102

*erita"e +oundation

'iti,ens A"ainst -o#ernment .aste Ameri ans /or 0ros1erit2 +ran3lin 'enter 4&e 4a% +oundation

+reedom .or3s


A''endi/ 10 Maine Herita!e "olicy Center and A-EC0 "ushin! a Coordinated #i!ht$%in! A!enda in Maine
)he Maine %erita*e +o'icy Center @M%+CA is c'ose'y connected to the nationa' controversia' or*ani:ation the American 1e*is'ative E5chan*e @A1ECA throu*h both promotin* A1ECBs a*enda in Maine and specifica''y coordinatin* &ith A1EC" M%+C sent a representative across the country to !an Die*o to attend an A1EC meetin* in Au*ust 20108 and has a'so hosted A1EC staff at its o&n meetin*s in Maine" M%+C has a'so promoted A1ECBs <,ich !tates8 +oor !tates= reports in events and artic'es on its &ebsite"10 )&o M%+C events &ere he'd in March 20118 one in 7an*or10$ and another in +ort'and810( that featured the director of A1ECBs )a5 and Fisca' +o'icy )as9 Force8 Gonathan .i''iams8 promotin* A1ECBs <,ich !tates8 +oor !tates= report" )he same A1EC report and its methodo'o*y of ran9in* states &as critici:ed by 3ood Gobs First and the 0o&a +o'icy +roject8 &hich ar*ued that A1ECBs report &as <a recipe for economic ine>ua'ity8 &a*e suppression8 and sta*nant incomes"=10E *ealt& and *uman 5er#i es 4as3 +or e6 0n Ganuary 20118 the M%+C hosted an event in +ort'and10/ a*ainst the Affordab'e Care Act8 &hich featured the director of A1ECBs %ea'th and %uman !ervices )as9 Force8 Christine %errera8 as the *uest spea9er" $du ation 4as3 +or e6 )he M%+CBs !tephen 7o&en8 head of education initiatives8 &as 'isted in A1EC interna' documents10; as attendin* A1ECBs Au*ust 2010 Education )as9 Force meetin* in !an Die*o8 representin* M%+C" )he Portland Press Herald reported104 that 7o&en &as an A1EC member in 20118 and &as 'ater appointed MaineBs education commissioner" Not surprisin*'y8 most of M%+CBs a*enda is shared &ith A1ECBs ri*ht-&in* a*enda and po'icy proposa's on a &ide variety of issues8 inc'udin* education8 &or9ersB ri*hts8 hea'thcare8 ta5es8 votin* ri*hts8 and c'ean ener*y"



6aine *erita"e 0oli 2 'enter (6*0') +rivati:in* pub'ic education is one of M%+CBs 9ey a*enda items" 2ver the years8 the thin9 tan9 has re'eased numerous reports on its &ebsite and ri*ht-&in* media out'et8 the Maine .ire8 supportin* privati:in* MaineBs pub'ic schoo's throu*h schoo' voucher and charter schoo' e5pansion" M%+C has a'so 'aunched a &ebsite dedicated entire'y to promotin* its education privati:ation a*enda8 deceptive'y ca''ed <3reat !choo's for Maine"= M%+C joined Americans for +rosperity in Gune 2011 and the %erita*e Foundation in Gu'y 2012 to cohost events promotin* education privati:ation in Maine" 2n its &ebsite promotin* education privati:ation and in a March 201 report8 M%+C ca''s for the e5pansion of virtua' schoo's and on'ine 'earnin*"

Ameri an !e"islati#e $% &an"e 'oun il (A!$')

0ri#ati,in" 0u7li $du ation

Education privati:ation is a'so a 9ey component in A1ECBs e5treme a*enda" A1ECBs schoo' voucher <mode'= bi''s inc'ude the <Education Enterprise Qone Act= and <)he +arent Choice !cho'arship +ro*ram Act"= A1ECBs charter schoo' mode's inc'ude the <Charter !choo's Act= and the <Ne5t 3eneration Charter !choo's Act"=

0romotin" 8nline and 9irtual :0u7li ; 5 &ools

A1ECBs <Kirtua' +ub'ic !choo's Act= re>uires virtua' or on'ine schoo's to be reco*ni:ed as pub'ic schoo's and provided the same treatment and resources as any bric9-and-mortar pub'ic schoo' in the state" A1ECBs <!tate .ithdra&a' from ,e*iona' C'imate 0nitiatives= &ou'd a''o& states to pu'' out of the ,e*iona' 3reenhouse 3as 0mitative or the .estern C'imate 0nitiative8 cap-and-trade pro*rams to cut *reenhouse *ases and carbon-dio5ide emissions8 and uses 'an*ua*e that denies c'imate chan*e" A1ECBs <E'ectricity Freedom Act= repea's rene&ab'e ener*y mandates and is an attac9 on states p'annin* to re>uire companies to *et a certain percenta*e of their e'ectricity from rene&ab'e sources"

811osin" <enewa7le $ner"2

0n !eptember 20128 M%+C re'eased a report attac9in* MaineBs ,ene&ab'e +ortfo'io !tandard8 ca''in* the 'e*is'ation a <mista9e"=



6aine *erita"e 0oli 2 'enter (6*0')

Ameri an !e"islati#e $% &an"e 'oun il (A!$') A1EC has issued severa' <mode'= bi''s a*ainst the 2010 Affordab'e Care Act8 inc'udin* the <Freedom of Choice in %ea'th Care Act= and the <,eso'ution 2pposin* Emp'oyer-+aid %ea'th Care Mandates"= A1ECBs <3uide to ,epea' 2bamacare= is a *uide for state 'e*is'ators to repea' the Affordab'e Care Act8 and ur*es them to reject Medicaid e5pansion and federa' *rants for Medicaid"

811osin" *ealt& are <e/orm and 6edi aid $%1ansion

M%+C has re'eased numerous reports and he'd severa' events @some featurin* representatives of the Cato 0nstitute and A1ECA a*ainst the Affordab'e Care Act and Medicaid e5pansion"

0romotin" so- alled :<i"&t to .or3; !e"islation

0n Ganuary 20128 M%+C re'eased a report c'aimin* that Maine &or9ers &ere 'eavin* the state and movin* to states &ith anti-union so-ca''ed <ri*ht to &or9= 'a&s" )he report a'so ca''s for Maine to become a <ri*ht to &or9= state"

A1ECBs <,i*ht to .or9 Act= is an attac9 on &or9in* fami'ies across the state8 as this bi'' ta9es a&ay &or9ersB abi'ity to ne*otiate fair contracts"

De/ormin" t&e 0u7li 0ension 52stem

0n a February 2011 report8 M%+C ca''s for Maine to s&itch from a defined-benefit pension system to a defined contribution system"

A1ECBs <+ub'ic Emp'oyeesB +ortab'e ,etirement 2ption @+,2A Act= is a move to&ards e'iminatin* defined benefit pension p'ans for pub'ic emp'oyees - p'ans that protect retirees"

0us&in" a so- alled :4a%1a2er Bill o/ <i"&ts;

7et&een !eptember and 2ctober 20048 M%+C re'eased at 'east three reports supportin* a )a5payer 7i'' of ,i*hts @)A72,A in Maine6 < 00 Mi''ion ,easons .hy the )a5payer 7i'' of ,i*hts %e'ps MaineBs 7e'ea*uered )a5payers8= <)a5payer 7i'' of ,i*hts Needed No& More than Ever8= and <!ettin* the ,ecord !trai*ht on Co'oradoBs )a5payer 7i'' of ,i*hts"=

A1ECBs <Federa' )A72, ,eso'ution= ca''s to 'imit *overnment spendin* and &ou'd re>uire a <supermajority vote of both houses of Con*ress= to override the spendin* 'imit"

0romotin" 'ontro#ersial 9oter 5u11ression 6easures

0n !eptember 20118 M%+C re'eased a po'' that sho&ed support for endin* same-day voter re*istration and re>uirin* each voter to sho& an 0D in order to vote" )he po'' &as conducted by +u'se 2pinion ,esearch8 a spinoff of ,asmussen ,eports8 &hich has been critici:ed for po'' resu'ts that favor ,epub'icans"

A1ECBs <Koter 0D Act= ma9es it more difficu't for American citi:ens to vote" 0t &ou'd chan*e 0D ru'es so that citi:ens &ho have been re*istered to vote for decades must sho& certain 9inds of 0D in order to vote" )his bi'' disenfranchises many 'o&-income8 minority8 and e'der'y Americans8 as &e'' as co''e*e students8 &ho do not have driverBs 'icenses but have typica''y used other forms of 0D"

Center for Media and Democracy, PRWatch, A Reporters' Guide to the "State Policy et!or"" ## the Ri$ht#Win$ %hin" %an"s Spinnin$ Disinformation and Pushin$ the A&'C A$enda in the States,( April ), *+,1 2

Center for Media and Democracy. Source!atch, SP

/undin$, accessed 0cto1er 2, *+,-

Associated Press, %hin" tan" dra!s praise and pans,( 3uly ,,, *++4
$ ( E /

Maine 5erita$e Policy Center, A1out 6s,( or$ani7ational !e1site, accessed 0cto1er *2, *+,Maine 5erita$e Policy Center, 'i$ht Challen$es for Diri$o 5ealth in *++8,( 3anuary -+, *++8

9an$or Daily

e!s, %A90R :: initiati;e de1ated,( 0cto1er <, *++2

&in"ed:n= 9ill 9ec"er> accessed ,+?2?*+,-

;9an$or 4


e!s, Whate;er happened to %arren 9ra$don@,( 0cto1er ,A, *+,,

Portland Press 5erald, Dutson to 1ecome Summers' Senate campai$n mana$er,( 3uly -,, *+,*
Maine 5erita$e Policy Center= C'0 B Chief 'conomist 3. Scott Moody> accessed ,+?A?*+,-

10 11

Portland Press 5erald, Acti;ists plannin$ taC cap follo!#up> Mary Adams plans to collect si$natures to put a state and local spendin$ cap on the *++4 1allot,( Septem1er ,+, *++)
Maine Center for 'conomic Policy, Position Statement= Re;enue Collapse Creates 9ud$et Gap,( 3anuary ,+, *+,12 1 1$

Sun 3ournal, %A90R is not the ans!er for Maine,( 0cto1er 2, *++2

Maine Commission on Go;ernmental 'thics B 'lection Practices, Contri1utions for Maine 5erita$e Policy Center,( /inancial Summary for *++2 on Duestion )= %aCpayer 9ill of Ri$hts E%A90R ::F, Decem1er -,, *++2, accessed 0cto1er *2, *+,-

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ote1oo"= Who elected the Maine 5erita$e Policy Center@,( May

%ampa 9ay %imes, When to1acco needed a ;oice, CAGW spo"e up and profited,( April *, *++8 %he Washin$ton Post, Report Says
onprofits Sold :nfluence to A1ramoff,( ,+?,-?*++8

Citi7ens A$ainst Go;ernment Waste, Groups Release Maine Pi$let 9oo",( March **, *++<

%he :nstitute for Policy :nno;ation, Coalition &etter 6r$in$ /idelity to %aCpayer Protection Pled$e,( Decem1er 4, *+,*

Maine 5erita$e Policy Center, %he Case A$ainst 01amacare,( 3anuary ,+, *+,,


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%he Maine Wire= &a!ma"ers De1ate 9ill to Protect State Wor"ersG Paychec"s /rom 6nion Wa$e Garnishment> accessed ,+?2?*+,%he Maine Wire= Ri$ht#to#Wor" 9ill Gets 5arsh 5earin$ Despite 'conomic 9enefits> accessed ,+?2?*+,2E

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%he Maine Wire= Clean( politicians pander for dirty money> accessed ,+?2?*+,%he Maine Wire=
ational 'mployee /reedom Wee" 6nder!ay> accessed ,+?2?*+,-

%he Maine Wire= 9i$ &a1or Democrats Defeat Ri$ht#to#Wor"> accessed ,+?2?*+,%he Maine Wire= Maine Democrats reaffirm StateGs role as unionGs collections a$ent> accessed ,+?2?*+,$

%he Maine Wire= &a!ma"ers De1ate 9ill to Protect State Wor"ersG Paychec"s /rom 6nion Wa$e Garnishment> accessed ,+?2?*+,(

%he Maine Wire= Ri$ht#to#Wor" 9ill Gets 5arsh 5earin$ Despite 'conomic 9enefits> accessed ,+?2?*+,E

,*8th Maine &e$islature, &D ,4*2?SP 4<8= An Act %o 'Cpand School Choice for Maine Students> accessed online ,+?*?*+,/

%he Maine Wire= &ePa$e 1lasts Alfond on unconsciona1le( attac" on pu1lic school> accessed ,+?2?*+,;


%he Maine Wire= Charter school enemy Alfond addresses MaineGs first charter school $rads> accessed ,+?2?*+,4

%he Maine Wire= Go;. &ePa$e char$es for!ard !ith teacher accounta1ility and school choice 1ills> accessed ,+?2?*+,$0

%he Maine Wire= M.D. 5armon= &ePa$eGs education reforms a !in for Maine students> accessed ,+?2?*+,$1

%he Maine Wire= /eds release first round of MaineGs 01amacare na;i$ators(> accessed ,+?2?*+,$2

%he Maine Wire= %!o years of Medicaid eCpansion !ould cost Mainers H)+ million> accessed ,+?2?*+,$ $$ $(

%he Maine Wire= 4 Medicaid 'Cpansion Myths De1un"ed> accessed ,+?2?*+,-

%he Maine Wire= States opt out of 01amacareGs :nsurance 'Cchan$es to a;oid eCor1itant costs, complicated re$ulations> accessed ,+?2?*+,$E $/

%he Maine Wire= Allum1au$h= Medicaid needs reform, not eCpansion> accessed ,+?2?*+,-

/ace1oo"= Maine 5erita$e Policy Center> photo al1um= 6nder the Dome Acti;ist %rainin$ I !ith A/P Maine> accessed ,+?<?*+,,*4th Maine &e$islature, &D ,,4-?SP -4-= An Act Related to Authori7ation of GARJ'' 9onds> accessed online ,+?*?*+,$;

,*4th Maine &e$islature, &D ,*)A?SP -82= An Act %o ReKuire Appro;al 1y the Joters of &e$islation %o 'nact or :ncrease a %aC or /ee> accessed online ,+?*?*+,$4

,*4th Maine &e$islature, &D 842?SP )A2= An Act %o Repeal the Maine Clean 'lection &a!s> accessed online ,+?*?*+,(0

,*8th Maine &e$islature, &D ,4*2?SP 4<8= An Act %o 'Cpand School Choice for Maine Students> accessed online ,+?*?*+,(1

Maine Commission on Go;ernmental 'thics B 'lection Practices, Candidate Summary= Michael %hi1odeau> accessed ,+?2?*+,(2

Maine Commission on Go;ernmental 'thics and 'lection Practices= Maine 5erita$e Policy Center> &o11yist Disclosure Report for May *+,-, accessed ,+?2?*+,(

,*8th Maine &e$islature, &D 8A+?5P )<*= An Act %o ullify the /ederal Patient Protection and Afforda1le Care Act of *+,+> accessed online ,+?*?*+,($


(( (E

Garrett Mason for State Senate, accessed ,+?2?*+,-

Maine Pu1lic 9roadcastin$ et!or", Maine &a!ma"er's %aCpayer#/unded %rip to Conser;ati;e Conference Comes 6nder Scrutiny,( Septem1er ,2, *+,,
Maine Commission on Go;ernmental 'thics B 'lection Practices, Maine 5erita$e Policy Center?%arren 9ra$don 3oint &o11yist?Client Annual Report for *+,,> accessed ,+?2?*+,(/

(; Maine Commission on Go;ernmental 'thics B 'lection Practices, Respect Maine Campai$n

/inance Report, *+,,, accessed ,+?2?*+,-> Maine Commission on Go;ernmental 'thics B 'lection Practices, Respect Maine Campai$n /inance Report, *+,*, accessed ,+?2?*+,-> Maine Commission on Go;ernmental 'thics B 'lection Practices, Respect Maine Campai$n /inance Report, *+,*, accessed ,+?2?*+,-. Maine Commission on Go;ernmental 'thics B 'lection Practices, Respect Maine Campai$n /inance Report, *+,,, accessed ,+?2?*+,-> Diri$o9lue, Maine's MaLority As"s= Did Andre Cushin$ Dou1le Dip@( accessed ,+?2?*+,-.

,*8th Maine &e$islature, &D ,8*?5P ,-<= An Act %o Repeal the Maine Certificate of *++*> accessed online ,+?*?*+,E0 E1 E2

eed Act of

Maine &e$islature, Sponsors of &D ,---> accessed ,+?2?*+,-

Maine Commission on Go;ernmental 'thics B 'lection Practices, Maine 5erita$e Policy Center?%arren 9ra$don 3oint &o11yist?Client Annual Report for *+,,> accessed ,+?2?*+,E E$

Maine Commission on Go;ernment 'thics and 'lection Practices

%he Maine Wire= /redette= 9uildin$ a 1etter Maine !ill reKuire chan$e of direction, attitude> accessed ,+?2?*+,,*8th Maine &e$islature, &D <A8?5P 4-<= An Act %o 'nsure the Joluntary Mem1ership of Pu1lic 'mployees in 6nions> accessed online ,+?*?*+,E(

%he Maine Wire= Maine Democrats reaffirm StateGs role as unionGs collections a$ent> accessed ,+?2?*+,EE

Portland Press 5erald, Maine Joices= Maine's unhealthy Democratic#union alliance th!arts economic $ro!th,( Au$ust ,4, *+,E/

Portland Press 5erald, Special Report= %he profit moti;e 1ehind ;irtual schools in Maine,( 3uly -, *+,E;

,*4th Maine &e$islature, &D ,,4-= An Act Related to Authori7ation of GARJ'' 9onds> accessed online ,+?*?*+,E4


,*4th Maine &e$islature, &D 842= An Act %o Repeal the Maine Clean 'lection &a!s> accessed online ,+?*?*+,/0

,*)th Maine &e$islature, &D ,)-A= An Act %o Permit Charter Schools in Maine> accessed online ,+?*?*+,/1 /2 / /$ /(

Maine &e$islature, Sponsors of &D ,+AA> accessed ,+?2?*+,-

%he Mornin$ Sentinel, /undraisin$ emails spar" de1ate,( May *A, *+,, Portland Press 5erald, Group says emails document '!itch hunt' tar$etin$ MS5A,( May *8, *+,*

Sun 3ournal, Playin$ to !in= Conser;ati;e thin" tan" Maine 5erita$e Policy Center ran"les left !ith acti;ism, anonymous donors,( Septem1er ), *+,+
/EMother // /; /4 ;0 ;1 ;2 ; ;$

3ones, 'Cposed= %he Dar"#Money A%M of the Conser;ati;e Mo;ement,( /e1ruary 4, *+,-

:nstitute for 5umane Studies= Charles G. Moch Summer /ello! Pro$ram> accessed ,+?2?*+,Center for Media and Democracy, SourceWatch= SP Center for Media and Democracy, SourceWatch= SP Center for Media and Democracy, SourceWatch= SP Mem1ers, accessed ,+?*2?,%ies to A&'C, accessed ,+?*2?,/undin$, accessed ,+?*2?,-

American 9rid$e Conser;ati;e %ransparency= Maine 5erita$e Policy Center> accessed ,+?2?*+,Center for Media and Democracy8 SourceWatch6 <Maine %erita*e +o'icy Center8= accessed 2ctober 248 201

Portland Press 5erald, 'thics commission's rulin$ appealed,( 3anuary *+, *++<

%he /orecaster, Playin$ to !in= Conser;ati;e thin" tan" ran"les left !ith acti;ism, anonymous donors,( Septem1er <, *+,+
;( ;E

Sun 3ournal, 'thics commission o;erdue for top#do!n re;ie!,( Au$ust ,*, *++<

Maine &e$islature= %itle ,, Chapter *4, Su1chapter ,= Commission on Go;ernmental 'thics and 'lection Practices Maine Commission on Go;ernmental 'thics and 'lection Practices, *++2 Re$istration of Political Committees= Maine 5erita$e Policy Center

Maine Commission on Go;ernmental 'thics and 'lection Practices= Contri1utions for Maine 5erita$e Policy Center, accessed ,+?2?*+,;;

Maine Commission on Go;ernmental 'thics and 'lection Practices= Contri1utions for %he Maine 5erita$e Policy Center, accessed ,+?2?*+,;4


Maine Commission on Go;ernmental 'thics and 'lection Practices= *+,, Campai$n /inance Report, Maine Repu1lican Party

Maine Commission on Go;ernmental 'thics and 'lection Practices= *++< Campai$n /inance Report, Maine Repu1lican Party

Maine Commission on Go;ernmental 'thics and 'lection Practices= *+,+ Campai$n /inance Report, Maine Repu1lican Party
42 4 4$ 4(

Maine Commission on Go;ernment 'thics and 'lection Practices Common Cause= A&'C I 'Chi1it ), %as" /orces> 'ducation %as" /orce internal memorandum

Portland Press 5erald, Special Report= %he profit moti;e 1ehind ;irtual schools in Maine,( 3uly -, *+,Maine 5erita$e Policy Center, Maine /amilies Could See 5i$her %aCes, More 3o1 &osses,( Septem1er *<, *+,+

%arren 9ra$don, 3oel Allum1au$h. %he 5erita$e /oundation, 9ac"$rounder= 5ealth Care Reform in Maine= Re;ersin$ 01amacare &ite,( 3uly ,2, *+,,
4/ 4; 44

Citi7ens A$ainst Go;ernment Waste, Groups Release Maine Pi$let 9oo",( March **, *++< Maine 5erita$e Policy, Rally %o Support the Go;ernorGs 9ud$et,( March ,<, *+,, /ran"lin Center for Go;ernment and Pu1lic :nte$rity, accessed ,+?2?*+,Maine 5erita$e Policy Center= Meet 0ur Staff> accessed ,+?2?*+,-

100 101 102

/reedom Wor"s= )8 ational 0r$ani7ations to Con$ress= "Stop 01ama's :lle$al :RS 5ealth Care Po!er Gra1," Septem1er ,2, *+,*

%he Maine Wire= Rich States, Poor States= 5i$h taCes hinder MaineGs economic outloo", performance> accessed ,+?2?*+,10

Maine 5erita$e Policy Center= 9an$or ';ent I Rich States, Poor States= Mo;in$ Maine from Ra$s to Riches,( /e1ruary *8, *+,,

Maine 5erita$e Policy Center= Portland ';ent I Rich States, Poor States= Mo;in$ Maine from Ra$s to Riches,( /e1ruary *8, *+,,

Sellin$ Sna"e 0il to the State= %he American &e$islati;e 'Cchan$e CouncilGs /la!ed Prescriptions for Prosperity,( Loint report 1y Good 3o1s /irst and the :o!a Policy ProLect> o;em1er *+,*
10E 10/

Maine 5erita$e Policy Center, Portland ';ent I 01amaCare= 5o! Maine Can /i$ht 9ac",(


Decem1er *-, *+,+
10; 104

Common Cause= A&'C I 'Chi1it ), %as" /orces> 'ducation %as" /orce internal memorandum

Portland Press 5erald, Special Report= %he profit moti;e 1ehind ;irtual schools in Maine,( 3uly -, *+,-

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