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Indoor Digital Thermometer Humidity Meter TH804

Please read these instructions carefully. If you have questions, mail me at: 1) Specifications Temperature Range: 3 .! to " !.! #$ %!.! to &!.! #'( Temperature )ccuracy: *+- "., #$ %*+- ".! #'( Temperature Resolution: !." #$ %!." #'( -asy ./itch 0et/een #$ and #' 1umidity Range: "!2 to 3 4!2 relative humidity Resolution "2 relative humidity 1umidity )ccuracy: *+-&2 for the 5! to ,!2 range, *+- ,2 for the other ranges 'alendar, )larm 'loc6, 1ourly 7eep and " + 5 hr mode 8emory: min+ma9 for temperature and humidity :imensions: 5 "+5; 9 "+5 ; 9 "+ ; <eight: appro9 =5g + .> o? 7attery: "9 ".& @olt ))) %included( This is a standup meterA it can not 0e hoo6ed to a /all. !) Start the meter The 0attery is in the 0attery compartment at the 0ac6 of the meter. It is /rapped in plastic to prevent po/er drainage during storage. To start the meter, open the 0attery compartment, remove the 0attery, un/rap it from the clear plastic film, and reinsert it /ith the %-( end contacting the spring. Important: Remove and replace empty 0atteries immediately. :amage from lea6ing 0atteries is not covered 0y the /arrantyB Dispose of empty batteries according to your local codes and regulations. We recommend that you give all empty batteries to a local battery recycling facility, if available. ") #asic functions The M$D% 0utton /ill s/itch 0et/een cloc6 and alarm mode. If the meter displays the time the /ill 0lin6. If it displays the alarm time the /ill 0e steady. S&itching the alarm and hourly 'eep on or off Press the M$D% 0utton to s/itch to the alarm time % the steady(. Co/ the (D) 0utton /ill allo/ you to s/itch 0et/een alarm, hourly 0eep, alarm and hourly 0eep and all off. Press M$D% to confirm your setting.

All switched off

Alarm switched on

Hourly Beep on

Alarm and Hourly Beep on

D 0y 'arsten $ran6e


T1,!5 @ersion "." Ect+ !!>

4) Setting Time and Date - 8a6e sure you are in the FtimeG mode, /ith the 0lin6ing. - Press the M$D% 0utton for 3 secondsA the minute display /ill start 0lin6ing - Press the (D) 0utton to change the minutes to current time - Press the M$D% 0utton again to s/itch to the hour display, the hour /ill start 0lin6ing - Press the (D) 0utton to change the hour to the current time - Press the M$D% 0utton again to s/itch to the month display, the month /ill start 0lin6ing - Press the (D) 0utton to change the month to the current month - Press the M$D% 0utton again to s/itch to the day display, the day /ill start 0lin6ing - Press the (D) 0utton to change the month to the current month - Press M$D% to confirm and save the settings. *) Setting the (larm Time - Press the 8ode 0utton to s/itch to the alarm time, the must 0e steady - Press the M$D% 0utton for 3 secondsA the minute display /ill start 0lin6ing - Press the (D) 0utton to change the minutes to current time - Press the M$D% 0utton again to s/itch to the hour display, the hour /ill start 0lin6ing - Press the (D) 0utton to change the hour to the current time - Press M$D% t/ice to confirm and save the settings. +) ,alendar display - 8a6e sure you are in the FtimeG mode, /ith the 0lin6ing. - Press the ):H 0utton. The cloc6 /ill display the day and month for 3 seconds. -) Ma.imum / Minimum Temperature and Humidity Display Press the M%M$ 0utton once and the meter /ill display the ma9imum temperature and humidity, indicated 0y a little 8)I in the display, after 3 seconds it /ill go 0ac6 to current readings Press the M%M$ 0utton t/ice and the meter /ill display the minimum temperature and humidity, indicated 0y a little 8IC in the display, after 3 seconds it /ill go 0ac6 to current readings Press the M%M$ 0utton for seconds to delete the memory. 8) S&itch 'et&een 0, and 01 Jse the #'+#$ s/itch on the 0ac6side. If the meter malfunctions you can use the Reset 0utton on the 0ac6side. The three unmar6ed s/itches on the 0ac6 do not have any function on this meter. 2) ,omfort le3el display The meter /ill display 3 comfort levels: <-T /ill appear at any temperature /hen the relative humidity is a0ove =!2 'E8$ERT /ill appear /hen the relative humidity is 0et/een &! and =!2 and the temperature is 0et/een >,#$ and =,.,#$ % !#' and ">#'(. :RK /ill appear at any temperature if the relative humidity is 0elo/ &!2 These levels are just a rough guidance. If you use the meter to adjust humidifiers and heaters we recommend that you develop your own comfort level based on the actual meter readings. If you use the meter to adjust a humidifier monitor your home and make sure there is no water condensation at the walls. The meter contains small parts, especially the battery compartment door and the battery. It is not a toy; do not let children play with it. D 0y 'arsten $ran6e /// T1,!5 @ersion "." Ect+ !!>

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