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8 theSun | MONDAY AUGUST 10 2009

news without borders

Seven more may leave Hua Zong

THE Associated Chinese filiated with the federation’s Of ACCCIM’s 17 mem- the years. vice-president Datuk Seri Lam
Press Digest
by Kong See Hoh

– with the chamber of commerce

Chambers of Commerce and members. bers, six have never been That leaves the Chinese Kam Sang told Sin Chew Daily and industry taking a leading
Industry of Malaysia (AC- The decision, which was affiliated with any Chinese chambers of commerce and there are no reasons why any of role in economy whereas as-
CCIM) is confident its deci- one of the resolutions passed assembly hall while four industry from Selangor/Kua- the seven Chinese chambers of sembly halls focus on clans
sion to part ways with Hua at ACCCIM’s executive others – Negri Sembilan, la Lumpur, Klang, Malacca, commerce and industry would and culture, which is fine with
Zong (Federation of Chinese council meeting in Kuching Terengganu, Kedah and Perak, Perlis, Kelantan and want to overrule the executive everyone.
Associations of Malaysia) last Monday, made headline Penang – have ended their Kluang, which are expected council’s decision. “Although we are parting
will be followed by seven news in the Chinese press on affiliation with the respective to heed ACCCIM’s decision. If they do, the ACCCIM’s ways, we are still brothers,” he
members which are still af- Wednesday. Chinese assembly halls over On Saturday, ACCCIM reputation would come to said.
naught, he said. Asked whether the resolution
He said in view of the fric- goes against the constitution of
tions between some Chinese the Chinese chamber of com-
assembly halls and Chinese merce and industry, Lam said,
chambers of commerce and “it depends”.
industry, it would be better for “For some, they don’t have
them to part company. to change their constitution
“In the early days, leaders of (to withdraw from Chinese
Chinese assembly halls were assembly halls) as it does not
sentimental about Chinese specify whether they have to be
chambers of commerce and a member of the local Chinese
industry because they were the assembly hall,” he said.
ones who set up the chambers of Another ACCCIM vice-presi-
commerce and industry. dent, Datuk David Chua, said
“Now, the two entities have the executive council did not
different leadership styles and set a time frame for the seven to
serving different target groups leave Chinese assembly halls.

No date yet for MCA annual

delegates’ conference
ALTHOUGH the MCA constitu- set Oct 11 as the tentative
tion says the party has to convene date to convene the delegates’
its national annual delegates’ conference but Wong declined
conference before Aug 31, there comment.
is no clear indication when it is According to the party con-
going to hold it. stitution, the president has the
Party secretary-general Datuk power to postpone or delay it to
Wong Foon Meng was quoted in no later than Dec 31.
a China Press report yesterday Should the national delegates’
as saying that the conference conference be delayed, the
will be delayed, and the party Youth and Wanita conferences
is still waiting for a reply from will also be delayed.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib It is learnt that the lack of
Abdul Razak, who is to open the a specific date to work on has
conference, on the date. hampered preparations by party
“By convention, the party workers.
invites the prime minister to Party members said “a lot
open its national delegates’ con- needs to be done but because we
ference, but the prime minister don’t know when the conference
has yet to give us the date,” he is going to be held, many things,
said. such as printing of publicity ma-
Sources said the party has terials, cannot be carried out”.

398 from Umno dare

briefs Anwar to sue them
JOHOR BARU: The 398 Johor Baru
Umno delegates attending a divi-
Sibu records very sion meeting here yesterday chal-
lenged Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR)
unhealthy air quality adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim
KUALA LUMPUR: Sibu in to also sue them after calling him
Sarawak recorded a very a traitor to the Malay race.
unhealthy Air Pollutant Index The loud cry in unison was made
(API) reading of 255 while four by delegates from 84 branches in
other areas in the state – Miri, the division when division chief
Samarahan, Sri Aman and Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad was
Kuching – and Muar in Johor delivering his opening speech.
registered unhealthy readings “Let us all rise and say out ‘An-
of 179, 128 and 105, 106 and war Ibrahim pengkhianat bangsa’
143 respectively. (Anwar Ibrahim a traitor to the
According to the Depart- Malay race) so that he can also
ment of Environment’s daily take legal action against us. Johor
air quality update, as at 5pm Baru Umno is prepared to face the
yesterday, 25 of 50 areas being legal suit (from Anwar),” he said,
monitored for API recorded a and the delegates did as urged.
moderate reading while the According to Shahrir, Johor Baru
rest registered good air quality. Umno and party deputy president
Among areas with moder- Tan Sri Muhyddin Yassin were
ate API are Larkin Lama (74), only voicing out the feelings they
Pasir Gudang (63), Malacca had been harbouring all this while
(61), Balok Baru, Kuantan (71), about Anwar.
Keningau (76), Kota Kinabalu “This clarion cry is what has
(68), Cheras (52), Putrajaya (51) been in the hearts of Johor Baru
and Labuan (75). Umno delegates and we are not
Areas with good air quality afraid of facing Anwar who has
are Perai, Penang (30), Kangar deviated from the struggle of the
(27), Langkawi (35) and Jalan Malays,” he said.
Tasek, Ipoh (27). Shahrir believed that all Umno
An API reading of 0 to 50 members would be with Muhyid-
is considered good, 51-100 din in the event of a legal suit filed
moderate, 101-200 unhealthy, by Anwar against him for calling
201-300 very unhealthy, and the PKR de facto leader a traitor to
300 and above hazardous. the Malays. – Bernama

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