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Temperature of yoghurt making

WALT: carry out an investigation to find out how the temperature of fermentation effects the yoghurt making. We are testing 3 temperature conditions: 1. On the windowsill in the classroom (warm) 2. In the fridge in the staff room (cold) 3. Using the yoghurt maker (this is the control because we have done it before and we know it works. 4. (Hot water cupboard over night, Kerris car during the day) We are going to keep everything else the same, the flavour of the yoghurt, the time the yoghurt is allowed for fermentation, the type of water/milk we use. In the fridge the milk will get cold and the milk will turn into jelly (Kate). On the windowsill the yoghurt will stay watery and in the yoghurt maker it will make yoghurt. Our In the sun the milk will stay runny and it might freeze hard in the fridge (Liam) predicti The windowsill will be the same as the yoghurt maker. In the fridge the milk will ons still get made into yoghurt but it will be cold. (Katelyn) (what we In the fridge the yoghurt and water mix will stay liquid, not go into yoghurt think Harrison In the sun the yoghurt mix might go a bit sticky. will happen) It depends on the weather; if the weather is really warm then the yoghurt mix on the windowsill might go into yoghurt like in the yoghurt maker. (Jaiden) When we put the yoghurt in the windowsill it will stay runny like milk (Aalaa) The yoghurt mix in the fridge might turn out like ice-cream. (Rileigh-Kaye) 1. We half filled the yoghurt container with filtered tap water 2. We put the flavor (yoghurt mixEasiyo peach) in the container and shut the lid and mixed by shaking. 3. We filled the container to the mark with filtered tap water. 4. We shut the lid and gave a good shake to make sure there were no lumps of esiyo left. 5. We put the container into the yoghurt maker and added hot water till we reached the normal climate mark. 6. We put the lid on the yoghurt maker and left it on the bench overnight. Test 1. We half filled the yoghurt container with filtered tap water 2. We put the flavor (yoghurt mixEasiyo peach) in the container and shut the lid and mixed by shaking. 3. We filled the container to the mark with filtered tap water. 4. We shut the lid and gave a good shake to make sure there were no lumps of esiyo left. 5. Split into 3 glass jars. a) in the staffroom fridge. b) on the deck in the sun c) in the hot water cupboard.

What we did

On Tuesday The water and yoghurt mix are runny like milk. They were a little bit pinky yellow On Wednesday Control It looked thick and a bit like jelly. It went blob, blob, blob in the container. On Tuesday Deck What we The water and yoghurt mix are runny like milk. They were a little bit pinky yellow. noticed There was no change. The jar was a little bit cold. It was a very cold day and night (not much different from the fridge) On Tuesday Hot water cupboard/car The water and yoghurt mix are runny like milk. They were a little bit pinky yellow. There was no change. The jar was a little bit warm. On Tuesday Cold The water and yoghurt mix are runny like milk. They were a little bit pinky yellow. There was no change. The jar was very cold. What we We think that bacteria need it to be warm so they can grow and spread. When it is cold they dont grow and eat the sugar making their acid. (Kate) Maybe they die. Maybe bacteria grow and eat the sugar slower when they are cold. (Liam)

think What we What if we put the yoghurt mix that had been on the deck into the yoghurt maker wonder with some more hot water where it is nice and warm, will it turn into yoghurt now?
(Jaiden/Thomas) What about if we leave the yoghurt mix that had been in Kerris car another night, will it turn into yoghurt now? (Liam)

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