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Memorial site eyed

Ranch a ‘shell’
sans Jackson
LOS OLIVOS, California, July 3
(Agencies): The gates to Michael
Jackson’s fabled Neverland Ranch
swung open Thursday to reveal a shell of
the fantasyland the boy-man had created
in his heyday.
Gone was the zoo with its elephants,
tigers and giraffe. The exotic snakes had
long since slithered away, and the amuse-
ment park rides had been dismantled.
The five-bedroom house, with its
gigantic kitchen and media room where
Jackson liked to screen his beloved
Disney films, were nearly empty. His big-
screen TV was gone, only a mounting
bracket remained.
There were some traces of the playland
that the place had been in its glory days,
when Jackson opened it to neighborhood
children by the thousands and presided
over the ensuing parties as the lord of the
In its empty game room, for example,
the door knobs shaped like miniature bas-
ketballs, baseballs
and soccer balls
remained. In a clos-
et in the pool
house, sandwiched
between the pool
and the tennis
court, was a bucket
of tennis balls.
And on a hill
overlooking the
house stood the
Jackson fabled train station The back of the main house at Michael Jackson’s former home, Neverland Ranch is seen in Los Olivos, California, July 2. This corner of the house is where Jackson had his bedroom and bath. (Inset): The main room
— a near replica of is seen at Neverland Ranch in Los Olivos, California, July 2. The door at the right leads to the kitchen. (AP)
the one at Disneyland with its huge floral
clock. It was still a stunning site from
Jackson’s front yard, although the railroad
tracks behind were overgrown with
In the station lobby was a snack bar,
and above that, accessible by only the
smallest of spiral staircases, was a crow’s
nest of sorts with a fireplace. There, pre-
sumably, Jackson must have stood and Rehearsal footage may become motion picture
watched his trains fill up with children
taking trips around his 2,500-acre (1,000-
hectare) estate.
The ranch was also the site where
authorities alleged Jackson had molested
a boy. He was acquitted in 2005 and even-
tually left Neverland.
Karson Avila, 11, of Solvang, California,
Video shows vigorous Jackson
Visitors wandered through the first- stands near the gates of the late Michael LOS ANGELES, July 3, (Agencies): A CNN. “He was our partner in life and now he’s “Earth Song.”
floor, back bedroom where authorities Jackson’s former residence, Neverland video released Thursday showed Michael “He was very energetic, he was happy. our partner in death,” Randy Phillips, pres- “That’s what’s so compelling,” he said.
said the incident occurred. Ranch, in Los Olivos, California, July 2. Jackson vigorously practicing a song-and- He was even more playful than he normal- ident and CEO of concert promoter AEG “Just `Thriller’ is nine minutes of 3D visu-
Jackson once acknowledged in a tele- (AP) dance routine days before his death, sup- ly was at rehearsal,” he said. Live, said in an interview at Staples al insanity.”
vision interview that he sometimes let porting accounts he had been in good Holley said Jackson, 50, did not show Center. Another possibility is a tribute show at
children sleep with him in his bed in what health. his age. Jackson had been rehearsing for a giant The O2 arena in London that would be
he called innocent sleepovers. In footage obtained by AFP, the pop leg- “I’m sure that he was in pain after some series of comeback shows in London. broadcast worldwide and then sold as a
Colony Capital LLC, the Los Angeles end performed at the Staples Center in Los rehearsals. But I got to tell you something “If we all do our jobs right, we could DVD, the promoter said.
firm that established a joint venture with Angeles on June 23, two days before he — the guys and girls dancing with him probably raise hundreds of millions of dol- Phillips said AEG Live is waiting for
Jackson to rescue Neverland from fore- died, as he prepared for a 50-date set in were all in their 20s,” he said. lars just on the stuff we have worldwide Jackson’s estate to be settled to see who
closure last year, opened the home to London starting in July. “When Michael was on stage with them, and then the estate could eradicate its the company will be dealing with. The
scores of journalists Thursday after a non- Jackson, while thin, is seen dancing there was only one person that you could debt.” estate “would get the lion’s share” of any
stop barrage of requests for access after with energy in a tightly choreographed watch and that was Michael Jackson,” he AEG Live also stands to profit from the profits from the release of the rehearsal
Jackson died. sequence with a group of performers. said. material. Jackson’s album sales have footage, he said.
Colony has declined to say what it Jackson sings on a headset and at one A similar account came from Kevin exploded since his death, with three of his Insurance will help cover any losses on
plans to do with the house, and none of point pushes back his jacket to reveal his Mazur, who was attending the rehearsal albums in the top three spots and 2.3 mil- the London shows if the coroner’s autopsy
the handful of officials present would red shirt underneath. sessions as a photographer. lion tracks downloaded in the United shows that Jackson died accidentally —
speak on the record. No members of the Richie Beyonce In the footage, Jackson switches sharply “He was like an expectant father pacing States, Nielsen SoundScan said. including of a drug overdose — but not if
Jackson family were seen on the premis- in styles in a medley of some of his hits. up and down the stage,” Mazur told Worldwide digital downloads for the week he died of natural causes, Phillips said.
es. The video starts with Jackson dancing Britain’s Sun tabloid. hit 3.3 million. AEG Live took out $17.5 million in
Visitors were allowed to roam freely
for the most part, as more than a dozen
Variety wildly in front of a rock ‘n’ roll guitarist “He was just so focused. Between The clip released Thursday shows insurance coverage through Lloyd’s of
before a pause for dramatic effect. songs, he burst into laughter and joked Jackson dancing and singing to “They London.
gardeners and maintenance workers went Jackson then shifts to a snippet of around with his dancers and the director. I Don’t Really Care About Us” on June 23 That would fall short of the $25 million
about their duties. NEW ORLEANS: The celebration of black “Billie Jean,” one of his greatest hits, have never seen him so happy,” Mazur during a rehearsal at Staples Center. He
The two-story house has a number of to $30 million Phillips said AEG Live
music and culture at the Essence Music before singing, “They Don’t Care About said. died two days later at age 50. spent on Jackson’s advance, producing the
labrythine-like hallways and stairways. A Festival in New Orleans will provide comfort Us,” one of his most controversial tracks Jackson had planned a series of concerts Phillips said he released the clip
large copper bathtub sits in the middle of shows at The O2 arena, covering some of
to artists and fans alike after a tough week in which he brought in a hip-hop influ- at London’s O2 Arena starting on July 13, because he was tired of seeing the singer Jackson’s debts, and paying his staff and
a hallway. following Michael Jackson’s death. ence. part of a comeback for the King of Pop
Across from the front door of the main negatively portrayed in the media since his rent on the Holmby Hills mansion where
Singer Lionel Richie, a longtime friend of The set ends with a sample of a car whose personal and financial life had death. he died.
home was the guest house where the pop superstar and the festival’s headliner, horn. The stage then fades to black as an
Jackson’s friend Elizabeth Taylor stayed sharply deteriorated in the past decade. “I said let’s grab one piece where we The concert promoter for Michael
says performing at Essence will give him and outside voice instructs, “Hold for
when she married Larry Fortensky in others a chance to regroup. Concert promoters AEG Live, who can show people where he was headed,” Jackson’s canceled London shows said
“We’ll celebrate his life and come together applause.” released the video, are offering full ticket he said. “He was developing getting his Thursday that audio and video tapes made
1991, at a Neverland wedding briefly
interrupted by a skydiving gate-crasher. as a family down there,” Richie said. “It’s Associates of Jackson have described refunds for the concerts. moves together.” before the King of Pop’s death could gen-
Off-limits Thursday was the estate’s New Orleans. The spirit of what the music the 50-year-old pop star as being in good British media reports said about £50 The rehearsal footage, shot in high def- erate hundreds of millions of dollars and
now-empty amusement park, where business is all about is there. It really is to me form, including at another rehearsal just million (59 million euros, $83 million) has inition, includes Jackson performing his erase debts on the singer’s estate.
Jackson and others once rode bumper one of those places that’s like visiting my hours before his death. been spent on 750,000 tickets. hits “Thriller” and “Beat It.” Other footage Randy Phillips, chief executive of AEG
cars, a merry-go-round and a Ferris foundation.” Jackson collapsed and died on June 25 The 30-second snippet of Michael shows production meetings and auditions. Live, said his company has recorded
wheel. The festival, which began in 1995 to cele- at his rented Los Angeles mansion. Jackson rehearsing two days before his “We have enough audio to make two enough of Jackson’s songs to release two
“My kids used to go out there and they brate the birthday of Essence Magazine, Speculation has focused on whether death was released Thursday, part of more live albums, and he’s never done a live albums and video to make a movie, DVD,
had a good old time,” Los Olivos resident begins Friday and runs through Sunday. It Jackson was taking painkillers or other than 100 hours of footage that could be album,” Phillips said. “This is really the or both from Jackson’s recent rehearsals
Frank Palmer said earlier this week. “He will include a tribute to Jackson, as well as medication. turned into live albums, a movie and a last great work of a 21st century genius.” for concerts planned for London’s 02
performances by Beyonce, John Legend, Ne- Jackson’s voice coach Dorian Holley pay-per-view special, the promoter said. The production budget for the 50 arena.
was just a big kid himself, was what they Yo, Anita Baker and others.
told me. Michael loved it when they’d said Jackson was in an upbeat mood in the The treasure trove of material, along London shows, which were set to begin A lot is at stake for AEG and Jackson’s
Richie, 60, collaborated with Jackson in days before his death, joking around with with possible insurance proceeds and tick- July 13, swelled to more than $25 million, family, because Phillips said the King of
crash the go-carts.” 1985 and wrote what became one of the
Among other things, Jackson left his wardrobe and makeup staff. et sales to memorabilia collectors, could he said. Pop’s death would likely leave his estate
fastest-selling singles ever – “We Are the “My friends call and ask, ‘Was Michael help benefit the late singer’s estate, which Part of those costs included 3D technol- liable for more than $25 million AEG
behind dozens of metal sculptures of chil- World” – a song produced to raise money for
dren in various states of play. They were sick? Was he weak? Was he ill?’ It’s the is burdened by an estimated $400 million ogy used to produce what Phillips called spent on production costs and the singer’s
victims of the Ethiopian famine. absolute opposite of that,” Holley told in debt. “mini-movies” involving “Thriller” and expenses ahead of the London shows.
scattered across the estate, some showing “I wanted him to be able to enjoy his life
children in modern dress, others looking and his success, and he was never really able
more like kids who stepped out of a to do that,” Richie said. “He just couldn’t get
Charles Dickens novel. there. For me, that was the tough part.” Harvey will talk about marriage and actor tion a day later. Other speakers include diagnosed with HIV at 19, former magazine O’Brien, the CNN anchor who reported on
One was a kid climbing on monkey Richie said his performance Sunday will turned activist Bill Cosby will discuss educa- Marvelyn Brown, a 24-year-old who was editor Monique Greenwood and Soledad the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
bars, another boy helped a girl reach a tree consist of favorites like “Zoom” and “Brick This year is shaping up to be a record
branch. A slightly larger sculpture had the House,” but he’ll also sprinkle in a selection crowd, despite the slumping economy and loss
name Michael Jackson written beneath it. or two from “Just Go,” his new CD. of two major sponsors, Ebanks said. Essence
From a distance, it looked nothing like “I know this audience,” he said. “This is ‘I grew up on his music’ is on track to break last year’s record atten-
him. my audience. ... They want to hear as much dance of 270,000, she said.
old as I can play.”
PARIS: The Los Angeles mansion where
Essence also will include a host of New Obama Jackson fan Hotel occupancy is expected to be 80 to 90
percent, and could increase “if we have a lot
Orleans acts, such as Troy “Trombone of last minute decision-makers,” said Mary
Michael Jackson lived before his death Shorty” Andrews, trumpeter Irvin Mayfield WASHINGTON, July 3, (AP): The King
of Pop had a fan in the White House. Beth Romig, spokeswoman for the New
will become a public memorial site, and the brass band Big Sam’s Funky Nation. Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau. (AP)
French fashion mogul Christian President Barack Obama described
New Orleans jazz singer Thais Clark is himself as a longtime follower of ❑ ❑ ❑
Audigier announced, saying he would making her Essence debut Friday with two Michael Jackson, the legendary per-
purchase the building. performances – one a salute to New Orleans former who died June 25 at age 50. LOS ANGELES: Steve Brennan, a 20-year
The vast house in the Holmby Hills blues singer Marva Wright, who is recover- “I grew up on his music — still veteran reporter and editor at The Hollywood
neighborhood currently belongs to ing from a stroke last month, and another have all his stuff on my iPod,” Obama Reporter, died Thursday at Cedars-Sinai
Audigier’s associate and the boss of his with the Preservation Hall Jazz Band. said in an AP interview Thursday, Hospital Medical Center in Los Angeles after
fashion company Hubert Guez. “I love Essence,” Clark said. “It brings a adding that Jackson “will go down in a yearlong battle with cancer. He was 57.
A statement given to AFP by certain energy to the city, the people and history as one of our greatest enter- Brennan was well-known in the entertain-
Audigier’s press spokesman said the enthusiasm. I’m so excited to be a part of it tainers.” ment industry as a tenacious and fair-minded
this year.” At the time of his death, the pop icon reporter who tirelessly covered the entertain-
property had been rented by the pop icon was preparing a series of comeback
for several months and the lease would Besides music, Essence has plenty to cele- ment industry, with a particular focus on the
brate with the election of the country’s first concerts to overcome years of sexual
run out in six months’ time, after which scandal and financial calamity — a domestic TV syndication and the international
Audigier would buy it “with the aim of black president and the festival’s 15th troubled history the president acknowl- beats for the paper.
keeping intact the precious moments he anniversary, said Michelle Ebanks, president edged without naming specifics. “Steve often dazzled with his colorful style,
shared with Michael Jackson.” of Essence Communications Inc. “I think that his brilliance as a per- but his insights were even brighter, and uncan-
Spokesman Laurent Guyot said: As in years past, seminars addressing chal- former also was paired with a tragic nily spot-on,” Hollywood Reporter editor in
lenges in the black community, such as under- and, in many ways, sad personal life,” chief Elizabeth Guider said. “
“Christian Audigier, a friend of Michael achieving schools and single-parent house- Obama said. He was one of a rapidly disappearing breed
Jackson, will buy this property to make it holds, will be held during the day at the He expressed pleasure that the
a place dedicated to the memory of the Jackie (left), and Tito Jackson (right), brothers of pop icon Michael Jackson, leave the of old-school newsmen who had an unshak-
Morial Convention Center, and concerts are Jackson family home in Encino, California, July 2. As funeral plans took shape one public is celebrating Jackson for his able work ethic, a global rolodex and a won-
star to which the public and fans will have slated for evenings at the Louisiana week after Michael Jackson’s death, legal battlelines were drawn over the King of talents, instead of dwelling on his per- derfully wry but affectionate view of the busi-
access.” Superdome. Pop’s legacy and the fate of his offspring, with ex-wife Debbie Rowe declaring she sonal tragedies. ness of entertainment and the people engaged
On Friday, actor and comedian Steve planned to seek custody of the star’s eldest two children. (AFP) in it.” (AFP)

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