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what is the relationship between Higgins and his mother? what is the relationship between Higgins and Eliza?

What is the relationship between Eliza and her father? what is the relationship between Eliza and Mrs Higgins? What is the relationship between Eliza and Mrs. Pearce? What is the relationship between Pickering and Eliza? How does the character or mrs. hillsford reflect british society? what does the character of higgins say about british society? what does the character of Eliza say about british society? What does the character of Doolittle say about British society? What lesson did Eliza learn from pickering? Is Higgins jealous of freddy? Is Clara jealous of Eliza? would Eliza marry higgins if he expressed romantic feeling towards her? why does Eliza want to marry freddy? Is Eliza's love for Higgins romantic or platonic? what does Eliza feel about her newly found education? What is Higgins view on education? How does Eliza reflect the voice of shaw? How does Higgins reflect the voice of Shaw? How does Pickering reflect the voice of Shaw? Eliza was referred to as Liza, Eliza and Ms. Doolittle. What is the significance of each name?

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