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How Moms Make Money With Surveys

by Victoria Stone

Let me begin by introducing myself. I'm Victoria Stone and I've been making money from online surveys for the past 5 years. I'm happily married, a mom of two beautiful daughters, and working from the comfort of home is the perfect arrangement for me. iven a choice between getting up at ! am and heading out to a day "ob, or sliding out of bed whenever I like and being around my family, I'll take the second option every time. #ouldn't you$ %his e&book tells you, in simple terms, how to make an income by completing surveys over the internet. 'ou won't find any catches here, either( I won't be asking you to buy another e&book )*If you want to make even more money, buy my S+,-. S+.V-' -&/001 for 2344567, nor will you find me asking for donations, wasting your time with unnecessary *filler content6 to pad&out the pages and add perceived value, nor will I be re8uesting you to "oin a paid community to learn even more. #hat you see is what you get. )9 new concept in e&books, it seems57 I grow entirely tired of *authorities6 supposedly providing free moneymaking information only to find out later that some clause re8uires us to part with money )for this free information7. #hy have I put pen to paper, then$ )#ell, finger to keyboard.7 Simple( iving away free guides like this helps to spread the word about my site, :oneymaking :others. %he more people who read :oneymaking :others )all of which is entirely composed of free and helpful content for moms wanting to make money ; nice plug, Victoria57, the more money I can charge advertisers for my few remaining ad spots. +nless you're an advertiser, I can't imagine you'll ever be sending cash my way. #hich is fine5 %he simple fact that you read my site helps me to make money, anyway. <ool, hey$ So let us get started5 1ind regards, Victoria Stone.

How I Can Help You

,aid surveys get a lot of bad press. :ostly, this is due to ignorance on the part of the person ranting. 'ou'll see people saying they're a scam or they don't pay or the work is too hard. .ubbish, I say. <ompanies who offer us payment for surveys would not be in business very long if any of the above was true. %he fact is, these companies =--> us. %his is what happens. 9 ma"or company goes to a survey company and asks them to get opinions on their latest product? a new brand of cough syrup or diaper or whatever. %hey pay the survey company for all the market research provided by them. 9nd, thus, they pay us for answering the surveys for that market research. If they didn't pay, if the pay was terrible, or if they were out&and&out scam artists, we would all wise up and the survey sites would be out of business. Simple as that. So they do pay. 9nd you're going to learn "ust how well they can pay if you follow my method. %alking of methods. %his e&book isn't some bland, state&the&obvious, rehashed collection of pages that you could find anywhere else on&line. #hat would be the point$ I want to impress you so you become a regular reader of my website and become part of our growing community of moms. I can't very well do this without truly giving away something special. If you "oin a survey site and begin tapping away on your keyboard )like I did in the beginning7, you'll make peanuts. )9nd I don't even like peanuts57 So how can I help you$ I'm going to show you methods comprised of enough tricks and twists and tips to actually have you making decent money. >ecent money, you say$ Let us be totally honest( this will not make you rich. 'ou won't be buying a house in the /ahamas any time soon or blowing 2@,444 on a new handbag )not that I ever would anyway7. /y decent, I mean a few hundred dollars a month. If you need 2A4,444 a month or more, this e&book is not for you. /ut if you want eBtra money to pay the grocery bill, buy gifts for birthdays, or pay the mortgage or rent, you're in the right place. I can show you how to do these things, no problem. I do it, so why can't you$ 0kay, are we ready$ reat5 Let's get down to business5

Step 1: Joining Survey Sites

I'll begin by giving you a very important tip here and then eBplain the "oining process. Tip: If you "oin less than C survey sites, you're wasting your time. I mean it. Seriously. If you can't spend 5 minutes "oining each site, press the white D on the top right of this e&book and delete it. I don't mean to sound harsh )at all7. %he truth is, I can't help you if you only "oin a few. )'ou really #ILL be earning peanuts then.7 %he only way I can help is if you do what I do. 9nd in the neBt section, especially, you're going to appreciate the importance of this advice. Some of you will finish this e&book, "oin a couple of sites, and say, *Victoria, what the heck$6 >on't be one of those folks. Let's talk joining %he big 8uestion everyone asks me is this( Does it cost anything to join them? It costs as much money to "oin these as it does to "oin Eacebook, :yspace, %witter, or 'outube. 9nd it takes about as long5 If you were to walk into town and get a "ob in a card store, they wouldn't ask you for any money to work for them. Same thing applies to survey sites. %he second 8uestion I get asked is this( Do they pay? %hey do, indeed, pay. In all, they offer payment by wire, check, and ,aypal. Some of them pay eBclusively in gifts )not my preferred kind7 and others "ust give you gifts as a bonus or give you a chance to win them. Some survey sites pay twice a month, others once a month, and others as soon as you meet the threshold, which is anywhere from 2F4 to 2A44 dollars. Surveys themselves pay anywhere from a dollar to 2!5 )my favourite7. !"at is involved in t"e joining process# I'll show you the "oining process, step&by&step, aided with some pictures. %he entire "oining procedure will take you a few minutes tops and in a minute or so, I'll eBplain why it's really important you fill out the form well. I already have an account here, but one of my readers has kindly supplied pictures of her "oining process today. %he site is %oluna. %hat's a link to their +.S site. If you're from the +.1, here's their +.1 site( %oluna +1.

%his is the most well&known and respected survey site. 'ou can see around A44,444 Eacebook users alone have liked the site. 0n this page, all you have to do is( enter your name, select your gender, input your date of birth, choose a username and password, and select your country. -stimate time( G4 seconds. Here's another pic(

=eBt thing( upload a profile picture. I always use my Eacebook picture, but any image will do. -stimated time( A4 seconds.

%his neBt step is V-.' I:,0.%9=%. %he site has sent you a verification email. 'ou can't receive surveys without a working email, so they need to know you entered it correctly into the form.

Simply go to your e&mail in&boB and find it. =ote( sometimes e&mails wind up in spam folders if you use a free email account like me. If you don't see the email, check there.

%his is what you'll find in your in&boB(

Iust click on the link( *,lease activate your account.6 %his will then take you to a page with a <9,%<H9. %hese pages eBist to stop spammers making hundreds of accounts with software.

>one5 In total, it should take around A minute to "oin. ,ainless, right$ 'ou then get presented with this page(

'ou can make friends and learn about the best moneymaking surveys in the community )highly recommended7 or you can click the Start =ow button for *9nswer Surveys 9nd et reat .ewards.6 .emember I said it was important to fill out your "oin info really well$ #ell, this is why. #hen you click the left&hand Start =ow button, you are asked 8uestions about yourself. )I have chosen not to include pictures here, in the interest of keeping my reader's details private7. %hey ask you 8uestions like where you live and where you work? standard stuff that takes a few minutes tops to answer, if that. #hy is it important to answer well$ Survey sites like this send you surveys based on your answers to these 8uestions. :aybe there's a new restaurant opening where you live. %hey send a survey. :aybe you're a new mom and they want to get your opinion on what makes a good diaper. 'ou get a survey. So, answer them well and you'll get more surveys. 9nd that ; as they say ; is that. Like I say, it's no harder than "oining Eacebook. #hat I suggest you do is set aside G4 minutes and "oin these survey sites( /est +.S Survey Sites A. %oluna F. ,anda .esearch G. InboB ,ays @. iSurvey #orld 5. :inds ,ay C. <ash <rate !. /ash /ound 3. Vindale .esearch J. 9mp Surveys A4. Live Sample -ven if it takes you G minutes to "oin each one, that's still only G4 minutes in total. %here are other survey sites, but you only need the above A4 for decent money. So put aside half an hour, grab a coffee, and "oin these before moving on to the neBt step( *Step F( <ompleting %ons 0f Surveys.6 I don't want to leave out my +.1 readers, so below you'll see my recommended survey sites for you, too. 'ou can find many others, and I suggest you do, but the G below are used by my other readers and are the absolute best ones going.

/est +.1 Survey Sites %oluna +.1 9mp Surveys +.1 Holiday .ewards +.1

Step $: Co%pleting Tons o& Surveys

%he people complaining that survey sites don't pay much are those people who "oin one site and eBpect to make oodles of money. et real, right$ #hat I'm going to do is show you how to complete doKens of surveys a week. )9nd make good money57 1eep in mind that even though your typical survey will only pay a dollar or so, there are many others that pay in double figures. It's easy to imagine how much money you can make if you can complete a heap of these each week. Join 'any( #ell, you already know the main way to get lots of surveys( "oining lots of survey sites. %he second way has also been touched on, but I want to eBplain it a little more. )e *etailed( 'ou absolutely must be as detailed as possible in the info about yourself that you give to the survey site. %he more info they have about you )it isn't shared and it isn't particularly personal, either7, the more easily they can match you with surveys to complete. *iversity( =ow, related to the above is being >IV-.S- when you talk about yourself. 'ou'll often get the option to tick boBes of interests. :ake sure you tick every interest that you have? the more, the merrier. 9gain, these interests are part of the screening process and are used to target surveys for you to fill out. Co%%unity( %he bigger survey sites have large community forums. H+ -. /ecome an active member because sometimes surveys are not sent out to your e&mail in&boB. Sometimes you have to apply for them and it's these ones that often pay the most( 254 and 2!5. 0ut of these big ones, I would say J4L I find on the forums. 9nother great thing about being forum&active is you make friends and they will always message you when something great becomes available. I'm forever receiving

e&mail notifications from private forum messages. So, using forums is a hugely effective way to boost the number of surveys you can complete. +ick o& Ti%e( Some surveys are time&sensitive? meaning when you get e&mailed about them, you may only have a short time to reply and complete them. So yet another way to boost your income is by setting up the %hunderbird e&mail client on your desktop. It's free and provided by :oKilla over here( %hunderbird. Leave it switched on and when you receive an e&mail, you'll know about it that very second. 'ou'll be the first to get in on these offers. 9nd they mount up5 Log In ,ac" *ay( Survey sites will advertise their latest surveys on the site and you can apply for them. Log in each day so you don't miss out. -oogle ,.%ail /lerts( %his final tip is a dooKy. )Iust wait.7 9nother reason my methods here re8uire you to "oin the recommended survey sites is due to oogle e&mail alerts. #hat we'll be doing is using the power of these alerts to EL00> our in&boB with surveys to complete. Log into your mail account and head here( oogle 9lerts. 'ou'll be presented with this page(

#hat we're going to be doing is asking oogle 9lerts to let us know when someone ; anywhere on the internet ; mentions something about a survey for us to complete. +ote: 0nly do t"is step /1T,2 you "ave joined t"e survey sites T"e idea 3e"ind t"is trick is so you get t"e ju%p on t"e co%petition I& you "ave to waste ti%e joining survey sites and &illing out screening 4uestions5 it de&eats t"e purpose o& using alerts So join t"e sites and t"en return "ere So . . . if someone says on a forum or a blog, *%oluna is paying 254 on this offer over the weekend. et typing, ladies. -asy money56 oogle alerts will e&mail you about it instantly and you won't miss out. %his is amaKing. 'ou don't have to "oin a gaKillion different forums or scour the net every hour of the day. 'ou'll be receiving these alerts every minute of the day and, unlike every other mom doing surveys, you'll know -V-.' decent survey going at 9=' given moment. 'ikes. Sorry about the caps, but it's eBciting. )L0L7 I do love this method so much. I actually get the alerts sent to my laptop, my i,ad, my desktop, 9=> my i,hone. T"ink You Can 'ake 'oney +ow# If this section hasn't convinced you that good money can be made, nothing will. It's a simple process. Ioin the A4 best survey sites in the world )or G, if you're in the +nited 1ingdom7. Eollow my methods in Step F( <ompleting %ons of Surveys. Set aside an hour or so each day. -arn several hundred dollars every month. ,ay rent, mortgage, groceries, buy a pink rabbit, whatever. )L0L7.

1inal Tip: /not"er *oo6y(

'our time is valuable, right$ 0f course. :ine, too. So why sell your time for a low price$ %he methods in this e&book should put you ahead of J5L of most people completing surveys. %he oogle 9lerts trick alone makes me hundreds. %ime is valuable. So why always target low&paying offers$ #ouldn't it be better to use what you now know and be completing surveys for 2F5 a time$ So this is my final tip. Value your time and :0S%L' go after the high&paying offers. If you follow my advice in this e&book you are in an almost uni8ue position to do "ust that. 'ou know how to EI=> the good offers. #hy waste all your time on the little ones$ I say *mostly6 because those little ones do mount up and they're 8uick to complete, but always be on the lookout for the big surveys. %hese ones mount up even better5

=ow, before I leave you, I'd "ust like to remind you of the useful links I've mentioned. )-specially the one for oogle 9lerts.7

Links You +eed

/est +.S Survey Sites A. %oluna F. ,anda .esearch G. InboB ,ays @. iSurvey #orld 5. :inds ,ay C. <ash <rate !. /ash /ound 3. Vindale .esearch J. 9mp Surveys A4. Live Sample /est +.1 Survey Sites A. %oluna +.1 F. 9mp Surveys +.1 G. Holiday .ewards +.1 %hunderbird -&:ail <lient( %hunderbird oogle 9lerts( oogle -&:ail 9lerts

T"ank You(
I'd like to thank you for reading and I hope you use the knowledge to make a positive change in your life. 9nd it really can do so. %here is a very good reason why I've been doing this for 5 years, even though I know many other ways to make money( it's 8uick, easy, and why leave money on the table$ #hen you get a minute, please do stop by :oneymaking :others. #e have tons of great free information to help you make and save money. 9ll the very best5

Victoria Stone.

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