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FMM Report: Violations of the Freedom of Expression Rights in Sri Lanka (Aug No !


Free Media Movement, Sri Lanka / 11.11.2013/ Press release FMM Report: Violations of t e Freedom of !"pression Ri# ts in Sri Lanka $%&# ' (ov 2013) * e +overnment of Sri Lanka $+oSL) ,ill -e ostin# t e .ommon,ealt /eads of +overnments Meetin# $./0+M) t is ,eek. Freedom of !"press $ Fo!) is one of t e ma1or val&es treas&red -2 t e .ommon,ealt . Freedom of e"pression ri# ts are t e 3ornerstone of t e demo3rati3 #overnan3e and essential tool in promotin# and defendin# all &man ri# ts. * e Free Media Movement emp asised t at t e Freedom of !"pression ri# ts are not f&ll2 respe3ted and 3ontin&es to -e s&ppressed in t e 3o&ntr2 in its previo&s statement/open letter iss&ed on 30 03t. 2013. * e reported in3idents of t e freedom of e"pression ri# ts violations in Sri Lanka d&rin# t e last 3 mont s are follo,s: Sri Lanka: Freedom of e"pression violations sin3e %&#&st 2013 01. 01 %&# 2013: Protestors s ot at4 t ree s&33&m-ed to #&n s ot in1&ries 0pposition and &man ri# ts a3tivists in Sri Lanka demonstrated 5ednesda2 to demand t at t e #overnment p&nis t ose responsi-le for t e militar26s killin# of t ree 3ivilians d&rin# a re3ent protest seekin# 3lean drinkin# ,ater. %P 02. 07 %&# 2013: 8o&rnalists 3overin# mass protest assa&lted -2 t e militar2 8o&rnalists from several media instit&tions ,ere s&-1e3ted to a -r&tal assa&lt , ile 3overin# a protest -2 villa#ers seekin# 3lean drinkin# ,ater in t e 5eli,eri2a area in +ampa a. 8o&rnalists and 3amera 3re, , o ,ere 3overin# t e protest ,ere prevented from 3overin# t e 3las -et,een t e villa#ers and t e se3&rit2 for3es -2 masked militar2 personnel.

9 Statement iss&ed -2 t e Sri Lanka 8o&rnalists *rade :nion/ Lanka (e,s 5e03. 0; %&# 2013: 8o&rnalist vi3timised for 3riti3isin# Ra1apaks a 3lan -2 <erana *V %n anno&n3er Mr. =al&m %marasin# e in a famo&s FM 3 annel <erana ,as ,as fired via an SMS. /e said t at t e reason for firin# im ,as is e"pressions made in t e radio pro#ram , en presentin# t,o Lankadeepa ne,s eadlines re#ardin# t e Rat &pas,ala arm2 assa&lt. /e also said t at is sa3kin# ,as 1&stified -2 t e pro#ram dire3tor -2 sa2in# t at t e2 ave -een ordered not to 3riti3i>e an2t in# a-o&t t e President or t e defen3e se3retar2. 9 Sri Lanka Mirror 07. 1? %&# 2013: *2res slas ed4 dead 3at pla3ed in front of t e 1o&rnalist6s residen3e * e t2res of t e 1o&rnalists Mandana and Romes %-e2,i3krema famil2 ve i3le ,ere slas ed and t e -od2 of a dead 3at d&mped on t eir door step. %nd 1&st prior to t ese events, a ne,spaper kno,n for pro9#overnment s2mpat ies ad -een atta3kin# Mandana @smail, des3ri-in# er as A&npatrioti3B. 9 FMM statement 0C. 27 %&# 2013: %rmed ome invasion of Sri Lankan 1o&rnalist 3o&ple % #ro&p of masked men, armed ,it knives and , at seemed to -e and #renades, for3ed t eir ,a2 into t e ome of Mandana @smail %-e2,i3krema and Romes %-e2,i3krema. * e men ransa3ked t e o&se, took a,a2 val&a-le items in3l&din# 1e,elr2 and, 3&rio&sl2, 3losel2 e"amined files and do3&ments -elon#in# to t e 3o&ple. Mandana is asso3iate editor of t e S&nda2 Leader, and er &s-and Romes is -&siness editor of t e same ne,spaper. @F8 0;. 7 Sep 2013: %3ademi3s arassed for attendin# a seminar * e Federation of :niversit2 *ea3 ers6 %sso3iations $F:*%) sa2s a #ro&p of a3ademi3s , o attended a 3onferen3e overseas ave -een arassed after t e militar2 3laimed t at t e2 ad #one to attend an event in s&pport of t e L**!. Sri Lanka Drief 0?. 0; Sep 2013: !ditor killin#: Se3ond s&spe3t dis3 ar#ed4 Poli3e sa2s no eviden3e Se3ond s&spe3t =ande#edera Pri2a,ansa, , o ad -een on -ail in 3onne3tion ,it t e killin# of former S&nda2 Leader !ditor Lasant a 5i3kremet &n#a $ on <e3em-er E, 200F) ,as dis3 ar#ed -2 Mo&nt Lavinia . ief Ma#istrate Ran#a1ee,a 5imalasena. * e first s&spe3t Pit3 3 ai 8es&dasan ad died , ile in remand last 2ear.*@< on t e advise of t e %ttorne2 +eneral in t e a-sen3e of adeG&ate eviden3e to 3onne3t im to t e in3ident. <ail2 Mirror

0E. 0; Sep 2013: Sri Lankan poli3e G&estion DD. *amil reporter Se3&rit2 offi3ials in Sri Lanka ave G&estioned a DD. *amil reporter, Ponnaia Manikavasa#am, over p one 3onversations e ad ,it t,o *amil prisoners. %nti9terrorist poli3e s&mmoned Ponnaia Manikavasa#am for G&estionin# in .olom-o on Monda2, ,it o&t dis3losin# t e reason &ntil e arrived. /e ,as not allo,ed to ave a la,2er present d&rin# t e intervie,. 9 DD. 0F. 0; Sep 2013: (avi Pilla2 3alls for t e prote3tion of H. 1o&rnalists Hfrom reprisal, intimidation or atta3k @ ,ill -e reportin# on m2 o-servations later in t e session, -&t ,is to stress m2 immediate 3on3ern for t e prote3tion of &man ri# ts defenders, 1o&rnalists and 3omm&nities @ met d&rin# m2 visit from an2 reprisal, intimidation or atta3k.B ' /R i# 3ommissioner (avi Pilla2 Sri Lanka Drief 10. ? Sep: 2013: % lar#e se3tion of t e media is 3ontrolled dire3tl2 or indire3tl2 -2 t e Ra1apaksa re#ime 9 !ditorial, <ail2 Mirror %-ra am Lin3oln6s dream seems to ave -e3ome a ni# tmare for Sri Lanka ,it an all po,erf&l e"e3&tive presiden32 #ettin# more po,erf&l, a pat3 ed &p t,o9 t irds ma1orit2 in Parliament and presstit&tion t ro&# , i3 a lar#e se3tion of t e media is 3ontrolled dire3tl2 or indire3tl2 -2 t e Ra1apaksa re#ime. <ail2 Mirror 11. 1E Sep 2013: !ditor fled t e 3o&ntr2 Senior 1o&rnalist and .o9editor of t e S&nda2 Leader ne,spaper Ms. Mandana @smail %-e2,i3krema fled Sri Lanka to a (ort %meri3an 3o&ntr2 on 1?t Septem-er 2013, a33ordin# to relia-le information re3eived -2 t e Free Media Movement $FMM). /er 1o&rnalist &s-and Romes %-e2,i3krema, t e editor of t e -&siness se3tion of S&nda2 Leader and t eir 12 2ear old da&# ter too as left t e 3o&ntr2. FMM Press Release/1E.0F.2013/ Lanka (e,s 5e12. 21 Sep 2013: 8o&rnalists follo,ed and people intimidated (amini 5i1edasa reportin# from t e (ort ern Provin3e I0n Monda2, ,e dre, &p at a roadside s op to intervie, t e vendor. % motor323list drove &p, parked o&tside and iss&ed an inno3&o&s #reetin# to t e man, , o stiffened. * e most ,e 3o&ld #et o&t of im ,ere monos2lla-les. % politi3ian in M&llaitiv& predi3ted t at arm2 intelli#en3e ,ill -e at is door ,it in o&rs of &s leavin#. A* e2 ,ill ,ant to kno, , o 2o& are, , 2 2o& 3ame and , at 2o& asked,B e said. * ere ,as s&rveillan3e even at t e #leamin# ne, rail,a2 station in =ilino3 3 i, , ere ,e stopped

to do some intervie,s a-o&t o, res&mption of train servi3es 3o&ld promote re3on3iliation. !vent&all2 t,o &niformed arm2 personnel approa3 ed &s. * e more senior in rank asked me politel2 , et er @ ,as Sin alese, , ere @ ,as from, , 2 ,e ,ere speakin# to people and , et er it ,o&ld 3a&se an2 pro-lems. * e S&nda2 *imes 13. 22 Sep 2013: %l 8a>eera -lo3ked in Lanka -e3a&se of ele3tion 3overa#e %l 8a>eera television as -een temporaril2 -lo3ked in Sri Lanka over its ele3tion 3overa#e toda2. <ialo# *elevision is t e main re9-road3aster of %l 8a>eera television in Sri Lanka.So&r3es said t at t e <o a -ased *V station ,as -lo3ked toda2 -2 <ialo# *elevision follo,in# one of its reports on t e (ort ern polls. .olom-o +a>ette 17. 27 Sep 2013: Poli3e investi#ation on 1o&rnalist Mandana6s A o&se ro--ersB on standstill @nvesti#ations re#ardin# t e armed #an# of t &#s , o re3entl2 -roke into t e o&se of S&nda2 Leader .o9!ditor Mandana @smail %-e2,i3krema6s o&se in p&rs&it of 3ertain do3&ments, ave 3&rrentl2 3ome in a standstill, Poli3e so&r3es sa2. Ms. %-e2,i3krema ad informed t e Se3retar2 of t e Ministr2 of La, and 0rder retired Ma1or +eneral (anda Malla,ara3 3 i in ,ritin#, a-o&t t e s&rprisin#l2 slo, pa3e of t e poli3e investi#ations re#ardin# t e matter. Sri Lanka Mirror 1C. 0; 03t 2F13: *,o 8o&rnalists 3omplain to t e poli3e for safet2 *,o 1o&rnalists, %nanda Fernando and ..S. =odikara, ave lod#ed a 3omplaint ,it t e =ilino3 3 i poli3e raisin# 3on3erns over t eir safet2. % statement released -2 t e t,o 1o&rnalists said t e2 ad so&# t a33ommodation at a room of a o&se alon# 8a2ant i (a#ar in =ilino3 3 i to 3over t e (ort ern provin3ial .o&n3il ele3tions and ad s&-seG&entl2 ret&rned to .olom-o on 22nd Septem-er. /o,ever t e2 ad later -een informed -2 t e o&se o,ner t at a #ro&p of &nidentified men ad visited t e o&se after t e t,o 1o&rnalists left, lookin# for t em. .olom-o +a>ette 1;. 0; 03t 2013: 8o&rnalist Mandana @smail ki3ked o&t from AS&nda2 LeaderB J* e S&nda2 LeaderB ne,spaper as taken steps to immediatel2 terminate t e servi3es of its .o9!ditor Mandana @smail %-e2,i3krema, and er &s-and Mr. Romes %-e2,i3krema, t e !ditor of its D&siness Se3tion. Ms. Mandana alon# ,it er &s-and and t eir 12 2ear old da&# ter left t e 3o&ntr2 on t e 1?t Septem-er at da,n. Later s e told t e media t at s e intends to sta2 a-road for a , ile d&e to t e risin# deat t reats leveled a#ainst erself and er famil2. Sri Lanka Mirror

1?. 10 03t 2013: Sri Lankan +overnment tr2 to -an (o Fire Kone in (epal 0n3e a#ain t e #overnment of Sri Lanka as tried to prevent an international s3reenin# of (o Fire Kone: * e =illin# Fields of Sri Lanka, t is time in (epal. Lesterda2 t e (epali a&t orities #ave t e or#anisers of t e Film So&t asia festival 1&st 27 o&rs noti3e t at t e2 m&st not s o, (o Fire Kone and t,o ot er Sri Lankan films in t eir festival as planned La,2ers for solidarit2 1E. 13 03t 2013: Poli3e in sear3 for . annel 7 8o&rnalists in Sri Lanka * e S&nda2 Leader learns t at defen3e a&t orities ,ere pla3ed on i# alert last ,eek after information ,as re3eived t at a . annel 7 1o&rnalist ,as in t e 3o&ntr2. @ntelli#en3e a#en3ies ave alerted t e *errorist @nvesti#ations <epartment $*@<) to look for t e 1o&rnalist and is partner , o ,ere -elieved to ave -een sta2in# at an apartment in .olom-o. S&nda2 Leader 1F. 1E 03t 2013: 5e fa3e t reats ever da2 ' :t 2an !ditor !ver2 da2, o&r people fa3e risk,B said Mr * evana2a#am. A%nd not onl2 o&r 1o&rnalists: all o&r staff are fa3in# t is kind of t reat.BLast ,eek, a female re3eptionist ,as follo,ed ome -2 a man on a motor-ike , o told er: A@6m al,a2s ,at3 in# 2o&. @6m al,a2s ,at3 in# , en 2o& are 3omin# to ,ork and #oin# ome.B *ele#rap 20. 20 03t 2013: :PF% politi3o t reatened a 1o&rnalist % :PF% Prades i2a Sa- a $PS) mem-er, (is ant a Pradeep =&mara, from Mediri#iri2a ,as arrested for t reatenin# a 1o&rnalist , o e"posed illi3it fellin# of trees on t e prete"t of flood 3ontrol meas&res in t e area. * e S&nda2 *imes 21. 2E 03t 2013: Five 1o&rnalists t reatened in Valikamam (ort Five ne,spaper 1o&rnalists ave lod#ed a 3omplaint ,it t e .oordinator of t e Sri Lanka /&man Ri# ts .ommission in 8affna, *. =ana#ara1a, 3laimin# t eir lives are in dan#er follo,in# a press 3overa#e t e2 ad 3arried o&t on 2E in Valikamam (ort , 8affna, , ere some persons ,ere involved in demolis in# t e remainin# o&ses ,it in t e /i# Se3&rit2 Kone $/SK). %33ordin# to =ana#ara1a, t e 1o&rnalists are S. (it arsan $* inakk&ral), S. * arsan $:t a2an p oto 1o&rnalist) S. Ra1asekaran $Val&mp&ri), V. +a1ee-an and S. +a1endra $*amil Mirror). .e2lon *oda2 22. 2F 03t 2013: .ommon,ealt 3alls for a3tion a#ainst ate spee3 and prote3tion of

1o&rnalists From t e report of t e .ommon,ealt 0-server Mission to Sri Lanka6s (ort ern Provin3ial .o&n3il !le3tion, eld on 21 Septem-er 2013 C. *o deter ate spee3 , e"istin# la,s need to -e enfor3ed and, , ere ne3essar2, ma2 -e stren#t ened. ;. Politi3al Parties m&st address a3ts of violen3e 3arried o&t -2 t eir s&pporters and a3tivel2 foster a 3&lt&re of toleran3e. ?. Steps s o&ld -e taken to develop a media 3&lt&re 3ond&3ive to independent and -alan3ed reportin#. %ll ne3essar2 meas&res s o&ld -e p&t in pla3e to prote3t t e safet2 of media personnel. Sri Lanka Drief 23. 30 03t 2013: Free Media Movement seminar raided % team of immi#ration offi3ers raided a ,orks op eld -2 t e Free Media Movement $FMM) at 8anaki /otel, .olom-o, 2esterda2 afternoon $30). So&r3es told * e @sland a-o&t ei# t media or#anisations in3l&din# t e @nternational Federation of 8o&rnalists ,ere involved in t e t ree9da2 seminar, , i3 3ommen3ed on 03t. 2F. * e @sland 27. 03 (ov. 2013: <etention of t,o @F8 offi3ials is an attempt to intimidate and arass 1o&rnalists inside and o&tside Sri Lanka * e @nternational Federation of 8o&rnalists 3ondemns t e detention of %sia9Pa3ifi3 <ire3tor 8a3G&i Park and %sia9Pa3ifi3 <ep&t2 <ire3tor 8ane 5ort in#ton in Sri Lanka. Ms Park and Ms 5ort in#ton ,ere detained at a press freedom meetin# in .olom-o on 5ednesda2 and ,ere eld in t eir otel and s&-1e3ted to len#t 2 interro#ation -2 defen3e and immi#ration offi3ials and t e .riminal @nvesti#ation <epartment all * &rsda2. * e @F8 -elieves t is move -2 Sri Lankan offi3ials is an attempt to intimidate and arass 1o&rnalists inside and o&tside Sri Lanka to prevent reportin# on t e realities of life in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Drief 2C. 0C (ov 2013: Sri Lanka media a3tivists fear 3ra3kdo,n after arrests Mr S&nil 8a2asekera, spokesman for t e Sri Lankan Free Media Movement $FMM), talks to 1o&rnalists in .olom-o on Monda2, (ov 7, 2013. % media ri# ts #ro&p on Monda2 e"pressed fears for t e safet2 of 1o&rnalists in Sri Lanka after .olom-o #rilled t,o %&stralian a3tivists and sei>ed 3omp&ter data -efore ki3kin# t em o&t. * e Free Media Movement $FMM) said it e"pe3ted a 3ra3kdo,n -2 t e a&t orities follo,in# last ,eek6s G&estionin# of t e t,o @nternational Federation of 8o&rnalists $@F8) staffers in .olom-o. %FP 2;.

07t (ov 2013: * reats a#ainst <r. (imalka Fernando6s life t ro&# state media 0n 7t (ovem-er t e Sri Lanka Droad3astin# .orporation $SLD.) -road3ast a 3all in ive pro#ramme t reatenin# <r. (imalka Fernando6s life. Some of t e 3allers 3alled for elimination of <r. (imalka Fernando &sin# t e 3leanin# &nit of t e Sri Lankan %rm2. Mr /&dson Samarasin# e , o is t e . airman of t e SLD. and moderator of t e pro#ramme did not stop t e 3allers from makin# offensive and dero#ator2 statement nor spreadin# s&3 violent ideas a#ainst <r. Fernando. 0ne 3aller referred to <r. Fernando as a prostit&te. 2?. 0F (ov. 2013: +oSL -lo3ked seminar on M.ommon,ealt Val&es and t e Role of t e Le#al Profession6 -2 revokin# visas President of t e Dar %sso3iation of Sri Lanka $D%SL), :p&l 8a2as&ri2a, 2esterda2 -lamed t e #overnment for not #rantin# visas to t e @nternational Dar %sso3iation6s /&man Ri# ts @nstit&te $@D%/R@) dele#ation.8a2as&ri2a said in a statement: A* e D%SL, in 3olla-oration ,it t e @nternational Dar %sso3iation $@DL), of , i3 t e D%SL is a mem-er ,as or#ani>in# a seminar on M.ommon,ealt Val&es and t e Role of t e Le#al Profession6 to -e eld on 13 (ovem-er 2013 at t e M+rand Monar3 6 at * ala,at &#oda. .e2lon *oda2 2E. 10 (ov 2013: 0&r detention i# li# ts t e Sri Lankan #overnment is &n,illin# to allo, a free e"3 an#e of ideas 9 %&s. senator %&stralian Senator Lee R iannon as -een released from t e 3&stod2 of Sri Lankan #overnment offi3ials and allo,ed to leave t e 3o&ntr2. A!le3ted offi3ials and mem-ers of 3ivil so3iet2 in Sri Lanka ave provided &s ,it e"amples of massive ille#al land 3onfis3ation -2 t e armed for3es4 people -ein# 1ailed and detained ,it re#&lar disre#ard for le#al ri# ts4 violen3e, often involvin# rape of ,omen and 3 ildren, ,it no poli3e investi#ation of t ese 3rimes4 and on#oin# intimidation of media ,orkers.B Lee R iannon said. SM/ 2F. 10 (ov 2013: Forei#n Media a33redited to 3over ./0+M related events onl2: Ministr2 Se3retar2 Forei#n 1o&rnalists arrivin# ere to 3over t e .ommon,ealt /eads of +overnment Meetin# $./0+M), ,ill -e a33redited onl2 to 3over ./0+M related events, Se3retar2 to t e Ministr2 of Media and @nformation . arit a /erat said. A* ere ,ill -e no restri3tions on travel ,it in Sri Lanka for forei#n media personnel , o arrive in t e 3o&ntr2 for ./0+M, -&t onl2 as to&rists,B e said. .olom-o +a>ette 30. 11 (ov 2013: Protests -anned from 12t to 1?t

* e #overnment as de3ided not to allo, p&-li3 protests in .olom-o and ot er lo3ations for t e d&ration of ./0+M, and poli3e and t e defen3e se3tors ave -een advised a33ordin#l2, Rava2a reports. * e ./0+M takes pla3e from 12 to 1? of (ovem-er in .olom-o 3it2, and also in /am-antota, /ikkad&,a, +alle and =and2 to,ns. Sri Lanka Mirror

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