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Recipes These are the step-by-step instructions you will need to quickly and efficiently approach your once

a month (OAMC) B ! "A# by yourself$ The in%redient quantities needed to chop are those for a one person menu& f you would like to make more or less of a particular recipe' or will be cookin% with more than one person' ad(ustments can be made on your own&

Thaw: (RECIPE) ) pounds pork tenderloin o*erni%ht in the refri%erator (Slow Cooker Pork Tenderloin)& + pound salmon (Salmon Burgers) +&, pounds shrimp (Almost Mediterranean Jambala a) ) pounds ham (!eig"t !atc"ers Eas #am Casserole$ %rilled #am & Swiss $ Asparagus' and'#am Casserole)

Night Before: Optional (but HIGHLY recommended) - Thaw and cook .) ounces boneless' skinless chicken breasts (Basil C"icken o(er Angel #air Pasta$ C"icken )uesedillas) chop up all *e%etables' soak and cook beans if you are not usin% canned beans&

Day of: Person /i%ht Before !"at to *o n%redients that need C0O112" (33indicates usually okay for food processor) n the indicated order for most efficiency +& Chicken Breast' cooked and cubed 4 +&, lbs' () cups) )& Chicken Breast' cooked and shredded 4 (+ cup) .& 0am' thinly sliced (5 one ounce slices) 6& 0am' cubed (.&, cups) ,& Onion' diced (6 cups) 7& !reen Onion (&8, cups) 8& !arlic' minced (+) clo*es)33 5& Broccoli 9lorets' cut into small pieces () heads - or +7 ounces) :& Mushrooms' sliced (6 ounces)33 +;& !in%er' %rated (6 tablespoons)33 ++& !reen bell pepper' diced (+) +)& 1oblano peppers (&.. cups) +.& <alapeno (+) +6& Tomato' diced (.&,) +,& 1arsley' chopped (&8, cups) +7& Cilantro' chopped (+&), cups) +8& Basil' chopped (&), cups) +5& =iwi' peeled and sliced (+)) +:& Aspara%us' sliced ()&, cups) + ) 1reheat o*en to +,- degrees& 1repare .Slow'cooker Pork Tenderloin) and cook in slow cooker&

. 6 , 7 8 5 : +; ++

1repare (!eig"t !atc"ers Eas #am Casserole) and bake in o*en for 6; minutes& >hile (!eig"t !atc"ers Eas #am Casserole) is bakin% prepare (Broccoli and C"eese Soup) on sto*e& 1repare .Almost Mediterraean Jambala a) on sto*e& ?emo*e (!eig"t !atc"ers Eas #am Casserole) from o*en' increase o*en temperature to 6), de%rees and bake .Almost Mediterranean Jambala a) for +, minutes& @et (!eig"t !atc"ers Eas #am Casserole) and (Broccoli and C"eese Soup) cool& 1repare .Asparagus & #am Casserole)/ ?emo*e .Almost Mediterranean Jambala a) from o*en and let cool& ncrease o*en temperature to 6,; de%rees and bake .Asparagus & #am Casserole) for +; minutes& 1acka%eA (!eig"t !atc"ers Eas #am Casserole) (Broccoli and C"eese Soup) .Almost Mediterranean Jambala a) ?emo*e .Asparagus & #am Casserole) from o*en and let cool& Turn o*en off& 1repare .Cilantro Salmon Burgers) and let cool& 1repare .Basil C"icken o(er Angel #air Pasta) and let cool& 1repare .C"icken )uesadilla) and let cool& 1repare .%rilled #am and Swiss) and let cool& f %rillin%' preheat %rill for .%rilled Black Bean and Corn C"icken Pi00a)& 1acka%eA .Asparagus & #am Casserole) .Cilantro Salmon Burgers) .Basil C"icken o(er Angel #air Pasta) .C"icken )uesadilla) .%rilled #am and Swiss) !rill or cook .%rilled Black Bean and Corn C"icken Pi00a) on sto*etop& 1repare .Black Bean Burgers)/ 1repare .Raspberr 1iwi Smoot"ie)/ 1acka%eA .Raspberr 1iwi Smoot"ie) .%rilled Black Bean and Corn C"icken Pi00a) .Black Bean Burgers) =itchen Cleanup$ Con%ratulations you are "O/2$$$$$

+) +. +6 +, +7 +8 +5

+: ); )+


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