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Nourish Your Pet Inside & Out

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Nourish Your Pet Inside & Out
Hemp: A Historical Timeline
This Could Have Potential! Now That’s A Trend Money Really Does Grow On...Plants!
The earliest known woven fabric I Knew I Should Have Written That Down.. Muslim’s use hemp to start Europe’s first Hemp used as a form of currency
is made from wild hemp and is The first hemp paper is produced paper mill. 99% of paper for the next throughout the American
carbon dated to this era. in China. 700 years is made from hemp. Colonies.

8000 BC 100 BC 1150 AD 1631

300 BC 600 AD 1492 AD
Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria & Hemp
Eat Your Heart Out Helen of Troy
Ea Europe Catches On
Hemp and spice trade routes Hemp cultivation widespread Hempen sails and rigging ignite the
cause a war between Rome and among Germans, Franks & Age of Discovery and help Columbus
Carthage. Vikings. and his ships reach America.

1800’s 1791 1776

Life, Liberty and...Hemp!
Hemp Comes To The Resuce Down Under The Ultimate Cash Crop
Australia survives two prolonged Thomas Jefferson calls hemp ‘a American Declaration of
A Lasting Impact Independence written on hemp
famines by eating virtually necessity’ and urges farmers to
Hemp industry in the US in its nothing but hemp seeds for grow hemp instead of tobacco. paper.
heyday. Several petrochemical protein.
companies, namely DuPont, IKEA Isn’t Their Only Forte Can’t We All Just Be Friends?
begin lobbying against hemp. Compressed agricultural Marihuana Tax Act passed - heavily

1930’s fibreboard made from hemp taxing hemp farming. DuPont also
invented in Sweden. fi les patent for nylon.

1935 1937
A New Renaissance
issance Even the Queen Agrees
The Dark Age Begins
Hemp products soar in England eases restriction on
DuPont’s successful lobbying of
popularity as relegalization hemp farming. News media
the U.S. government results in a
efforts are stronger than ever. declares hemp clothes hottest
full ban of hemp farming.
Presentt new fashion.
1998 1992
The Down Under Rescues Hemp
Hemp for Victory!
O Canada!
Canadian Government legalizes Australia
A licences hemp farming. In the midst of WWII, the US runs
commerical growth of industrial a ‘Hemp for Victory’ campaign,
hemp. encouraging domestic growth.
P l a n t
Nourish Your Pet Inside & Out
Hemp Did You Know?
{ }
“Indeed, the founders of our nation, some of whom grew hemp, would surely find that federal restrictions on farmers growing a safe and
profitable crop on their own land are inconsistent with the constitutional guarantee of a limited, restrained federal government. Therefore,
I urge my colleagues to stand up for American farmers and co-sponsor the Industrial Hemp Farming Act"
- [R] Ron Paul, 2009

The Fight For Legalization Scientific Facts

The ban on commercial hemp farming started with the ✓ He
H mp Se
Seed is nutritious and contains more essential fatty
Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, which placed heavy taxes on hemp acids than any other source, is second only to soybeans in
as well as marijuana. Although hemp production saw a brief complete protein (but is more digestible by humans), is high in
resurgance in 1942 due to war-time demands for hemp rope, B-vitamins, and is a good source of dietary fiber. Hemp seed is not
by 1957, commercial hemp growing was fully outlawed. More psychoactive and cannot be used as a drug.
than 50 years later, the fight for legalization is stronger than ever ✓ Industrial Hemp & Marijuana are both classified by
before... taxonomists as Cannabis sativa, a species with hundreds of
✓ To date, twenty-eight states have introduced hemp varieties. C. sativa is a member of the mulberry family. Industrial
legislation and fifteen have passed legislation; eight (Hawaii, hemp is bred to maximize fiber, seed and/or oil, while marijuana
Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Montana, North Dakota, Vermont and varieties seek to maximize THC (the primary psychoactive
West Virginia) have removed barriers to its production or research. ingredient in marijuana).
✓ On April 2, 2009 Rep. Ron Paul introduced H.R. 1866, the ✓ Hemp Fibers are longer, stronger, more absorbent and more
“Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2009”, with ten original co- mildew-resistant than cotton.
sponsors. This bill seeks to exclude industrial hemp from the ✓ Fabrics made of at least one-half hemp block the sun’s UV rays
definition of ‘marihuana’ in the Controlled Substances Act,
more effectively than other fabrics.
effectively legalizing commerical hemp farming and processing.
✓ A 1938 Issue of Popular Mechanics described hemp as a “New
Billion Dollar Crop”. That’s back when a billion was real money.
Historical Facts ✓ Hemp Can Be Made Into a variety of fabrics, including linen
✓ Hemp Fa
Farming is among the oldest industries on the planet, ✓ If One Tried to Ingest enough industrial hemp to get ‘a buzz’,
going back more than 10,000 years to the beginnings of pottery.
it would be the equivalent of taking 2-3 doses of a high-fiber
The Columbia History of the World states that the oldest
relic of human industry is a bit of hemp fabric dating back to
approximately 8,000 BC.
✓ George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew hemp.
Ecological Facts
Ben Franklin owned a mill that made hemp paper. Jefferson ✓B
ecaus of Its Low Lignin Content, hemp can be pulped using
drafted the Declaration of Independence on hemp paper. less chemicals than with wood. Its natural brightness can obviate
✓ When US Sources of “Manila hemp” (not true hemp) were cut the need to use chlorine bleach, which means no extremely
off by the Japanese in WWII, the US Army and US Department of toxic dioxin being dumped into streams. A kinder and gentler
Agriculture promoted the “Hemp for Victory” campaign to grow chemistry using hydrogen peroxide rather than chlorine dioxide
hemp in the US. is possible with hemp fibers.
✓ Hemp Grows Well in a variety of climates and soil types. It

Industrial Facts is naturally resistant to most pests, precluding the need for
pesticides. It grows tightly spaced, out-competing any weeds, so
herbicides are not necessary. It also leaves a weed-free field for a
✓ Henry Ford
Fo experimented with hemp to build car bodies. He following crop.
wanted to build and fuel cars from farm products.
✓ Hemp Can Displace Cotton which is usually grown with
✓ Hemp Oil once greased machines. Most paints, resins, shellacs, massive amounts of chemicals harmful to people and the
and varnishes used to be made out of linseed (from flax) and environment. At least 50% of all the world’s pesticides are
hemp oils. sprayed on cotton.
✓ Rudolph Diesel designed his engine to run on hemp oil. ✓ Hemp Can Displace Wood Fiber and save forests for
✓ Construction Products such as medium density fiber board, watershed, wildlife habitat, recreation and oxygen production,
oriented strand board, and even beams, studs and posts could carbon sequestration (reduces global warming), and other values.
be made out of hemp. Because of hemp’s long fibers, the ✓ Hemp Can Yield 3-8 Dry Tons of fiber per acre. This is four times
products will be stronger and/or lighter than those made from
what an average forest can yield.
P l a n t
Hemp A Nutritional
Nourish Your Pet Inside & Out Powerhouse
At A Glance Nutritional Profile and Benefits of Hemp Seed, Nut & Oil
“Hemp’s nutritional advantage over other
by Gero Leson (Excerpted from the 2002/2003 Vote Hemp Report, Copyright 2003
sources of fats and protein thus lies in its
by Vote Hemp, Inc.)
highly desirable balance of basic nutrients.”
Hemp foods are expanding onto the shelves of grocery and natural food stores across North America.
Total Fat By definition, these are foods containing whole hemp seeds or the oil, nut (hulled seed) and/or flour
44% (ground seed cake) derived from the seeds. Examples of currently available hemp food products
include salad dressings, nutrition bars, breads, cookies, granola, waffles, nut butter, chips, pasta,
Unsaturated 39% frozen desserts and cold-pressed oil supplements. These products are sold for much more than their
5% “hemp cachet” alone; manufacturers promote hemp foods for their exceptional nutritional and taste

Examining the composition of hemp seed will help explain these benefits. Like other oil seeds,
the hemp nut consists mainly of oil (typically 44%), protein (33%) and dietary fiber and other
carbohydrates (12%, predominantly from residues of the hull). In addition, the nut contains vitamins
Carbohydrates (particularly the tocopherols and tocotrienols of the Vitamin E complex), phytosterols and trace
Protein Ash 12%
6% (7g. Dietary Fiber, minerals. Overall, hemp’s main nutritional advantage over other seeds lies in the composition of
33% 5% 3g. Sugars) its oil, i.e. its fatty acid profile, and in its protein which contains all of the essential amino acids
in nutritionally significant amounts and in a desirable ratio.

“No other vegetable oil offers EFAs at such Most oil seeds contain plenty of linoleic acid (LA), an essential fatty acid (EFA) from the “omega-6”
high concentrations and, more importantly, family, yet they offer little alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), the other EFA from the “omega-3” family. Health
agencies around the world agree that humans should ingest these EFAs in an omega-6/omega-3 ratio
in such a desirable omega-6/omega-3 ratio.” of about 4:1. Since common seed oil and animal fat, both low in omega-3, account for most of our fat
intake, Western diets typically have omega-6/omega-3 ratios of 10:1 or more, which is far too rich in
omega-6 and correspondingly too deficient in omega-3. Recent clinical research continues to identify
this imbalance as a co-factor in a wide range of common illnesses, including cardiovascular diseases,
arthritis, diabetes, skin and mood disorders. A more “holistic” approach consists of shifting our
general dietary fat intake towards nuts and oils offering a better omega-6/omega-3 ratio. Hemp nut
and oil offer an omega-6/omega-3 ratio of 3:1 or less, depending on plant variety. This exceeds the
target ratio of 4:1 and compensates in part for deficiencies in the rest of our diet. No other vegetable
oil offers EFAs at such high concentrations and, more importantly, in such a desirable omega-6/
omega-3 ratio.

Hemp oil also provides significant amounts of the more rare ‘super’ polyunsaturated fatty acids,
“Hemp nut and oil therefore are attractive notably gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and stearidonic acid (SDA). These are not essential themselves,
both nutritionally and culinary, rendering but our body only naturally produces them from the LA and ALA essential fatty acids, respectively.
them truly modern food sources.” Supplementation with GLA and SDA appears to alleviate the symptoms of atopic dermatitis and
other skin diseases in some patients. Clinical trials of the putative benefits from ingested hemp
oil are currently under way at the University of Kuopio in Finland to assess the extent of these

A Global Perspective potential benefits. Hemp oil typically contains less than 10% saturated fatty acids, and no trans-fatty
acids, which are particularly detrimental to our blood cholesterol balance. To avoid conversion of
polyunsaturated fatty acids to unhealthy peroxides at higher temperatures, hemp oil and nut are best
✓ Ev
ery in
er iindustrialized
d country in the world, used for cold and warm dishes where temperature is kept below the boiling point (212° F). Hemp
excluding the United States, produces industrial oil should not be used for frying. When using it for light sautéing, keeping the pan at low heat and
with sufficient moisture in the bottom limits both temperature and the formation of peroxides and
hemp including Australia, Austria, Canada, China,
off-flavors. Hemp nut can be lightly toasted and baked in bread and pastry dough keeping in mind
Great Britain, France, Russia and Spain. these temperature and moisture caveats. Hemp protein is also of exceptionally high quality in terms
✓ Companies in Canada, UK and Germany of amino acid (AA) composition and protein structure, the latter affecting digestibility and utilization
among many others process hemp seed into by the human body. Hemp protein contains all of the essential amino acids in more nutritionally
significant amounts and at a ratio closer to “complete” sources of protein (like meat, milk and
a growing range of food products, cosmetics,
eggs) than all other oil seeds except soy. Hemp protein consists of two globular proteins, albumin
clothing & textiles. (33%) and edestine (67%), with a structure very similar to proteins manufactured in our blood and
✓ Numerous studies have shown that hemp is thus readily digestible. Hemp protein appears to be free of anti-nutrients that are found in soy
introduction to the US would directly benefit to interfere with protein uptake. So, eating hemp seed or nuts delivers protein with a favorable AA
composition and in a structure readily utilized. Hemp’s nutritional advantage over other sources
the agricultural industry and would provide
of fats and protein thus lies in its highly desirable balance of basic nutrients.
substantial benefits to the nation itself.
✓ “It is unfortunate that the federal government Simply put, when eating hemp seed, nut and/or oil, our body obtains much of what it needs without
has stood in the way of American farmers, the caloric ballast of non-essential nutrients. Yet, unlike fish and flax oil supplements and assorted
including many who are struggling to make ends protein powders, properly processed hemp seed offers these benefits with the additional bonus
of a nice flavor profile - hemp tastes good. Fresh cold pressed hemp oil and hemp nut, particularly
meet, from competing in the global industrial when toasted, add a nice nutty flavor to many dishes and packaged food products. Hemp nut and oil
hemp market” - [R] Ron Paul, 2009. therefore are attractive both nutritionally and culinary, rendering them truly modern food sources.
Nourish Your Pet Inside & Out
Why Retail NuHemp?
We Have The Recipe For Success
We dare to be distinctly different and have raised the bar in many regards. We understand and have a solid grasp as to what it
takes for you to be successful & profitable while differentiating yourselves from the competition.

NuHemp Products
✓ A full line of innovative non ‘me-too’ products with a story and common foundation behind the entire family...HEMP! There is no other
product line like it on the market.
✓ Hemp is hot, hip & is getting a lot of attention from consumers, media from all industries, the government and brand marketers.
✓ A non-linear and truly diversified brand with synergistic products that span over core 4 categories
+ Treats, Dietary Supplements / Food Toppings, Shampoos and Topical Remedies
✓ Consumer awareness, product trial and satisfaction of other NuHemp products will result in consumer loyalty to the brand as a whole.
✓ Cutting edge formulations using natural ingredients that are quickly becoming super-stars and well-known within premium, human
nutritionally dense products that delivers many much sought after health benefits.

Brand Positioning & Channel Strategy

✓ Positioned within the highest growth pet category sector – the NATURAL product set.
✓ Numerous merchandising opportunities within a dedicated natural as well as end cap/display potential with the whole family of NuHemp
✓ 100% focused on and limited to the specialized pet & natural health retailing channels.
✓ No mass merch, big box, grocery, pharmacy/drug etc.

✓ Eye-catching, natural “earthy” looking packaging and design that mirrors the product’s positioning.
✓ Clearly stands out on shelf vs. other aseptic looking treat packaging.
✓ Windows on treat products so that the product can be viewed.
✓ Packaging that speaks directly to the core ‘natural’ consumer as well as many different consumer demographics
✓ All NuHemp packaging is recyclable.
Nourish Your Pet Inside & Out
Why Retail NuHemp?
Promotions & Marketing
✓ Ongoing PR campaign over the last 18 months throughout N. America with exceptional results/media pick-up.
+ High profile industry consumer & trade publications
+ High profile “non” industry consumer publications (Family Circle, Whole Foods Mag., Alternative Living, NY Post,
Martha Stewart Living TV & Radio programs...)
✓ Well thought out 2009 corporate brand strategy and promotional calendar.
✓ In-store support materials & sampling programs.
+ POP, shelf strips, product information brochures, window posters
+ 2-Chomp Munchie & Fetch’erz Ballz 2-pak samples
+ Omega Sauce & Omega Eazz single Shots
✓ Staff product education and training materials
+ Product knowledge, hemp information/history/benefits & training DVD (avail. June ’09)
+ Product knowledge, hemp information/history/benefits & training manual
+ Website back-end, log-in for training materials, ads, product images etc.
✓ On product “NuHemp product & hemp benefits” mini booklet (starting July/Aug. ’09).
✓ Opportunity for customized consumer “value-add” pack-in promotions on special order.
✓ NuHemp product cross promotion pack-in’s.
+ 4oz Omega Eazz and/or 10ml Omega Eazz / Hip Lips / Omega Shots

✓ Comprehensive ‘Platinum’ Distributor & Retailer programs available to full-line NuHemp customers

Platinum Distributor Benefits: Platinum Retailer Benefits:

✓ Recognition as a NuHemp Platinum Distributor on our website ✓ Recognition as a Platinum NuHemp retailer on our website and in PR
and in PR when applicable. when applicable.
✓ Retail enquiries will be directed to Platinum distributors (as we ✓ Consumer enquiries will be directed to Platinum retailers (as we know
know they carry all products). they support all products).
✓ Exclusive Platinum product promotions throughout the year. ✓ Exclusive Platinum Retailer product promotions throughout the year.
✓ Custom Platinum Retailer In-Store Signage & Merchandising Materials.
Business Building Inside Program (ask your rep for details): ✓ In-Store Treat Sampling Program (Fetch’erz & 2-Chomp Munchies).
✓ Product Returns / Damages allowance (off -invoice).
✓ Co-op Advertising Fund (accrued).
✓ Annual Volume Rebate Program (June 1st > May 31st).
Nourish Your Pet Inside & Out The ‘Buzz’

“ “
Nourish Your Pet Inside & Out
Product Fast Facts!
Fetch’erz Ballz™ MSRP: $5.99 USD / $6.99 CAD | Size: 400gr / 14 oz. | Best Before: 16 months | Master Case: 1x6
Natural & Oven Baked Dog Treats
Product Overview Flavors Key Product Attributes Unique Selling Points
A new fun & interactive way to reward your dog, Fetch’erz ✓ Chicken Stew ✓ A delicious treat made with natural & ✓ Fortified with hemp meal, a great source
Ballz are ideal for enhancing the owner-pet bonding holistic ingredients of gluten-free vegetable protein & EFAs
✓ Sweet Peanut Butter Crunch
experience. Why merely hand your dog their treat when you ✓ Made with ancient grains for improved ✓ Ball-shaped treats for fun & interactive
✓ Fish & Chips digestion play with animal companions
can have fun as you roll’em, toss’em, throw’em and hide’em?
Promotes a healthy & active lifestyle and encourages dogs to ✓ Fruit & Veggie Medley ✓ Hand-rolled & oven baked at low ✓ Unique & innovative product
do what they love most – Fetch! temperatures to preserve nutrient integrity ✓ Environmentally friendly carton made
✓ High in fibre with recycled material
Ancient Grains: Natural Goodness Through Old World Nutrition! ✓ NO chemicals, color or artificial ✓ Eye catching, earthy packaging & design
✓ Spelt: 25% more protein than wheat.
preservatives added
✓ Millet: Readily digestible and a rich source of phosphorous, iron
✓ NO corn, salt or soy
and B vitamins.
✓ Kamut: 20-40% more protein than wheat, rich in magnesium,
zinc and vitamin E.

2-Chomp Munchies ™ MSRP: $5.99 USD / $6.99 CAD | Size: 400gr / 14 oz. | Best Before: 16 months | Master Case: 1x6
Gourmet Holistic Dog Treats
Product Overview Flavors Key Product Attributes Unique Selling Points
Ideal for dogs of all shapes and sizes, 2-Chomp Munchies are ✓ Roasted Turkey w/Cranberries ✓ A delicious treat made with natural & ✓ Fortified with hemp meal, a great source
an excellent way to reward your pet and perfect for use as holistic ingredients of gluten-free vegetable protein & EFAs
✓ Luscious Liver & Cheese
training treats. Oven-baked in small batches for maximum ✓ Oven baked in small batches at low ✓ Mini bone sized shape, ideal for training
✓ Crunchy Peanut Butter Maple temperatures to preserve nutrient rewards
freshness, nutrient integrity & exceptional palatability, they’ll
be gone in just 2-Chomps! ✓ Assorted integrity ✓Unique & innovative product
✓ Hearty Fish w/Sweet Potato ✓ Hemp seed meal supports digestion and ✓ Environmentally friendly carton made
Hemp Seed Meal: Mother Nature’s Secret Ingredient! nutrient utilization with recycled material
✓ Readily digestible source of gluten-free vegetable protein. ✓ Perfect for dogs of all shapes and sizes ✓ Eye catching, earthy packaging & design
✓ An excellent source of dietary fibre. ✓ NO chemicals, color or artificial
✓ Contains Omega 3, 6, 9 & GLA fatty acids to promote overall preservatives added
health & well-being. ✓ NO wheat, corn, salt or soy

Omega Sauce ™ MSRP: $6.49 USD / $7.99 CAD | Size: 250ml / 8.5 fl. oz. | Best Before: 14 months | Master Case: 4x6
Daily Dietary Supplement Food Topping
Product Overview Flavors Key Product Attributes Unique Selling Points
NuHemp Omega Sauce is a balanced, daily dietary ✓ Roasted Chicken ✓ Made with natural & holistic ingredients ✓ Made with cold pressed hemp seed oil
supplement topping for our four-legged friends! A blend of ✓ Rich in Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3, 6, ✓ Supports improved digestion and
✓ Sizzling Bacon
natural hemp seed and canola oils rich in Omega 3, 6, 9 & GLA and 9), GLA and Vitamin E therefore nutrient absorption
Fatty Acids to promote a healthy skin & coat and digestive ✓ Luscious Liver & Cheese ✓ A naturally potent anti-oxidant ✓ Attractive MSRP for a pure EFA product,
health. With exceptional palatability, Omega Sauce also helps ✓ Peanut Butter Smoothie ✓ NO chemicals, salt or artificial preservatives up to 50 gourmet servings / bottle
our four-legged friends chow down even more come meal ✓ Hearty Fish ✓ NO water added ✓ Unique & innovative formulation
time! ✓ NOT a nutritionally void ‘gravy’ ✓ High in Omega 9, beneficial for cats
✓ Eye catching, earthy packaging & design
Nourish Your Pet Inside & Out
Product Fast Facts!
Sudz, Eazz, Gleam, Therapy, Cleanse Zapp Shine Size: 355ml / 12 fl. oz.
Botanicals MSRPs $8.99 USD | $9.99 CAD $12.99 USD | $14.99 CAD $8.99 USD | $12.99 CAD Best Before: 36 months
Shampoos, Conditioners & Ear Wash Master Case: 6x6
d t OOverview
i Varieties Key Product Attributes Unique Selling Points
Specially formulated with a gentle blend of science-based ✓ Omega Sudz ✓ Made with certified organic ingredients ✓ Low MSRP for an organic formulation
nutrients, plant extracts and essential/botanical oils that ✓ Omega Eazz ✓ Formulated with hand-crushed & extracted ✓ Infused with cold pressed hemp seed oil
deliver salon quality results…naturally! Enriched with the botanical oils ✓ Super premium spa quality
✓ Omega Gleam
natural high performance moisturizing, rejuvenating and ✓ 100% biodegradable ✓ Leaves your pet’s hair healthy, fresh &
✓ Omega Therapy
anti-septic properties of cold pressed hemp seed oil and do ✓ Hypo-allergenic & pH balanced bright - never stripped
what we promise without exception. ✓ Omega Cleanse ✓ NO sulfates or propylene glycol ✓ Manufactured in a facility dedicated to
✓ Omega Zapp ✓ NO synthetic fragrances or dyes high-end human cosmetic products
✓ Omega Shine ✓ NO cortisone or steroids

Botanicals PRO MSRP: $42.99 USD / $42.99 CAD | Size: 4L / 1 gal. | Best Before: 36 months | Master Case: 1x4
Shampoos, Conditioners & Ear Wash
Product Overview Varieties Key Product Attributes Unique Selling Points
Specifically formulated as a concentrate for grooming and ✓ Omega Sudz (16:1) Same as Botanicals, plus: Same as Botanicals, plus:
✓ Very economical per application ✓ Safe and effective for groomers and
animal care professionals, engineered to minimize effort and ✓ Omega Eazz (16:1)
maximize results. ✓ Convenient bottle with handle equipment
✓ Omega Gleam (16:1) ✓ Environmentally friendly for disposal or
✓ Omega Therapy (16:1) drainage
✓ Omega Zapp (3:1)

PAWZitive Therapy ™ MSRP: $7.99 USD / $9.99 CAD | Size: 45gr / 1.6 fl. oz. | Best Before: 18 months | Master Case: 4x8
Daily Conditioning & Protection Balm
Product Overview Varieties Key Product Attributes Unique Selling Points
N/A ✓ Made with natural, 100% pure Canadian ✓ Unique & innovative packaging
Applied daily, PAWZitive TherapyTM provides soothing and
hemp seed oil and an exclusive blend of natural ✓ High in EFAs and Vitamin E
moisturizing relief to paw pads and other dry areas such
botanical, essential & tea tree oils ✓ Attractive MSRP
as noses and joints, while acting as a protective barrier
✓ Provides protection from ice, snow, salt, sand ✓ Easy-to-apply stick with no mess or fuss
against ice, salt, sand and general wear & tear. Formulated
and pavement ✓ Leaves no residue, will not stain
with a synergistic blend of pure cold-pressed hemp seed oil,
botanical & essential oils in a convenient, easy-to-apply stick. ✓ Soothes, conditions and moisturizes chapped furniture or carpets
paw pads ✓ Great for all-season use
✓ NO colors added ✓ Safe and non-toxic if licked

500ml (16.9 fl. oz.) 1L (33.8 fl. oz.) 4L (1 gal.) Best Before: 24 months
MSM Soothing Topical Gel MSRPs $12.99 USD | $12.99 CAD $19.99 USD | $19.99 CAD $64.99 USD | $64.99 CAD Master Case: 1x12 (500 ml), 1x6 (1L), 1x4 (4L)
Product OOverview Varieties Key Product Attributes Unique Selling Points
A convenient and effective way to apply the well N/A ✓ Supplies nutritional sulphur, important for ✓ Infused with cold pressed hemp seed oil
documented benefits of MSM to joints for fast-acting the formation of collagen protein tissue ✓ Innovative product, nothing like it in the
soothing relief. MSM Soothing Topical Gel is a cool, clear, ✓ For human, pet and equine use pet category
water-based gel that quickly absorbs into the skin, leaving no ✓ NO fragrances or colors ✓ The benefits of MSM have been studied
oily film or feel. ✓ Used for years in the performance and well documented on both humans
equine industry and animals

Nourish Your Pet Inside & Out

Natural & Oven Baked Dog Treats

A new fun & interactive way to reward your dog, Fetch’erz Ballz are ideal for
enhancing the owner-pet bonding experience. Why merely hand your dog their
treat when you can have fun as you roll’em, toss’em, throw’em and hide’em?
Promotes a healthy & active lifestyle and encourages dogs to do what they love
most – Fetch!
Ancient Grains: Natural Goodness Through Old World Nutrition!
Size(s): 400gr. (14 oz. ) Spelt: 25% more protein than wheat.
Millet: Readily digestible and a rich source of phosphorous, iron and B vitamins.
MSRP: $5.99 USD | $6.99 CAD Kamut: 20-40% more protein than wheat, rich in magnesium, zinc and vitamin E.

UUnique Selling Points Why Retail NuHemp?

✓ A delicious treat made with natural & holistic ingredients ✓ Higher
Highe ccategory margins delivering a profitable investment
✓ Hand-rolled & oven baked at low temperatures to preserve nutrient ✓ A distinctly
di ti unique brand on otherwise crowded shelves full of
integrity ‘me-too’ product
✓ High in fibre ✓ Positioned within the high-growth natural category
✓ NO chemicals, color or artificial preservatives added ✓ Attractive and eye-catching packaging
✓ NO corn, salt or soy ✓ Expansive national media and press coverage
Plus: ✓ The common foundation for all our products is hemp, the hottest
trend in nutrition
✓ Fortified with hemp seed meal & ancient grains.
Hemp seedmeal is an excellent source of gluten-free vegetable protein ✓ Extensive promotional support, in-store POP, merchandising
& Omega 3, 6, 9 & GLA fatty acids. Spelt, millet & kamut are nutrient rich, and sampling programs (see reverse for details)
low-allergen ancient grains that support improved digestion.
✓ Innovative & unique ball-shaped treats for fun & interactive play. As Featured In: see more @!
Offering treats is a special bonding experience between pets and their
owners and the small round Ballz are a fun and delicious new way to
strengthen that relationship.
✓ Environmentally friendly carton.
Our treat cartons are made from 100% post-use recycled waste paper
fibres (55% post-consumer) and are fully recyclable. Martha Stewart
Living TV Pet Product News Amaze Magazine
Competitive product Comparison
TM Old Mother Hubbard Nutro TM Eagle Pack Wellness TM
Special Recipe Treats Natural Choice Holistix WellBars
High in Fibre 12% 5.5% 5% 5% 3.5%
Made with Ancient Grains Yes No No No No
Corn, Soy & Salt free Yes No No No Yes
Oven Baked Yes No No No Yes
Made with Hemp Meal Yes No No No No
Moisture Content max 4% max 11% max 11% max 15% max 11%
Contains Fillers Such as
No Yes No No Yes

IIngredients In-Store POP & Marketing Support

Chicken Stew ✓ Window Posters ✓ Monthly Product Specials
Barley Flour, Chicken, Hemp Seed Meal, Chopped Garlic, Whole Flax Seed, ✓ Channel Strips ✓ Ongoing National PR Campaign
Rosemary, Spelt Flour, Kamut Flour, Millet Flour, Water. ✓ Product Information Booklets Ask your NuHemp sales representative
✓ Sampling Program about our Platinum Retailer program!
Sweet Peanut Butter Crunch
Barley Flour, Peanut Butter, Hemp Seed Meal, Whole Flax Seed, Rosemary,
Spelt Flour, Kamut Flour, Millet Flour, Honey, Cinnamon, Water. PProduct Specs
Fish & Chips
Barley Flour, Sweet Potato Flour, Salmon, Chopped Garlic, Whole Flax UPC Codes Master Case Pack:
Seed, Hemp Seed Meal, Rosemary, Spelt Flour, Kamut Flour, Millet Flour, Chicken Stew 6 78659 19080 1 1x6
Water. Sweet Peanut Butter Crunch 6 78659 19081 8 Best Before:
Fruit & Veggie Medley Fish & Chips 6 78659 19082 5 16 months
Barley Flour, Sweet Potato Flour, Spinach Flour, Dehydrated Carrots,
Fruit & Veggie Medley 6 78659 19083 2
Whole Flax Seed, Hemp Seed Meal, Cranberries, Blueberries, Rosemary,
Spelt Flour, Kamut Flour, Millet Flour, Water.
Guaranteed Analysis Chicken P.B. Fish Fruit & Contact Information
Stew Crunch & Chips Veggie
Maiiling Address:
Mailing A Tel: (519) 836-8443
Crude Protein (min) 11% 11% 11% 11%
5551 Highway #6 N, R. R #5 (866) 466-0686
Crude Fat (min) 2% 6% 2% 2%
Guelph, ON Fax: (519) 836-7784
Crude Fibre (max) 12% 12% 12% 12%
Canada N1H 6J2 Web:
Moisture (max) 4% 4% 4% 4% Made in Canada Email:
Nourish Your Pet Inside & Out Gourmet Holistic
Dog Treats
Ideal for dogs of all shapes and sizes, 2-Chomp Munchies are an excellent
way to reward your pet and perfect for use as training treats. Oven-baked
in small batches for maximum freshness, nutrient integrity & exceptional
palatability, they’ll be gone in just 2-Chomps!

Hemp Seed Meal: Mother Nature’s Secret Ingredient!

✓ Readily digestible source of gluten-free vegetable protein.
Size(s): 400gr. (14 oz. ) ✓ An excellent source of dietary fibre.
MSRP: $5.99 USD | $6.99 CAD ✓ Contains Omega 3, 6, 9 & GLA fatty acids to promote overall health & well-being.

UUnique Selling Points Why Retail NuHemp?

✓ Hi
Higher ccategory margins delivering a profitable investment
✓ A delicious treat made with natural & holistic ingredients ✓ A distinctly
di ti unique brand on otherwise crowded shelves full of
✓ Oven baked in small batches at low temperatures to preserve nutrient ‘me-too’ products
integrity ✓ Positioned within the high-growth natural category
✓ Hemp seed meal supports digestion and nutrient utilization ✓ Attractive and eye-catching packaging
✓ Mini-bone shape ideal for use as training treats ✓ Expansive national media and press coverage
✓ Perfect for dogs of all shapes and sizes ✓ The common foundation for all our products is hemp, the hottest
✓ NO chemicals, color or artificial preservatives added trend in nutrition
✓ NO wheat, corn, salt or soy ✓ Extensive promotional support, in-store POP, merchandising
Plus: and sampling programs (see reverse for details)
✓ Fortified with hemp seed meal.
Hemp seed meal is an excellent source of gluten-free vegetable protein &
Omega 3, 6, 9 & GLA fatty acids.
As Featured In: see more @!

✓ Unique cracked texture for exceptional palability.

Just like a batch of homemade cookies, the cracking on our treats shows
they were made with exceptional ingredients, love & care.
✓ Environmentally friendly carton.
Our treat cartons are made from 100% post-use recycled waste paper
Martha Stewart American Airlines
fibres (55% post-consumer) and are fully recyclable. Living TV Pet Product News In-Flight Magazine Pet Business
Competitive product Comparison
TM Old Mother Hubbard Nutro Eagle Pack Wellness
Special Recipe Treats Natural Choice Holistix WellBars
Wheat, Corn, Soy & Salt free Yes No No No Yes
Oven Baked in Small Batches Yes No No No Yes
Made with Hemp Meal Yes No No No No
Moisture Content max 4% max 11% max 11% max 15% max 11%
Contains Fillers Such as
No Yes No No Yes

IIngredients In-Store POP & Marketing Support

Roasted Turkey w/Cranberries ✓ Window Posters ✓ Monthly Product Specials
Barley Flour, Oat Flour, Turkey, Hemp Seed Meal, Cranberries, Rosemary, ✓ Channel Strips ✓ Ongoing National PR Campaign
Water. ✓ Product Information Booklets Ask your NuHemp sales representative
Luscious Liver & Cheese ✓ Sampling Program about our Platinum Retailer program!
Barley Flour, Oat Flour, Chicken Liver, Hemp Seed Meal, Romano Cheese,
Rosemary, Water.
Crunchy Peanut Butter Maple
PProduct Specs
Barley Flour, Oat Flour, Peanut Butter, Hemp Seed Meal, Maple Syrup, UPC Codes Master Case Pack:
Cinnamon, Rosemary, Water. Roasted Turkey w/ Cranberries 6 78659 19050 4
Assorted 1x6
Luscious Liver & Cheese 6 78659 19051 1
Barley Flour, Oat Flour, Turkey and Cranberries or Chicken Liver and Crunchy Peanut Butter Maple 6 78659 19052 8 Best Before:
Romano Cheese or Peanut Butter, Hemp Seed Meal, Rosemary, Water. Assorted 6 78659 19054 2 16 months
Hearty Fish w/Sweet Potato Hearty Fish w/ Sweet Potato 6 78659 19059 7
Barley Flour, Oat Flour, Sweet Potato Flour, Pink Salmon, Hemp Seed Meal,
Rosemary, Water.
Guaranteed Analysis Roasted Liver & P.B. Hearty Contact Information
Turkey Cheese Maple Fish Maiiling Address:
Mailing A Tel: (519) 836-8443
Crude Protein (min) 16% 18% 14% 14% 5551 Highway #6 N, R. R #5 (866) 466-0686
Crude Fat (min) 6% 9% 6% 5% Guelph, ON Fax: (519) 836-7784
Crude Fibre (max) 4% 2% 6% 10% Canada N1H 6J2 Web:
Moisture (max) 4% 4% 4% 4% Made in Canada Email:
Nourish Your Pet Inside & Out
Daily Dietary Supplement
Food Topping
NuHemp Omega Sauce is a balanced, daily dietary supplement topping for
our four-legged friends! A blend of natural hemp seed and canola oils rich in
Omega 3, 6, 9 & GLA Fatty Acids to promote a healthy skin & coat and digestive
health. With exceptional palatability, Omega Sauce also helps our four-legged
friends chow down even more come meal time!
Hemp Seed Oil: A Nutrition Powerhouse!
✓ Rich in Omega 3, 6, 9 & GLA Fatty Acids
Size(s): 250ml (8.5 fl. oz. )
✓ An excellent source of Vitamin E.
MSRP: $6.49 USD | $7.99 CAD ✓ A natural anti-oxidant

Unique Selling Points Why Retail NuHemp?

✓ Made with natural & holistic ingredients ✓ Higher category margins delivering a profitable investment
✓ Rich in Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3, 6, and 9), GLA and Vitamin E ✓ A distinctly unique brand on otherwise crowded shelves full of
✓ Supports improved digestion and therefore nutrient absorption ‘me-too’ products
✓ Positioned within the high-growth natural category
✓ A naturally potent anti-oxidant
✓ Attractive and eye-catching packaging
✓ NO chemicals, salt or artificial preservatives ✓ Expansive national media and press coverage
✓ NO water added ✓ The common foundation for all our products is hemp, the hottest
✓ NOT a nutritionally void ‘gravy’ trend in nutrition
✓ Extensive promotional support, in-store POP, merchandising
Plus: and sampling programs (see reverse for details)
✓ Rich gourmet flavors make food more palatable.
Omega Sauce makes mealtime incredibly delicious by enhancing food
flavor and adding much needed nutrients.
As Featured In: see more @!

✓ Promotes skin & coat health.

Hemp seed oil is the most balanced source of essential fatty acids (EFAs)
in nature. These EFAs contribute to a bright, vibrant coat and healthy skin.
✓ Up to 50 gourmet servings per bottle.
Make Omega Sauce a daily routine with up to 7 weeks of use per bottle! Organic Products
Recommended daily use is one tsp. per 9kg (20 lbs.) of body weight. Retailer Pet Product News NBC News Country Living
Competitive product Comparison
HealthPro IAMS Dr. Maggie HALO
VitaGravy Savory Sauce Skin & Coat DreamCoat
All Natural Ingredients Yes No No Yes Yes
Artifical Preservatives No Yes Yes No No
Water Added No Yes Yes No No
Made with Hemp Seed Oil Yes No No No No
Ideal Omega 6 to 3 Ratio Yes No No No No
Contains Gamma Linoleic Acid
Yes No No No Yes

Ingredients In-Store POP & Marketing Support

Roasted Chicken ✓ Window Posters ✓ Monthly Product Specials
Canola Oil, Cold Pressed Hemp Seed Oil, Natural Chicken Flavoring, ✓ Channel Strips ✓ Ongoing National PR Campaign
Rosemary Extract. ✓ Product Information Booklets Ask your NuHemp sales representative
Sizzling Bacon ✓ Sampling Program about our Platinum Retailer program!
Canola Oil, Cold Pressed Hemp Seed Oil, Natural Bacon Flavoring,
Rosemary Extract.
Luscious Liver & Cheese
Product Specs
Canola Oil, Cold Pressed Hemp Seed Oil, Natural Chicken Liver & Natural UPC Codes Master Case Pack:
Cheese Flavoring, Rosemary Extract. Roasted Chicken 6 78659 19070 2
Peanut Butter Smoothie 6x4
Sizzling Bacon 6 78659 19071 9
Canola Oil, Cold Pressed Hemp Seed Oil, Natural Peanut Butter Flavoring, Luscious Liver & Cheese 6 78659 19072 6 Best Before:
Rosemary Extract. Peanut Butter Smoothie 6 78659 19073 3 14 months
Hearty Fish Hearty Fish 6 78659 19075 7
Canola Oil, Cold Pressed Hemp Seed Oil, Natural Salmon Flavoring,
Rosemary Extract.
Guaranteed Analysis All Varieties
Contact Information
Mailing Address: Tel: (519) 836-8443
Omega 3 Fats* 9.4% 5551 Highway #6 N, R. R #5 (866) 466-0686
Omega 6 Fats* 23.3% Guelph, ON Fax: (519) 836-7784
Omega 9 Fats* 58.3% Canada N1H 6J2 Web:
*Not recognized as essential nutrients by the AAFCO Dog Nutrient Profiles Made in Canada Email:
Spa Quality
Nourish Your Pet Inside & Out
Specially formulated with a gentle blend of science-based nutrients, plant
extracts and essential/botanical oils that deliver salon quality results…
naturally! Enriched with the natural high performance moisturizing, rejuvenating
and anti-septic properties of cold pressed hemp seed oil and do what we promise
without exception.
Hemp Seed Oil: How Mother Nature Stays Beautiful
Sudz, Eazz, Gleam, ✓ Rich in Vitamin E for soothing relief & excellent moisturization.
MSRPs Therapy, Cleanse
Zapp Shine
✓ Contains Omega 3, 6, 9 & GLA fatty acids to aid in the prevention against
355ml (12 oz.) $8.99 USD | $9.99 CAD $12.99 USD | $14.99 CAD $8.99 USD | $12.99 CAD
4L (1 gal.)
excess shedding. These EFAs also revitalize skin and reduce the the loss of
$42.99 USD | $42.99 CAD
Concentrate epidermal moisture.

Unique Selling Points Why Retail NuHemp?

✓ Made with certified organic ingredients ✓ Higher category margins delivering a profitable investment
✓ Formulated with hand-crushed & extracted botanical oils ✓ A distinctly unique brand on otherwise crowded shelves full of
✓ 100% biodegradable ‘me-too’ products
✓ Hypo-allergenic & pH balanced ✓ Positioned within the high-growth natural category
✓ Leaves your pet’s hair healthy, fresh & bright - never stripped ✓ Attractive and eye-catching packaging
✓ NO sulfates or propylene glycol ✓ Expansive national media and press coverage
✓ NO synthetic fragrances or dyes ✓ The common foundation for all our products is hemp, the hottest
trend in nutrition
✓ NO cortisone or steroids
✓ Extensive promotional support, in-store POP, merchandising
Plus: and sampling programs (see reverse for details)
✓ Enriched with natural saponified coconut oil.
This oil produces a rich and creamy lather as opposed to a frothy airy
foam. Synthetic foam boosters are often added to inexpensive shampoo
As Featured In: see more @!
formulas to give the appearance that it is loaded with healthy cleaning
ingredients. This is simply not true.
✓ Fresh, hand-crushed botanical oils.
Our Botanical grooming products are manufactured in a high-end
cosmetic facility that typically only produces natural, holistic based
Martha Stewart
human grooming products for professional and spa use! Living TV New York Post Live! FOX News
Competitive product Comparison
Earthbath TropiClean TM FURminator TM
Totally Natural Shampoo Shampoos Shampoos
Made with Certified Organic Ingredients Yes No No No
Enriched with Hemp Oil Yes No No No
Infused with Collodial Oatmeal Yes No Yes No
Biodegradable Yes Yes Yes Yes
Contains Omega 3 & 6 EFAs Yes No No Yes

Omega Sudz
Purified Botanical Water: (Infused with Certified Organic Alfalfa, Chamomile, Echinacea, Nettle and Red Clover), Foaming Agents (Saponified Coconut Oil), Violet Color, Vegetable Glycerin, Botanical Tree Essences, d-Limonene (Orange Peel Oil),
Organic Cold Pressed Hemp Seed Oil, Colloidal Oatmeal.
Omega Eazz
Purified Botanical Water: (Infused with Certified Organic Alfalfa, Chamomile, Echinacea, Nettle and Red Clover), Foaming Agents (Saponified Coconut Oil), Vegetable Glycerin, Botanical Tree Essences, Apple Essence, Organic Moisturizer and
Emollient (Emulsified Fatty Coconut Oil), Certified Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Colloidal Oatmeal, Certified Organic Oils: (Olive, Flax Seed, Pumpkin Seed, Sunflower and Cold Pressed Hemp Seed)
Omega Therapy
Purified Botanical Water: (Infused with Certified Organic Alfalfa, Chamomile, Echinacea, Nettle and Red Clover), Foaming Agents (Saponified Coconut Oil), Botanical Tree Essences, Green Color, Refined Tar, Vegetable Glycerin, Apple Essence, Red
Cedar Oil, Organic Cold Pressed Hemp Seed Oil, Colloidal Oatmeal.
Omega Gleam
Purified Botanical Water: (Infused with Certified Organic Alfalfa, Chamomile, Echinacea, Nettle and Red Clover), Organic Moisturizer and Emollient (Emulsified Fatty Coconut Oil), Certified Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Colloidal Oatmeal, Certified
Organic Oils: (Olive, Flax Seed, Pumpkin Seed, Sunflower and Cold Pressed Hemp Seed), Botanical Tree Essences, Apple Essence.
Omega Shine
Purified Botanical Water: (Infused with Certified Organic Alfalfa, Certified Organic Chamomile, Certified Organic Echinacea, Certified Organic Nettle and Certified Organic Red Clover), Organic Moisturizer and Emollient (Emulsified Fatty Coconut
Oil), Apple Essence, Colloidal Oatmeal, Botanical Tree Essences, Certified Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Certified Organic Olive Oil, Certified Organic Flax Seed Oil, Certified Organic Pumpkin Seed Oil, Certified Organic Sunflower Oil, Certified
Organic Hemp Seed Oil (0.5%).
Omega Zapp
Purified Botanical Water: (Infused with Certified Organic Alfalfa, Chamomile, Echinacea, Nettle and Red Clover), Foaming Agents (Saponified Coconut Oil), Botanical Tree Essences, Red Cedar Oil, Organic Moisturizer and Emollient (Emulsified
Fatty Coconut Oil), Vegetable Glycerin, Certified Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Colloidal Oatmeal, Certified Organic Oils: (Olive, Flax Seed, Pumpkin Seed, Sunflower and Cold Pressed Hemp Seed).
Omega Cleanse
Purified Botanical Water: (Infused with Certified Organic Alfalfa, Chamomile, Echinacea, Nettle and Red Clover), Organic Moisturizer and Emollient (Emulsified Fatty Coconut Oil), Boric Acid, Apple Essence, Botanical Tree Essences, Organic Hemp
Seed Oil, Organic Olive Oil, Colloidal Oatmeal, Apple Cider Vinegar.

Product Specs Marketing Support Contact Information

✓ Window Posters
UPC Codes Master Case Pack: ✓ Channel Strips Mailing Address: Tel: (519) 836-8443
Omega Sudz 6 78659 19030 6
Omega Eazz 6 78659 19031 3 6x6 ✓ Product Information Booklets 5551 Highway #6 N, R. R #5 (866) 466-0686
✓ Sampling Program
Omega Therapy 6 78659 19032 0 Best Before: Guelph, ON Fax: (519) 836-7784
Omega Gleam 6 78659 19033 7 ✓ Monthly Product Specials
Omega Shine 6 78659 19035 1 24 months ✓ Ongoing National PR Campaign Canada N1H 6J2 Web:
Omega Zapp 6 78659 19036 8 Ask your NuHemp sales representative about Made in Canada Email:
Omega Cleanse 6 78659 19037 5 our Platinum Retailer program!
Nourish Your Pet Inside & Out
Daily Conditioning
& Protection Balm
Applied daily, PAWZitive TherapyTM provides soothing and moisturizing relief
to paw pads and other dry areas such as noses and joints, while acting as a
protective barrier against ice, salt, sand and general wear & tear. Formulated
with a synergistic blend of pure cold-pressed hemp seed oil, botanical & essential
oils in a convenient, easy-to-apply stick.
Cold Pressed Hemp Seed Oil: Exceptional Therapeutic Benefits
Size(s): 45gr. (1.6 fl. oz. ) ✓ Nature’s richest source of essential fatty acids which help skin retain its moisture.
MSRP: $7.99 USD | $9.99 CAD ✓ Rich in Vitamin E, providing an excellent source of natural anti-oxidants.

Unique Selling Points Why Retail NuHemp?

✓ Made with natural, 100% pure Canadian hemp seed oil and an ✓ Higher category margins delivering a profitable investment
exclusive blend of natural botanical, essential & tea tree oils ✓ A distinctly unique brand on otherwise crowded shelves full of
✓ Provides protection from ice, snow, salt, sand and pavement ‘me-too’ products
✓ Soothes, conditions and moisturizes chapped paw pads ✓ Positioned within the high-growth natural category
✓ Easy-to-apply stick with no mess or fuss ✓ Attractive and eye-catching packaging
✓ Safe and non-toxic if licked ✓ Expansive national media and press coverage
✓ Leaves no residue, will not stain furniture or carpets ✓ The common foundation for all our products is hemp, the hottest
✓ NO colors added trend in nutrition
Plus: ✓ Extensive promotional support, in-store POP, merchandising
and sampling programs (see reverse for details)
✓ Leaves no residue, will not stain carpets or furniture.
Because PAWZitive Therapy absorbs quickly, you don’t have to worry
about it staining fabrics in your home or car. As Featured In: see more @!
✓ Easy to use application method.
There was a “method to our madness”! Although our packaging has
been the brunt of a few jokes, the deodorant style application stick
allows for a convenient on-the-go, no-mess tocuh free application. No
leaving dirt or foreign residue in a jar as a result of sticking your fingers in
Alternative Natural Products
to apply. Dog Fancy Pet Style News
Medicine Retailer
Competitive product Comparison
100% Natural TM Dr. Maggie Nutri-Vet
Invisible Boot Paw Protector Nu-Balm Creme
Natural Ingredients Yes Yes Yes Yes
Enriched with Hemp Oil Yes No No No
Made with Cocoa Butter Yes No No No

Formulated for general skin Yes No No No

Contains Omega 3 & 6 EFAs Yes No No Yes

Ingredients In-Store POP & Marketing Support

✓ Window Posters ✓ Monthly Product Specials
PAWZitive Therapy ✓ Ongoing National PR Campaign
Cocoa Butter, Cold Pressed Hemp Seed Oil, Shea Butter, Stearic Acid, ✓ Channel Strips
Beeswax, Vitamin E, Safflower Oil (and) Aloe Vera Extract, Safflower Oil ✓ Product Information Booklets Ask your NuHemp sales representative
(and) Chamomile Extract, Tea Tree Oil, Grapefruit Essential Oil, Lavender ✓ Sampling Program about our Platinum Retailer program!
Essential Oil.
Product Specs
Benefits Of Cold Pressed Hemp Seed Oil UPC Codes
Cold pressed hemp seed oil is well known for its many benefits in the PAWZitive Therapy 6 78659 19015 3
high-end cosmetic industry…just ask The Body ShopTM! A number of their
Master Case Pack: Best Before:
best selling skin care products contain high levels of hemp seed oil. The
benefits of EFAs, and especially GLA, for healthy skin makes cold pressed 4x6 18 months
hemp seed oil a highly effective skin care nutrient.

Cold pressed hemp seed oil contains an unusually high concentration

of EFAs, making it an ideal natural ingredient for treating dry skin and Contact Information
abrasions. Hemp’s lipid constituents allow it to permeate through intact Mailing Address: Tel: (519) 836-8443
skin to nourish cells directly while also carrying therapeutic substances
5551 Highway #6 N, R. R #5 (866) 466-0686
with it into the skin. More than 75% of its fatty acids are polyunsaturated
essential fatty acids (EFAs). These impart excellent emollient, lubricating, Guelph, ON Fax: (519) 836-7784
moisturizing and protection properties to the pads and rough skin areas of Canada N1H 6J2 Web:
both dogs and cats. Made in Canada Email:
Nourish Your Pet Inside & Out

A convenient and effective way to apply the well documented

benefits of MSM to joints for fast-acting soothing relief. MSM Soothing
Topical Gel is a cool, clear, water-based gel that quickly absorbs into the
skin, leaving no oily film or feel.
Cold Pressed Hemp Seed Oil: Exceptional Therapeutic Benefits
500 ml (17 fl. oz.) 1L (34 fl. oz.) 4L (1 gal)
✓ Nature’s richest source of essential fatty acids which help skin retain its moisture.
MSRPs $12.99 USD | $12.99 CAD $19.99 USD | $19.99 CAD $64.99 USD | $64.99 CAD ✓ Rich in Vitamin E, providing an excellent source of natural anti-oxidants.

Unique Selling Points Why Retail NuHemp?

✓ Supplies nutritional sulphur, important for the formation of collagen ✓ Higher category margins delivering a profitable investment
protein tissue ✓ A distinctly unique brand on otherwise crowded shelves full of
✓ Used within the equine industry on performance horses for years ‘me-too’ products
✓ For human, pet and equine use ✓ Positioned within the high-growth natural category
✓ NO fragrances or colors ✓ Attractive and eye-catching packaging
✓ Expansive national media and press coverage
Plus: ✓ The common foundation for all our products is hemp, the hottest
✓ Made with cold pressed hemp seed oil for added relief. trend in nutrition
When massaged into the affected areas, the MSM is absorbed through ✓ Extensive promotional support, in-store POP, merchandising
the skin and into the tissues beneath. The cold pressed hemp seed oil and sampling programs (see reverse for details)
reduces skin discomfort by soothing & restoring dry or damaged skin,
while increasing its natural moisture retention capacity. As Featured In: see more @!
✓ Perfect for pets...and their owners too!
Our MSM Soothing Topical Gel has the same wonderful benefits for
humans when applied to the skin. There are many MSM gel products
available that are directly marketed for human applications. MSM gel
is very popular with athletes, the elderly and people living an active
lifestyle. Outside Dogs
Animal Wellness Bozeman NBC News In Canada
Competitive product Comparison
McIntosh TM Nutri-Vet Generic
MSM Soothing Gel MSM Powder Pills & Supplements
Quick & Easy Topical Application Yes Yes No No
Enriched with Hemp Oil Yes No No No
Available in Canada Yes Yes Yes Yes
3 Sizes to Fit All Needs Yes No No No
For Use on People Yes No No No

Ingredients In-Store POP & Marketing Support

✓ Window Posters ✓ Monthly Product Specials
MSM Soothing Topical Gel ✓ Ongoing National PR Campaign
Water, MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), PEG 8, Glycerin, CARBOPOL 940, ✓ Channel Strips
Triethaloamine, Polysorbate 20, Cold Pressed Hemp Seed Oil (Cannabis ✓ Product Information Booklets Ask your NuHemp sales representative
Sativa Seed), Tetrasodium EDTA, Sodium Lactate, Ivy Extract (Hedera ✓ Sampling Program about our Platinum Retailer program!
Helix), Paraguay Green Tea Extract (Ilex Paraguariensis), Germall Plus
Product Specs
UPC Codes Master Case Pack: Best Before:
What is MSM? 500 ml 6 78659 19010 8 500 ml 1x12 24 months
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a naturally-occurring organic sulfur 1L 6 78659 19011 5 1L 1x6
compound found in animals and humans, as well as foods, grains, 4L 6 78659 19012 2 4L 1x4
and grasses. Sulfur is a vital building block of connective tissue and
because the body utilizes and expends it on a daily basis, sulfur must
be continually replenished for optimal nutrition and health.
Contact Information
In its purified chemical form, MSM is an essentially odorless, white, Mailing Address: Tel: (519) 836-8443
water-soluble, crystalline solid. It has scientifically documented 5551 Highway #6 N, R. R #5 (866) 466-0686
anti-inflammatory and pain reducing properties and over the years, Guelph, ON Fax: (519) 836-7784
numerous veterinarians and trainers have witnessed MSM’s ability to
Canada N1H 6J2 Web:
reduce inflammation and relieve soreness in their animals.
Made in Canada Email:
s , P O P
Sample e! Sales Support
Nourish Your Pet Inside & Out & Mor Tools

S a m p le s

2-Chomp Munchies Fetch’erz Ballz Omega Sauce Omega Eazz

Gourmet Holistic Dog Treats Fun & Interactive Dog Treats Daily Dietary Supplement ‘2 in 1’ Conditioning Shampoo
2-Pack 2-Pack Food Topping Single Shot
Single Shot

Info Booklet Shelf Strip Channel Strip End-Cap Header

Product Catalogue 3”H x 15”W 1 1/4
” H x 22” W 8” H x 24” W

PO P & More!


Window Poster Store Locator

7” H x 5”W Your source for everything Access NuHemp files & info Delivering NuHemp
about NuHemp 24/7, 365. customers to your door!

Contact your distributor rep for more information. | | Phone: (866) 466-0686 | Fax: (519) 836-7784
Files & Downloads
Nourishing Pets Inside & Out
A How-To Guide Instructions
1. Visit

2. Click on the ‘Files & Downloads’ button on the right-hand side

(as show in the picture to the left)

3. When prompted, enter the following login information:

Username: Hemp4Health
Click Here! Password: NuHemp

4. Once logged in, you will be shown a number of different

folders that contain all of the pertinent information. The
sections currently on the Files & Downloads site are:
✓ Brand Presentations
✓ Hemp Education & Information
✓ Logos
Logged In ✓ Media
✓ Press Releases & Announcements
✓ Price Lists & Product Specs
✓ Product Information
✓ Product Photograpy

5. To download the file you need, you have two options:

a. Left-click on the file name and your browser should
prompt you to download it automatically.
b. Right-click and choose the ‘Save As’ or ‘Save Link As’
From there you will just have to decide on where to save the file.

Tips Other Information

✓ Pass this document on to your customers so they We have attempted to make every file you could
have easy access to all the information they need. need available through this system. However, if
✓ Bookmark the Files & Downloads section for there is something you need that is not up there
quick & easy access. please contact:
✓ Use the announcements for each folder section Trevor Ottley
to see new or important documents. |
(519) 836-8443 | (866) 466-0686

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