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4 theSun | MONDAY AUGUST 10 2009

news without borders

We have
contingency plans Eight more deaths
for school exams,
says Muhyiddin
PERTH: The government has contin- would provide the necessary assist-
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gency plans in handling school public ance, such as pamphlets and other
examinations if the Influenza A(H1N1) campaigning materials, adding that KOTA KINABALU: Eight more deaths relating The other case involved a 74-year-old man
pandemic worsens, said Deputy measures such as self-quarantine to influenza A (H1N1) were confirmed yesterday, suffering from chronic heart disease with a
Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin must be followed strictly. bringing the death toll in the country to 26. history of month-long difficult breathing and
Yassin. Muhyiddin said the number of Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said fever, who was admitted to Queen Elizabeth
“If it needs adjustment to the deaths was not only increasing in the yesterday seven deaths were from the high-risk Hospital on Aug 3, for just one day. He died on
dates (of school government ex- country but also in other countries. group and that some cases were only confirmed af- Aug 6.
aminations), I, as the minister, will He said the government had ter the post-mortem to confirm the cause of deaths. A 20-year-old female student treated as outpa-
study (all the) possibilities. Only if the taken preventive measures from the One death occurred on Aug 3, followed by two tient for influenza-like illness on Aug 1. She was
situation is not managable. I hope we beginning. “If such measures had not more on Aug 5, four on Aug 6 and another on Aug found dead in a hostel room five days later.
won’t reach that situation,” he said been taken, the situation could have 8, he told reporters at a ceremony to re-name Hos- Other cases include a 48-year-old man with
when asked about the matter at the been worse.” pital Likas to Hospital Wanita dan Kanak-kanak asthmatic and hypertensive history from Sarawak,
end of his five-day working visit to Meanwhile, Prime Minister Datuk I didn’t Sabah. Two of the cases were from Sabah. and a 37-year-old obese man from Johor.
Perth yesterday. Seri Najib Abdul Razak said he would attack He said the first involved an obese 24-year-old Liow said at present there were 62 patients
However, Muhyiddin, who is also meet Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow woman who was warded at the Ranau Hospital on receiving treatment in hospitals and another 13
education minister, hoped the situa- Tiong Lai today to discuss whether or insult Aug 1, with fever and cough for four days. at intensive care units, while an additional five
tion would not reach that stage. the government needs to take more Islam, She was referred to the Queen Elizabeth Hospi- suspected H1N1 cases were also at intensive care
“We cannot make predictions. The stringent and drastic measures. says tal here on Aug 5 and died on the same day. units waiting for results. – Bernama
situation may be better next week. I He said he was very worried and
don’t want to make any unnecessary will be looking at all possibilities Jeff Ooi
forecasting,” he said, adding all public including cancelling of public gather- pg 6
exams were to go on as planned.
Asked about the possibility of
patients taking exams at their respec-
ings. “If it is necessary (to cancel public
gaherings). we have to take such dras-
tic measures,” he told reporters after
Unconventional methods to prevent H1N1
tive homes, Muhyiddin said he would opening the Ampang Umno division KUALA LUMPUR: Believe it or not, avoiding masturba- that could neutralise excess acid in the body.
discuss the matter with the education delegates meeting. – Bernama tion and homosexual activities are among preventive He said coconut water, which is alkaline, can be
ministry director-general. measures one can take against influenza A (H1N1). used as a herbal medicine for the prevention of H1N1.
He said the government was Eminent practitioner of complimentary therapy For example, those who feel feverish and develop a
taking the necessary measures to Dr VM Palaniappan said such activities caused the burning sensation while attending to a call of nature
control the pandemic and followed body to develop friction heat which in turn, produced because of extreme acidity, can neutralise it by drink-
the World Health Organisation’s acid and makes the body hyper-acidised. ing coconut water, twice a day, for three days.
(WHO) rules. “Thus, the body becomes an easy target for H1N1 He also recommended orange, lemon and pomelo
Among the measures include infection,” he told Bernama, emphasising, however, which, despite containing citric acid, are very rich in
the decision to increase the anti- that normal sexual union between members of the potassium and will not disturb the body’s immunity.
virus stock from 10% to 20% which opposite sex was absolutely safe. According to him, excessive physical activity like
involved an additional allocation of The former associate professor of ecology at Uni- running a marathon should be avoided as it produces
RM20 million and the guidelines versiti Malaya has authored several books on a comple- acid due to excessive metabolic activity.
on the influenza released by the mentary therapy called Ecological Healing System. Similarly, keeping late nights without adequate sleep
Health Ministry, through various Palaniappan said his 33 years of research showed and working without proper rest can also increase
channels, such as the media. that high acidity in the body resulted in loss of im- the body’s acidity which in turn, lowers immunity and
Muhyiddin said out of 10,000 munity, making people more susceptible to viral dis- makes the body vulnerable to viral attacks.
schools throughout the country eases like influenza A(H1N1). Thus, to prevent acidity, More on his theory can be found on his blog
only a small number had been hit it is essential to consume alkaline food and drinks – Bernama
by the pandemic.
He said the public should also
know all the precautions to take,
for example, not to attend any
gathering which is not important.
He said instructions had been
DG defends school’s decision to disallow EGM
given to the relevant ministries and PETALING JAYA: Education director-
agencies to increase the aware- general Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd Dom
ness campaign on H1N1, and also yesterday defended the decision by
to all states and districts. SMK Sri Hartamas not to allow its par-
He said the government ent-teacher association (PTA) to hold an
extraordinary general meeting (EGM).
“A PTA cannot hold an EGM without
the permission of the school head,” he
told theSun when contacted.
“In the case of SMK Sri Hartamas,
the principal as the PTA adviser did not
encourage the EGM because the agenda
of the meeting had nothing to do with
educational development.
“(Switching) the teaching and learning
of science and mathematics in English
(PPSMI) to the new policy named Uphold-
ing Bahasa Malaysia and Strengthening
English is final. It is a policy matter which
has been decided by the government. It
is a non-issue.
“There is no point to discuss it further.
It is just a waste of time. The principal’s
decision was right and according to
procedure,” he said.
For an EGM to be convened, it must
have a quorum of at least one third of PTA chairman Salmah Abu Bakar school should be continued beyond the
its members, a 14-day notice must be said the association had adhered to the policy’s 2012 end-date.
issued and permission from school must rules which required seven days’ notice Of the 538 parents who voted, 553
be granted, Alimuddin said, adding an to hold an EGM by issuing a notice on said “yes” to continuing PPSMI in SMK Sri
EGM is usually held to select new com- July 31. She claimed the PTA had earlier Hartamas, and 15 voted “no”. Although
mittee members or when there was obtained permission to hold the EGM the PTA comprises about 2,100 individu-
an urgent matter in relation to school at the school, but it was withdrawn on als, the survey was conducted on a one-
development such as educational activi- Friday. child-one-vote basis.
ties or programmes. “We cannot hold an EGM, because Salmah said while PPSMI may not
“In this case, the principal felt an EGM we have been blocked by the ministry” have worked for students in the rural
was not necessary, so it was not given PTA deputy chairman Datin Noor Azimah areas, many urban students were enjoy-
permission.” Abdul Rahim told reporters outside the ing it and doing well.
On Saturday, about 70 parents found school on Saturday, She said the results of the poll would
themselves locked out of the school However about 75 parents l gathered be forwarded to the prime minister and
when they tried to convene an EGM outside the school gate at 9am, and ob- Education Ministry, along with an appeal,
to discuss the teaching of science and served the counting of votes (pix) from asking for schools to be allowed the free-
mathematics in English which will be an eight-day survey of whether parents dom to select the medium of instruction
abolished in 2012. agreed or disagreed that PPSMI in the which would benefit their students.

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