Personal Learning Network Assignment and Rubric PDF

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Personal Learning Network: Assignment Description and Rubric FRIT 7234 (10% of course grade; due 11:30 p.m.

on May 31)
Each candidate in FRIT 7234 is expected to establish, develop, maintain and utilize a personal learning network (PLN) over the course of the semester. This initial evaluation point is to ensure that a PLN has been established using appropriate Web 2.0 tools and that the candidate can define and describe the role of a PLN in his/her own learning. PLNs can take many forms and be created and maintained using many tools so use of one specific tool is not required. Candidates may include resources related to areas outside of academic/work related interests but focused resources related to academic interests should be the focus. To complete this assignment: I. II. III. Select a Web 2.0 tool of your choice and establish your PLN. Establish a Twitter account. Your PLN must: a. Include a minimum of 10 academic/work focused resources b. Should include dynamic content (that is, your PLN should pull in RSS feeds, Twitter feeds, or other content that is updated). A site that includes links to just static web pages is NOT a PLN. When you send out course-related Tweets use #FRIT7234. Even with the use of hash tags it is not possible for me to be sure that I see everybodys tweets so for the purposes of this assignment youll need to copy/paste two Tweets youve sent out since the course began. The heart of this assignment is your reflection on what purpose a PLN can serve for YOU. A PLN is always a work in progress and you may add new tools, quit using certain tools, etc. Be sure to review the specifics in the rubric below and follow the assignment submission directions! Remember, 2 pages maximum!!!




Submitting your assignment: Your assignment will be submitted to the course drop box. Your entire submission should be no longer than 2 pages. Include your name, your content area (that is, your area of certification or if you are working on your school library certification), the URL for your PLN, copies of two tweets that youve sent out and a reflection. In your reflection, briefly summarize the decisions you made about tool selection for your PLN and how

you have been identifying you have been identifying resources to add to your PLN. How do you see your PLN working for you as you develop your information fluency skills? If one of your colleagues asked you to explain why you see a PLN as a valuable tool what would you say? To close your reflection, share the URL and a brief description of one resource youve learned about through your PLN and why that resource is useful to you. Assessment Rubric Element Unacceptable (1 pt)
Only static resources included. Less than 10 resources included.

Acceptable (2 pts)
Some static resources included. 10 resources included.

Target (3 pts)
Majority of the resources are dynamic (i.e. RSS feeds, etc). More than 10 high quality resources from well-respected sources included. PLN includes more than one theme related to academic/work interests. PLN is clearly organized to reflect those interests. Two academicallyfocused tweets included. Reflection is thoughtfully presented and professionally presented. A clear statement of the value of the PLN in lifelong learning is included. One example resource is included. No spelling or grammatical errors.

Your score/comm ents

PLN Tool and resources

PLN theme/focus

Resources not aligned with academic areas of interest

Theme of resources (related to academic focus) is clear.


No Tweets included. Reflection does not clearly articulate the value of the PLN to lifelong learning. No example of a resource included. Numerous spelling and grammatical errors.

Two tweets included.


Reflection does address the value of the PLN but the reflection does not address the questions included in the assignment description. One sample resource drawn from the PLN is included. Minimal spelling and grammatical errors.

Grading Scale: 12 pts 11 pts 8-10 pts 6-7 pts 5 or fewer pts Target Acceptable Acceptable Unacceptable Unacceptable 95 90 85 75 0

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