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Bedoya 1


May 11, 2013


The purpose of this report is to provide feedback to Park University on regards to the good
and bad experiences faced through my educational endeavors at the institution. Discussed
herein, will be areas with high learning outcomes, areas with low learning outcomes, and
possible changes to improve communication and disproportionate grading. All of these analyses
are based solely on my educational experience and how my process of learning works.
High Learning Experience
Throughout my studies at Park University the main focus of my education was in the
business management and human resource management fields. The learning was provided both
in live classrooms and through distance learning in online classrooms. The live classrooms, as
usual, provided for the best interaction, not only with students but also with professors. This is
my preferred method of learning as it provided face to face interaction. Most professors showed
to be knowledgeable in their subjects of teaching and were able to answer the questions posed by
the students. Furthermore, the emphasis of important material through professor teaching
methods, whether it would be through expressions or exercises, definitely enhances student
learning. Another method of class delivery, as mentioned before, is the online classroom. This
method proved to give flexibility of schedule, especially for people who work fulltime. Online
learning also offered more courses that might have not been offered in live classrooms, giving
the opportunity to continue pursuing educational goals. However, these types of learning also
pose challenges and difficulties.

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Low Learning Experience

Some of the difficulties encountered through my learning experience at Park University
have been mostly through online learning, with few in the live classrooms. First, and what I
believe to be my biggest issue with online courses, is the heavily weighed discussions. Online
discussions usually encompass 30% of a grade. To me, these dont really account to real
interaction and should not be graded so heavily in online course work. Most of the postings and
responses provided seem repetitive due to the amount of students and provide no additional
value. Now, even though the online classes provide the students flexibility, it is very much like
teaching yourself a subject, as there isnt a lot of interaction with professors, and they show no
compassion or flexibility for student situations. On the other hand, one of my only dislikes with
face-to-face classrooms, is the lack of feedback on where you are grade wise. Compared to
online learning, I have noticed that you know exactly where you stand versus live classes where
you dont find out until the end. Overall, these minor obstacles are very workable situations that
can enhance learning even more.
Improving Communication and Disproportionate Grading
Conclusively, the overall learning experience at Park University for me has been extremely
positive with the minor exceptions mentioned before. These exceptions can also, to my
judgment, be addressed on a very simple manor. First, and as mentioned before, the online
discussion at a maximum should be 20% of the grade. Students already deal with having to read
far more than in a live classroom to have to worry even more about discussions. Second, a live
or recorded session of a professor explaining material would prove extremely beneficial to
bridge the gap between online and live classes. Third and last, in dealing with professor
communication on grades, the live classroom professors should have to upload grades to the

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online companion. These would allow students to know how they are progressing through the
Overall, my learning experience at Park has provided invaluable knowledge on specific
topics that have proven useful throughout my professional career. I would also recommend the
university for anyone seeking a degree, especially, for the crowd that is working and trying to go
to school. This experience has also improved through the years and I believe Park University is
in a positive improvement path and continues to deliver high grade education.

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