Tamil Nadu Activists Speak Out Interview With Loyola College Students

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Tamil Nadu activists speak out: Interview with Loyola College Students

12 November 2013 Students from Loyola College in Tamil Nadu remained steadfast in their call for a complete boycott of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Colombo by the international community, and continued to call for Sri Lan a to be suspended from the Commonwealth!
"n an interview from Chennai, #oe $ritto from Loyola College said to the

Tamil Guardian, %&e, the students of Tamil Nadu, we strictly condemn that ' that conference shouldn(t be happening in Sri Lan a, and we will protest on the streets, and we will raise our voice against the Sri Lan an Commonwealth conference!% %There is only one resolution for our Tamil people, that should be a free Tamil )elam, only!% %&e, the students, we are ready to do anything, so it should not happen ' the Commonwealth conference in Sri Lan a! &e re*uest all our Tamil students living in Canada, living in the +,, living in Norway, anywhere Tamil students are, they should not allow the Commonwealth conference to happen in Sri Lan a!%

Object 1

The Loyoloa students were spea ing from Chennai, where they started a hunger stri e calling for a international independent investigation into genocide in March -./0, in a move that spar ed mass student protests across Tamil Nadu! Spea ing on the Commonwealth, another Loyola student went on to say, %The country that has committed genocide is going to chair the conference, it(s shoc ing even to hear that it(s happening!% %" do not need to tell you what happened in -..1, we all now what happened! "t is unbelievable ' such a genocidal government must be not be allowed to host the Commonwealth! "f not, not 2ust Tamil students in Tamil Nadu, but Tamil students, people, activists worldwide will come together to protest! &e are not saying this as a threat, but it is our duty and we call for support from Tamil people all over the world! 3 4ellow college student Sembiyan also stressed the importance of e5panding the struggle for Tamil rights, adding, %&e need to unite not 2ust as Tamil )elam Tamil

students, neither as 2ust Tamil Nadu Tamil students nor as 2ust human rights activists students but as world students!% %&e are pushed to a limit, at this point we are in need to put aside our celebrations and entertainments and focus on liberating )elam! &e need to set that as our priority!% The point was reiterated by his colleague who added, %&e will rise and we now what our goal is, it is in our hands on achieve, and uprising and uniting as one is the only force that will ma e it possible and we are sure it will happen!3 The interview concluded with a student noting, The scars of the massacre in Mullivaikal hasn't even healed yet but Sri Lanka, who committed the massacre is the hosting Commonwealth...6a2apa sa must been tried for his crimes in international court of 2ustice!% "Tamil eo le should be served !ustice, "elam must trium h. #

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