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Create a Country Level Elementary and Up Objective Depending on the level: Vocab.

b. Building (Demographic Country Terms Describing a Country Basic !uestion "ormation Procedure Begin the class by dra#ing a big map o" your country on the board. $ut some cities in% roads% mountains% etc (This should ta&e less than a minute . 's& the class #hat the country is called and #hat the thing you dre# is (a map . (rite Country )ame and *ap at the top right corner o" your board. )o# dra# a really bad outline o" your students+ country. They should laugh. *a&e a ,nd attempt. -t can be better% but should still be very "la#ed. -" a student hasn+t already ta&en the mar&er "rom you% give it to a student and have them dra# the outline. )o# the lesson begins. .ou #ant to elicit the #ords Capital City% $opulation% /anguage% 0eligion% 1eography% and Climate. Do this by giving e2amples. 3or e2ample% in 'merica #e have (ashingting D.C.4 in Tur&ey it+s 'n&ara. (hat is this5 6n 'merica #e spea& English% in Tur&ey you spea& Tur&ish. This is the75 -t should ta&e less than 8 minutes to elicit all the #ords. -" you have a higher level class you can include things li&e Type o" 1overnment% *a9or -ndustries% etc. )o# tell the class that they are going to create their o#n country. Demo this on the board. usually dra# a big beer bottle and then label it Beeristan. *y capital city is Barsville. *y language is Beerish. The religion is 'lcoholism. -t+s a magical country #here beer rains "rom the s&y every #ee&end. .ou get the point. $ut the students in groups o" t#o and have each ma&e their o#n country. 's an initial tas& give them , minutes to #rite a name and dra# a map then stop. This allo#s you to chec& "or certain that they understand. .ou #ouldn+t believe ho# many students% especially at lo#er levels% even a"ter the demo and CC:+s #ill still start to dra# their o#n country. .ou can ensure they are ma&ing a ne# country. '"ter about ; minutes come bac& together as a class. (ith lo#er levels you #ill have to elicit the !uestions as a class and put the structures on the board. (ith higher levels you can dive right in. <ave each group sho# their country and have the other groups as& !uestions about it. (ith lo#er levels this #ill be rather "ormulaic although you should encourage e2tra !uestions. (ith higher levels they #ill o"ten run #ith it. -" they don+t% as& a "e# !uestions as e2amples such as% (here do alcoholics go to pray5 <o# do people get to #or& i" everyone+s drun& all the time5 -s there a lot o" tourism to Beeristan5 Etc. -" this someho# doesn+t last an hour you can ma&e some groups tourists and they have to go "rom group to group to hear about each country+s virtues and then decide on #hich one to go to "or vacation. .ou can also "ollo# this up #ith a lesson on modals o" permission and obligation by having them create the la#s "or their country.

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