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Lynda Bonura,
M.Ed. Plus

Room 156

Sixth Grade Math

Welcome to Roosevelt
Create a welcome poster to
hang in the classroom
SEATING CHART Period ___________________

Bookshelf Bookshelf Cabinet Computer Table Teacher Computer

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ _____


______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ _____


______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ _____


______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ _____

File Cabinet A-D 2 pass out and pick up Daily Folders

Teacher Desk


Welcome. Welcome to Roosevelt Middle School. My name is Mrs.

Bonura. There it is on the Promethean. It is spelled B-O-N-U-R-A
and is pronounced “Bonura”. I would like to be addressed as Mrs.
Bonura, please. Thank you. I am looking forward to being your
teacher this year. Relax.

I am a veteran teacher with over 40 years of experience. Outside of

class I go to workshops, conferences, and in-service meetings. I
read professional journals and work together with my fellow
teachers in professional organizations. I stay current in my
professional knowledge and teaching skills. Most important, I love
to teach! I enjoy teaching, and I am proud to be a teacher. So you
can relax. You are in good hands.

You are going to have a good experience this year. This classroom
will be well organized, and you will be well cared for while you are
in it. We will not only study math, but I will also share with you
some life skills and secrets that will help you succeed in tomorrow’s
world. And in the area of technology you will have a few things to
share as well.

So welcome!!

1. Walk into the room quietly and sit in your seat.

2. Remove jacket or coat and hang them on the chair.

3. Remove needed items from your schoolbag. Put your

schoolbag/purse on the floor in front of you. The aisle must
remain clear.

4. Have your sharpened pencils out and necessary items ready.

5. Have your homework out.

6. Put your date in your notebook.

7. Read the assignment for the day.

8. Students in position 2 A-D will pass out Daily Folders (if

needed) and the needed materials. Check the board or chart.

9. **Begin the BELLWORK assignment on your own.

Thank you, Mrs.Bonura

Introducing my Discipline Plan---

Step 1 “We are all here for YOU- for you to succeed and to
enjoy this class. Because I care about each of you. I am here to
help you. I will NOT allow you to do anything that will interfere
with your success in this class.

Step 2 “We will be working together this year.

We need to have a class where you can come without fear of
being ridiculed or threatened. Because I care about ALL of you, I
will not allow you to do anything that will interfere with someone
else who is trying to learn”.

Step 3 “I am the teacher, and I am looking forward to being

your teacher this year. I have worked all summer planning your
curriculum, and I will not allow you to do anything that will
interfere with all of us having an enjoyable year.”

Step 4 “So that YOU can learn, so that WE can all learn, so that
I can teach, I have a set of rules to ensure that we will have a safe
and orderly classroom.”
Discipline Plan
(Breaking rules has consequences)

1. Be in your assigned seat following the classroom

routine when the bell rings.

2. Bring all needed materials to class daily.

3. No social talking—All talking must be related to

the activity and MUST be heard ONLY by your
partner. Look at the teacher and remain silent if she
rings a bell. Information will follow.

4. Show respect for self, peers, teacher and property.

5. Follow directions the first time.

Breaking a rule will result in punish work, detention or a

phone call home. The punish work assignment is always the
same. Times tables 1-9 one time.

Positive Consequences are REWARDS

that result when people abide by the rules.
Good Grades

Make the Honor Roll

Good work is posted on the wall or the Blog

Chosen as Student of the Month

Certificate or note sent home

Student’s name listed on the “Wall of Fame”

A positive phone call home

Get a Rough Rider ticket and a chance at bigger prizes

How to enter the classroom.

1. Greet the teacher as you enter the classroom.

2. Walk directly (shortest route) and quietly to your assigned
3. Sit in your assigned seat.
4. Begin following the Daily Routine.

Class Dismissal -- The bell Does Not dismiss the class. The
dismisses the class.

1. Be sure you have written the homework assignment.

2. Be sure you have completed the journal entry.
3. Seventh Period only --- Be sure that all materials (for
example calculators, rulers etc) have been put back.
4. Wait for the teacher to line you up and/or dismiss you.

What to do when your pencil breaks?

1. Use another of your 3 sharpened pencils or a mechanical

2. Use your pencil sharpener at your seat.
3. If the teacher is talking borrow a pencil from your partner
(return it at the end of class).
4. If you have no pencils, nor a sharpener and the teacher is
NOT talking, hold up your hand and request permission to
sharpen the pencil.
5. If permission is granted, sign the Lack of Needed Materials
list, quickly sharpen the pencil and return to your seat.
6. No more than one person may be sharpening their pencil at
one time.
7. After using the pencil sharpener go directly to your seat
and continue your assignment.

How to write a heading on anything you put in the Daily

Folder or pass up to the Teacher.

1. Write your class number.

2. Write your first initial or first name and your last
3. Write the date.
4. Write the period.
What to do when you hear an emergency alert signal?

1. Silently go to your assigned area against the wall.
2. Put your hands over the back of your neck to protect spinal cord and brain
3. Bend your knees and put your face down on your knees to protect your
4. Remain in position and silent until the all clear bell rings.

Fire Drill
1. Stop working and stand immediately.
2. Leave the classroom silently and walk towards the office.
3. Turn left and exit the building silently.
4. Silently walk across the first driveway and then the second driveway.
5. Go to the sidewalk and wait silently with your classmates until the teacher
calls the roll.
6. Do NOT go in the street. Do NOT lean on cars. Do NOT visit with
students in another class.
7. The teacher will call roll. Answer out loud when your name is called.
8. Students may talk quietly when roll call is complete.
9. Teacher and students will wait for the all clear bell or voice.
10. After roll call students may talk quietly but must remain by the teacher.
11. When the all clear is given, everyone is to walk quickly and quietly back
to the classroom.
12. Continue with what you were doing prior to the drill or follow the
teacher’s instructions.

What to do when you finish your work early. What do I do
These activities must be completed in the order given.

1. Work on any make-up work that you may have.

2. Work on your current journal entry or any incomplete
entries that you may have.
3. Work on the “CHALLENGE” problem.
4. Complete an addition, subtraction, multiplication or
division drill on the internet. You must do one of each
before you repeat an operation.
5. Go to LA PASS and complete a test. Go from test one to
test two etc. Do not skip around. When you complete a
test, print the results.
6. Put any results in your Daily Folder.
7. Complete the MTS lesson.
8. Go to an approved math website
9. Watch the Pearson / PH video tutor lesson
10. Work on your homework

***Anything that you do must be dated and recorded in your

notebook .

What to do when you have a question?

1. Be sure that the teacher is not giving instructions.

2. Raise your hand and wait for your teacher to respond.
a. May I go to the bathroom?
b. May I sharpen my pencil?
c. I need help.

**Questions that relate to the lesson being taught should be

asked and answered as the teacher is teaching.
**Other questions can wait until students are working
independently and the teacher is monitoring the class.

What do I do after I have gotten permission to go to the


Remember that the appropriate times in the day to go to

the bathroom are: before class begins, during the change
of class, before or after physical education, before or after
lunch. Other times are considered an emergency. Each
student is allowed two emergencies per week.

1. Never leave during teacher instruction.

2. Complete your agenda information (you CANNOT go if
you do not have an agenda—your agenda is your PASS).
3. Complete the Classroom Sign-Out form.
4. Bring your agenda to the teacher for her signature.
5. Sign back in when you return.
6. Failure to follow ALL procedures will result in loss of
privileges for the rest of the nine weeks, semester or year.

What I will do when I want your undivided attention.

1. When you hear a bell ring once or twice, you are to stop
working immediately and pay attention.
2. You are to look at the teacher.
3. Be ready to hear instructions.
4. I will have something to say.

Activity Folders
What are you to do with class-worksheets, collected homework,
and make-up work?

1. Follow the procedure for passing out the activity folder.

2. You will have an Activity Folder on your desk during each
class period.
3. Your daily behavior record will be in the Activity Folder.
4. Place all class-work worksheets, make-up work, test,
quizzes and homework if it is to be turned in, into the
5. At the end of class (five minutes before the bell rings), you
are to put all work in your folder and pass the folders to the
teacher. Follow the procedure for passing the papers to the

How to pass the Activity Folders to the teacher?

Students are to place all collected work into the Activity Folder.

1. Students who are in the row that is NOT across from the
door (position 8) after all work is in the folder, will pass
the folder(s) to their left.
2. Students are to place the folders on the DESK not in a
student’s hand.
3. The folders will move from position 8 to position 2.
4. As the folder(s) move(s) from desk to desk students will
put their folder on the top of the folders and pass the
folders to the students to the left.
5. When the folders reach the person in position 2, the teacher
or a designated student (position 2 D) will pick them up.
6. Folders will be kept in a designated spot on the brown
7. The folders are to be placed in the box designated for the
folders of that class period.
8. Only the teacher or one designated person (2D) will pick
up the folders and return them to the bookshelf.
Where do I find the Daily Assignments?

1. Daily Assignments will be on the board to the students’

2. These assignments will be on the white board or on a piece
of chart paper or the Promethean board (teacher’s blog).

Where do I find Homework Assignments?

1. Daily Homework assignments will be on the board to the

left or on a piece of chart paper or on the teacher’s blog.
2. Homework assignments are to be written in the Student
3. Homework assignments will not be accepted late unless the
was absent the day before.
4. Students must have all late homework (absent students) in
to the teacher within five days of the student’s return to
5. Homework assignments will remain on the board or chart
for the whole week.
6. If a student returns to class after a sick day and the work is
no longer posted they are to check their partner’s agenda to
see what was covered.
7. Students may always stay after school and ask the teacher.

Student Notebook -- What goes in it?

1. As part of your Daily Routine-Put the date in your notebook
every day we have class.
2. Your Notebook must be dated EVERY day and what ever is done
that day is to be recorded ( like a journal or diary).
3. Every entry must be labeled.
4. Daily Activity/Bell ringer activities must go in the notebook.
5. All exercise work (not on worksheets) and homework (unless it is
a worksheet) must go in the notebook. Be sure to record the
textbook page number and problem numbers.
6. If you are absent, you must record the date and put that you were
absent. Skip the rest of the page for your make-up work.
7. You must have a journal entry everyday.
8. Your journal entry must reflect what we did that day and your
reflections on it (you do this the last few minutes of class while
folders are being passed up).
9. Occasionally you will need a sheet of loose leaf paper. Be sure
that you have some in your binder or folder. No skuiqleys please.
10. If you run out of time during the day to make your journal entry
you must complete it for homework.
11. You may record more then one date on each sheet of paper in
your notebook. Do not waste paper. The only exception is when
you are absent. You must skip the whole page.
Note: Do not tear pages out. Do not waste paper by drawing on it. A grade
is given on the notebook each nine weeks.
Dismissal at the End of the Day / Period (Begin at 2:15-
end of the day) and each Period (last 5 minutes of class).

1. Bells DO NOT dismiss students. The teacher

students. Before dismissal:
2. Place all textbooks under the student desk.
3. Pass up activity folders and put them on the shelf.
4. Position 2A, 2B, 2C, and 2D must collect all of
materials on their row and put them in the
5. Materials are put back in the designated containers.
6. There is to be no paper left on the floor, in the
nor on the desk.
7. Listen for your position to be dismissed
8. Throw trash away as you exit the classroom. There
is never
a need to throw paper away during class unless we
working on a project.
What goes in the Binder or Folder?

1. Your reference sheet must be in your binder.

2. Every activity sheet that the teacher gives you must be in
your binder.
3. All returned quizzes and tests must be in the binder.
4. Your Grade Record Sheet must be in the binder.
5. Any handouts must be placed in the binder.
6. Always have about twenty sheets of loose leaf in your
binder. Refresh it each weekend.
7. Students will be given a blank sheet of white paper each
nine weeks. When the weekly progress summary report is
given, it is to be glued, stapled, or taped on the sheet.
Students and parents can use this to monitor the student’s
grade. This sheet is to be identified with the nine weeks
and kept in the student binder.

Note: All items will be removed from the binder / folder each nine
weeks and turned in for a grade. The grade is based on the
completeness of the binder / folder.
What to do if you need to sharpen a pencil?

**You were instructed to have a small enclosed

sharpener with you daily.

1. Do not disrupt the teacher if she is talking to the class. If

the teacher is giving instruction wait until she is finished.
2. You may quietly borrow a pencil from your partner.
3. When the teacher is finished talking or if the teacher is not
talking, raise your hand for permission.
4. If permission is not given, continue working or sit quietly.
5. If permission is given and no one is at the sharpener, you
may go directly to the sharpener, sharpen your pencil and
return directly to your seat and continue working.
6. There is NEVER to be more than ONE person at the pencil
sharpener at one time.
7. You must sign the Personal Responsibility form if you
have no pencil.

Note: The most appropriate time to sharpen pencils is in homeroom

and before the teacher begins class.

You are to be to class, sitting and working before the bell

rings. IF you are TARDY, when you enter class you are

1. Go to your seat and put your books down.

2. Return to the Personal Responsibility Form and sign-in.
3. You are to record the date, why you are late and
your signature.
4. If your partner is not in class you must get the Activity
Folder (if it is not already on your desk) and go to your
5. Begin the Daily Routine immediately because you will
have to make-up for lost time.

When instruction is being delivered, what do I do?

1. You are to have your eyes on the teacher, the board,

your computer, worksheet etc. Focus on the lesson so
that if you hear something that you do not understand
you can ask a question. While the teacher is teaching,
the ONLY questions allowed are those that relate to
the lesson being taught.
2. When you are doing independent work and you need
help, you are to raise your hand and request help from
the teacher. Please remember that the teacher is one
person and can only help one person at a time. Be
3. You may ask your partner for help quietly. If the
teacher hears your voice, you are too loud. This is
totally unacceptable.
4. No one is allowed to disrupt the learning

What to do when you are absent.

1. Check the Make-Up Folder. (turn in any completed

work in Your Activity Folder. You have one week).
2. Make-up the work in your notebook. Copy the work from
friend on the page you were told to skip.
3. The Wednesday of the week after your absence is the
day you are to make up any quizzes or tests. This is
done after school in Mrs. Bonura’s classroom. Be sure
that you have your parent’s permission. I will ask to see a
4. Failure to make-up your test or quiz grade will result
in a grade of “F”.

*When a visitor enters the room.

1. You are to remain silent.
2. Continue working on the assignment.

Changing groups and forming groups of four

(procedures will follow)

What to do if you need tutoring help?

1. Tutoring is going to be held on Tuesdays.

2. If the teacher was absent Tuesday morning there will be
no tutoring.
3. You must come to tutoring knowing specifically what
skill you need addressed. Skills addressed in tutoring
will be those taught that week in class.
4. You must have your parent’s permission to stay.
5. The teacher must be given a tutoring permission slip
signed by a parent prior to your reporting for tutoring.
6. In order to stay after school you must have someone pick
you up on time.
7. Tutoring will not last longer than 3:20 p.m.

When your parent wants a conference, what to do?

1. Give the teacher a note stating if the parent wants a

phone call or would like to come in for a conference.
2. Phone calls will be made after school.
3. Conferences will be held on the day requested between
9:00 and 9:15, except on Tuesdays.

Progress Reports

1. Students will be given a blank sheet of paper to be

kept in the binder.
2. Each week students will be given a progress report.
3. The report is to be tapped, stapled or glued on the
sheet given by the teacher each nine weeks.

Staying after school for make-up work and/or tutoring

1. On the note, your parent must record the date that you
are staying.
2. Record on the note how the student will be getting
3. Students may stay no longer than 3:30 to complete
missed tests and/or quizzes.

Computer Use
Procedures to follow.

Period 1 07:25-07:45 None

Period 2 07:45-08:45 Math 6

Period 3 08:45-09:45 Planning

Period 4 09:45-10:45 Math 6

Period 5 10:45-11:45 Math 6

Lunch Period 11:45-12:15 Lunch

Period 6 12:15-01:15 Math 6 H

Period 7 01:15-02:15 Math 6

Dismissal 02:15-02:20


• Work on any make-up work that you may have.

• Work on your current journal entry and any
incomplete journal entries .
• Work on the “Challenge” problem.
• Complete a multiplication, division, addition, or
subtraction drill on the computer. Use the
designated website. You must do one of each
operation before you repeat any.
• Work on your LA Pass test (print when finished)
You must complete one test per month.
• Work on MTS lesson.
• Watch a Pearson/ Prentice Hall video tutor lesson
• Go to an approved website.
• Put any results in your Daily Folder.
• Work on your homework (only if all of the above
have been completed.


Daily: Keep all conduct grade points

Weekly: Get a Rough Rider Reward

Ticket (no punish work nor
detentions issued)

Procedures for Getting Needed Materials

1. After reading the daily assignment and seeing

materials that will be needed for the lesson.
2 A-D will get what is needed for their row.
Pass out 4 of each item (1 per pair) unless the
assignment says that every individual needs
to have the item and in that case 8 items are
passed out to each individual in the row.
2. All materials are located on the brown
bookshelf in the back of the classroom.
3. Quickly get what you need and give the
materials to each of the tables or the 8
students in your row.
Personal Responsibility Form

Directions: Sign your name, date and check or complete the

appropriate box. No
Loose Out of No No
Name Date Period Tardy leaf uniform notebook binder
Time Out In


Procedure for taking care of your desk.

1. You are not to mark your desk in any way.

2. No gum chewing in the and no placing gum under the desk.
3. Students caught chewing gum or eating anything that does not
come from the teacher will receive a 30 minute detention after
school and during that time they will have to clean under at
least three desks.
4. Students are not to rock back and forth in the desk.
5. Students are not to deface their desk in any way.

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