Artist Talk This Sunday: Kate Mackinnon

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November 17 / 1 - 3pm

Kate MacKinnon Post-Arcadia Artist Talk & Champagne Reception

We would like to invite you to share a dialogue with Kate MacKinnon on the work in her current solo exhibition Post-Arcadia! "oin us S n!a"# November 17 / 1 - 3p to meet Kate and learn about her recent and upcoming work!

Abo t $o%t-Arca!ia
Kate MacKinnon&% 'or( approac)e% t)e vie'er 'it) a %e! ctive*" +*o%%" % r,ace an! an ob-ect-*i(e vi% a* 'ei+)t pro! ce! ,rom t)e canva%&% 3 inc) t)ic( pane*%. A% a** rin+ a% t)e%e %)in" ab%tract paintin+% %eem# t)e" )o*! a )eav" %en%e o, *o%%# ! e to t)e !raina+e o, co*or ,rom t)e ma-orit" o, eac) piece. /ot) t)e ab%ence an! in%tance o, co*or in t)i% 'or( create% a %en%e o, *on+in+. A% 'it) memorie%# t)e" provi!e % a %cene ')ere on*" part% are vivi! an! t)e re%t ,a!e% an! b* r%.

$o%t-Arca!ia i% an e0p*oration o, a 'or*! t)at i% rapi!*" becomin+ bot) pa*er an! !ar(er. Arca!ia# a% !epicte! b" Renai%%ance painter%# i% a beacon o, n%poi*e! 'i*!erne%%. $o%tArca!ia i% a vi%ion o, o r pre%ent environment t)ro +) a *en% o, )oma+e an! memor". T)e ban!% o, co*or in eac) piece reca** a more ab n!ant *i,e in %cene% ,rom o r increa%in+*" !e%o*ate nat ra* environment. T)e c*o ! ren!ition% in No More Blue Skies are ba%e!# a,ter m c) iteration# on t)e 'or( o, 1" T'omb*". T)e%e t'e*ve paintin+% an! t)e accompan"in+ !ra'in+ %erie% for C.T. with love are )oma+e to T'omb*"# a% 'e** a% to t)e !i%appearance o, o r ,re%) air.

The Dream; thanks enri i% a more *itera* re,erence# a% Kate )a% appropriate! man" compo%itiona* e*ement% ,rom Henri Ro %%ea &% paintin+ o, topia. T)i% *ar+e paintin+ i% a% !raine! o, co*or a% t)e ot)er 'or(% in t)e %erie%# e0cept ,or t)e bo*! +reen vertica* pa%%a+e# ')ere t)e bri+)t co*or% t)at 2once 'ere2 %)ine t)ro +). T)i% 'or( can be !e%cribe! a% a memor" o, a !ream. A% t)e nat ra* environment ,a!e%# 'e are on*" a**o'e! %*iver% o, t)e previo %*" n%poi*e! 'i*!erne%%. T)e %ame e0perience can be tr e ')en *oo(in+ at pa%t arti%tic ma%ter% an! art'or(%3 'e *ive in t)e pre%ent 'it) vivi! %trea(% o, t)e pa%t %)inin+ t)ro +). T)i% bo!" o, 'or( appeare! to Kate in a !ream a,ter T'omb*"&% !eat)# an! t)e creation an! pre%entation o, t)e%e paintin+% i% t)e recreation o, t)at !ream an! o r co**ective e0perience% an! memorie% ba%e! on pre%ent-!a" *an!%cape%. - 4i**a 5ra6er# 1o-1 rator

Arti%t Statement7 Re+ar!in+ $roce%%

M" c rrent practice +re' o t o, a ,a%cination 'it) in! %tria* ,ini%)e% an! a %t bborn an! %ome')at romantic attac)ment to t)e tra!ition o, oi* paint on canva%. Abo t 18 "ear% a+o# I be+an e0perimentin+ 'it) app*ication tec)ni9 e in an attempt to ma(e oi* paint +*o' *i(e car ename*. I am o,ten a%(e! ')" I !on&t %imp*" 'or( in ename* or re%in# in! %tria* materia*% t)at 'o *! more ea%i*" "ie*! t)e re% *t I c)a%e. 5or me t)e 'or( i% abo t these materia*%# an! p %)in+ t)eir bo n!arie%. T)e re% *t )a% been a % %taine! en+a+ement 'it) a proce%% t)at i% bot) me!itative an! inve%ti+ationa*. A,ter %tretc)in+ canva% over pane*# m" paintin+% are 'or(e! on )ori6onta**" on %a')or%e%. I i%o*ate t)e area I am paintin+# an! t)en *a"er% o, +*a6e are app*ie! an! %prea! t)in 'it) a %pon+e br %). I %e a ,a%t !r"in+# )i+) +*o%% me!i m an! mi0 eit)er !r" pi+ment or a t be co*or oi* paint mi0t re into a ver" *i9 i!# tran%parent +*a6e. I t)en app*" a% man" *a"er% a% i% nece%%ar" to ac)ieve t)e !en%it" o, co*or an! % r,ace t)at I !e%ire# a**o'in+ eac) *a"er to !r" bet'een coat%. I o,ten %e a t r(e" ba%ter a% a !ra'in+ too* to app*" a!!itiona* co*or an! pattern# 'or(in+ 'et into 'et.

Abo t Kate MacKinnon

/orn 1:;< / 4orce%ter MA# Kate MacKinnon receive! )er /5A in paintin+ ,rom t)e Ma%%ac) %ett% 1o**e+e o, Art in 1::8 an! )er M5A at t)e Mar"*an! In%tit te 1o**e+e o, Art in 8==3. MacKinnon&% paintin+% )ave been 'i!e*" e0)ibite! in t)e mi!-At*antic re+ion an! appear in n mero % p b*ic an! private co**ection%. Her mo%t recent %o*o e0)ibition 'a% at t)e 1ontemporar" M %e m in /a*timore# MD in 8=11. Kate i% c rrent*" an arti%t-in-re%i!ence at t)e 1reative A**iance in /a*timore.

>i%it Kate&% arti%t pa+e on o r 'eb%ite# )ere.

ima+e% 77 Kate MacKinnon ?top# in%ta**ation vie'@ Post-Arcadia# 8=13# oi* on canva% over pane*# 3A 0 B< 0 3 inc)e% C No More Blue Skies !# 8=13# oi* on canva% over pane*# 8B 0 8B 0 3 in ?mi!!*e *e,t@ No More Blue Skies "# 8=13# oi* on canva% over pane*# 8B 0 8B 0 3 in ?mi!!*e ri+)t@ No More Blue Skies $# 8=13# oi* on canva% over pane*# 8B 0 8B 0 3 in ?bottom# in%ta**ation vie'@# The Dream# Thanks enri# 8=13# oi* on canva% over pane*# B= 0 A= 0 3 in

About #s
$or more in%ormation about our gallery program contact& "ordan $aye Contemporary '() *ark Avenue +altimore M, (-(.Tel& //)!011!-1/2 curator34ordan%ayecontemporary!com 5isit our website& '''.-or!an,a"econtemporar".com ND4 5ALL EALLDRY HFURS 77 Tues 6 Thurs -. 6 -p & ) 6 7p 8 (nd & )rd 9aturdays :oon 6 1p & by appointment

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