Uma Resume

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UMA T SUMMARY: 5+ years of experience in OBIEE, ETL Design and Development, Data Modeling, strong understanding of cutting edge

e technologies, quick learning and pro lem solving skills Complete Understanding of CRM Business Concepts Wor ed on CRM Application as source in t!e "T# process Expertise in creating complex OBIEE Dash oards and !d"hoc #ustom $eports ased on #omplex %ser $equirements &orked as a Business !nal'st and gathered requirements from End %sers (trong experience in developing and customi)ing $eports and *orms using Sie$el Analytics %&'( )B*"" ++&+&,( )B*"" +-&+&.&, ",pertise on /AC %&0&,( ",ecuted "T# #oads from /AC +ands on experience in data ,arehousing concepts such as dimensional modelling, star and sno,flake schemas, data marts, fact and dimension ta les identification, and OL!-. Experience in developing OBIEE/(ie el !nal'tics $epositor' 0$-D1 " three la'ers 0-h'sical La'er, Business Model 2 -resentation La'er1 End"to"end usiness intelligence solution ' dimensional modeling design, developing and configuring )B*"" Repository 0$-D1, *nteracti1e /as!$oards, OBIEE !ns,ers, securit' implementation, !nal'tics Metadata o 3ects, We$ Catalog )$2ects Expertise in Oracle B* Ser1er, Oracle B* Ans3ers, BI *nteracti1e /as!$oards and Oracle B* 4u$lis!er Expertise in #reating Dimensional +ierarchies, Level Based Measures and Time series *unctions &orked Extensivel' in #reating %sers, 4roups, and *nitiali5ation Bloc s in Oracle !dmin Tool to set up (ecurit' using #/A4 6 ",ternal Ta$le aut!ori5ation Expertise on performance tuning on long running reports Excellent !nal'tical and #ommunication (kills T"C78*CA# S9*##S: Business *ntelligence Tools: "T# Tools: #$M (kills 4rogramming S ills9 )perating System9 Management Tools9 /ata$ases9 Sie$el %&'( )B*"" +-g( OBIEE 554/564 suite, BI -u lisher Informatica 7.8/7.5, O&B 56g, Data stage (ie el #$M 0(ie el (ales, (ie el e#onsumer 4oods1 #, #::, ;ava &indo,s (erver <66=/<667, %>I?, Linux Microsoft -ro3ect, M( @isio Oracle 55g/56g/Ai M( (BL (erver <66=/<66C, -eople(oft E-M

"/UCAT*)8: M( in #omputer (cience, ;>T%, India

4R):"SS*)8A# ";4"R*"8C": Mc<ra3=7ill( /allas( T; >une ?-+? @ 4resent Role: )B*"" /e1eloper The Mc4ra,"+ill is leading glo al financial information, education and usiness information markets through leading rands such as (tandard and poorDs, Mc4ra,"+ill Education and ;.D -o,er

and !ssociates. $ecent -resentations include several significant actions to facilitate the #orporationDs successful separation and deliver enhanced shareholder value. Responsi$ilities: &orked in -h'sical, BMM and -resentation La'ers of !dministration tool. &orked on multiple data ases as sources. -erformed !dministrative tasks &orked on creating complex ad"hoc reports and complex dash oard reports &orked on creating Man' to Man' relation et,een dimensions ased on source ta le usiness entities 4ood understanding of (ie el Business Entities like !ccounts, #ontacts, Opportunities, Orders, Buotes, -roducts, -roduct !ttri utes Interacted closel' ,ith *unctional !nal'sts and Business %sers in the client side, and designed the s'stem accordingl' Managed securit' privileges for each su 3ect area and dash oards according to user requirements &orked on Time series functions (etting up External ta le authentication to ena le (ingle (ign on 0((O1 for %sers in Development environment leveraging !nal'tics $epositor'. Built #ogical Ta$les( Comple, >oins( /imensions( 7ierarc!ies 2 Aggregation for Measures -re uilt ETL adapters created specificall' to map data from oracles 4eopleSoft applications to OBI!Ds data ,arehouse schema Built 4#ASB# :unctions and called them using Evaluate *unctions in !ns,ers. Involved in Installation and Configured )B*"" "n1ironment in the Organi)ation. #reated :ilters and providing customi5ed prompts appropriatel' to avoid excessive data sho,ing up on reports &orked on all t'pes of @aria les and -rompts. $epositor', (ession and Initiali)ation locks #onfigured and scheduled (ie el iBots and OBIEE (cheduler &orked extensivel' on various #ache Management techniques to increase the performance of the oth $eal"Time and >on $eal"Time reports &orked in $epositor' #onfiguration, Trou leshooting, Migration and (erver !dministration. Trained End %sers and -ilot %sers a out OBIEE Tools like !ns,ers, Dash oards and BIreports

"n1ironment: OBIEE / 55.5.5.C, &e Logic (erver, Oracle 554, (BL, -L/(BL, (BLE -lus, %>I?, &indo,s ?-, (ie el #$M as a source Client: AU/*B#"&C)M 8> >an ?-+? @ May ?-+.

Role: Sr OBIEE Developer and Business Analyst

!udi le, Inc., an !ma), Inc. su sidiar' 0>!(D!B9!MF>1, is the leading provider of premium digital spoken audio information and entertainment on the Internet, offering customers a ne, ,a'

to enhance and enrich their lives ever' da'. !udi leDs mission is to esta lish literate listening as a core tool for an'one seeking to e more productive, etter informed, or more thoughtfull' entertained. !udi le content, ,hich includes over 7C,666 audio programs from more than 5,666 content providers that include leading audio ook pu lishers, roadcasters, entertainers, maga)ine and ne,spaper pu lishers, and usiness information providers, is do,nloaded and pla'ed ack on personal computers, #Ds, or !udi le $ead' computer" ased and ,ireless mo ile devices. !udi le is also the preeminent provider of spoken",ord audio products for !ppleDs iTunes (tore


&orked ,ith usiness users and performed gap anal'sis. Involved in the gap !nal'sis, ,orked on documenting the functional and technical specifications, development, deplo'ment and testing of the pro3ect. Involved in !rchitectGs role is to help lead the implementation and ongoing maintenance of data ,arehousing and usiness anal'tics solution #reated connection pools, imported ne, ta les and columns from the Data ,arehouse defined -h'sical 3oins in -h'sical la'er and in Business Model La'er created Logical ;oins, #reated Dimensional +ierarchies and Level Based measures, ,orked on Expression Builders and #alculation &i)ards to generate certain expressions and formulae, created ne, logical columns ased on the requirement, ,rote #ase (BL (tatements to manipulate the data as per the needs. Designed repositor' ased on usiness requirements, follo,ed design est practices for the $-D and Dash oard designs. $esponsi le for creating additional %sers and maintaining @isi ilit' -rivileges using !nal'tics !dministration on $epositor' side as ,ell as front end to displa' reports ased on the usiness user for that particular area. #reated connection pools, imported ph'sical ta les and defined 3oins in the ph'sical la'er of the repositor'. %sed different filter conditions oth in the repositor' and in front end usiness rules provided ' the usiness users. ased on

%sed the #om ine ,ith similar request capa ilit' for union of a maximum of six queries from more than one su 3ect areas resulting in varied output. &orked on creating repositor' and session varia les such as static and d'namic along ,ith initiali)ation locks. #reated groups in the repositor' and added users to the groups and granted privileges explicitl' and through group inheritance. &orked ,ith DB!s to create materiali)ed vie,s and aggregates to improve performance.

(etup %sage tracking option to monitor frequentl' run reports in order to provide caching for the reports and perform data ase optimi)ation ' anal')ing quer' performance. #reated reports ,hich are used to anal')e the -erformance and $esponse of the #ampaigns held ' the !udi leDs Marketing Team. Involved in setting up the environments for Development, %nit Testing, ('stem Testing and -roduction for the developers and testing teams. Migrated reports from existing data ase to ne, data intelligence explorer 7.C. ase using +'perion

#ustomi)ed mappings to transform data from (ie el OLT- and other sources to staging ta les 0dimension and fact1. Extensivel' #ustomi)ed OOTB $epositor' to achieve the extended functionalit'. Installed and configured O iee 55 g and enhanced ne, features. Involved in %ser Training for effective %se of !d" +oc Buer'ing.

"n1ironment9 = )B*"" ++g( +-&+&.&.7yperion *ntelligence e,plorer '&5( Windo3s %( )racle +-<A0i( R7"# 5 Client: /"## *nc& T; >uly ?-+- = /ecC ?-++

Role: Sr OBIEE Developer and Business Analyst

Dell, Inc. is an !merican multinational information technolog' corporation ased, $ound $ock, Texas, and %nited (tates that develops, sells and supports computers and related products and services. !s a (enior OBIEE Developer, I ,orked on +uman $esources !nal'tics &hich Deals ,ith pa' roll, emplo'ee information, compensation, ,ork force and also ,orked on financial anal'tics. This pro3ect converts all the data to the people soft +$ and also ,orked on Informatica. Responsi$ilities: -articipated in the $equirements 4athering of the various ,ork streams ' meeting ,ith the usiness user and ase lining the details. Installed configured and administrated OBIEE 554 Installation of (ie el !nal'tics/OBIEE and related components for development, B! and production environments. #ustomi)ed Oracle OBIEE Metadata $epositor' using (ie el !nal'tics/OBIEE !dmin Tool ' importing some of the required o 3ects ,ith integrit' constraints into -h'sical La'er. Designed and developed -erformance Measurement Dash oards/$eports that are D'namic 2 Interactive ,ith drill"do,n, drill"across capa ilities split reports for summar' 2 details information, and local 2 glo al filters using Oracle BI -resentation (ervices. Developed custom reports/!d"hoc queries using (ei el !ns,ers and assigned them to application specific dash oards. &orked on scheduling tool Data &arehouse !dministration #onsole 0D!#1 to configure, monitor and schedule ETL routines of the Oracle Business !nal'tics &arehouse

Developed different kinds of $eports 0pivots, charts, ta ular1 using glo al and local *ilters. Enhance performance of $eports/ Dash oards ' implementing the !ggregate ta les, Materiali)ed @ie,s, Ta le partitions, $e" uilding of indexes and Managing #ache. &orked on Metadata $epositor' o 3ects and also &e catalog O 3ects ,hich include Dash oards, $eports, -ages and *olders Implemented data level securit' 0Location Managers, (ales Executives etc1 using (ession @aria les ' creating content filter in dimension ta le in $pd. Implemented o 3ect level securit' for oth repositor' o 3ects and ,e o 3ects ' creating users and groups in repositor' and ,e catalog groups in the -resentation (ervices. %sed Informatica for ETL purpose, for Data Extraction, Data Mapping and Data #onversion using Informatica -o,er #enter. #onfigured LD!- server to !uthenticate users and implemented oth o 3ect level and data level securit' ased on roles and responsi ilities. #reated sessions, tasks, and ,orkflo,s etc. in &orkflo, Manager. -erformed %nit, Integration and $egression testing to validate reports and mappings. Environment9 OBIEE 55.5.=.6,D!# H.A.8, Informatica -o,er #enter 7.8, OBI! H.A.C, TO!D, Oracle 56g, &indo,s, $ed +at Linux, &e Logic (erver 55g$5 -(=, *inancial !nal'tics, +$ 0 +uman $esources1 !nal'tics .

Comcast( /en1er( C) Role: Sr )B*"" 6 *nformatica /e1eloper

8o1C ?-+- @ >un ?-+-

#omcast #orporation is one of the ,orldDs leading media, entertainment and communications companies. #omcast is principall' involved in the operation of ca le s'stems through #omcast #a le and in the development, production and distri ution of entertainment, ne,s, sports and other content for glo al audiences through >B# %niversal. #omcast #a le is one of the nationDs largest video, high"speed Internet and phone providers to residential and usiness customers Responsi$ilities: &orked closel' ,ith functional, marketing, sales, finance, and other usiness groups to identif', anal')e usiness requirements and developed detail technical requirement ased on usiness requirements. %sed the )B*"" +-&+&.&.&, !dministration tool to develop and enhance meta"data. #reated connection pools, ph'sical ta les, defined 3oins and implemented authori)ations in the ph'sical la'er of the repositor' &orked extensivel' ,ith -h'sical La'er, Business La'er and -resentation La'er. #reated numerous executive level reports. IDash oardsD ,ere generated to provide insight into the sales/marketing/financial data. Designed (chema/Diagrams using *act, Dimensions, -h'sical, Logical, !lias and Extension ta les. #reated different t'pes of #ustomi)ed $eports 0Drilldo,n, !ggregation1 to meet client requirements. Built Business model and esta lished relationships 2 *oreign Je's 0-h'sical 2 Logical1 et,een ta les. #reated ne, $epositor' @aria les, (ession varia les and Initiali)ation locks to configure securit', data access and authori)ation on $epositor' and #atalog o 3ects. -rovided d'namic cascading prompts as per clientDs ne, requirements on organi)ational hierarch' and configure drill do,ns for various t'pes of +ierarchies.

#reated !ns,ers reports using various anal'tics vie,s like Ta le, -ivot ta les, #harts, #olumn (electors, @ie, (electors, >arrative, and (tatic text. Developed ad"hoc reports ' ,riting ph'sical (BL queries in the front"end. Identified the aggregate levels for each source and created dimension sources for each level of aggregates. Defined vie,s 0chart, ticker, narrative, column selector, vie, selector, legend, funnel, 4auge1 of the data. %sed advanced propert' measures for dial and ar graphs in a 4auge vie,, including the details such as specif'ing the dial arc length and thickness manuall'. #reated complex requirements like time comparisons and share measures along ,ith ranks returned ' the request to visuali)e data in different ,a's.

"n1ironment: OBIEE 56.5.=.=, Oracle 56g, (BL, (BLE-lus, TO!D, Informatica 7/H.5 /is! 8et3or ( /en1er C) Role: *nformatica A /ata$ase /e1eloper MayC ?--0 @ )ctC ?-+-

Responsi$ilities: &orked as a technical support for a team that involved technical 2 qualit' revie,s of program codes and -L/(BL locks for optimi)ation and maintaining standards 2 guidelines Developed Data ase Triggers in order to enforce complicated usiness logic and integrit' constraints, and to enhance data securit' at data ase level Developed #ustom forms to vie, edit the data in custom interface ta les and event handling ta les using template forms #ompleted data ase architecture including developing stored procedures and functions in order to create shortcuts to frequentl' repeated tasks -romoted the ne, code to production through unit and s'stem testing Built >e, *nformatica Mappings to load Data from Mainframe #(@ *iles into replica ta les in the Data ase. Involved in the design, development and testing of the -L/(BL stored procedures, packages. Developed %nix (hell scripts to automate repetitive data ase processes and maintained shell scripts -rovided input into updates and modifications of the product documentation and support the testing team to deliver the highest product qualit' to the customers. #reated i ots and designed alerts and scheduled iBots for the usiness users as per the requirements.

Constructively interacted with business members to produce quality applications





"n1ironment9 Informatica, Oracle 7i, -L"(BL, (BLE-L%(, (BLELoader, %>I?, Toad, &indo,s ?-.

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