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Oronde Pendergrass 927 Flood Street New Orleans, LA 70117 (504) 947-4631 Objecti e Competent electrician with the

experience, training and technical knowledge to plan, install, maintain, repair and oversee electrical wiring projects in residential, commercial and industrial settings A team pla!er with strong organi"ational, interpersonal, and communication skills, seeking emplo!ment that will allow #or continued education, pro#essional growth and advancement where m! skills and capa$ilities can $e #ull! utili"ed S!""ar# o$ %!ali$ications %ore than nine !ears experience Adapta$le, versatile, dependa$le and trustworth! A$le to isolate de#ects in wiring, switches, motors, and other electrical e&uipment 'trong a$ilit! to install and maintain motors, lighting #ixtures, generators, circuit $reakers, and trans#ormers (horough knowledge o# electrical s!stems including planning additions and modi#ications on secondar! circuits Can sa#el! use hand and power tools applica$le to trade )xceptional a$ilit! to install grounding leads A$ilit! to wire three*wa! switches #or lighting A$le to read $lueprints and appl! N)C through the #ull range o# electrical construction work Can use appropriate tools and diagnostic e&uipment to repair, install, replace, and test electrical circuits, e&uipment and appliances 'trong desire to stud! and comprehend new technolog! +n*depth a$ilit! to make mathematical computations A$le to work sa#el! #rom ladders, sca##olds, scissor li#ts, $oom li#ts, in tunnels and crawl spaces Considera$le a$ilit! to explain instructions and guidelines to others e##ectivel! A$le to assign work to emplo!ees, prioriti"e the work o# others and organi"e and coordinate the work o# the unit Pro$essional &'(erience Fis) &lectric 3451 *+ ,artin - e+ .as /egas0 1/ 702-435-5053 922003 - 1022009 +nstalled, maintained, and tested all related components o# 'eimens #ire detection s!stem Connected wires to A,-.s, '+/.s, And 0ire 1ampers +nstalled $eam detectors, smoke detectors, #lame detectors, ,orn 2 'tro$es, and duct detectors /rogrammed devices #or $eam detectors and #ire dampers 1iagnosed mal#unctioning s!stems and devices using appropriate test e&uipment and hand tools to locate the cause o# the pro$lem and make timel! repairs /lanned la!out and installation o# electrical wiring, e&uipment and #ixtures, $ased on jo$ speci#ications and local codes /repared sketches and #ollowed $lueprints to determine the location o# wiring and e&uipment and to ensure con#ormance to $uilding and sa#et! codes Advised management on whether continued operation o# e&uipment could $e ha"ardous /er#ormed $usiness management duties such as maintaining records and #iles and preparing reports

%aintained a sa#e working environment and o$served all sa#et! rules and regulations according to O',A 3orked closel! with third*part! testing companies and the Las 4egas 0ire 1epartment 4rinit# &lectric (Sel$) 1304 1+ - ondale cir+ 1as5 ille0 41 615 226-1560 122006 - 322003 3orked as an electrical su$contractor through all phases o# residential construction 3rote contracts and provided preliminar! sketches and cost estimates #or materials and services 3orked closel! with customers and various trades to ensure proper and timel! installations 1irected and trained workers to install, maintain, or repair electrical wiring, e&uipment, and #ixtures +nstalled and upgraded services, lighting, wiring, and devices /etter &lectric 2603 Fesse# Par) 6d+ 1as5 ille0 41 615-391-0354 722003 7 1222005 +nstalled #ire alarm circuits and related devices Assisted in the installation and maintenance o# trans#ormers and switch gear Assisted in the planning and la!out o# projects #or various jo$s Assisted with the splicing o# high voltage ca$le )xtensive use o# 5reenlee and Chicago $enders 8oo(erati e &lectric 625 9art .ane 1as5 ille0 41 615-227-9500 1022002 7 722003 +nstalled lighting and power circuits Assisted in trou$le shooting and repair +nstalled outlet $oxes and #ixtures 0a$ricated and secured conduit support $rackets, using hand tools 4ra is &lectric 8o+ 4400 ,ic5igan - e+ 1as5 ille0 41 615-335-0250 122001 7 1022002 Assisted with pulling and terminating wire %aintained tools, vehicles, and e&uipment and kept parts and supplies in order +nstalled and threaded rigid conduit ,ajor Projects: 4ander$ilt 6ase$all 'tadium and soccer #ield 7Coop )lectric8 Chapman )lementar! 'chool 9 0ranklin, (N 74etter )lectric8 +ndependence ,igh 'chool * 0ranklin, (N 74etter )lectric8 -*,aul 'torage 0acilities:0ranklin, (N 7Coop )lectric8 Cit! Center 7Aria (ower 8* Las 4egas, Nevada 70isk )lectric8 &d!cation ;<&* .ocal 429 =oint -((rentices5i( 4raining ;00; 9 ;00< Nashville, (N =ourne!man Certi#ication >eneral ?no@ledge Carpentr!, Ca$inet %aking, 0raming, >oo#ing, 0looring

6e$erences? Availa$le upon re&uest

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