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ROSICRUCIAN FORUM A PRIVATE PUBLICATION FOR THE MEMBERS OF AMORC, THE ROSICRUCIAN ORDER AAAAAAAAAAAAAA THE GARDEN OF MY SOUL vvy Within the Garden of my Soul ‘Ava flowers wandhous fain "A rit of lve and goodness Can find a harbor there “The evil thoughts and actions Shall be weeded out wth are, "And only God's swoct gifs of love ‘And light wil inger there The donbeame ef Hi glaius love Shal ingle fender ‘With all the rytal dewdrops Of human sympathy ‘And then my Garden shall unfold Aslke aed ted rose, ‘Whose petals orace the cantor Of a shining eros of aoa Colombe Betty Pre (nara) THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM IS PUBLISHED SIX TIMES A YEAR [EVERY (OTHER MONTH) BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLICATION OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL OF AMORC, ATROSICRUCIAN PARK, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, ‘SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, ONE DOLLAR and SEVENTY FIVE CENTS ANNUALLY FOR MEMBERS ONLY AAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAA VVVVVVVVVTVVVVVVVVVVVVVY Second Yog¢——— tee Number One THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM Greetings! vvv Once again I am privileged to write a few words of greetings a an introduction to this ase fof the Resicrucan Forum. T ind thatthe Editor har selected a unique aray of extracts from the Frum discussions and’T hope tht the thousands of members who have so highly praised this hed publication and who have writen sn asking that Ie be continued for ancther year will nd this sue of help to chem and a attractive in ts read ing atthe previous hues “Too comments only have been made in cegard to the subject mater that may be called crt ‘Gne'of these comments is made by about fy per cent of our members and its to the effect that the points dscysed atthe Forum be chor fel sont that more of chem can be pt inveach ie er fey pee cent tay that they would rather have only’ fx or tem subjects discused and have them treated st great length ‘with many examples nd analogies and references, Since "the syguttions come, from about two equally divided. groups of our: members the ‘weight leans to nether side and forthe time being the diene onde without ny te tion being given to length o time. If they happen to be dort and brit well and good, bur te of them sems to be wordy of more thought aod ‘more space, then i wl be 9. ‘Certainly, contin fo thane all of those who have sent in hundreds of clipoings, questions, and comments rearding points to be dacused in the Frum and I think we are now about one year Ichind the number of seons we would have to fold'to catch up wih the suggestions that have teen made. Nevertheless, donot let this deter you from eending in your comments, for often the son at nly ore impor tan tahers and iis inmeditely taken” up by Forum for dicision and eeoment. ‘With al good wishes for Peace Profound, | am Fraternally, IMPERATOR. More Scientific Nonsense Let us have a little relaxation again from our serious studies and ale a while, You know that ‘we often speak of the friendly criticisms tht are made of Our work by science. We speak of science as general science, meaning the general Sciences, but sometimes I ike to think of these general’ sciences under the term of "General Science" as though we perconified these sciences by an old man whom we called "General," just like! many’men in the South land are ‘called “Colonel.” With this personified being we have many amusing controversies. This old-man likes to ree up from his seat every now and then against something that we say in our teachings fr our lectures, and he always wants to insist that we stick to scientific principles as he understands them, [sometimes think that che old man ie in hie dotage and. is not only extremely. conservative long some lines but actually old-fashioned. and ‘behind the times in many ways. Sometimes I sus: pect that he i wilfully narrow and intolerant and ometimes I believe he is honestly wrong in his ‘Opinions and beliefs. Bur every now and then he ie actually amusing. Some of the statements he makes a times would be ludicrous if they were hot expressed in highly sient terms and with A eriousness that makes us realize that the old ‘man actully believes what he is saying. Now, for instance, we have a clipping form a New York newspaper where “General” Science thas given an interview and expresed himeelf with his chest thrown out ia grand display, and T Jmagine he most have felc quite important when Ihe made the statements contained sn this inter” view. At any rate old man "General” Science txpresed himself through the personality of a Dr. Rosenblueth, who made an address before the Federation ‘of American Societies for Experi mental Biology in Montreal. Notice what 2 fine, hhighsounding mame thit organization has, for that is one of the omaments and pieces of gold braid that “General” Science wears on his won- erful uniform. He always impresses persons by the elaborate and dignified oramentation of his personality. Asa “General” he has more gold braid and omamentation on his uniform than any toldiee that ever went to war, and be reminds us Of one of the porters at the entrance-way to some of the beautiful hotels in Germany and Austria. However, Dr. Rosenblueth was speaking to ive hundred medical scientists,” according tothe swspaper, and. in this speech he said that the seat of the soul has been established as existing in the smooth muscle which has its place in the intestinal tract, and in the walls of the blood vvesels thereof" Of course, we cannot imagine that any real scientist who knew anything about the soul ever made any such statement as that However, since these are the exact words used by ‘THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM Pag the New York Daily Mirror on page Steen of it ive for Monday, Apa 1, 198 in tes Ear tora Column, we believe that Dr. Rovebueth ‘Sid amething nearly like the quotation AC an) rate he did attempe to place che lation of the ‘bul in some pure ofthe intestines of the human Body an that is where the ene comes in “The Doctor may be one of the reat and learned “medial scents” but he cereanly i not 2 metaphyscan, nor myst nor one learned tn tcligious and spiral mattery and he certainly Known nothing of the science of ontology "Ar the newspaper views the sateen i once smore makes the chim that the soul isin ones fummy. That i hat many alle boy and i Jas Believed after eating green apples and iis the same belt that many pagang heathens, and other unset mind bleed and which oan Of the American Indians belived when they sed to place 2 dying man on the ground and hold {war dance over hs “tummy” by jumping om it inorder eo blp arose the sul push out of the dying man, or something ee, At any rate the newspaper says Gut if the soul fin the Ie testinal ect ad inthe walle of the Hood vesels thon it may be that when we are sick and the Ho is ptned, the sul tay be sek and that very soon we may have advertiements appearing Jn newopapers and magazines to the eft that swe ean boy “aol pile For certain allmets “The interesting pint of al this stat seience Ics to ‘break into the newspapers oceasonaly sith sine fom stent or toa {ttenton #9 te progress and very often men o the type of Dr. Rovenblveth are ued ar innocent channels for such policy, reardess ofthe Inch tha ese to olor soc satemente But what do you think would happen ifs Rosi crucan was to and ona publi lecture platform anywhere America olay and sae that he be iewed hat the soul was in the stomach co in a Hod ves? Irmediately “Gener Sence, snd allof his thousand of followers inthe big patade, ‘would point their fingers with scorn and dele Ze che Resicrcin organization and sy, “That is the kindof ronsenat tha thea myst try. €0 teach and they tel you athe same tne tha they dre Keamed; apd have real Knowledge to give © the public “Bue when “General Sclence says ike Ri hg ith msi fd yin the Background wing aor, knives and forceps fr heros nme andy fame plying upon them for sporlghts and fetes of Exher being opened and sprayed fr the incense of the ceremony, then we must belive that the Statement i tae and perfectly proper ‘When ove were chidren in schol there was geen hich a ie rete eo at Supposed to eich a very grat lesson, The whale ‘dex of the pocm was to the eflet that,“ all depends upon the way a thing fail" Now: days, however, this chould be changed to dejends upon who wy things “it all Ascensi of Our Bodies Hoe have an ining po dics that has been presented by one of goed men hers in Eagan Firs lee me quote part of his ‘ery ineresing Ite “My sister cams that to get back to God we rm rapa our pil bi, i then {2 high in vibrations by purity of thought and Spica! aspization, that we shall noe de but di Jtegrate our bres which we have created asthe feaule of the exerche of fre wil and. wrong ‘hinking, Joe disspear in fact, without leaving 4 physical body Behind My site fe taly sincere inv this Beli and chime chat ‘Chri di this when He ascended into heaven, She sates em Phatcally that this teaching has come through {oer from the beings that take up the hear of the Father "Now Tam not going to discus che theological or doctrinal points involved in the matter fst Sete for you mone dt ee af ae points dat are purely theological and simply a matter of faith. (Nor am T going to discus this woman's belief hater iden have come to Bet Irom beings that "make up the heart of the Father,” for Ido noe know what dhe means by ‘his parecolar phrave “The interesting point here, however, is the be lit thar cur physical Boies wil someday ascend into heaven. T think that this point as. been brought before us: eae of eu now ee ence by devout Christiane who hold to thie iit because it fa doctrinal belt of many CChrisian denominations Once again we are con omted with the face that many Christiane accept, certain dosernes because they ae boring under the belief that these Joctrines are ated in the Bix When we tr the Ble, Row find verieaion or support ofthese doctrinal ber lists we nore tht che Hatement in the Bible do fot precaely agree with the evolved. doctrine Many of thee doctrines acepted by Christians are noceaken word for word ode fr idea fom ihe Bible at all bu from the decitons of church unc or the wrings of later church author ties Th regard to the physical bodies of men and women Fang from the grave afer centuries have pasted, we have avery complex problem 10 deal Wich, When, however, the perons who believe in the ascension of the body fefer to the ascension of Jean at 2 demonstration of this principle, they are making a very serious mistake. Even if accept the greatly edited and. considerably mi fepresnted outline of the ia: days and hours of {he life of Jus, 8 presented in the modern ver Page 4 THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM sions ofthe Bible or in any of the old translations (ofthe original writings, we stil find thatthe body Of Jesus didnot disintegrate while he was in the tomb. and there is nothing in the story of His ‘rucixion, burial, ‘and "ultimate ascension to lusrate the proces of dixintegrated bodies rising from the grave and ascending tnto heaven. The average ontiodor Chain, who belies in the ascension of the phytical body argues. with us that. no matter how the physial body may be hruried ia the ground and its lements dine: grated and become a part of the sil, and no hatter how the physical body may lose its form And shape and physical nature, that when the judgment day. comes, the elements, will-all be frought together aguin and the body re-formed fnto ts original form and nature and this wil is from the grave and ascend to heaven, "They argue that even when the physical body fs cremated and eight or ten pounds of ashes are scattered in the so, that these dry and lifeless tlements of matter will take on feof + material hature and reasemble in elementary. form. to shape a physical body again lke unto that which ‘was cremated, and ths physical body wil rss and Aeend to heaven from the grave. Before ‘we argue the pessbiity of such a marvelous ox currence, let me state again that ti entirely In fonsitent to refer to the ascension of Jesus a8 proof of the fact that a physical body can rise from th grave and acend ato heaven Tn the fir place, the body of Jesus was not buried jn the ground, nor was it cremated, nor had it become disintegrated in the least-seme, Anyone of you ha se, the phyla of anyone a few hours or a day after transition Knows that whatever disintegration may be taking place n'a minute way in the cells of the body Takes no apparent diference in the form and Shape of the body and certainly doesnt rob the of any of its perfect expresion. ‘The Bible tells us chat the body of Jesus was immediately aed for with certain oils nd liniments of preser ‘ition which would have prevented the leat it Of decay or disintegration and, cherefore, if Fis physical body had remained only inthe pure air Of a tomb and had later been seen alive and walk- ng and taking, and then arose from the earth and areended into heaven, it would not be a demonstration of the ascension of 2 disintegrated body, nor would it prove the point contained in the doctrine of the ascension of our physic bodies after thousands of years of disintegration. But, are we sure that i was the physical body of Jess that acended into Heaven? Jesus was seen fn a number of osasone after His removal from the cross. Thote Christians who accept the croc fixion as a complete crucifixion, whereby Jesus actully died on the cross and all life lefé His Body, are face to face with two problems. Eicher Tite was restored to that physcal body shen Jens eft the om, or Fi sprual body lee the tomb whl the phyeal body romained lil Jens was sen aker the cusicon and was een air the ‘highonys and in menting plans Ee Sppeared atl one tine efor His dipls EPC cea place’ Now what wae i dat bas wintleand een afer Heroin and uri in the tomb? War it hs physal dy? I was then we have to eal how Fle made that pgs i body appsat miserly and andy a ‘lord tom in the mide of Fis dacpler Jess ditemped to make everyone believe that ie was His pyscal boy whith thoy saw and for tat ‘aso He called Steno tothe na als a ls hands and fet, for He sigh incnated i what they sr wns His opt body there would berfotote in th hand and fer ‘Nowe if the intimation of Jes was ight and ie war His physical by which was sen onthe Highway abd meeting” places, then we have inte than the anemic of His bly to explain, for'we mut fn sone way t expin how He pone in diferent places n aed rome so ly and without any of he physical meds ied by phys Bodie. Perhaps some Chins wl Snedtely ay Gat He transmuted his Piyeeal body ito sista! veatns and that Shee were able to pus through lone door or heavy wallasnd eo move rough pace and esr tne overcome mater eosin tsa, then wa heptane bay whch ended Into Heaven wen all ofthe Dips wee pat tre abou to wine the experens, That vould mean that wae net His pps boy which duced and therfore, ee of thi great ‘Eonstation 10 pone dat ove phy bis ln re from the pve after ditegration in consent tt was ot is pica by tat fice into heaven ut the actual fed and Bones of «phys aly. asthe Christan do tenes want at fo blew’ then we mst expsin ow a same phys Wey noved tn pace and through walls and coed ore and da many caer earl thi ‘But again, Ley, that the ascension of Jesu and His sures fro thet does at Har iit the proce whereby 4 dainepatel bly that bar been buried in 2 grave or cremated for 2long tine can te inf phys form and ccd to heaven, "The whole trouble ts én the fact that mot of the Chri audents of the Bible and of arian doctne do nt conser the mya ripiita ade of all of the Bblicalwetnge ‘When relernce iy made to he axcnion of he Tey anywhere in the Bible doc nt refer toa Payal body. ii abused and scaeun to ink tht our gro, material phys bodies ‘woul be of any vale to une to Gol in the ipvenly spre of future fe. ‘The ra pat GF ts tat Gea know aid the eal pat of ys THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM p he God rete into our pha hd a spt ogg ut Woy erry eer Bie Bly ar on are Ger ps cite many wh ewe i Sie contin nd ye of eae wer hk comes ra spit hie RAR Noite ay Sylan ogetl eon cent purl oer ture Ea tat ay Ar wana inna Set et pha by an psa ote ee eee hee keene se inet ancl clan dee Undo See ee ee oer, ea {hibernate acta Sat beep tae ee Fyre FRU a av he anol and ame cs "The mystic, however, in pve in love with njltee St eet Andee eet Marea Mach Cen ae ek ne Abe ele duchte he het sy aes ween Ae mal conte shoe SERS attr Mot he phe SPSL SSRI alg tae hese ay Suse hin py mye shld SNE hepa ar Pct Ute SOAR aT nod acne aks eed woe tnd ects Ye tne when see tem ty oat ee Pec ica nee FS hin ee of Fetiy tty Retl and woe on a Piao body the flue even wake Re rung bt nese of fe shi eet saith ‘al par Fe er paaage in the ble which intimate that inthe Tatute existence we chall be minal eae vee ma wea ee ee Ste Teicher Battal ead et cele et tethered wh sys Ege ge fer dhe aC ould Sey fndourhes ss als and female, many induces cme ttaa ae ate aad meee nd pee scaly. may Bid that hs ele in she fy ody Ma ft he prea co Sl ne td eer ng ppl pron ands Pysal opps ey, one of the oe of he pop and estes its Tn ft ln af uo ay that {retails hgh ested pre Ialieved such a thing, forthe belief originated aot i rt pl abe heen AES ORME tag ion 1Slec ae they 0k co cate Pecerve tie shyt Bly a cai ad Froid fo fda nd wc or wen Bonide ack ie ae ad eae Theva frre Sate tani and fing IRE tty ane ao he pe pad to wane their same physical bodies brought back to life again, rather than aking 2 chance with ‘ome other physical body which they might not ike as wel or sire se completely as they had learned to admite the one they had Very few Chri Tne, are fami nough with the ancien oF pre-pagan belie to now that many of the dostines contained in the Chratan teckings of the present tine ae ot based upon actual statements in the Bile, but are based upon Iter hurch eas doped by persons who consciously or unconsousy in- twobiced these ancient beliefs beeawe they Seemed to saity and appeal to a majority of un Ahinking nd unrentoning persone Hunches and Other Things Well, my good Brothers and Sisters, I fel in a very humorous mood on this occasion and with 1 could take all of you with me in everal large automobiles and start for the beach and sit along the shore and have our little Forum discussion 10 the tune of the music from the incoming waves ‘Think of it, here we are stting in this temple with the beautiful springtike climate. outside, ven though summer fs here and ina litle over fan hour of automobile riding along the beautiful highway over the Sanea Cruz Mountains among [eautiful redwood trees and flowers of all kinds weld sch the fail hone of we Pas Bnd enjoy the mo invigorating ar and inepiring Scenery that the West has toler, ‘Are we not foolish to. say indoors so much, when we should be out of doors? The primitive men” and- women who Knew. noching about shingled houses, brick homes, and conerete palaces ‘with tled floors and carpeted rooms and electric Tights and fancy windows thar keep out most of the sunlight, certainly had one advantage over uu The way man has changed his mode of living in the pas centuries so that he is dwelling modly with articialitics ingead of realities, i unques’ Tionably responsible for many. changes that have taken place within his own being. Ie has brought ‘many weakness in his Physical make-up and fas Certainly limited and narcowed his feld of com> sciousness and mental reach. Ie is going to take man many generations to get back to living nor: maly and naturally again, and, in the meantime, wwe, will have to fight against the many diseases nd disorders that area rule of our abnormal Or unnatural way of living (Are reminds me of dliion that is taking place ‘now Jn many scientiic magazines, and even that very. learned. publication that is Hse sett ad 0 prot, The Licny Digest" devotes some ofits space to the subject also. T refer to the subject of “hunches.” When primitive man did not have encyclopedias and reference books to answer his questions and be ge & THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM couldat call_on the telephone and consulta inwyer a doctor, oa scent or newspaper ed ton und expecally. cold not conmalt the Que tion Department of AMORG, he had to depend tpn his own peychic ability or the Coen ree ord to ge his information “The ether day 2 man vitted me who hasbeen living up in the mountains here for Bve years trying to regnn he heath and ving ane be lieved the ancient people lived. When e shook fonds with'me Thought my hand ad fallen teeween the iron claw of 2 vice and he looked like lane who could fean against a wall and Pusha building down, He radiated health from Ahead to ees and incidentally his toes werent Covered either for he wore only fade His chest seas bare and it wan au bronze ane of the ironce sates in our museum here "There was a flint of rein is eyes and color in his cheeks that showed a magnetic health far beyond the {veragey andi ong black ha that had not been cut forfour years pliny indicated super Vial {ty When this man tokd me that when he fe Stiiaton and went up into the mountains he Stas one of the many fo come to his State of Gaitornia because they had been hopeless wctins of tuberculous and beyond any therapeu help. Hie id that be weighed. 81 pound when, Be Caine and now he weighs 162 ad Keep that way by strenvou exerci other, he fle sure be ould esky increase Sn weight until he could Up the seals at 220 However, what I was going to ay i chat as 1 wae talking to him [expres the Ble that it Init rain'a title in the afternoon. He looted eine and asked whether 1 was using my bebe! tipo some weather report inthe papers or Uen ‘army, or what T told him chat 1 could judge by certain atmoepheric conditions and he ‘went fh fo tell me whar he had learned aboot the Steather through living alone and observing all Sf natures procesea “He explained to me How fe could pick up a certain Lind of pebble from the ground and hy examining clos and foking foray moire on heel lh wheter Se fog was beginning to approach from the ocean, orvrain clouds wefe beyond the horaon and com Sie this way. He agreed th, me that une ace withthe lat moment of conscious life on this plane. She had been confined to her bed for many weeks but she never abandoned her sty ofthe Icctues, her discussions of the great prncphs tor los one moment of interest in the magni cence of life and its various phases Day after dy she dicused with ber daughter and ber grandchildren and ether, hee work and. her Sis and her great faith ‘The daughter reports that as allo them were around her bed and the nurse ‘and doctor ia the {om she would smile at allo them sweety and Somme onthe rest ite ht ay foe her ad fue thanks to the organization that bad elped fer being + new nderanding into the home She was especially delighted with the fat that hep marred children and their children would fellow on the great path and lay the foundation of a new generation of better Benge As the last moment approached she sat up in bed and asked the none to open the windows wide tha the wonderfl air and sunlight might bathe her and, then, lying back, on the plow without a quiver, without leing the smile On er lips or the sparing lige inher eyes dhe lowed them. Wich a whispered word of farewell she resghed to the change that was taking place, and the soul passed out of her body along the line of the sun Beams into the great open space “The daughter says in this letter that “her lst hays were #9 happy that her face sbone with the wonderful glow of her spirit to auch an extent ‘hat everyone who sir her commented about In accordance with her last deares all of her Jectures, Jeong, correspondenoe, and personal tapers ‘which he carefully aranged it proper trdet wile she was confined to her bed, re being sent back to headquarters in accordance with the Sncient codes and customs. We who remain ¢o farry on the high ideals of our mother wish ‘Evcop a she developed under the Rosiruc {guidance and atthe clowe of cur Hives pass ot pscefully and beautifully ae he did Truly, we can say that for such perins as these "death hath no sing.” and the customary fear of death that fils the beings of 20 many unenlightened persons is one of the great errors of thought and understanding that must be ze" Page 18 moved before men and yomen can hope to attain the highest spiritual life and be ready for the Great Experience, ‘The Cosmic Garden (Our good brother sitting over here at my lef hand side, ase always doc, has sugested that cour dusion this morning herein the Forum be oncerned with some facts regarding the Cosaic garden of lowers He mate the oggestion several tweska ago and T wondered how many of you iinew anything about the Commie guricn, and = Thave casually spoken of ito moe of you who come here to thee Forum sewions and T have {ound that mo of you have heard of fy and sme of you have not, while a number recall the they fave seen a reference to fin some ancient witings Than hat iis one ofthe oldest mystical re erences found in any of ue mamas lating to something that it jst spirally bexful and Highly symbolic, and we must noe think that it ‘Sentely allegorical. The oldest writers of mys" tial Iterature, who have conceal the Rosina tian, speak of this Cosmic garden. I may be mmsaken, but I fel that Lam gute sein saying that T have never read of any reference to any literature written by those who had nt con” {acted the Reseruin organization. My own Bt contact with i was in connection Wi 2 very wonderful interview with one of the Great ‘Mamera during which he tld me that he had jst come from his garden where he Tad been suing the flowers, and a the cose of og tte. yew lst agin oh gn, My re Impresion wa tat he was speaking allegorical, thu when a che end of his interview he snked me to waiea moment while e gave mea rome that he areatly admired, and I found in few moments roe being wafted through the air toward my ind read that there was more than allegory tack of his statements. ‘The fact that the rose pein beauiful form with Unumial fragrance and. without the lease sign of wilting for over tighten days, demonstrated to meth it was the Ppa of dina deren grden than 7 teen famine with. Since then, 1 have con- tacted the Master in each pum, I ave sn ‘ich a garden hundreds of tines, and I have seen flowers from euch a garden on more than one Te ie not strange, therefore, tht many of our mot highly advanced menbers ocasonally con {act sich a garden or nd themeelves surrounded by tomers daring their petiods of Commie attane- ment Many ofthese members have seiten to me Caauilly about being in such a garden, thinking ‘that perhaps their consciousness had projected to tome cathy. garden somewhere ad hit the flowers they aor were of an earthly Kind and THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM spies mcr ‘we should, therefore, speak of tia Cosmic gare bis Seeger oe See ore santistnimoties a ee area erei ee! Sie watts men poeenae oe aime es ae nie eee: Ieuan eacuecns Boia tapas ei me tauren es Fadniparesteatoned pare cera sciousness of the Casmic before replicas or dupli- cates of them were crested on earth, The earth, Saimisr autos Sree ea this earth and vitalized nto earthly exizence with ater teenies eee eeatmereats tga sedirarsetstacy Roemer onan eerie Sian amore iad peal oie Poecnenuict Pm Sesc ss eee ee 1 rn garemersen eee ce ne ceragcinnete bt eereoa oe i i Gera Spee Eiyai oe sfeeary et ‘contact ads you to the garden where the vibra THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM tions are the very highest of any to be found in ‘the Cosmic. Another Great Master told me one time that every flower in this garden had an fnner attunement with some soul_ personality ‘Whether this is 99 or noe depends upon how you view the matter. I can understand that every Soul expression of soul personality in the universe Ia ave a lowe in the Goa garden wha ‘whom T have spoken often referred to thei in Siidual lowers inthis garden, And there isan father spictual personality that hae often men one fo me his individual ower inthe Conn garden. Somehow of other, I like 0 think of {ving a fower growing there continuoudy and there is-one particular fomer the T often a= luring Coonie-consacts with the garden, and wonder if our soul personality may not have 3 {arden within each one of us much hike the gar {en refered to in the beautiful poem by one of aur Colom tht wil place nthe ower of ‘At any rate, Ihave efore me some very bea sil thoughts about the Conic garden wren ty Siter Consenta of Vitoria, Bach Columbia. Her litle arte in fac, 3 tepore with her ex peiencs with the Conic garden, and Tam going {o read it to you just as she sent it "Shakespeare calls spring “the sweet of the yea ba in Conic Barns teeing es Flor,” weaves her 2 esurs 3nd dats er sweet perfunee throughout the whole year “About a year ago I began, wo perceive and realize my ‘Cosmic Garden, when plan, Un Known f9 me, appeared in concentration. Ie was covered from top to betom with beatiful mauve Bowoms as cesely packed together a8 the oe some of the Yucca "There were no seme vinble and no leaves only a wealth of losoms “On August thity-Snst I saw an imposing house in an extenive Lavin with gay fowers a intervals close to the ous; also, 3 bouguet of porple flowers, “On September second, with the ianer car I heard some one saying: “Show Mrs. the Flowers: and ineanty a very ange bowl appeared wih ea eat pi * = ninth Tsar purple panics in 4 bed, then some bollyhocks, a spray of reddish brown leaves, and aepray of red and blue fuchsia, “On March thid, 3 rectangle of ferns and fermlike plants, Mw March ith ity gon plat pw "En March tenth, a rosebush with pink roses and green leaves grosring over a fence, “in Cosmic Gardens "the swect of the year" tans always 190 19 Safety of the Lectures One of our members has just brought up an interning point tht I thisk we: may analyse for afew moments, because i wil help all of to appreciate one ofthe many ways in which the Cosmic and the Masters are truly helping this organization. ‘When I suggested to ome of the Masers and executives of the Resicrclan Order in Burope ‘many year ago that I believed would be necee yf. fay on ge pe of ote work correspondence, becase ofthe very greats of oar country aid the enormous dsnees be {ween principal cities and wate Twas surprised hp objection wa etre al weed el that if every leer was propery sealed and Mencted'on it envelopes as feng an offical Private communication i would be very safe and recive the proper protecsion Further questioning on my part revealed the fact that in every country of Borope the mail is loa foie mater ad hat « ‘eter of private nature shld soto be by every person through wise hands it paver. ‘Sine then have lemed, of cour, that letes adkresed to us of our principal ofbers here in America, Searing Rescracan wal o pint ony come through the mal very safely bot with var ‘08 forms of protection and pec conden hot granted to ordinary mall For instance, very often large packages of panto, Sumer ime fm France, Germany, Avra, Switiedand, Eaypt, IRE me heen hd senetal appearance might easly be clsiied as Herdndie. All ch packages, whether sled Gr oherwise protected, te subject to examination for catom i there the let mpicon on te part of any offical through whose hands che pack- 4ge may Bo, hat there is anything dutabl con tained init. When thew important package, Fowever are sent to us bearing the Resicructan seals apd emblems the pacage invariably. comes through to us without one ofthe taps being eat ‘or any of the sealed edges being opened and the package is marked “Free of dugy Very often “Underneath this rubber damp i the signature or Ina of some person and xcasionaly after these Initials we find the mark of Rescrucan member ship Such packages often pass through five or six postal ofcials in diferent countries before reach- Ing our offices here in San Jose. Yet because the foreign offcials and the oficals right up to the border of our own country regard the Resicracian emblems on the package as guarantee that there ‘sno intent to deceive in regard to customs duties, for any attempt to evade any of the laws, the Page 20 THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM is passed and okched by each official and ly reaches us in an unopened condition. But when we were ready to start our corre spondence activities in Ameria hundreds of cur Rosierucian brothers and sitters who were active members in local lodges tried to convince us that the American mails were not as safe and depend- able as foreign mails, and that every organization in America depending upon the inviolabiity of the American mails has suffered in many way. ‘An analysis of their contentions based upon busines experience proved that the faule did not Jie with the American postal system. The Amer can system scemed to be better in every posible ‘way than most of the foreign systems, of at leat equal to them. ‘The real fault seemed to le with the American public. We got in touch with heads of such organttatons as were carrying on corre spondence instructions and lesmned of thee dif culties The greatest dficulty they had to con tend with was the regularity of delivery and the ultimate delivery of a letter. We were assured thae if one hundeed letters were mailed at five ‘lock in the afternoon of one hundred consee tive days from the same post office to the ame addresse in any distant cty these leters would fot reach the addressee each day at the same Twas pointed out that sometimes a letter re- gues bul pa of day to 0 from New York ity to Philadelphia, while at other times a day and a half or two days are necesary for its de livery. Ie was also pointed out thata letter mailed fn New York on Sunday night, addressed to a home in San Francisco, might reach its destina tion with the afternoon delivery in San Francisco on Friday, but would more than likely reach the addressee on Saturday morning or Saturday aft trnoon, while in some cases delivery might be made iate Thursday evening or the following ‘Monday morning Secondly, it was claimed that letters delivered to hotels apartment houses, rooming houses boarding houses, and private homes, where 2 few uestbearders lived, were often lost or delayed Jn reaching the addresee through incompetence, indiference, and lack of attention on the part of the person receiving the mail at the place of residence. In other words, the postman might de- liver five or six letters to. a boarding house or rooming house or private home and these letters might be put aside by the person receiving them and delayed from one to three days in being handed to the proper person, "The post ofice departments responsibilty ends ‘when the leter is delivered to some representative Of the address to which the letter is directed. If there is any willful or deliberate attempt to inter- fere with the proper delivery of mail the post ‘office will use its marvelous system to correct such errors. But in general it responsibilities do. not nfo ey nr oy ae tae, we ge wel ong sre Stal a rates incr mite ae fe fee itil nd at COSA edt sian Sd Socialite igri och Le eer it Serpe Sees SLOT Non agente ery en“ ee sista 28 Gene ae SR Leelee Ma kr Se Sy nts oe So. ESC Fat selatee ae nanan Sn SH ee Ser Tere john Send fiance aie chests ely Stn SSSR Som tt Soe Seen ‘eile fie ease it eae ae a ESisee hectic itan We sy pa i bee ie rate SS We Pid pec cal Seirus veheltg et Eh pec eae hae fo al as PE LE Fy way eens yee cee kar a yl Cl ey a hk Se goo amieris te kata Wega thas ay ite cee aoe aes aadtek seat ES pital ae ike ad we tae lita es ‘Tuesday morning, they telegraph us or write us Soe STG es Sp Sohcig eae has err Shay Ween kee © eed Sn Sal are ipacimen de gic Seren a Id os iin ieeliy cece gears eke ter ¢ Toate heer ce he eck deen sir dP a tm oy oer i heen ier merits as eta P Spee eh tml fn sn acc oe THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM 30 21 stating hat certain companies have al caves of correspondence courses ‘for ale at ext pros rally these are cores of intracton Shih ave ge atiay inthe mal or have Bes sd by persts wh have conplted the coure apd the ESmpay ors» nc hundred any la or Swevhundtedelae coune tn engivering ot bo are or ecer soja for twenty Eve fy, oF stventyfve dais OF cous ich cores pur chased in this way do ot give the buyer any tenets of examinations of hit werk, orecton of Ro carependone wih he nse that orginally awed the courses, and for thie reason 9coove purchase sn thinner ery Siutfacary tthe snere and esos see Sue members wil be cel know tat in S recen canes mace by os we goin touch wth sane of te lage Bayes of carepondence Coure and madetinguy to wheter ty hd Shy ofthe AMORG Rotrucan leone apd lec ike in thelr poneaton for ele Eck of thee feporte tat dey had absolutely nothing buts Fee copie of our magne and tt of there tne the comment that it sponte so eure iy of the kmons or lctres of AMORG and sw have never ben the fod any or ofr any ta evden Thiol mike oor memters elie how wel aur less and csre have be prteced n the pre rwenty years and shold cate each one of our member to appreciate ow truly pete Sn onfientilthe Retr sey ae Ten iterfore, hat the question of the safety of ant work i ete and’ need not worry In thi read very one of our menbers mutt reaie that eon an ocsasal ste, of ser of them for the diferent grades, were to fall into the hands of person Sorento Rave them, they tent eof ie ale inde foreach etre dependent on what has preseded nd shat fe tows inthe esplanaons ade and the soe of Cath etre olson depend upon the ered Soplaton of all the pancpe imaed Ay One or io leone of dnd by themes would tea il ined tos sage, Foreign Teachings Here is an interesting incident forall of sto think about for a few minutes. During the lat year a number of gentlemen in India, Persia Egypt, and other lands, have become acavainted swith the fact that America is the happy hunting around for Hindu teachers, psychology lecturers fete. Not to be outdone theat wise and observant gentlemen of foreign lands have originated. number of marvelous occult echools Tall about miniature golf courses growing up lke mosh ooms over night, you should look at some of the Jteratre that comes tos and note how sapily 2 Tot of mysterious and strange bothers aed cole schools have grown in Toda and oder ftreign land recent How they gt the names of so many American sedents donot know bot Taurine hat they fu the lie cf membership names from other nizations where pereons have joined and faled to find what thy want and then resigned Incientally, may tll yu that acbody a bay mines fron ux We ‘wouldnt sll one of our inembers or ingute's mame or on dara apiece Sd we fave perkape a half milion of these fines on ear no fe, However fone who veritet0 various pubes and buy fonka or ‘wnt for free booklets, to cet ‘Amsrcin paychology schools ete, are sure t0 fave thee ames a later on by these Bem fo thor fms, ad then comes the new iterate "Fs ge Ieratre from fon land tells the story of marvelous schon of ancent cin, teaching the most wonderful ofthe scence and fret mets tat the Ossnt fas now for ages nd why shoud that development be requed nd WR the-western word could ne even ieseat. They ofr hes teaching tome dalle SMhoth, or ovo dllare a monty or Sve delae nom. “The ange pare above i tae not nly Rave many persons sent for thse feos but ‘ren some of buf on good member who should fiieimore common se asa Rescracan. Tooght tovchutee exch one who did such 2 ting for ‘Rige folch If they hud writen toe frst we {ould have tld them some interesting Ft about thse onsnisations Weare not so narrow and prehudced tat we would a countenance any hor ood cours hat was lite ore and nearly Ss hepa ar ure, Wee are not jealous of ther Suns or are we ansious to keep oar members Fem getting the utmost of knowledge. But sf ou cold tee the simple leone in my es that Hite come from thew foreign schools you wou tie They are writen or printed so poorly hat hey are hard to rea, the Engh i very bad andthe ifort in then are nothing mare than. you Stout din the cheap books bo the Yor ystem Ind. Oren mantras “The AMORC has many stodents living right in Egypte, Per nia and ater counties from Svhenee these new teachings come. These mem: fers of oor wil tll you that there is nothing {ugbe in thr county that equa the presnt ‘Ey Rosirian teachings, ‘They write fos and franky say that after having seended rome of the rel school of myitery in thir counties and fined the complete cour of study they re Ccived nothing at pact and of sch modern {Give ab ib und in the Roskrcan teschinge Sued herein America ge 22 THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM Recently 2 great number of our members have been tempted by an advertisment appearing in fone of the occult magazines published here in ‘America. Tis adversiement claimed to contain ‘short cut to real initiation and to enable you to accomplish the one great thing in life chat you desire the most. ‘The advertisement further Sid thae upon receipt of one dollar the seret of securing this one great desire would be revealed You wouldn't think that sane and sensible Rosi- crucians would be tempted by any such advertise 1 am sorry to aay, however, that a seore or ‘more members were tempted, and now look at the predicament they are in. Here ace two of ‘hem in one city who are in auch torment over the work they have received from the organization that their whole lives are threatened with dis aster and scandal, They found themselves gradu: ally being led into the mse disgusting sex teach- ings with an element of danger and threat of ex: posure if they did not keep on with the work, ‘These members are frightened to even speak of the horrible thing they have gotten into and are frightened to resign beause of the threat that such an act wil lead to scandalous exposure. How easy and how simple to wall into sucha trap and how hard to get out of it. Other members have received a strangely ‘worded letter on brown paper telling them that they have been selected as a very special person to be in a class of one hundred highly selected adepts to receive some marvelous knowledge from ‘new school of western occultiem in Florida. 1 know why you smile. We have seen enough of those Brown letters come back tous, to easily prove that several thousand must have been Imailed and yet every one says that only one hun’ dred persons are to receive this unusual offer. The offer sounds nice because itis filled with compli ‘ments It states that this new school would not think of charging regular dues like others do- meaning the AMORC—but operates exclusively 2 elutary donation bas Tat wounds pretty, Tr sounds as though you might be able to send them a half dollar as 2 donation and get a ten dollar lesson in return, and they think that persons will think that way and they will fool fhe ones who think they might fool them. But when you get the application blank from this ‘organization you find them telling you that “the regular donation is ten dollars for initiation and two dollars for monthly dues.” ‘The only dif ference between their "voluntary donation” and the dues you pay our organization lies in the word “voluntary.” We simply state that you should pay two dollars a month and they tell you that you may pay i. If you miss your voluntary donation for one month you are out of grace just ss though it was no donation at all but a regur lar definite amount to be paid, like regular dues. ‘This organization in Florida has several of our ex: members connected with it, or atleast they were when it started, and in one of their pices of lee- ‘ures we read some extracts word for word iden geal wih our Rosch al and teachings fou can judge, therefore, how original and new thee teachings must be and what wonderful con: nections they must have in order to get such ‘original teachings as that. Surely a few swords to the wise in this regard will be euficient, If you know that something is good, join it and get the utmost out of it and give it the ut ‘most support. But if you don’t know this for sure itis better to write to some of us and find out Do. not take chances with organizations that ‘operate from post offce box numbers and conceal the real names of their officers. The two women and many others in other cities who are = upset at the present time because. they joined this Strange organization in Chicago and now find themselves in a scandalous pesttion should have known better than to have joined an organizatio that had nothing more than a box number for a address and conceal the eal officers names under pen names of one word Someday somebody will start an order called “The Strange and Mysterious “Astocation of Donkeys.” The head aficer of ic will sume che mysterious name of “Spark Plug.” Each member wall be given the signicant title of “Google,” and the high degree of “Barney” will be con ferred on those who become advanced in. the secret art of molshness There ate thousands of persons in the United States who ought to join Such an order and feel right at home. But 1 bope hae none of our members will be tempted to xy aside the “hore-sense™ and adopt the sense of a mule. Now let us talk of something more ‘The Soul’s Evolution Thave one leter that I want to read to you on this occasion and discuss with you. Te is from a brother living in Arizona, and he asks this ques- tion: “If the speless soul, an extension of God, resides in our material body, why should such 4 perfect immortal entity need further develooment through incarnation in a gross material body?” eink this question has been asked thousands of times, and Thad hoped that what T wrote in the book, "Mansions of the Soul,” would partly newer such questions. In the frst place, let me point out the fact chit euch 2 question challenges the witdom of having a part of God's conscious: res resident in a. physical body here on earth ‘The question assumes that God's consciousness, either extended here in segments on this earth plane or otherwise, did not need any evolution or ‘THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM Page 23 any material contact, or earthly experiences. In answer to these assumptions all Tan say ds that the fact of the matter is that each of us has a portion of God's consciousness resident within us hereon this earth plane, andthe fac is extablished and does not have to be proved. In other words the soul is here and ie in & physical body, and jn contact with material trials and tribulations, and is imprisoned in a grosdv material body, and js passing through some form of evolution, Star- ‘ng. with these positive facts, we can no longer challenge the wisdom of such a. procedure or sich a acheme of things, Tt is just as though fomeone wae to tell us that a young woman of means and surrounded with every comfort, living jn a cool and enjoyable part of California in the ‘summer time, suddenlv took 2 journey and went to Luxor, Beypt, or the Sudan, and pitched a tent ‘on the hot desert, and planned to spend half of the summer in that terrific heat, deprived of all eonvenienoes and necessary accommodations, and ready to be punished by the abnormal conditions surroundine her. Te would be foolish for us to sit here and argue as to whether such 2. young ‘woman would go é Luxor and camp in this fashion, or whether there was any olan that could make her go, or any urge tha could force her to 0, or any Cosmic scheme that would entice her to go, for we would be face to face with the fact that she did go and was there. Our only con: sideration would be of why she was there or what benefit she was deriving from being there Te may seem to us perfectly loi that God should fave extended on divided His consis: ea ino spments and placed them in temporary ‘hal bodies hereon he earth plane and ths Seprve thew serments of His consousnes, of the broad, Tiniles, immoral, Cosmic contacts thae are poms. We may lok oon a0 sme that we would not have done had we been the ereatrs ofthe univers. Bur despite the fact that we cannot conceive that such a thing would ibe a fem the ya ee wwe are, all-of ux Living segments of the con- ‘ciogines of Goll and we ae here ony throwph God's plans, God's permission, and God's sup: port. Therefore, chere muse be 3 reson, anda ‘ery wood reson for this peculiar sate of con" ‘Sioumes of God, The only Togzlapawer to the ‘Question io that there is 3 ourpose for the con ‘Slousnessof God, or forthe scl segments to be icamated, and for experieers bere on cart, “That purpose muse be beneficent, for Fe cannot be odlerwe and be consistent with what we now of God'and God's ieals If, therefore, there ia benefcent purpose back of our indi vial incamations or tack of the individual “ous segments Tiving here om earth and faving experiences of a material nature i mst be for the porpoe of improving, benefiting, evolving, and develoning some faculties or rs of the foul and constonsnes pes "As T have sid over and over in various wot- nga, and asin sated in our lectures this bene” fcent purpose back of our incarnations cannot depend upon a single incarnation or noe birth here om exeth, for sich fruition inthe case of children who are born and pass on at an cary ‘gs hse who ive only afew years. I iving tn the earth and in contact with material exper ices to benef 'us in some way, ie must bea tenet the will serve 2 puro connected with the evlution growth, and develooment of ma. Te cannot be that God needs, requires, ot wants such experience, for experince’ with material ent on the material earth would serve n0 Purpose with God, and would not he required ‘You see that in arting this matter. we £0 around and around ina igle and arsve. no" tee, ten cn oth cnc ta ee Eo curpooe back of our incarnations and # this purpore has to do with our own individual evelopment, progres, and evoltin toward epi fon magership, and nasteihip ofthe very eon {thos which coneitte our experiences "A muscan docs nt etody musi except forthe purpooe of mastering music A man doesnot €0 Euttand study the minerals and the problems of fringy or ining engineering, excep, for the purposes of mastering something in hat line. No Ae thr wuld have ei, ane Of these experiences would be to fortify him and ‘Srenothen him in his ability to eventually taster Silay conditions somewhere at some time. Thee Swould be no puroore in ovr becoming masterful Trough exoenence here on earth and becoming teunal in the bot wav to avoid the pitfalls of Sly life end. take advantage of the Coxmic iit, which enable us to contol conditions in this tly life i, afr a few year of experience fra ght degre of development along such lines sre were tobe transfered to heavenly, pial Iie where such experiences would never be use fuland eerve no purpose "No matter how we lok at it, we cannot, do caherwie than come to the conclusion that since eave here, and that since God fas placed some ‘of His consciousness in grossly physical bodies to Sulfer and endure, to conguer and win, tha these Experiences and the lesons learned through them Sie erve some future purpore asciated with Timfar form of life here on cath. This war” fants us in believing, therefore, that ota single Incarnation, but many of them, wil radually prepares for masersip bere ia this very lie, nd tae, theefore, we wil have more han one incarnation on eath and mote than one clastoom of lemons and demonstrations in the at of elf ‘mastership and mastership ofthe materal word Page 24 ‘The Secret of Psychic Development “This beings me to anoint that I have been try: ing 0 wok or ae mon Heel cone sututes problem. [have been trying to fig ‘out how I could explain to each one of you one Interesting pricile in connection with che soir {tual and poche development I remained in my sanctum one night ell avery late hour frine © die or word 3 complete and understandable ex? planation of the principle and. after writing mmany pages and tering them uo and tryine i aan, [finally found, long after midnight, that 1 crus geting nowhere in mv attempt, and that I had produced nothing that had not alzeady been xplined in eater lecure in the various graden. Sill thi problem faces me and Tam going 10 make an explanation now tha I belive is a8 Sndentandable as T can put tin words of the Engh language of any Lanewage. "The problem relly i fo convey the thought from my mind Your mind and to do in'a way that wl Tease ovrom for doube or misunderstanding ‘Wie T vant t9 make plain to you i this “That ean what we read, and hear, ad se, and comprehend in a mental wav constantly ade tur mental development, sn the sume manner dh certain things hat we read or bear, or sens tend to develop the sirical pare of ourselves Now, you will nice that lam making 2 ditine- fon between the mental development going 08 Sethin us andthe: coninuing of spiritual or Daychic ‘development. Of course. there is the Purely physical development of our body” con EEanly ging on aly. The food we eat, and shat we diink, and exercise lee, Breathing rercies, and various other things, including the limite, the color in the sunlight, the warmth or feat of conditions around ws, coldness and many tcher magnetic and subtle conltons of which we {tno very itl, have their eect upon our pis Cal development and some persone ae Tar mare Sueceonble to the. peculiar condone around the tha, ther a that he we Sd a tome people must take a sea voyare,atere go 1 Tmountains, and ochers to ealleyror dry oF tos places in order that thelr phvsal bodies may de ‘op properly. ‘There are some pertons who cannot continue in good bealth if they work neat of live close to tletric power houses or laces where there are ‘Srong magnetic or electric cuenta and there Se ochers who cannot live where there ae certain ‘ors which manv of us would not even recognize tr detect Lam not going to claborate upon the ‘any conditions or things which can affect our physical nature and body. When it comes to the IRental development, we find that here there are ven many ore subtle orinvinble and unnoticed Conditions and elements which greatly aflet the mental makeup and mental development of ir THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM man beings, Most of the time we are absolutely tunconseious of how our mental development is progressing and what is affecting it mot of all Since the popular development of the science of psychoanalysis, we have learned through these specialists how greatly each one of us has been alfected mentally and indirectly. physically by thoughts and impressions, ideas and mental ele- ments that we hardly realized ina truly objective Way. Sometimes, we are surrounded by persons who have a strong fear eomolex or who are of 3 depressive or pessimistic nature, and their views points and expressions, although seemingly un- Important to us, eradually affect our own mental development and leave a condition that we da foe know exits until some expert discovers ft and shoves that it has been affecting us for some time. ‘When it comes to the spiritual or paychic develop: ment within us, there are even many more subtle tnd intangible elements which greatly affect this inner development and make i dificult for us to discover what theve things are Now I want to call your attention to one or two very selbevident facts which you may have never given suficient thought, The only way in ‘hich ‘we can judge of our physical development and nhysical condition is by physical eandards ‘We can only judge of the health and condition af the psa body by pha gmptoms and physical indications. In other words, we have to fudge the body by material eandards and test, We must use the sales to determine the weight of the bodv, we must use the sense of touch to determine the nulse beat, and we have to se ‘chemical process to analyze the blood and other Serums in the body, and we find that we have to place ourselves in the materialistic or_physial frame of mind in order to judge of our physical developments, Soirtual and mental, standards ‘will noe reveal to us the condition of the physical body. When it comes to testing the mental de- velopment within us, we have to lay aside the material, physical standards and use a new set of Standardo and a new set of principles, "The mental development canbe tested and ‘understood only through mental tests. ‘The man. with the strongest physical body may have the ‘weaker mental development, and we very often find thae a person who is unusually developed in a mental sense has neglected his physical body and from a purely physical test he would be below par and this would be no judge of his mental standard at all Tf allthis is true regard. ing the mind and body of man or the brain and body of man, it is certainly more true of the spintual and psychic rart of man. We cannot possbly judge of the spiritual or psychic develop ment going on within us from a_ purely physical point of view. Tt seems to me that this matter should have been well understood by all of our members in ‘THE ROSICRUCIAN FORUM the lower grades but it has been overlooked by then and T thik should be emplaced more emit te i endo vt ‘The sprhunland payee drclopment sing on within us is aroued and fed, and nourshed by Certain exptrienes and’ erin knowledge that ‘Seates catain belies and sonics in co Sclomnos and much of thi cn our wiout ta fing wholly unaware of i ‘Take th man, for Wt Sd tht nt ancient hor and proceeds to bay ex fea many inoks eiing with ancent hixory” He diners perhaon, at he read that be has an increasing Stren och 1 beet and wil go coro bs stay to get a new book or 10 Bod on in the ibn ay dry or nights long at promises fo ‘eal sme more fact hi gard the ver ‘ance people or thet actin He may do thi for a vest or teveral Years without tele tnyone about ior witout thinkin at he dl angie ele than enjoying and inline in anething at gives hin grat deal of te futon Perhaps 2 fow years er he bas red cverything salable and’ salyed it and read cher book commenting on ancient Niory. Coto enn ng hin sea tary or same profewor of hisryin sone univer Sy in dacstng ancent bags him wil lower that thé man who haw ben reading 10 tmany books om ancient biory has deeoped an Sul Enowlede and unas eamprehertion af ‘cient history. and then wil be esesled that {his man who as been ding s0 uch reading menial ae of des or tops ners hour avay ho bean Sevelping hel nto se thn ties wel ced src inthe Subject of ancient history. Peshpe in dicing Sele: hlory th the roeso othe univer Sy the man, Rims wil be surprised fond iow many thous f Tats he i ord aay in his iad and bow quiy they tame to hand then fe wants to repeat thn or refer to them ‘And this wan who fae been merely ceding for the se of plenmre covers that he ba been declping hi mand info spect and that he i's petal method of development that he did tee knw he was balding up." Many men in induling intel habbies witha oe ree Kagiso demi. or pr cape. ot ethan things oe reise chat hey" are raoaly bude up a tain degre of ental ‘Eselopment pertaining to that abject ow thse thi te nd oie ‘ual and poe devlopment."When we take even the ordinary Book contanin an intersting ory such as Bulwer Lytons too called The Stange Stony” or one ke Marie Corlis "Lie Bcrling™ and read it throggh carefully, we may think (har we are menial scquring ne Intreing facts and tha otherwise we are sinoly ioying'sfcinatng sory that gives us anne food for thought. We do not know of op to realize that a we are reading, there ‘willbe cor isin words or phrases, or erin Has which the mind wall asp upon and transfer to the ine Consciousness food forthe spiritual or poychic sel and this tanser occurs so unconsouhy, oF fhr nich anne at fo ale won ‘igus to ut and the development of the spinal txlf proceeds co eradually that we do not know sts pong on Now the lectures of our work are prepared careflly' 20 that the dent of them wil Fence in three ways. Pine, though the inavctions re farding the care and development of his physica Boy. the prevention of dae, the prevention of wolaton of natural laws that would bring die trder or inarmony” inthe. physeal body ete second; the building up of the mental knowiedse and tandards of the brain sod the intellect 9 that he'll besome more familar and more ac

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