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No wild accusations, Just the Facts...

1) After years of delay and controversy, on April 27, 2011, Mr. Obama held a press conference and then posted a document at purported to be a scanned copy of his original long-form birth certificate.
a. b. The original press conference can be found here: The document can be found here: Or

2) Within hours and days of the posting, hosts of interested parties concluded the document was a forgery. The document contained multiple layers, exact-to-the-pixel duplicate letters, and important items like the official seal of Hawaii moved freely around the document. For example of early proofs of forgery see:
a. b.

3) At the request of his constitutes, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona (Sheriff Joe) initiated an investigation into the veracity of the document. 4) After months of investigation, on March 1, 2012 Sheriff Arpaio and his lead investigator Mike Zullo held a press conference to publicly discuss findings. They announced they found probable cause the document released and posted was a computer-generated forgery.
a. b. The entire 1:20 minute press conference can be seen here: Or An article with links to the videos used at the press conference can be found here: or The home page for the investigation team is found here:


5) In addition, the investigation concluded that Mr. Obamas Selective Service registration card - obtained by another party via a Freedom of Information (FOI) request was also forged.
a. A video on just the Selective Service forgery can be found here: or Note that according to FEDERAL JOBS A man must be registered to be eligible for jobs in the Executive Branch of the Federal government and the U.S. Postal Service. This applies only to men born after December 31, 1959. Thus, if Mr. Obama failed to register, he is ineligible to hold a job in the executive branch (such at the Office of the President of the United States of America).


6) While they attended the March 1, 2012 press conference, the major media outlets including ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox and others did not generally report the press conference to the national public. Here are links to several sources that did report on it:
a. b. c. A local Arizona CBS station (channel 5): The Drudge Report (link with original Drudge headline and follow-up story): WND:

7) After a few more months of investigation, on July 17, 2012 Sheriff Arpaio along with lead investigator Mike Zullo held a second press conference. This time they concluded the birth document was undoubtedly fraudulent.
a. The full press conference can be viewed here: or An news article can be found here: or


Again the major media either ignored or ridiculed the event. 8) On May 15, 2013 Mike Zullo filed the following sworn affidavit with the Alabama Supreme Court (McInnish v. Chapman, Case No. 1120465). In the affidavit he confirms that both the posted long form birth certificate, as well as Mr. Obamas Selective Service registration card, are forgeries.
a. A pdf of the full 57 page affidavit can be found here: Follow the links the main investigation home page which lead to a longer link that also can be found here: Or or

9) On June 1, 2013, Mike Zullo presented additional evidence at the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association Convention. He clarified that a federally qualified forensic document witness, Reed Hayes, now attests the document is a forgery. A portion was public (and recorded). Mr. Zullo presented non-public information concerning the investigation only to Peace Officers in a separate session.
a. The public portion of this event can be view here: (see the second video posted) b. Mr. Reeds qualifications can be found here:

In sum, I conclude both the posted birth certificate and the selective service records of Mr. Obama are forgeries. I based this conclusion in part from the testimony of expert witnesses, official Sheriff Investigations, and a sworn affidavit by a qualified law professional filed in an official docket at the State Supreme Court of Alabama. In addition, my own review of this evidence, along with a host of additional facts and actions surrounding these documents makes it impossible for me to conclude otherwise. Did you know these facts? If not, why not? Why has the media engaged in a coordinated black out of this information? If George Bush posted forged documents, instrumental in gaining him reelection to a second term, do you think the media would have remained silent? Or would have this been headline news every single day until he resigned or was impeached? Why the media double standard for Mr. Obama? Or, is it that if Mr. Obama likes his birth certificate, he can keep his birth certificate without challenge? How, as an American, can you sit by and do nothing when you do not even know the true legal identity of the man occupying the most powerful office in the world? Do you have any respect for the rule of law or any desire to know the truth? Or any desire for liberty and justice for all? If not, how do you even call yourself an American?

Demand a full congressional investigation into these documents and impeachment based on these forgeries.

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