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300,000 COPIES DAILY Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations (Malaysia)

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Award winning newspaper
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No. 4820 PP 2644/12/2009 (023092)

August 10, 2009

» Najib on Barisan winning back Selangor pg2 » Camera on Shahrukh pg17 Entertainment

Saudi shuts
TV offices
over racy
talk show
Smoother transition
to move slowly into the new sys-
tem,” he said, addressing concerns
expressed by parents who were
worried that some students would be
RIYADH: Saudi Arabia has closed the greatly disadvantaged if the language
offices of a Lebanon-based television ERTH: Students who have of instruction was changed in mid-

learning the two subjects in English raised by his cabinet colleagues.
channel controlled by a billionaire been studying mathematics and would continue to be taught in “We discussed the matter,” he stream.
reformist tycoon after a national science in English can continue English, and be given the option told Malaysian journalists covering “They (the parents) should not be
boasted of his sexual exploits on its to do so until they finish their and freedom to answer examination his five-day working visit to Perth unduly worried,” he said.
racy talk show Bold Red Line. secondary school education, Deputy questions in either Bahasa Malaysia which ended yesterday. Recently, the government had
The company’s offices in the Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin or English. “I want to allay the concern of announced changes to the policy
commercial capital of Jeddah were Yassin said yesterday. Muhyiddin, who is education parents. We are adopting a soft where the teaching of mathematics
locked shut on Saturday on the He said students who had started minister, said the issue had been landing approach ... giving a chance and science would be reverted to
orders of Deputy Prime Minister Bahasa Malaysia in national schools,

Prince Nayef bin Abdul Aziz, infor- and Chinese and Tamil in vernacular
mation ministry spokesman Abdul schools from 2012.
Rahman al-Hazzaa told AFP. The policy was implemented in
“It was because of the interview phases, beginning with Year One,
with Mazen Abdul Jawad,” Hazzaa Form One and Lower Six students
added, referring to a July episode in in 2003.
which Jeddah resident Abdul Jawad Meanwhile, commenting on
discussed his free-wheeling sex life reports that the education department
and use of sex aids and toys. had withdrawn permission for the
The episode outraged conserva- SMK Sri Hartamas Parent-Teacher
tives, and Abdul Jawad and two of Association (PTA) on Saturday to
his friends who participated in the convene an extraordinary general
show were arrested last week. meeting (EGM) to voice their opposi-
Police are studying what charges tion to the reversal of the policy to use
to lodge. Saudi Arabia enforces a English as the medium of instruc-
strict version of Islamic sharia law, tion for science and mathematics,
which could form the basis of a Muhyiddin said the department
variety of charges against them. officers should not have done so.
The government action against “We are quite open. They (the
LBC had no immediate effect on department) should not overreact. I
the ability of Saudis to watch the am sorry. I apologise. I think it is not
channel, which is controlled by fair (to withdraw the permission),”
liberal Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. said Muhyiddin, who expressed the
But it was highlighted by the hope that department officials would
Saudi press, which gave it front-page not do such things in future.
coverage. He said the objection to the re-
Abdul Jawad, an employee of versal of the policy in a way showed
Saudi Airlines in his 30s, appeared on its success, but the government has
the provocative weekly talk show in to reverse it, taking into considera-
mid-July discussing how he first had tion the larger interests of students
sex at 14 with a neighbour, used sex in the country.
aids and liked to use his cellphone’s However, education director-
Bluetooth function to try to pick up general Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd
women. Dom defended the decision by SMK
A five-minute segment posted on Sri Hartamas not to allow its PTA to
Youtube showed a casually-dressed Top attraction ... Residents gather to gawk at a bullet riddled farmhouse boarded up by hold the EGM.
Abdul Jawad lounging around an authorities in Beji village in Central Java yesterday, a day after police anti-terror commandos laid siege on the He said the school principal had to
apartment apparently in Jeddah with suspected terrorist hideout. They killed a male occupant which the local media have identified as the wanted give permission for an EGM and the
three friends, and later heading out Asian terror mastermind Noordin Mat Top. Police believed Noordin was one of four occupants of the remote agenda must be about educational
in his car ostensibly to cruise the farmhouse while officials conduct DNA test on the body. Reports on pages 2 & 10. development and not national policy
streets of the Red Sea port. – AFP (see page 4).

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