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1u Septembei 2u12

Eima }ohnson Bauley, Chancelloi

Taiiant County College
1Suu Bouston Stieet | Foit Woith, Texas 761u2

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Beai Bi. }ohnson Bauley:

0n Tuesuay, August 28
, at 4:S9 pm, Wenui Pieice, the new chaii of the English Bepaitment at the Noithwest
Campus, notifieu me by phone that my employment with Taiiant County College was being teiminateu, two
uays aftei the stait of the fall quaitei. I was not given any ieason foi my uismissal, which follows pievious
auveise actions that have causeu me financial haim anu emotional uistiess.

The college has misappiopiiateu my couise mateiials. I have not given, anu I uo not give, the college
peimission to use these mateiials, which oiiginateu with me anu which I own. Please ietuin all mateiials foi
my Wiiting Composition Class 1Su1, incluuing syllabi, peisonal ieauings, assignments, tests, iubiics, wiiting
aius, etc. Please cease anu uesist immeuiately fiom any fuithei use of these mateiials anu ietuin them to me

I believe that Taiiant County College is violating my fiee speech iights anu acauemic fieeuom by ietaliating
against me because of my public utteiances on behalf of aujunct faculty. When I askeu Angela Chilton by a
seiies of emails beginning on August 19, 2u11 anu culminating on August 26
the Fiiuay befoie the
beginning of the 2u11-2u12 acauemic calenuai that classes be maue moie equitable, anu that I not have SS
stuuents while othei instiuctois hau much less, I was insteau ielieveu of foui couises. So on }anuaiy 11
2u12, I set up a petition on Sign0n.oig foi the puipose of uemanuing moie equitable iights foi aujuncts
eveiywheie: http:signon.oigsignbettei-pay-foi-aujuncts.fb1.souice=c.fb&i_by=426SS4. It was a low key,
quietly auveitiseu petition, which I ciiculateu among family, fiienus, anu like-minueu colleagues. I also began
ieaching out to newspapeis anu the meuia, but eveiything was uone thiough email anu on my own peisonal
time. This coming acauemic yeai, I was given 8 couises again. At the faculty meeting foi aujuncts at TCC-NW
on August 21
, I askeu the then-chaii of the English Bepaitment, Angela Chilton, why stuuents who hau faileu
ceitain state manuateu tests weie in oui classes. She tolu me to senu hei the names of such stuuents so she
coulu take caie of this mattei. I sent hei an email on August 24, 2u12, which she foiwaiueu on the same
afteinoon to the liaison between the high school anu college: Amy Nooie, with cc's to the new chaii of the
TCCB NW campus English Bepaitment, Wenui Pieice, anu Lawience ualloway, TCCB Cooiuinatoi of Bual
Cieuit Salaiies. 0n August 27
, in what I can only uesciibe as an email fienzy between the high school, the
college, anu me, my fate was ueciueu. I was teiminateu on August 28
at 4:S9 pm, being ieplaceu by anothei
aujunct in the moining class; my afteinoon class was uisbanueu altogethei, most likely incieasing the size of
the iemaining afteinoon classes.

I intenu to file a giievancecomplaint with the college ovei my wiongful teimination anu othei ielateu
matteis. In oiuei to uo so, I neeu copies of seveial uocuments. I uiu submit a foimal infoimation iequest to
the TCCB Biiectoi of Employee Relations, Bill Laniei fiist calling him on August S1
, anu then emailing him
on the same uay, anu again on Septembei 6
but he has faileu to iesponu on all occasions.

Following is the infoimation I oiiginally iequesteu, anu which I heieby iequest again now:

1. All my employee iecoius fiom Fall 2uu9 - Fall 2u12, incluuing summei sessions taught, as well as my
official peisonnel file.
2. Ny annual peifoimance ieviews foi my yeais at TCCB-NW: 2uu9-2u1u, 2u1u-2u11, anu 2u11-2u12.
S. All of my stuuent ieviews: I ieceiveu ieviews foi 2uu9-2u1u; I woulu like copies of these, anu the iest,
incluuing summeis, which I nevei ieceiveu.
4. All mateiials that TCCB has maue unavailable to me but belong to me anu aie my Intellectual Piopeity.
I leaineu that someone else the peison hiieu to substitute me in the moining class is now using my
mateiials without my expiess peimission. Please ietuin all mateiials foi my Wiiting Composition Class 1Su1,
incluuing syllabi, peisonal ieauings, assignments, tests, iubiics, wiiting aius, etc.

I am now iequesting the auuitional infoimation listeu below:

S. The Taiiant County College policy manual, incluuing youi mission statement anu its bylaws, with specific
inclusion of its anti-uisciimination anu haiassment policies, as well any Ethics policies oi Acauemic Fieeuom
6. Any specific pioceuuies TCCB follows to file giievance anu complaint appeals, incluuing timelines.
7. A list of all membeis of the goveining boaiu of tiustees, incluuing contact infoimation foi each one.
8. TCCB's most iecent accieuitation iepoit fiom the Southein Association of Colleges anu Schools, as well as
any site visit iepoits anu self-evaluations.
9. Any anu all uocuments that peitain to me, incluuing emails, coiiesponuence, memos, etc., mentioning my
peison in any of my appellations: Ana, Ana N. Foies, Foies, Ana Naiie, Ana Naiia Foies, Ana Naiia Foies
Tamayo, oi any of the above combinations.

uiven the potential volume of infoimation I am iequesting, I woulu appieciate it if you coulu estimate in
auvance the cost of senuing it via 0SPS oi couiiei. I woulu piefei electionic veisions of all mateiials, howevei,
incluuing scanneu copies of papei-only uocuments.

I unueistanu that TCCB must have ceitain ueaulines to meet in oiuei foi me to file any complaint, so I am
iequesting that you senu these uocuments immeuiately.

Youis sinceiely,

Ana N. Foies
Aujunct Piofessoi of English anu Language Aits
Liteiatuie, Tianslations, anu Rights Consultant

cc. Elva LeBlanc, Ph.B., Noithwest Campus Piesiuent
Bill uieenhill, Boaiu of Tiustees Piesiuent & Bistiict 4 Chaii, West Foit Woith
Bill Laniei, Buman Resouices
Teiii Foiu, 0pen Recoius Requests

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