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FoSC Winter Invitation Meeting Amaroo 7th & 8th December 2013

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

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(FoSC Meetings: 0)

ear !otentia" #ntrant,

Christmas Invitation
Sydney Motors$ort !ar% Cir&uit Saturday 07 December & Sunday 08 December, 2013
C'ristmas &omes ear"y (or FoSC &om$etitors, )it' t)o (u"" days o( *motor s$ort t'e )ay it s'ou"d be+ , your &'an&e to get in some -ua"ity tra&% time be(ore t'e C'ristmas and Ne) .ear 'o"idays /e0"" 'ave a (u"" $rogramme o( Races and Regularity events1 2nd, (o""o)ing t'e su&&ess o( our Handicap ra&es at #aster and in 2ugust, )e )i"" be t'ro)ing some o( t'em into t'e mi3, to ma%e "i(e more interesting1 /e )i"" a"so 'ave our Partners Parade , )'ere a nominated *$artner+ &an drive (or be a $assenger in) your &om$etition ve'i&"e in a s$e&ia" $arade at "un&'time1 4ur de(inition o( a $artner is )'oever you trust to drive (or ride )it' you) on t'e day , (ami"y member, s$ouse, best mate, (e""o) &om$etitor et&1 !"us, de$ending on time, )e &ou"d run our (amous Butchers Picnics at t'e end o( ea&' day, )'ere you nominate (or in&"usion in s$e&ia" mi3ed events , e3tra "a$s (or you and 'ea$s o( (un (or a""5 /e0re a"so as%ing (or e3$ressions o( interest in Come and Try sessions (or anyone )'o )ants to ma%e t'eir (irst move into motors$ort , under t'e guidan&e o( our Masters , it0s a ste$ u$ (rom t'e !artners !arade, but sti"" not too daunting5 6m$ortant"y, )e0re a"so o$en to group entries , su&' as t'e !78 and #3&e" &ategories at our 2ugust meeting , and de$ending on numbers )e &an "oo% at $roviding dedi&ated events1 9ust &onta&t C'ar"es 2S2!1 Scrutineering )i"" be o$en (rom 3$m on Friday t'e : t', as )e"" as t'e usua" Saturday morning session1 2nd don0t (orget to ma%e time (or t'e traditiona" $re;!ra&ti&e Track Walk a"so on Saturday morning1 6t0s a &'a""enging &ir&uit and everyone )i"" (ind t'e !asters advi&e very use(u"1 2nd sin&e it0s t'e (estive season, our usua" Happy Hour )i"" be&ome t'e "oSC Christmas Party, a(ter t'e "ast event on Saturday , your &'an&e to t'an% o((i&ia"s, &at&' u$ )it' your mates and )is' everyone a *Merry C'ristmas+1 #et your entry in no) (or the "oSC Christmas Invitation , and i( by any &'an&e you &an on"y s$are time (or one day, "et us %no) and )e0"" see )'at )e &an )or% out1 Sim$"y email Charles )it' your -uestions: &'ar"es<(os&1&om1au

Festival of Sporting Cars Inc., PO Box 220, Seaforth, NSW 2092. Tel/Fax: 02 9907 0136. Mob: 0418 969 658. Email: ABN: 19 083 278 348. Incorporation no: INC9887453. Website:

FoSC Winter Invitation Meeting Amaroo 7th & 8th December 2013

8est 7egards,

avid Ni&'o"s,

Festival of Sporting Cars Inc., PO Box 220, Seaforth, NSW 2092. Tel/Fax: 02 9907 0136. Mob: 0418 969 658. Email: ABN: 19 083 278 348. Incorporation no: INC9887453. Website:

FoSC Winter Invitation Meeting Amaroo 7th & 8th December 2013

Christmas Invitation
Sydney Motors$ort !ar% Cir&uit
Saturday 07 December & Sunday 08 December, 2013
Patron: Brian Lawler

Supplementary Regulations
T'is )i"" be a Mu"ti C"ub 7a&e Meeting 'e"d under Nationa" Com$etition 7u"es (NC7=s) o( 2ustra"ian 2uto;S$ort 2""ian&e !ty >td1 (22S2), t'e 7a&e Meeting Standing 7egu"ations o( 22S2, FoSC Modern Consisten&y 7egu"ations, t'e FoSC S$orting 7u"es, t'ese Su$$"ementary 7egu"ations and any (urt'er 7egu"ations issued (or t'e Meeting1

/ntries -pen on pu0lication o1 these Regulations and /ntries Close on Tuesday )( th $ovem0er *')+ &ddress /ntries to% Secretary o1 the !eeting P- Bo2 **' Sea1orth $SW *'3* No res$onsibi"ity )i"" be a&&e$ted (or entries sent to ot'er t'an t'e address above

Permit $o% &&S&'()*)+,"-SC)'+.


-rganiser% T'e event )i"" be $romoted and organised by Festiva" o( S$orting Cars 6n&or$orated ( FoSC) , !4 8o3 220 Sea(ort' NS/ 20?2, #mai": Charles !osc"com"au1 T'e 4rganising Committee is on 2nderson, 7ob 9ardine, avid Ni&'o"s, C'ris !ayoe, @eo(( !i%e, Terry T'om$son and C'ar"es 9ardine, and a"" &orres$onden&e s'ou"d be addressed to t'e above address1 Telephone enquiries to Charles Jardine on 02 9907 0136

*4 Circuit% SM! sout' &ir&uit, A0%m )est o( Sydney at 8rab'am rive #astern Cree%, is 11? %i"ometres in "engt', 'ot mi3 bitumen sur(a&e and ra&ing )i"" be &ondu&ted in an anti;&"o&%)ise dire&tion1 +4 /ntries% rivers &om$eting in ra&es must 'o"d t'e minimum o( a 22S2 Nationa" 7a&e >i&en&es or a$$roved e-uiva"ent o( a 22S2 re&ognised body )'ereas drivers in regu"arity must 'o"d a 22S2 C"ub >i&en&es or a$$roved e-uiva"ent o( a 22S2 re&ognised body and an a$$roved 7egu"arity >i&en&e (as issued by FoSC)1 Not)it'standing t'is, a"" Consisten&y &om$etitors must 'ave (u"(i""ed t'e re-uirements in FoSC Consisten&y Tria" regu"ations1 Nationa" 7a&ing >i&en&e or 'ig'er )i"" be su((i&ient (or t'e Consisten&y Tria"s1 T'e 4rganisers reserve t'e rig't to re(use any entry )it'out assigning a reason1 T'e number o( starters in ea&' event )i"" be de&ided by t'e 4rganisers and )i"" not in any &ase e3&eed t'e ma3imum a""o)ed tra&% density1 #ntries not a&&om$anied by $ayment )i"" not be $ro&essed1 7e"ie( rivers )i"" not be $ermitted at t'is meeting, 'o)ever t'e 4rganisers reserve t'e o$tion to a""o) drivers to &'ange &ars during t'e $rogramme o( events1 2n a$$"i&ation (or assessment (or a FoSC 7egu"arity "i&en&e may be made se$arate"y to FoSC at t'e above address )it' re"evant e"ements o( your &om$etition 'istory1 Re1unds (or &an&e""ed entries )i"" be made on"y on )ritten a$$"i&ation at "east 1A days $rior to t'e Meeting and at t'e dis&retion o( t'e 4rganisers1 2"" $asses issued by t'e 4rganisers must be returned )it' &an&e""ation1 T'e 4rganisers reserve t'e rig't to retain a $ortion o( t'e entry (ee to &over $ro&essing &osts1 T'e 4rganisers reserve t'e rig't to a&&e$t or reBe&t entries in a&&ordan&e )it' NC71 54 -11icials o1 the !eeting% 9ardine Clerks o1 the Course% &ssistants% Secretary o1 the !eeting% /vent 6irector% Chie1 Scrutineer% Sa1ety -11icer% Ste7ard o1 the !eeting% Merv 7i3on, C'ar"es 8egg 6an Mudge, Co" Cris$o 7ob C'ris !ayoe1 C'ar"es 9ardine 6an Frost Steve Cra)(ord Terry T'om$son

84 Scrutiny% 2"" &ars must be s&rutineered be(ore t'e a$$ro$riate o((i&ia" $ra&tise (or t'eir events1 S&rutineers )i"" ins$e&t &ars at random in t'e $it area on during t'e meeting1 S&rutiny )i"" ta%e $"a&e at t'e times s$e&i(ied in t'e &cceptance Pack and the onus 1or presenting cars at the scheduled times rests 7ith each competitor4 No variations (rom t'e timetab"e )i"" be $ossib"e1 Cars must be $resented ready to &om$ete, )it' &om$etition numbers a((i3ed1 94 Practice% rivers are re-uired to $ra&tise to -ua"i(y (or t'is Meeting1 T'e onus to $arti&i$ate in t'e a$$ro$riate o((i&ia" $ra&ti&e sessions (or t'eir events, )'i&' )i"" be advised )it' t'e &cceptance Pack,

Festival of Sporting Cars Inc., PO Box 220, Seaforth, NSW 2092. Tel/Fax: 02 9907 0136. Mob: 0418 969 658. Email: ABN: 19 083 278 348. Incorporation no: INC9887453. Website:

FoSC Winter Invitation Meeting Amaroo 7th & 8th December 2013 rests )it' t'e individua" &om$etitor and any variation )i"" on"y be $ermitted by t'e C"er% o( t'e Course, at 'is dis&retion and in e3&e$tiona" &ir&umstan&es1 .4 :udges% StartingCFinis'ing and Noise 9udges s'a"" be deemed to be 9udges o( Fa&t in res$e&t to t'e $er(orman&e o( any a&t or omission by drivers, and t'e $osition o( ve'i&"es1

(4 Insurance% 6nsuran&e (or t'is event )i"" be $rovided by 2ustra"ian 2uto;S$ort 2""ian&e (or !ub"i& >iabi"ity and !ersona" 2&&ident as $er t'e 22S2 NC7=s4 34 &nti;6oping Policy% uring any event, &onsum$tion o( a"&o'o"i& beverages in t'e $addo&%, $its or any ot'er $ortion o( t'e &om$etition venue under t'e &ontro" o( t'e o((i&ia"s is e3$ress"y (orbidden unti" a"" $ra&ti&e or &om$etition a&tivity is &on&"uded (or ea&' day1 2ny driver or &re) member )'o is (ound to be a((e&ted by a"&o'o" on t'e day o( t'e event or $ra&ti&e t'ere(ore s'a"" not be $ermitted to $arti&i$ate1 T'e 22S2 2nti o$ing !o"i&y is avai"ab"e on )))1aasa1&om1au

)'4 Indemni1ication 6isclaimers% 6( t'e &om$etitor or driver o( any &ar is under 1D years o( age, a $arent
or guardian must sign t'e &onsent dis&"aimer "isted on t'e entry (orm1 ))4 "urther Regulations% T'e 4rganisers reserve t'e rig't to issue Furt'er Su$$"ementary 7egu"ations and river 6nstru&tions to &om$etitors and drivers, and t'ese s'a"" be o( t'e same e((e&t as t'ese 7egu"ations1 )*4 &dmission% T'e basis o( admission to t'e $addo&% )i"" be by )ristband1 Four )ristbands )i"" be issued to ea&' &om$etitor and on"y )ristband )earers may enter t'e $addo&% area1 )+4 Programme o1 /vents% T'e Meeting )i"" &onsist o( a series o( S&rat&' 7a&es and Eandi&a$ 7a&es (or &ars &om$"ying )it' t'e 1st, 2nd F Gt' Category ve'i&"es or at t'e dis&retions o( FoSC, ot'er invited &ars and Consisten&y Tria"s1 2&&e$tan&e o( entries s'a"" be subBe&t to t'ere being su((i&ient entries to (orm a satis(a&tory grid )it'in t'e (rame)or% o( t'e $rogram1 )54 Helmets #oggles Clothing and Harness% 2"" drivers must )ear 'e"mets, a$$are" and 'arness as $er t'e 22S2 re-uirements a$$"i&ab"e to t'e Category and event t'at t'e driver and ve'i&"e 'as entered1 @ogg"esCvisors &om$"ying )it' 22S2 NC7 are a&&e$tab"e (or drivers o( o$en &ars, but must be )orn at a"" times1 T'ese arti&"es must be submitted (or a$$rova" )it' t'e &ar at s&rutineering1 rivers MHST be (u""y dressed in $rote&tive &"ot'ing at t'e time o( ta%ing t'eir &ars to t'e mars'a""ing area1 No t'ongs )i"" be $ermitted in $it "ane1 S'orts may be )orn in t'e $addo&% area but not !it"ane1 4n"y $it &re) $ro$er"y attired and )it' t'e s$e&ia" $ass )i"" be a""o)ed in $it "ane1 )84 Timing < =ap Scoring% T'ese )i"" be &arried out by t'e 4rganisers and t'eir o((i&ia"s, by e"e&troni& means or sto$)at&' to 1C100t' o( a se&ond and t'is )i"" be t'e o((i&ia" re&ord o( time and number o( "a$s &om$"eted1 )94 6rivers> Brie1ing% /i"" be 'e"d $rior to ra&ing1 See 4((i&ia" Timetab"e in your 2&&e$tan&e !a&% (or (u"" detai"s in&"uding time and "o&ation1 &ttendance at this 0rie1ing is compulsory4 &ll drivers 7ill 0e re?uired to sign on4 $on;compliance may attract a 1ine o1 @8' unless negated 0y the Ste7ards o1 the meeting in e2ceptional circumstances4

).4 Signalling% H$ to t)o members (rom ea&' ve'i&"e &om$eting in t'e event )i"" be $ermitted in t'e

signa""ing area adBa&ent to t'e Contro" To)er 4N>. but on"y )'en engaged in timing t'e ve'i&"e andCor signa""ing to t'e driver o( t'e ve'i&"e and a(ter t'e &ars 'ave $assed t'e signa""ing ram$ (or t'e (irst time1 T'e signa""ing area is not to be used (or s$e&tating1 See Se&tion 1A o( t'ese 7egu"ations (or &"ot'ing re-uirements1

)(4 $oise% Com$etitors are reminded t'at during a"" sessions, a"" &ars must be (itted )it' e((e&tive mu(("ers, )'i&' must be &onstru&ted so t'at t'e ma3imum noise emission o( any ve'i&"e on t'e tra&% does not e3&eed ?Gd8(2) in t'e standard 30 metre run;by test1 T'e 4rganisers )i"" e3&"ude any &ar (even t'oug' (itted )it' a mu(("er) i( it is deemed by t'e 4rganisers to be e3&essive"y noisy1 )34 !arshalling &rea: /i"" be advised in t'e #ntrants 2&&e$tan&e !a&%age1 *'4 Starting Procedures% &ll races 7ill 0e started 0ehind the pace car as a rolling start as this increases the num0er o1 laps every driver 7ill enAoy competing over the day4 4n t'e instru&tion o( t'e a$$ro$riate o((i&ia" in t'e Mars'a""ing area, &ars )i"" "eave t'e Mars'a""ing 2rea and $ro&eed around t'e &ir&uit (or a )arm;u$ "a$, under no &ir&umstan&es overta%ing ot'er &om$etitors, 0e1ore 0eing released 0y the pace car prior to pit entry4 *)4 Red "lag% 6( a red ("ag is s'o)n in an event, a"" cars are to return to the paddock at a reduced speed4 &dditional laps 7ill 0e added to later events4 **4 Black "lags < Bad Sportsmanship "lag% T'ese ("ags )i"" be s'o)n only to the o!!endin# car and those cars $ithin the immediate #rou% o! the o!!endin# car 1 Continued use o( t'e bad s$ortsmans'i$ ("ag (or any driver )i"" resu"t in )it'dra)a" (rom t'e ra&e or tria" and 'earingCs during t'e ra&e meeting at t'e dis&retion o( t'e C"er% o( Course or 'is nominee1 Time $ena"ties (or Bum$ed start

Festival of Sporting Cars Inc., PO Box 220, Seaforth, NSW 2092. Tel/Fax: 02 9907 0136. Mob: 0418 969 658. Email: ABN: 19 083 278 348. Incorporation no: INC9887453. Website:

FoSC Winter Invitation Meeting Amaroo 7th & 8th December 2013 )i"" simi"ar"y be noti(ied only to the o!!endin# car and those cars in the immediate #rou% o! the o!!endin# car" *+4 Competitor Behaviour% FoSC is &ommitted to a 'ig' standard o( be'aviour among &om$etitors and any driver not a&&ording a"" ot'er $ersons due &onsideration may in&ur t'e interest o( t'e C"er% o( Course and miss t'eir &om$etition1 2ny &om$etitor (or t'eir $it &re)) not e3er&ising a s$orting attitude )it'in t'e s$irit o( motor s$ort at t'is ra&e meeting may be immediate"y e3&"uded (rom t'e meeting by t'e C"er% o( t'e Course1 Furt'er, su&' &om$etitors may not be invited to &om$ete in (uture FoSC ra&e meetings1 *54 Track /dges% 2ny &om$etitor re$orted by o((i&ia"s to t'e C"er% o( t'e Course (or &onsistent"y driving over t'e tra&% edges at t'e start o( or during &om$etition, may su((er a time $ena"ty o( u$ to one minute (or ea&' o((en&e, or be re(erred to t'e Ste)ards and may be e3&"uded (rom t'e resu"ts1 This is very important 0ecause o1 the style o1 this ne7 circuit4 *84 -vertaking% T'e (u"" use o( mirrors is $arti&u"ar"y im$ortant1 2 b"ue ("ag )i"" be s'o)n as and )'en $ossib"e, but it is t'e res$onsibi"ity o( drivers o( s"o)er &ars to be on t'e "oo%out (or (aster overta%ing &ars1 T'e C"er% o( t'e Course )i"" $ay s$e&ia" attention to any bau"%ing or tenden&y to)ards over; driving1 #vent 4rganisers reserve t'e rig't to &an&e", abandon or $ost$one t'e event in a&&ordan&e )it' t'e NC7=s avai"ab"e at www.aasa. o!.au

Furt'er 7u"es S$e&i(i& to Consisten&y #vents

&hese 'ules are to be read as an addition to the %recedin# 'ules"
11 /vent% T'e event s'a"" be a test o( driving s%i"" in maintaining regu"ar "a$ times )it'out t'e aid o( me&'ani&a" or e"e&troni& devi&es (or gauging s$eed1 Eaving regard to "a$ times a&'ieved during $ra&ti&e ()'i&' is &om$u"sory) ea&' driver )i"" nominate a "a$ time )'i&' 'e or s'e (ee"s &an be maintained t'roug'out t'e Tria"1 T'ese times )i"" be subBe&t to t'e a$$rova" o( t'e #vent ire&tor andCor C"er% o( Course (see Nomination Time be"o))1 Cars% Consisten&y event &ars must be $resented substantia""y )it'in $eriod s$e&i(i&ation1 Cars )i"" be ins$e&ted (or sa(ety and &om$"ian&e )it' t'e s$irit o( t'e &om$etition, at times nominated in t'e Furt'er 7egu"ations1 2"" &ars must &om$"y )it' 22S2 Nationa" Com$etition 7u"es1 Cars must 'ave a"" sum$ $"ugs tig'tened in t'e $resen&e o( t'e S&rutineers or be )ire "o&%ed in t'e tig'tened $osition1 =icence% rivers must 'o"d an 22S2 C"ub "i&en&e or a$$roved e-uiva"ent (rom an 22S2 re&ognised body and a FoSC Consisten&y or ot'er a&&e$tab"e C"ub 7egu"arity >i&en&e1 6( you 'ave &om$"eted an a$$roved advan&ed driver training &ourse you may -ua"i(y (or a FoSC 7egu"arity >i&en&e1 (!"ease su$$"y detai"s on your #ntry Form)1 Natura""y, a Nationa" or 'ig'er >i&en&e su((i&es1 6( you do not $ossess any o( t'e above, but (ee" you may 'ave ot'er suitab"e -ua"i(i&ations, $"ease )rite to t'e Se&retary o( t'e Meeting detai"ing your e3$erien&e $arti&u"ar"y in mu"ti &ar &om$etition1 -ther Re?uirements% rivers must )ear 'e"mets (and gogg"es )it' o$en (a&e 'e"mets) &om$"ying )it' NC7=s Standard 7e-uirements1 Fire resistant &"ot'ing is not mandatory, but drivers must )ear (or t'is meeting t'e minimum o( a &otton *boi"er suit+ ; (rom an%"es to )rists and ne&%, and suitab"e a$$ro$riate (oot)ear and $-$;SB$TH/TIC,$-$;"=&!!&B=/ #=-C/S1 Ie'i&"e "ogboo%s are not mandatory, but )'ere issued, must be $resented at S&rutineering1 $ominating Times% Com$etitors )i"" be advised during t'e in )'i&' t'ey must advise t'eir nominated time1 rivers0 8rie(ing t'e time a(ter ea&' event




G1 :1

!inimum lap time% 2 minimum "a$ time )i"" be im$osed and en(or&ed and nominated "a$ times )i"" be e3amined1 T'e 4rganisers reserve t'e rig't to in&rease nominated "a$ times at t'eir so"e dis&retion1 See !oint 23 ; Com$etitor 8e'aviour1 Starting% Com$eting &ars s'a"" (o""o) t'e !a&e Car in sing"e (i"e unti" individua""y re&eiving t'e )aved green K&ontro"K ("ag at t'e starting $oint advised at t'e rivers0 8rie(ing1 No overta%ing is $ermitted unti" ea&' &om$etitor $asses t'e )aved green K&ontro"K ("ag1 Results% S&oring )i"" be one (1) $oint dedu&ted (or every tent' o( a se&ond in e3&ess o( t'e nominated time and t)o (2) $oints dedu&ted (or every tent' o( a se&ond be"o) t'e nominated time (or ea&' "a$1 Festival of Sporting Cars Inc., PO Box 220, Seaforth, NSW 2092. Tel/Fax: 02 9907 0136. Mob: 0418 969 658. Email: ABN: 19 083 278 348. Incorporation no: INC9887453. Website:



FoSC Winter Invitation Meeting Amaroo 7th & 8th December 2013

Competitors are reminded that this is a Trial o1 Consistency and $-T & R&C/4 6rivers not contesting the event in the appropriate manner 7ill 0e 0lack;1lagged 1orth7ith4 Bour 7illing compliance 7ith the a0ove points 7ill ensure an enAoya0le event 7ith the minimum o1 delay4

&han(s ) and may you have a #reat meetin#

Festival of Sporting Cars Inc., PO Box 220, Seaforth, NSW 2092. Tel/Fax: 02 9907 0136. Mob: 0418 969 658. Email: ABN: 19 083 278 348. Incorporation no: INC9887453. Website:

Bour H/=P Page Bou 7ill receive 1our passes per entry4
*ou may enter this meetin# &+, +-*S

1" .lectronically"
Bou may 1a2 or email your completed entry 1orm and make your payment 0y electronic trans1er or che?ue4
/S/0112)871 -2c 3o0483387515 *our 'e!0 6801

By making your payment you accept the Regulations in 1ullDD

2" 7anually
Bou may complete your entry 1orm manually and mail it 7ith a che?ue4

8! $e have your email address, $e $ill even advise you $hen $e receive your entry"
With regard to the

Indemnity "orm4
Bou 7ill 0e re?uired to sign the compulsory indemnity 1orm 0e1ore 0eing passed 0y Scrutineering4 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

-ur Commentators have a 0ook 1or details on you and your car4
I1 you>ve already supplied them they 7ill see them on the 0ack o1 your entry 1orm and you can update,correct themF I1 not please add your details so 7e can record them4 -ur updates have not yet 0een entered so may0e you could prompt me 0y doing it again pleaseF

Festival of Sporting Cars Inc., PO Box 220, Seaforth, NSW 2092. Tel/Fax: 02 9907 0136. Mob: 0418 969 658. Email: ABN: 19 083 278 348. Incorporation no: INC9887453. Website:

Festival of Sporting Cars Inc., PO Box 220, Seaforth, NSW 2092. Tel/Fax: 02 9907 0136. Mob: 0418 969 658. Email: ABN: 19 083 278 348. Incorporation no: INC9887453. Website:

*ou $ill have to si#n this at Scrutineerin# 9 so read it no$:

/GC=HSI-$ -" =I&BI=ITB R/=/&S/ &$6 &SSH!PTI-$ -" RISI C-!P/TIT-RS &$6,-R 6RIC/RS /$TR&$TS 6/C=&R&TI-$
6, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; o( ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; being t'e entrant o( t'e ve'i&"e des&ribed on t'is entry (orm )is' to enter t'at ve'i&"e (or t'e above mentioned meeting1 6 de&"are t'at t'e $arti&u"ars on t'is (orm are true and &orre&t in every $arti&u"ar, to t'e best o( my %no)"edge and be"ie(1 .ou are invited to see% "ega" advi&e be(ore signing t'is do&ument1 #ntrants Signature: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ate: 11111111111111111111111111111111111111

6RIC/RS 6/C=&R&TI-$S
K6, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 'ave read and understood t'e Su$$"ementary 7egu"ations issued (or t'is Meeting and agree to be bound by t'em and by t'e Nationa" Com$etition 7u"es o( t'e 2ustra"ian 2uto;S$ort 2""ian&e !ty1 >td1 (22S2) 6C/e %no) t'at motor s$ort is dangerous and t'at a&&idents &ausing deat', bodi"y inBury, disabi"ity and $ro$erty damage, &an, and do 'a$$en1 6C/e a"so a&%no)"edge and agree t'at neit'er 2ustra"ian 2uto;S$ort 2""ian&e !ty1 >td1, nor Sydney Motors$ort !ar%, nor 2ustra"ian 7a&ing rivers0 C"ub, nor t'e s$onsor organiMations, nor t'e "and o)ners or "essees, nor t'e organiMers o( t'e ra&e meetingCevent, nor t'eir res$e&tive servants, o((i&ia"s, re$resentatives or agents (a"" o( )'om s'a"" &o""e&tive"y be &a""ed *t'e 4rganisers+), s'a"" be under any "iabi"ity (or my deat', or any bodi"y inBury, "oss or damage )'i&' may be sustained or in&urred by me, as a resu"t o( $arti&i$ation in or being $resent at t'e event, e3&e$t in regard to any rig'ts 6 may 'ave arising under t'e Trade !ra&ti&es 2&t1 6C/e a&%no)"edge t'at motors$ort is dangerous and a&&idents &ausing deat', bodi"y inBury, disabi"ity and $ro$erty damage &an, and do, 'a$$en1 6C/e a&&e$t t'e &onditions o(, and a&%no)"edge t'e ris%s arising (rom, attending or $arti&i$ating in t'e event and being $rovided )it' t'e event servi&es by 22S2 and t'e 2sso&iated #ntities11 rivers Signature: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ate: 11111111111111111111111111111111111111

C-$S/$T "-R /$TR&$TS &$6 C-!P/TIT-RS H$6/R )( B/&RS 6 NNNNNNNNNNNNNN1being t'e $arentCguardian o( NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN1 ($"ease name), 'ave read t'e )'o"e o( t'is do&ument and &onsent to 'imC'er $arti&i$ating1 6n doing so, 6 a&%no)"edge t'at Motor S$ort is dangerous, and agree t'at neit'er 2ustra"ian 2uto;S$ort 2""ian&e !ty1 >td1 nor *t'e organiMers+ s'a"" be under any "iabi"ity )'atsoever (or any deat' or bodi"y inBury, "oss or damage )'i&' may be sustained or in&urred by t'e above named minor, or

Festival of Sporting Cars Inc., PO Box 220, Seaforth, NSW 2092. Tel/Fax: 02 9907 0136. Mob: 0418 969 658. Email: ABN: 19 083 278 348. Incorporation no: INC9887453. Website:

by me, 'o)soever su&' deat' or bodi"y inBury, "oss or damage is &aused by neg"igen&e or ot'er)ise1 Signature o( !arentC@uardian: NNNNNNNNNNNN1 11111111111111111111111111111 ate:

/itness Signature: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Festival of Sporting Cars Inc., PO Box 220, Seaforth, NSW 2092. Tel/Fax: 02 9907 0136. Mob: 0418 969 658. Email: ABN: 19 083 278 348. Incorporation no: INC9887453. Website:

FoSC Christmas Invitation

/ntry "orm
Saturday 07 December & Sunday 08 December, 2013 Sydney 7otors%ort <ar( Circuit
!ail to P- Bo2 **' Sea1orth $SW *'3* or 1a2 to '* 33'. ')+9 or email to Charles !osc"com"au


""#nl$ o!plete entrant i% di%%erent %ro! the dri&er


'a!e:11111111111111111111N (ddress:1111111111111111111111111111.) 111111111111111111111111111N1 111111111111 11111111

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

11111111111111111111N 1111111111111111111111111111.) 111111111111111111111111111N1 111111111111 11111111

#mai" ******************** Eome Te" ____________________ /or% Te" ____________________ Mobi"e ____________________ NNNNNNNNNNNNNN11 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN11 NNNNNN11 __________ J J J J -TH/R Com$etitor >i&en&e Number &&S& K K K K K __________ __________ >i&en&e @rade __________ ___ C ___ C20__ >i&en&e #3$iry ___;___;20__ ate o( 8irt': 01C01C1?00 are you t'at o"dO 7eg >i&en&e: __________ NNNNNNNNNNNNNN11 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN11 NNNNNN11



/a%e(ie"d !ar%: LL % LLLLL

!'i"i$ 6s"and: LL %

Ca$a&ity: N1 && Co"our: NN1 SM! Sout': LL % LLLLL Sando)n !ar%: LL % LLLLL !re(erred Car Numbers: N1 N1 N1 SM! Main: LL % LLLLL /inton: LL % LLLLL >og 8oo% No: NN1 orian No: HireF LL BuyF LL8at'urst: LL % LLLLL Morgan !ar%: LL %




Ma""a"a: LL % LLLLL

Pueens"and: LL % LLLLL >a%eside: LL % LLLLL

Ta3 6nvoi&e (or: ,esti&al o% -portin. Cars /n orporated 0 (B' 'u!1er: 19 023 272 332

The "ees 1or the !eeting include #ST and are as 1ollo7s%
For bot' ra&ing and Consisten&y:

"ull Race meeting entry M * days% Se&ond #ntry , $"ease &onta&t t'e organiser: Q N1N1


Q NN11

Total% NN444

Should you be unable to attend both days, call Charles to see i! there are any vacancies !or the one day you can enter" FoSC $ill acce%t a limited number o! #rou% !ields de%endin# on numbers so contact Charles"

8 am %ayin# the above total amount by0

Festival of Sporting Cars Inc., PO Box 220, Seaforth, NSW 2092. Tel/Fax: 02 9907 0136. Mob: 0418 969 658. Email: ABN: 19 083 278 348. Incorporation no: INC9887453. Website:

)4 Che?ue or !oney -rder M attached LLLL(ti&%)1 *4 Trans1er 1unds to% /S/0112)871 "estival o1 Sporting Cars Inc

-2c 3o0483387515 Re1 $o% )st * 4ate: LLL , LL ,201_

letters o1 Surname plus 33

Bour re1erence num0er is essential 1or any 1unds to 0e applied to your entry4

Festival of Sporting Cars Inc., PO Box 220, Seaforth, NSW 2092. Tel/Fax: 02 9907 0136. Mob: 0418 969 658. Email: ABN: 19 083 278 348. Incorporation no: INC9887453. Website:

Be1ore Scrutiny and prior to 0eing allo7ed on the circuit the 1irst time during the three days you 7ill 0e re?uired to sign the &&S& 6ISC=&I!/R
/2clusion o1 lia0ility release and assumption o1 risk competitors and,or drivers

& copy o1 the driver,competitor 6ISC=&I!/R is included 1or your in1ormation4

&ll drivers should 0e a7are o1 the 1ollo7ing condition o1 entry 0e1ore sending their entry 1orm4 Competitors not 0ehaving in the manner e2pected 0y the FoSC management should not e2pect to 0e invited to compete in 1uture race meetings conducted 0y FoSC4

,o-C o!!entators need in%or!ation on ea h dri&er and ar5 o%ten hu!orous detail5 so the$ an .i&e $ou and $our ar a hara ter while dis ussin. $our pro.ress on the ir uit.

The Commentators Book reads%

6river details% % !"ease &om$"ete NNNN1111111111111NNNN1111111111111NNNN1111111111111 NNNN1111111111111NNNN1111111111111 NNNNNNN1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Car 6etails% %
!"ease &om$"ete NNNN1111111111111NNNN1111111111111NNNN1111111111111 NNNN1111111111111NNNN1111111111111 NNNNNNN1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Festival of Sporting Cars Inc., PO Box 220, Seaforth, NSW 2092. Tel/Fax: 02 9907 0136. Mob: 0418 969 658. Email: ABN: 19 083 278 348. Incorporation no: INC9887453. Website:

11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111

Festival of Sporting Cars Inc., PO Box 220, Seaforth, NSW 2092. Tel/Fax: 02 9907 0136. Mob: 0418 969 658. Email: ABN: 19 083 278 348. Incorporation no: INC9887453. Website:

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