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Girlfriends GTA: San Andreas

Girlfriends GTA: San Andreas

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GTA: San Andreas Girlfriends Guide

- by IKHAM This guide cove rs all you ne e d to k now about girlfie nds. How to ge t the m , how to ple ase the m and m ost im portantly what the y offe r you. C ontrary to popular be lie f, girlfrie nds are not e sse ntial to com ple ting the gam e 100%. The y are m e re ly a fun alte rnative to the gam e that offe r re wards for dating the m . You do not ne e d to date e ve ry girlfrie nd. You dont have to date any, but som e have good re wards. WA RNING!! - This guide m ay contain spoile rs. R e ad at your own risk .

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Girlfriend Overview
During the m ission Burning Desire you will ne e d to re scue a girl from a burning building. Afte r you do this, she be com e s your girlfrie nd whe the r you lik e it or not. This is C J's first girlfrie nd, but not the last. You can date up to 6 girls in total all at the sam e tim e , if you want. Each girl be com e s available as you progre ss through the gam e but not all of the m are aquire d through m issions. Som e of the m can be found around San Andre as and it is up to you to m e e t e ach girl's taste s. W e 'll go into that in m ore de tail late r in this guide .

Se ctions
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Finding a Girlfriend
First off, you have to find the m . De nise R obinson and Millie Pe rk ins will pose no proble m , be cause you m e e t the se girls during m issions. The othe rs howe ve r tak e a bit m ore se arching. Be low is the locations of e ach girlfrie nd, not found during m issions. Each girl has a blue arrow above the ir he ads and will be standing around doing various things, lik e talk ing to som e one or shooting a gun.

Sex Appeal

Link s
star trek online Se x appe al is ve ry im portant whe n ge tting a girlfrie nd and turning up to a date . Most of the credits se x appe al is achie ve d through the clothing, tattoos and haircut C J has. But pulling up in a car IKH A M P ortfolio with high se x appe al also contribute s we ll (che ck out the vehicle images guide for se x appe al A bseil for C harity value s of e ach car) LD S oftw are S olutions BM W Youngtimers M odel C ars IQ Test Waalre WIS C III Dating Progress C uff Links Dancing S hoes F un G ames O nce you start dating a girl, your initial progre ss with he r will be 15%. This will go up whe n you Dish N etw ork IL date he r with a succe ssful date . It will go down, if you dont date he r, or a date goe s badly. N ew Wii A ccessories WoW G old G uide Each girl has the ir own unique favourite type of date (which we will go into late r in the guide ), C heap V ideo G ames

but e ach girl lik e s flowe rs. Flowe rs add a tiny am ount of progre ss to the date and can be found all ove r san andre as, but late r in this guide i will show you the ne are st flowe rs to the girlfrie nds hom e . (to give flowe rs, se le ct the m from your we apons and go up to he r and pre ss L1. You m ay ne e d to pre ss it se ve ral tim e s)



Girlfriends GTA: San Andreas

So why should you bothe r progre ssing with girlfrie nds? W e ll e ach girl offe rs re wards for highe r dating progre ssion, which will be de taile d late r.

Successful Dating
Succe ssful date s de pe nd on a num be r of factors. Firstly the condition in which C J arrive s on the date . Mak e sure C J has high se x appe al and m ak e sure your car isnt a wre ck e ithe r. The re are se ve ral type s of date s, de pe nding on what girl you are dating. The re are drink ing date s, food date s, dancing date s and driving date s. W he n you m e e t your girl, she will te ll you what she wants to do. If it's a drink ing/food/dancing date , icons will appe ar on the m ap to show you whe re the locations of the se place s are . Driving date s de pe nd on which girl you are dating, but can range from cruising about, driving fast as possible or drive by's. W hate ve r date you tak e your girl on, DONT WA STE HER. You m ight e x pe ct he r to appe ar again, but she doe snt. O nce she 's de ad, she 's de ad.

The Girls
De nise R obinson
Denise Robinson

Helpful map: Denise's Map Location: Do the m ission Burning Desire and you will m e e t de nise and be com e he r girlfrie nd in that m ission. First A ppearance: In the m ission Burning Desire. Tastes: She doe snt se e m to be bothe re d about C J's appe arance as you m e e t this girl in a m ission. A t Home: C om e by he r house afte r 16:00 hours. Date she likes: If she ask s to do a drive by, go into e ne m y gang te rritorie s and try to find som e e ne m y gang m e m be rs. She will le an out the window and shoot at the m whe n you ge t close . Ke e p doing this until she wants to go hom e . If she ask s for a food date , tak e he r to the cluck in be ll south of he r house . Invites you in for "coffee": Afte r 40-50% progre ss Rewards: Afte r 50% progre ss with de nise , the gre e n hustle r park e d outside he r house be com e s unlock e d, but if you ge t a tractor or tow truck , you can drag the hustle r to your garage and unlock it that way. Afte r 100% progre ss you will ge t a pim p suit. Se e ing as you ge t one late r in the gam e m uch m ore e asily, the re doe snt se e m m uch point in dating this girl.

Helena Wankstein

Helpful map: Helena's Map Location: Go to the sm all town of blue be rry and find am m unation. If she is the re at that tim e , you will he re he r firing a gun at a targe t range be side am m unation up som e ste ps. First A ppearance: Be cause he r pick up point is in the badlands, she doe snt com e availabe for dating until you unlock San Fie rro and the Badlands Tastes: Doe snt lik e m uch m uscle or fat. Mak e sure C J has le ss than 25% m uscle and as little fat as possible , but m ak e sure he has alot of se x appe al at the sam e tim e . Ge t a nice bik e and ride it up to he r on the balcony and ge t off it to ask he r for a date . This will give you a little bit e x tra se x appe al. A t Home: C om e by he r house afte r 14:00 hours. Date she likes: He le na lik e s to e at in re staurants and the close st place to tak e he r is the re astaurant in R ode o, Los Santos. If she wants a driving date , drive slowly be cause she doe snt lik e spe e d. Invites you in for "coffee": Afte r 70% progre ss Rewards: R ight from the m om e nt you start dating he r, a Bandito appe ars at he r farm . Alsoa flam e throwe r, chainsaw, m olotov cock tails, and a pistol appe ar in a she d ne x t to the farm building. At 50% progre ss with He le na, it is re porte d that you ge t the k e ys to the bandito, but actually, you can drive the bandito from the m om e nt it spawns the re . At 100% you ge t country style clothe s (oooo how re warding). O ve rall, the re is not m uch point in dating he r to 100%, but just going out with give s you a Bandito.

Miche lle C anne s

Michelle Cannes

Helpful map: Michelle's Map Location: Ente r the driving school and she can be found inside talk ing to som e one . First A ppearance: As soon as you can ge t into the driving school Tastes: She lik e s a fat m an, so ge t C J up to at le ast 50% fat (a fe w visits to a fast food re staurant is all this m ay tak e . Eat 10 portions of food and no m ore to gain m ax im um fat pe r day. If you e at m ore than 10 portions, C J will puk e and lose all the fat gaine d.) A t Home: Just afte r 00.00 hours. (it appe ars as though it's difficult to catch Miche lle in. Lot's of pe ople have re porte d he r to be 'ne ve r in' and I m yse lf have had trouble catching he r in. Ke e p trying though, she will e ve ntually be at hom e ). Date she likes: She re ally lik e s drink ing date s so tak e he r to one of those , if she wants that k ind of date . Som e tim e s she 'll want you to drive fast, so do that but try not to crash. The re is also a spe cial type of date that involve s he le na driving the car inste ad of C J. W he n on this type of date , he le na will drive and you can control the cam e ra. Dont ge t out the car though othe rwise it will fail the date . Invites you in for "coffee": Afte r 40% progre ss



Girlfriends GTA: San Andreas

Rewards: As soon as you start dating he r, you can use the garage ne x t to he r apartm e nt, which acts as a pay n spray only it's fre e . Afte r 50% progre ss, the m onste r truck that spawns ne x t to he r apartm e nt be com e s unlock e d and at 100% you ge t the racing suit outfit. O ve rall, she 's worth going out with for the m onste r truck and the fre e pay n spray, but as for the suit, it doe snt se e m worth it. Katie Zhan
Katie Zhan

Helpful map: Katie 's Map Location: At the north e ast corne r of the golf course in San Fie rro, k atie is practicing Marital arts ne ar som e bushe s. You should be able to se e he r e asily from the road. First A ppearance: As soon as you have acce ss to San Fie rro Tastes: Lot's of m uscle and lots of se x appe al. Try to aim for about 75% m uscle or m ore . A t Home: Just afte r 12.00 hours Date she likes: If she re que sts a food date , tak e he r to the dine r just north of he r house . If she re que sts a drive , the n you'll have to cruise around. Tak e he r to china town to incre ase he r fun m e te r quick e r. Invites you in for "coffee": about 50% progre ssion in dating. Rewards: Dating Katie allows you to com e out of hospital with your we apons, which is cool e nough re ason to date he r. At 50% you will be able to unlock the he arse outside he r house (dont ask m e why the re is he arse outside he r house ) and at 100% you will unlock the Me dic uniform .

O ur Frie nds
Barbara Schternvart

Helpful map: Barbara's Map Location: Find the she riffs building in El Q ue brados, The de se rt. She 'll be outside talk ing to som e one . First A ppearance: As soon as you ge t acce ss to Las Ve nturas and the de se rt. Tastes: She lik e s a fat m an, so ge t C J up to at le ast 50% fat (a fe w visits to a fast food re staurant is all this m ay tak e . Eat 10 portions of food and no m ore to gain m ax im um fat pe r day. If you e at m ore than 10 portions, C J will puk e and lose all the fat gaine d.) A t Home: Just afte r 00.00 hours Date she likes: If she wants a food date , tak e he r to the dine r just south we st of whe re you pick he r up. O casionally she will ask to go dancing which is a re al pain, be cause your pre tty far from any dance clubs. O n driving date s, she will want you to cruise and not spe e d. Invites you in for "coffee": Afte r 60% progre ss Rewards: A ve ry cool re ward whe n you first start dating he r. She is a cop, so whe n you ge t buste d, you ge t to k e e p your we apons and no m one y is tak e n from you. At 50% you will ge t to drive he r range r that spawns outside the she riffs office . At 100% you will re cie ve the police uniform in your wardrobe . Howe ve r, the police uniform doe s not le t you ge t in the m ilitary are as such as the Naval base or re stricte d are a in the de se rt without ge tting a wante d le ve l.

Millie Pe rk ins
Millie Perkins

Helpful map: Millie 's Map Location: You will m e e t Millie in the m ission 'Ke y to he r he art'. You will autom atically be com e he r girlfrie nd during this m ission. First A ppearance: During the m ission 'k e y to he r he art' Tastes: Be cause it's for a m ission, the re is no spe cial taste that you ne e d to satisfy in orde r to go out with he r. A t Home: Just afte r 12.00 hours Date she likes: Tak e he r to a re staurant if she wants a food date . She also lik e s driving date s that are just cruising around. W e ar the gim p suit to a date and she 'll just want to go indoors for som e 'fik i fik i' (if you dont k now what im talk ing about, dont ask !). Invites you in for "coffee": W e ar the gim p suit and you can do it anytim e . Rewards: Dating Millie is part of the m ain story. You ne e d to date he r e nough, in orde r to ge t a k e y card to C aligula's casino. You will ge t this k e y card around 35%. At 50% you can drive he r pink C lub, which is park e d outside he r house whe n she is hom e . No re ward for 100%.

User Submitted tips

Tip subm itte d by BaHaMuT It says that you ne e d at le ast 50% fat to be able to start dating Barbe ra and/or Miche lle ... Now I'm not sure about Miche lle , but whe n I drove up to Barbe ra on m y PC J, she said I was too sk inny... Howe ve r, ne x t thing I got m e a nice car (C om e t) which booste d m y Se x Appe al to 100%, and she DID acce pt m e ! (ask s for m y num be r right away... wish it was that e asy in re al life , e h? :P)



Girlfriends GTA: San Andreas

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Ho Lee Schitt here's another tip1.go to any gf 2.give flowers 3.kiss 4.enjoy bj beavis719

Oct 22, 2013, 03:33 pm

Jun 14, 2013, 07:41 pm

it's really easy to catch michelle. you just mainly park across the street, type the cheat to spead time, then quickly retype it, but don't push the last button yet. wait until it shows that shes home then press that last button quickly to stop the time. weedman-patrick
Dec 1, 2012, 10:24 pm

hey ther is one thing he forgot for katie fact some times she will not like the diner beside her house because she says she does not like the area so there is another diner at esplanade nonth that she likes its should have the same symbol and dont make the mistake of going in the first door because that is the pizza place and she hates it. aka the entrence to the diner is right behing the pizza shop adrian123
Nov 25, 2012, 05:15 pm

i beat the game 100% so if any one needs help email me at i even beat all side missions and all girlfriends at 100%progress dusting1234
Oct 25, 2012, 10:50 pm

Id like to add a little tip to progress with Hellen, right after you first ask her out if you start shooting the targets with her your progress will go up accordingly hanu
Sep 28, 2012, 12:07 pm

hello my name is hanu singh and give you superking gta sand andreas sex appeal cheat code

cheat code = helloladies poll

Jul 12, 2012, 11:23 pm

Super king. Just keep dating the girl friend and the you can have sex but if its hookers the get a nice ride park in front of them they will talk the say yes that's it poll
Jul 12, 2012, 11:07 pm

Ok for those how want to impress gilrfreind how like muscle and you have a gym glich I'm sorry but. You will have to restart the whole game it might seem hard but for those how completed. The it should be easy it worked for me reply in it worked on did not Javier6215 Instead worrying bout Cj's Girlfriends, why dont you guys get real Gfs Superking i use this game first time plzzzzz tell Superking
Jun 25, 2012, 07:56 pm Jun 25, 2012, 07:57 pm Jul 5, 2012, 11:01 pm

hay friendz plz tell me how can i sex with girlz in gta sanandreas plz i use sex apeal code plzzzz tell me north1north "Coffe" with Barbara on first date:
Feb 16, 2012, 11:57 pm



"Coffe" with Barbara on first date:

Girlfriends GTA: San Andreas

I took her to the diner indicated in the guide, other places I took her to failed the date. Gave flowers as gift, did NOT kiss her when prompted. Clothes worn: Victim - black jacket, black pants, silver chain, silver watch, black shades; black beret, SubUrban - white high tops Vehicle: BF-400 Note: All 50 oysters collected, all pimpin' missions complete, all maxed vehicle skills (no cheats) *Body fat at about 10%* Muscle, lung capacity, stamina, respect - all maxed (legitimately/no stat cheats) Its probably the over all sex appeal that allow for the body fat and other girlfriend prerequisites to be bypassed, not sure about the easy "coffe" though; maybe its the oysters.
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